FDA Is Doing Their Business Again

Jim, referenced in the email below could use some boosting as he takes on the FDA over his MMS.
Don was telling me about Jim’s work a couple weeks ago and now, it appears Jim is in direct line of fire by the FDA.

Dear Don and Ben,

I’m forwarding this email from Jim Humble who developed the remedy called MMS, Miracle Mineral Solution. Jim makes no money from MMS he just wants to get it into the hands of people who can’t afford the Medical Establishment. He does a lot of work in third-world countries especially on Malaria. Others manufacture and distribute it. Recently Big Pharma realised that there was a very cheap and very effective remedy that was taking money from their pockets and turned the FDA loose on the distributors of MMS demanding a recall. You can’t buy MMS in the States now. I found a site in France that sells it but the site is gone now.

Jim is taking on the FDA and I thought that this was a fight that might interest you both! You may already be aware of this but if you don’t know about MMS, I’ve attached some info. MMS Part one is Jim’s free book.

Perhaps boosting the situation could help in dissolving the campaign the FDA is running against Jim

Don could probably fill-in much more background info about MMS, as he was the person informing me about it.
Or there is information available on the internet regarding Jim’s work with MMS.


Here’ more info on MMS and the whole situation of Jim.
I won’t quote where that mail comes from because Don doesn’t like that website :s

The data and regulations of the FDA prove that MMS [Miracle Mineral Supplement] actually works

  1. MMS kills 95% of all diseases: It may surprise you that there is one point concerning MMS that all people agree on. At least all government agencies that are involved, universities, scientists and even my critics all admit to it. The chemical chlorine dioxide, which is what MMS generates, is one of the most effective killers of disease pathogens known to man. At this late time in the game, no group argues against the point that chlorine dioxide kills at least 95% of all disease pathogens upon contact. It is simply a known scientific fact. There are plenty of scientific papers on the Internet giving this data. Just google “chlorine dioxide.” FDA 21CFR173.300 is just one of many FDA regulations authorizing the use of chlorine dioxide to kill pathogens. Google “FDA chlorine dioxide” for more evidence. You can read 21CFR by putting it in your browser.

Note: (For information about MMS Seminars, video course or Genesis II membership, please contact us at [email protected])

  1. Chlorine dioxide does no damage to the human body: The next argument was that chlorine dioxide goes forth and kills everything in its path including good and bad bacteria, parasites, viruses, fungus and also damages human body parts. But that is not so. There are thousands of industrial corporations listed on the Internet that use chlorine dioxide for the very reason, because it can be very selective in what it destroys (oxidizes). When properly used at low levels of concentration it can select pathogens and not affect body parts. For a list of companies using chlorine dioxide because it is selective, Google “chlorine dioxide selective.” Here is a quote by the US Gov EPA http://www.epa.gov./ogwdw000/mdbp/pdf/alter/chapt_4.pdf 4.1 Chlorine Dioxide Chemistry: Chlorine dioxide functions as a highly selective oxidant due to its unique, one-electron transfer mechanism where it is reduced to chlorite (ClO2-) (Hoehn et al., 1996). 4.4 – Chlorine dioxide is a strong oxidant and disinfectant. Its disinfecting mechanisms are not well understood, but appear to vary by the type of microorganism. 4.4.1 – In the first disinfection mechanism, chlorine dioxide reacts readily with amino acids cysteine, tryptophan, and tyrosine, but not with viral ribonucleic acid (RNA) (Noss etal., 1983; Olivier et al., 1985) It was concluded that chlorine dioxide inactivated viruses by altering the viral capsid proteins.

Do you See? These quotes and hundreds of other quotes I didn’t have room for prove conclusively that MMS can be selective and is indeed selective. Now one more thing: http://www.lenntech.com/index.htm#ixzz0wGcRVcfM This data written by Lenntech is often quoted around the world by universities and in scientific papers. This company, along with others, proves that chlorine dioxide does not harm the human body in low concentrations such as those used by MMS. This is the quote:

“As an oxidizer chlorine dioxide is very selective. It has the ability due to unique one-electron exchange mechanism. Chlorine dioxide attacks the electron-rich center of organic molecules. One electron is transferred and chlorine dioxide is reduced to chlorite (ClO2).” Then the chlorite attracts four more electrons which rips a hole in the side of the pathogen, killing it.

