Earth Pipe Pyramids
and other geometrically shaped devices are possible to make and they are easy to build.
Want Ambient Harmonic Healing Waveforms in your lives?
Don’t let these rather crude looking devices fool you, they are awesome, powerful and easy enough for ANYBODY to make. These buggers will disperse chemtrails and alot more! THEY ARE MADE WITH EARTH PIPES AND DUCT TAPE…
Quadruple X CHEMTRAIL (immediately over my home upon placing one of these on my roof) and yes it disappeared immediately!
Various shapes I have made.
It is now easy for anyone to quickly assemble a Super Harmonic Orgone Earth Pipe Device!
-A bucket of water inside the device in the photo above helped to bring flooding rainfall recently to our area that lasted for 9 days!
-My next experiment will to add a photo of a person in need of healing inside this device (along with a photo of the flower of life) and I will record the results shortly…
Within 20 minutes of putting the first pyramid on my roof (made with 8 each 2 foot long earth pipes) we received an X consisting of 4 intersecting lines instead of the usual 2 lines they have been making since the chemtrail spraying started and I instantly knew I was onto something POWERFUL
How to make a super powerful earth pipe. I use 1 and 2 foot long 3/4 inch diameter earth pipes out of emt metal pipes available at most hardware stores.
Here is the formulae!
We make awesome earth pipes by first pounding 1 or 2 foot pipes about 4 to 5 inches in the ground and then add a penny or copper shavings, a clear crystal (point down) a powerful magnet, a clear crystal (point up) then kyanite or selenite and a few pieces of amethyst or garnet (not in photo) and metal shavings before pouring in resin and packing the ingredients together.
Device in process
Giza Plateau on my roof?
We now have 3 pyramids on our roof and I know no one in my home slept under our roof for about a week before our body’s electrical fields adjusted to the new awesome energy!!!
Do I know what it was like to live in Ancient Egypt?
Maybe so I am not sure, but I think I know what it feels like to live inside a pyramid especially if you look at the trajectory of the 3 pyramidial shapes (on my roof). The energy pattern of the pyramid shape follows (downward) then my mobile would be completely covered from above and therefore it would be similar to living in a pyramid as above so below. You’ll have to see for yourselves and take the journey! Why do you think most of the elite’s buildings have pyramid or similar shaped roofs and buildings? Ambient Harmonic Waveforms. These devices are also easy to deploy any time and almost anywhere.