Expansion of Orgonite Distribution in East Afica-1

Mrs Odondi sent me the following, which I found very impressive. This crew obviously knows just where to go and when to go there. I can’t stress enough that what they’re doing is the very first commercial application of orgonite, on record, for farming and fishing. They’re leading the way for the rest of us, this way. Someday we in the West, too, can probably take orgonite to farmers and fishermen and actually find a hearing ear
Hi Don,

Orgonite business ids running on well and even farmers and fishermen are very proud of that idea of orgonite you invented plants can now do well and produce high yield compared by the olden days before orgonite.
Next week I will pass Migori [Kenya] to Tanzania in a Place called Musoma where I will take some organite for the Farmers and fishermen.
I am trying to produce more orgonite for the farmers and fishermen though they do not know Don and Frode they are equally happy with the invention of orgonite.
People in Rwanda have discovered the goodness of orginite because when they apply them in the farms crops are doing well. also in Uganda Farmers have also discovered the same point of orgine and even I am getting reports every day a bout the application of orgonite

Mrs O.

Hi Don ,
These are the pictures of the lakes in sudan we have put orgonite in them .And some fishermen who are using them always .
You can see the sorghum they have put in and the harvest is good and you can see also the maize which is healthy too.
Thanks ,

Image is missing…

I really need to organize a special section for the Africans’ work (including Georg’s reports if he wants to post them, there) . I’ll ask Alejjandro to fix that up when he’s not swamped with other work.

I hope you’re as uplifted (especially if you need it [Image Can Not Be Found] ) as I am by these reports and photos. Having been to East Africa I appreciate the significance of economic independence for regular folks. Carol was in the part of Kenya where most of these folks live and the conditions, there, were horrendous when she was there, almost 9 years ago.

Real prosperity is based on agriculture, not on manufacturing, ‘gold and silver,’ or predatory banking practices. The first harvests are being collected after the first plantings with orgonite, there. Last fall Billie, who is Mrs Odondi’s teenage son, sent me an email asking for enough money to buy a bag of corn because people were literally starving. Mrs O, who had just adopted the late David and Emmah’s little children, evidently didn’t want to ask for help, then. No doubt distributed the corn widely.

I hope you’re getting a sense of how things have turned around for our brave cohorts over there in such a short time and the plentiful harvests, some of which were grown on infertile land after it was gifted, illustrate that better than anything could. I’m very pleased that Mrs Odondi, Christine Anyango, Nicholas Odiyo and Dancan Omollo have gotten more communicative over the past few months and are also eager to send photos of their confirmed successes.

I didn’t realize that fishing improved immediately when orgonite is dropped in teh water, by the way., though we did notifce that fish in tanks became quite excited when orgonite is dropped in, and the dead coral reef in the Florida Keys was restored in a very short time (weeks) when we were in Florida with the boat. Dancan has been travelling around Kenya, Sudan and Chad, contacting fishermen and demonstrating orgonite’s capability to them. The farmers in those three countries are also quite receptive. Can you imagine getting that reception from the farmers in your area? Someday they’ll all use orgonite, of course.

It’s always been my dream for Africa to lead the world in a significant way. We might be witnessing the birth of that development, right now.

Here’s Mrs O’s latest report:

Hi Don,

The Kisumu farmers have done away with hunger as their farms have improved due to introduction to orgonite. they are very thankful to you and Frode.

We are happy about this Don, same applies to farmers in Bumala in Uganda [border area with Kenya]

The people in Kisumu Homabay Sori Miuru are very happy and are requesting for more this demand has made them give some amount in exchange

I have made orgonite ready and is even sending some to South Africa

Mrs. O

I just got a note from James Ogweno in Migori, who used to help David Ochieng make orgonite. He’s on his way to Kisumu to help Mrs O make orgonite to take to South Africa for sale during the World Cup Soccer games, there. I wonder if Georg will be selling his there, too.

These folks are so resourceful . I was a little skeptical when Dancan and Mrs O mentioned travelling to other countries to introduce orgonite abroad but now I can see that they’;re just expanding their customer base–smart strategy and it’s already starting to pay off.