There is no dangerous liability to ingesting chlorine dioxide over an extended period of time. The next argument was the concept that taking MMS might be dangerous when taking it for a few days. But that has also been proven not true. Back in 1982, the National Institutes of Health in Washington, DC conducted an extended double blind clinical trial to determine that very fact, whether there is a liability in taking chlorine dioxide over a period of time. They also tested the chemicals sodium chlorite, and sodium chlorate at the same time. The tests were conducted with humans and not with rats, thus one does not have to try to extrapolate to show that rats can equal humans. The tests conducted showed that no adverse conditions resulted in human bodies. Here is the link to the report. Read it for yourself and decide. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/article … 3-0059.pdf

  1. Save your life or that of a loved one within the next 5 years. Commonly quoted statistics say that either you or one of your loved ones will have a life threatening sickness sometime within the next five years. If you have a bottle of MMS in your medicine cabinet, chances are it will save your life or that of whoever is sick in your household at that time.

  2. MMS leaves no dangerous chemicals behind to cause side effects: The final argument generally was, “MMS may leave dangerous chemicals behind when it deteriorates.” But that is not true either. The chemistry of chlorine dioxide proves that it cannot leave anything dangerous behind as it deteriorates into its component parts: sodium chlorite, sodium chlorate, and table salt (sodium chloride). They are all gone from your body within several hours.

  3. MMS destroys at least 95% of the diseases of mankind: MMS destroys cancer and all the rest of the diseases that you or your loved ones might ever get. More than 5 million people have used MMS. More than 150 thousand books have been sold in Germany alone and it has been translated to over 18 languages, including Russian, Japanese, and Chinese, and is selling in most European countries. More than 50 thousand books have sold in the US. More than 5 million free MMS books have been downloaded. At least 200,000 lives have been saved to date.

Note: (For information about MMS Seminars, video course or Genesis II membership, please contact us at [email protected])

  1. So the FDA has decided that they will take MMS away from the people. They are forcing the MMS stores to recall every bottle that was sold and now they want to watch while the owners destroy everything in their shops. This is also happening in Japan, no doubt instigated by our FDA. This is the start, but they want to take it all away from the world, and they will do their best to use their authority to see that the world does not have MMS.

Can you possibly believe that 220,000 people died last year after taking an FDA-approved drug prescribed by a doctor? Well that is a fact and it is well documented on the Internet. Not one person worldwide died from taking MMS. The critics like to name a couple of cases worldwide where someone died, but in each case there was no logical connection to MMS.

The FDA intends to send the owners of the MMS stores to prison as examples for the world to see that no one must ever again be able to cure themselves of disease. Do you see? MMS, a chemical that has been discovered to cure the diseases of Mankind, is in danger of being disregarded for all time. We cannot let this happen. Those of you who cannot believe in MMS should still stand against making MMS illegal. What if, on the off chance, I could be right? Will you take the chance of losing something that might save you or a loved one? Why take the chance? If nothing else, insist that it be tested in Labs throughout the world.

  1. So let me tell you about the attack on me. Hope you don’t think I am paranoid. Anybody who does anything will develop a few critics. So when I developed a few I thought, well that’s normal, and I took the time to answer some of them. But instead of them listening to what I had to say, they attacked again, totally destroying what I had to say, but it wasn’t logical. They just said everything and anything that came into their heads that they thought sounded like it refuted my answers, even if what they had to say had no reason or no logic.

Then something else that was funny – I developed dozens of critics, if not hundreds of critics around the world. And then one more funny (peculiar) thing showed up. All the critics seemed to be attacking the same logical points. Of course these points were the logical points to attack, as many people who have only an apathetic interest in health and healing might see them as uninteresting and then say, “Of course. That stupid Snake Oil Humble is only out for our money.” (That’s the favorite name for me nowadays as far as critics are concerned.)

Those sheep then walk into their living room, pick up their TV control, hit the on button, click down to American Idol, and never again consider that their Hepatitis C could be cured, or their child’s HDD, or their wife’s breast cancer. It’s exactly what the people controlling the FDA want: sheep who never question a thing from the government. The point was that all the critics were questioning the same points as if someone had told them all the same things to say.

