Ending 'Local' Droughts

I’m corresponding with one of the contributors to EW who is a grand-scale gifter. Even after flipping all the death towers and above-ground weather weaponry in half of his state that region is in a severe drought, right now. He asked for some suggestions from Carol and she immediately had the impression that the drought is mainly being generated from HAARP and weatherball weaponry far away, including Winnepeg, Manitoba. That’s one of the major storm-weapon centers in Tornado Alley. We failed to reach that one on our cross-country campaign against the US Air Force’s murderous tornado agenda, last September.

He had a hunch that a lot of this is also being generated underground and since it’s good, basic weather-warfare intel for anyone, here’s how I responded:

When we worked on the air force’s tornado murder infrastructure we only put earthpipes around Offutt AFB, Omaha, and around Montauk Point in the sea (that one wasn’t related to weather warfare). The back of our SUV was packed with buckets of TBs, otherwise, which were all put around the weather weaponry in the cities that Carol discerned on the map… If you were to go to Winnepeg and just flip all the HAARP and weatherball stuff I bet you’d get some immediate rain. I’ll ask her to look at the map and see if there are other main centers used against you. She hasn’t done that, yet. I’ll get back to you.

We found [in 2006] underground weather weaponry (and flipped it) in the Gulf of Mexico, 50 miles southwest of Ft Myers, FL, and under Little Bahama Bank, 100 miles east of Palm Beach. In those two cases one could see constant, swirling storms being generated–shown constantly on the local weather news and on the natinoal Weather Channel. After we did each one the storms stopped getting generated, there. I think they were both key elements in the HAARPicane agenda. We found a big tower at the center of that location in the Gulf but nothing on the surface in that part of the Bahamas. We only used Towerbusters to accomplish that.

Another underground storm-generating apparatus is under the middle of the Everglades but we didn’t manage to reach that one, due to shallow water. I think earthpipes are in order for that target.

I doubt there’s surface weaponry in the Everglades, besides what we flipped around the perimeter where there is road access. I might try it with a float plane or kayak next time. Carol saw the draconians running that one directly and it might be ancient, like many of the underground bases are. Like at (ancient) Montauk, we assume that the draconians direct the Vryal (lately called ‘German SS’) and, by extension, now the CIA/NSA, British Intelligence (masonry), Mossadomites directly.

Reality is a lot stranger than science fiction so one will never be bored examining it with an open mind.