Christine reports that the fishermen along the gifted Jur River (she’s now living in Waw, which is a major town on that river) have expressed their appreciation for the orgonite, which increased their catch and presumably made being on the water more pleasant, considering the crocodiles and hippos, there. More news when I get it….


By the way, Mark Bennett showed Carol, during their visit in London a few days ago, the gargantuan asparagus that orgonite made possible. I hope that his achievements, many of which are well publicized, will soon spread in England the way our friends’ work is spreading in East AFrica.


The latest from Dancan–demonstrating orgonite to more fishermen on Lake Victoria, 70km along the shore from Kisumu (toward Uganda? It’s not on my map. Kisumu is on a very big bay.

Hallo Don
I took orgonite to some place in Lake victoria known as Sori. Between Sori and Kisumu is 70Kilometers from Kisumu and the firshermen in this area really like the introduction of orgonite.
our farms at home have improoved and fermine may not strike again.
Greetings to your family
Thx Dancan

This is from Nicholas Odiyo, near Kisumu, who has been furnishing reports and photos since planting his crops with orgonite several months ago. He went to Tanzania after the harvest to tell people about orgonite and had a very good reception:


I am back from Tanzania and the orgonite distributed in Tanzania has improoved the crop in the are and more farmers long for more orgonite. Some of the farmers gave me some money to take to Mrs. Odondi to heip them get more of orgonite
the Tanzanians will no longer buy fertilizer and I will soon send you photos of the farms

Here’s Dancan’s latest note about distribution work already done. Rreports from Ethiopia will soon follow. He explains how he got a notion/connection to take orgonite to fishermen on Lake Chad, by the way:

Hello Don
Our fishermen were very happy in Sudan and some fishermen who had realised how productive it is even wanted more. they have realised that orgonite stimulates faster growth of fish hence good catch. Some of the fishermen have even become so close to Christine and they even contributed some money to us. Every one do not want to be left behind in this project since other fishermen had become midle men and also help in faster distribution of orgonite

The money these people get after distribution is letter sent to Christine.We managed to connect with fishermen from Chad through on of them, We got contact and made arrangement met and sent him back with some orgonite to distribute
We are on our way to Ethiopia and and at the border between Ethiopia and Sudan we shall cross the border tomorrow into Ethiopia and continue with our journey.

Sudaness are very greatful to you Don and Mrs. Odondi for introducing orgonite project in Africa most of them are even willing to learn the techniques of making it. I informed Mrs. Odondi to send some orgonite to Turkana [N. Kenya, bordering Ethiopia ~D] since they are really demanding for it.I know the bussiness will continue changing our life styles.
Thx Dancan

Hallo Don,
I am in Kisumu And my camera is indicating dates and i do not know how to set, i will get someone to look into it.
Pic 1 Lake victoria in Kisumu and the hycinth which covered the lake is gone and i will deposite orgonite tomorrow with the fishermen
Pic 2 The nets used by fishermen for fishing .this bought belongs to the fisheries department Kenya
Pic 3 aview of Kisumu town from a ship playing Uganda Tanzania and Kenyan root. We departed some orgonite throughj this ship through Uganda and this fishermen from uganda gave some money to Mrs. o. in return
Pic4 In the Lake
Pic 5 Boat in Kisumu
I will now send you pictures of harvest in our home area to see how well the crops have done this season.
I know we will do best in this business

This is really very, very good news. I like your observation that all true prosperity comes from the land. (agriculture) France was a rich country before it started having any industries because of it’s fertile soil.
I also like that the guys are starting to prosper as an orgonite business and it becomes self sustaining and self-reinforcing.
But why a special section for gifting in Africa? This is becoming a worldwide effort and the experiences are universal.

What’s happening in Africa is amazing, it’s a miracle indeed. Mrs. O traveling and gifting, the acceptance she’s having with orgonite is great. I remember Don’s reports about the first Afican gifter who made the first cloudbuster there who was probably murdered. And the arrests last year.