  1. MMS is now at a critical turning point in History. Whether the MMS wins out and we wind up with the ability to treat ourselves, or the FDA wins and MMS remains just a memory in most of our minds depends on you, the reader, at this time. MMS is no longer freely available. I am sure most of you understand that the FDA is there, and has been there for all these years, to protect the income of the drug companies. The executives at the FDA are all personnel from the pharmaceutical companies and always have been. Go ahead and Google: “how many former FDA employees now work at Big Pharma?”

It could now be a small fight with ProjectGreenLife winning (that’s all of us against the FDA) or they lose, at which point we would have a much larger fight. Daniel at ProjectGreenLife.com has been the first that they have hit, but hit hard. They now want him to destroy everything in his shop while they watch to make sure he does it. In the past they came in and destroyed everything before they arrested the owner, but now they are learning to force the owner to do it, and that gives the impression that he thinks he is guilty (or of course he wouldn’t do it.) So without making any threats or promises of any kind they just ask for your cooperation but you know if you don’t cooperate they will hit you harder. They no doubt intend to send everyone to prison. So we must win this one case.

Note: (For information about MMS Seminars, video course or Genesis II membership, please contact us at [email protected])

  1. A Precedent to Invade Our Homes. Also let me point out that if we lose this one case, the FDA will then have set a precedent to invade the privacy of our homes. They are saying that the use of MMS and how it is mixed and combined in the home is within their jurisdiction. You have no idea of the power that they are trying to garner. If they win this one case they will have set the precedent that will allow them to come into our homes and decide what we can mix and do. That would certainly kill MMS, as we are working on a way to produce MMS by electricity in our homes. The FDA would be able to come into our homes, break in and confiscate anything that they think might be used in making MMS even for our own use – and on top of that, they would be able to charge us with a crime.

So at this point, we need help with the money to beat the FDA. But we have a unique offer. This could be a big fight or a little one. We want to make it a little one. We have a little-known strategy that has won many times against the U.S. government and that has been upheld by the Supreme Court each time it was questioned. This strategy will require an unknown amount of money. It is not cheap, but in terms of legal battles, it is cheap. We need your help. Earth needs your help, mankind needs your help.

“Evil only prevails when good people do nothing!”

The results of this first case will determine how much the FDA will be able to control your nutrition and the destiny of your health and your drugs and healing in the future. If we let them win by default, we will never again be able to use anything but drugs to treat our diseases, because that is what they have said and it is what they intend. It has been said many times, “Follow the money.” In this case, follow the money to where they want it to go and that is exclusively for drugs.

So this is our unique request. It’s my unique request. Please donate what you can and as much as you can, and whatever money is not spent directly on this one case, I will refund. If the fight is over at that point we will refund all of the money not spent in that same proportion. In other words if 50% of the money is not spent, we will give you a choice of being refunded 50% of what you donated or of allowing us to save it for the next FDA fight. It will be your choice. I hope you understand it is your fight.

I have never made a dime from the sales of MMS. I have volunteered my time treating people and answering questions. Now I ask for your help to fight this fight. Please Help, it’s for you and your loved ones. If we get enough money, it is very likely that we will win. Then I will tell you the entire story, and how the playing field has completely changed in the USA as far as nutrition and substances like MMS and even drugs are concerned. We will be on our way to a new US much faster and sooner than was ever thought possible.

I am sure that you know that if I don’t either deliver on this and fail to return your money, my reputation would be gone forever. So this cannot be a scam. It’s got to be the truth.

  1. Now let me tell you what we are still doing: We are still doing the Seminars. It is the Minister of Health Training Course. Those who finish this course know how to cure 95% of the diseases of mankind. They receive a Minister of Health Certificate from the Genesis 2 Church of Health and Healing. (It’s not a religious church, but rather a church formed to cure the diseases of mankind. That is a legitimate function of a church, and our church is completely legitimate).

Those who finish the first week of training can legally put the title of Reverend (Rev) as a prefix to their names. Further activity here at the next week treating the local villagers will earn you a Doctor of MMS Degree and a Certificate stating that. It will be legal for you to use Dr. as a prefix to your name. You can frame your certificates and hang them on the wall. These certificates will eventually be more respected than most certificates of our civilization.

The cost of Week One is $1000 dollars US. This is the Minister of Health Degree and you become a Rev.

