Fadalto, Italy - Possible New Earthquake Like Aquila

Hello everybody,

this is my first post in this forum and I have to admit it is not so good to start with a request. Well I am Italian, but I am living and working in Vienna since almost three years. I have started dealing with orgonite last septmeber and so far I have done some gifting in the area where I am from in Italy, but I am still at the beginning. Last weekend I gave my best friend a self made CB!! I am very pround of that [Image Can Not Be Found]

Ok hier is the problem. Since two months there are many roars and rumbling (this should be the transaltion of “boato” in italian) followed by little earthquake
http://www.ilgazzettino.it/articolo.php … ez=NORDEST
(you should translate with google translator)
in the region of FADALTO
[Image Can Not Be Found]
20 km far from the Nato basis in Aviano, Italy.

[Image Can Not Be Found]

In the news they are predicting a possible new earthquake, similar to the one of Aquila 2009. So I am pretty sure that it has something to do with military weapons and experiments. In this region there are always many UFOs. Here eg. a video.
http://www.disclose.tv/action/viewvideo … alia_2004/
Sincerly I do not know if it is real, anyway there is for sure a big UFOs activity in that area.

I am planning during my first holiday to make my first expedition there…but the things are running to fast and I cannot go there now. Moreover I am not experienced for so big targets…and I do not still have so much orgonite.
So I ask kindly you how can we help or make something in order to eliminate the risk of a new earthquake. If that would happen, that would be a great point for the NWO, as they distract the attention and resources for a earthquake. Fear and pain is their favourite weapon for mind control. This would retard the awakening process of that people.
I will do as much as I can for my homeland, but now I can not really go there. June, maybe with a friend of yours [Image Can Not Be Found] I will go there.

Maybe you can do some intel for this region.

Thank you all