Orgonite is a worldwide effort indeed, but I agree true prosperity comes from the land, farming and fishing, having enough to eat, a home for shelter and growing kids. I live in a very different environment form the African farmers, I live in Sao Paulo, Brazil, one of the biggest cities in the world. Brazil has plenty of rich land, but thanks to banks, corporations and corrupt government, poor people can’t make a living in the countryside and they come to Sao Paulo or Rio de Janeiro to make a living. Most can’t find a job and end up living in slums where drug dealing rules the game. The Northeast of Brazil (Bahia, for instance) is full of beautiful beaches foreign tourists pay high money to spend a week in tourism while most of the population live in utter misery and they come to Sao Paulo to make a living and end up in slums. What most of those people want is to make enough money in Sao Paulo to go back to their land and have a decent living.

The politics of cramming people in Sao Paulo to make a decent living comes from the early 20th century, where immigrants from Japan and Europe (especially Portuguese, Spanish and Italians) went to Brazil to ‘make America’ and ended up without money to return to their countries. My Japanese grandma cried in the boat when she was leaving Japan, she knew she would never return. My dad was African descendant.

Living in Sao Paulo is becoming costly, the price of rent here is high. Buying houses here is ludicrous. Old immigrants bought a house here, but the new ones can’t afford it now. There are the Bolivian immigrants, not to say slaves, who come here to work for the Koreans making clothes, working 20 hours a day and without proper documents. Koreans have their mafia.

I think you’re wondering what’s the point I’m telling you this. If people had decent living conditions in their homelands they would never think about migrating to foreign places, living in big cities we have no land to grow food, we depend on a job to buy poisoned food depending on monsanto and all that cr@p. Working to pay the rent and the supermarket and the banks. Living in little apartments we must buy a kilo of land to put in a vase to grow a plant for decoration. Or houses where most land must be cemented to make a garage or another room. I quote Sao Paulo as an example, things are worse in China or Japan with their closet apartments.

If any people facing famine could see the daily waste of food at Sao Paulo’s vegs and fruits distributors (CEASA) they would be revolted. I am, paying high prices at supermarkets and street fairs. There would be no famine in this worls it there was fair trade and fair sharing. I’ve always wondered why the price of bananas (Brazilian fruit) depends on the dollar and the wall street market. Banks and monsanto.

When I was younger I could still buy fresh milk and vegetables from a local farmer. It was in the late 80’s. Now I depend on monsanto vegs and fruits from the street fair and supermarkets. Water is with fluoride, even mineral water. Our soil is utterly corrupted thanks to the gas stations and chemichal industries. Earthpipes plugs anywhere [Image Can Not Be Found] Besides the old satanic places.

What a psychick here told me about is I should not worry about satanic symbolysm, worrying about messages that may even not be there. Obelisks, owls, bad omens, whatever. I recently whatched a movie by Terry Gilliam “The Imaginarium of Dr Parnassus”. Good old Tom Waits was the “Devil” character and he asked what those satanic symbols were about… LOL. Bollocks. In other words, they can place their cr@p symbolism everywhere, we won’t accept it. We’re not giving our mental powers to it.

“Macumba”, the Brazilian way to name African religions withcraft. I’ve gifted a lot of them while burying orgonite. I’m not worried about ‘macumba’. Am I worried about the Jesuits? What are those satanic symbols about? iIve gifted alot of satanic sites while gifting Sao Paulo, lots of black magick. Should I worry about them or just think 'You made a great monument here that I gifted with orgonite [Image Can Not Be Found]

So what?

I’m so worried about the reppies statues the jessies made, the obelisks, the tombs and whatever. Hohoho! Hehehe! Those symbols have no power over me anymore.

Their symbolism is ludicrous. We have the power to change it about not accepting it. See a big obelisk in your area? gift it! Think like Monty Python that take the piss of everything!

Think of everything as a child. Forget anything else. I know some masons who are great people, they have nothing to do with the illuminati, as well as some Christians and new agers. I don’t agree with everything they say but I respect what they say.

What’s going on is beyond our imagination.

There was a reason the third world countries were so exploited and they still are. And there is a reason they’re getting attention now.


