East_african orgonite

Hallow Don
I’m happy to inform you that most fishermen in Uganda, especially around Lake Victoria are well conversant with the use of Orgonite in their fishing activities. This helped Jane Ngugi in distribution of Orgonite around this region. thus has made the Orgonite business quit successful in these recent days. Right now we (Jane and I) are in Lodwar distributing the Orgonite. We appreciate the fact that the now they understand the use of Orgonite which has resulted to much yield as compared to the previous seasons due to much rainfall experienced, more so we are grateful to you for the moral and financial support you’ve offered to us.

Tomorrow we’ll be traveling to Lake Turkana, to distribute some Orgonite to the fishermen after which I’ll be taking Jane to meet Christine in Sudan.

I met Nicholas in Nairobi last week, together with chris i sent them to Mwanza (Tanzania) to take Orgonite some of my friends. I’m glad they did a good job.

Otherwise this is my new email address.
Thx Dancan.