I consider Andrea to be a sort of living martyr, doing that work in Sao Paolo, where the payoff (confirmations) are harder won than where most of the rest of us are doing this. I feel nurtured by watching Dr Parnassus and Mr Nick, too, by the way

She is making headway, undermining the parasitic influence of the Jesuits, though, according to what we’re experiencing in the international chatrooms. Who the hell knows why Sao Paolo is so important to that sewer rat agency? What she’s accomplished is almost on par with what Igor and John did in Italy, ‘flipping’ most of the original Jesuit properties and institutions, including that old Etruscan grotto, the Vatican, lots of human sacrifice sites, etc… Those were hairy days for these guys but the Jesuits are becoming kind of ineffective, by now [Image Can Not Be Found] . Years ago, the Jesuits were showing up in force during all of our etheric hunting expeditions in the chatrooms. We tracked their demise during each stage of Igor’s, John’s and Andrea’s progress.

I also don’t blame the chumps who join the masons, bornagain-chump churches, Theosophy cults, etc., but I doubt any of them will escape accountability for enabling their masters to commit and/or enable mass murder. It’s a numbers game. If there were only a hundred chump masons left to perform their mindless rituals in the lodges, the top rats in London would be relatively powerless to do anything bad to humanity. Rituals generate real power for the top rats, exactly like a hydroelectric plant lights up a city. Same with a herd of bornagain chumps in a church, sending their ‘love’ to the ranting preacher. Exposure is the ticket in all cases. We’ve all been hypnotized into believing that our utterances have no power. If that were so, why else do you think the corporate world order programs bornagain chumps, newagers, etc., to constantly blather their dogmatic assertions? Remember when nobody intelligently and fairly criticised these putrid dynamics? I sure do. You know I’m not judging individual bornagain chumps, newagers or masons, nor am I pointing any of them out. The top rats are always fair game for exposure, though, because these are the actual criminals–real crimes, including murder, larceny and confidence schemes. They want us to think that ‘hate’ is a crime so that the PJ folks (mainly the ‘liberal’ ones who never shut up) will be distracted from discussing their real crimes [Image Can Not Be Found]

The near famine in East Africa last year, also the murder of three of our friends, there, and the attempt to imprison our friends farther south, may have been the corporate world order’s last big push to keep Africa down and out. We’re witnessing history, now, and I’m very proud to be able to post the African’s reports and photos. I think it’s time for someone from the West to take a camera, there, and do some more extensive documentation, including interviews. If all that turns up on EW I’ll feel like I died and went to heaven [Image Can Not Be Found]

All that’s being accomplished in Africa can easily be achieved in Brazil or anywhere else. Our planet is unspeakably abundant and supportive of humanity. It’s been the corporate world order’s mandate to hide this simple truth and to hypnotize us to stop looking for it.

Maybe the telling point in Africa will be to see what happens for farmers in Ethiopia, which is a semi-arid land. One of the Ethiopians returned to Kenya with Mrs Odondi to learn to make orgonite and he’s already gone back home, loaded with the stuff. Our friends are quite generous and are still making a profit–nice example for Western businessmen, I think.

My favorite aspect of simple orgonite, besides its ability to undermine the corporate world order’s incessant vampirism, is that absolutely anyone can make it and it’s inexpensive. I remember locking horns with a gaggle of fakers in the early days who insisted that orgonite needed (their) arcane or proprietary components in order to ‘really’ work. If you don’t remember those silly ‘Trinity Wands,’ for instance, then consider yourself lucky [Image Can Not Be Found] Most of those fakers are still making noise but I’m happy to tell that most of the people who are committed to finding usable information quickly get past these folks. The search engines (all NSA/CIA property) continue to send enquirers to the fakers, as you probably learned, first hand.

Georg, I have a sense that a separate section for the African work would make it easier for people to keep track of it. The threads and reports are kind of scattered but the projects they’re all working on are interconnected and that ought to be showcased, I think. I include you as an African, in this case


Here’s an update from Christine Anyango in Southwestern Sudan. She had recently returned from Chad:

Hi Don

Farmers in Sudan are very happy the site they applied orgonite gave them a resounding yield. At the moment they are preparing the fields for the next season. The orgonite that I took to Chad they gave me some money. I come with some Chadian to Sudan so that they could know where to purchase orgonite so if possible I wouldn’t go back, but they will come for the commodity.

Right now am just planning to go to Ethiopia.

Dancan also told me he is back from Musoma. He is now in Kisumu. He promised me he would come to Sudan next month. Sorry for keeping you waiting for so long
Regards Christine