The cost of Week Two is $500 and it includes the Doctor of MMS Degree. In both cases the money includes room and meals in a dormitory (air conditioned and all that).

Note: For more information about the MMS Seminars, please contact us at [email protected]

  1. If you cannot come here we have a video course for $375 that will teach you the same things. Once you have completed our examination successfully and provided us with documentary evidence of your MMS treatments, we will authorize you to teach your own seminars and create Ministers of Health using the same Videos. We will teach you how. You can order the Video Course now. The courses will be ready to be delivered to you in less than a month.

Note: For more information about the MMS Video courses, please contact us at [email protected]

  1. You can become a member of our church, the Genesis 2 Church of Health and Healing. This will give you many benefits including protection from forced vaccinations. We will also help you get Governmental papers that guarantee no vaccinations. The cost of Membership is $10 for children under 13 years old, and $20 for all those 13 and older. You will receive an I.D. card and membership certificate.

NOTE: The Genesis 2 Church of Health and Healing is working on a 24/7 Help Desk. You will be able to call any time and get your questions answered by one of our friendly and knowledgeable team members.

Note: For more information about joining the Genesis II Church, please contact us at [email protected]

  1. Debunking the FDA: The FDA has decided that they can lie about anything and everything that they want to keep the public in the dark about and keep people from knowing the truth. They talk about using the 28% solution of sodium chlorite in MMS bottles now being sold. Well, here is the truth:

· The bottles do not contain 28% sodium chlorite but rather 22.4%

· You only take 3 drop doses at any one time

· The three drop doses are diluted with ½ glass of water or juice, so in fact it is only a 0.0015% dose

· The three drop dose is about one thousand times less than the FDA claims

For those who don’t understand percentages very well, that is only 0.015 of a one percent dose. Which means about one hundredth of one percent. That’s not very much.

The FDA lies a lot. More than 220, 000 people, perhaps as many as 900,000 (depending on your source) died last year after taking an FDA-approved drug. No one died from MMS. Have you watched the commercials for FDA-approved drugs? After the long list of side effects, they even, in passing, mention: “and sometimes death”. They are telling you on TV that you can die from those drugs. Hopefully you realize that they are not killing. People do die from those drugs. No one has died from MMS world wide. Yet the FDA attacks legitimate legal sellers of MMS attempting to make it illegal because they claim someone has complained.

MMS sells for less than 2 cents a dose and FDA-approved drugs often go for several hundreds of dollars a dose, or even $1000 dollars a dose and more. For example, the leukemia drug Sprycel costs about $8,000 or more (according to your dosage) every month. So something that replaces their fantastic income scares the FDA and Big Pharma a lot.

  1. If you don’t have the money, or can’t part with it, we still need your help. And I’ll say it again: America and Mankind still need your help. There are many things you can do that don’t cost money. First and foremost, please send this newsletter out to as many people as you can. Just hit “forward” and add a bunch of addresses of people you know. Include a small message of your own, if possible, at the top. This is serious. Don’t spend a few minutes on it; spend a few days doing this, sending it to everyone you know.

Please also distribute this newsletter to as many other places as you can think of, such as:

Health organizations

News organizations


Health food or vitamin stores

Community groups


After-school organizations

Officials in the U.S. government and other governments around the world

Remember all the ways you can distribute it on the internet:

Post it on blogs and websites

Link to your postings from other websites

Link to it or paste it on Facebook, Plaxo, LinkedIn, and all other social networking sites

Print it out and then:

Nail it to telephone poles

Pin it on bulletin boards

Post it in shop windows

Hand it out to neighbors, telling them you can get them more data if they want it.

Please don’t stop. Keep it up. Do your best to get it out around the world. The health and suffering and even the life and death of many people now depend on you. Keep the thought in mind: “I can make a big difference”, because you can.

Every time you send this newsletter to a new person, you will, in the long run over the next year, have an extremely high chance of saving a life. That is in addition to helping with the fight against the FDA. That is because many of the people who you send this newsletter to will at least now have heard of MMS, and when they or a loved one becomes sick, some of them will check MMS out and find that it does work. So each newsletter you send out has the chance of saving a life, or hundreds of lives, or even thousands. If you ever thought it would be nice to save someones life, well in this case send out 10 of these Newsletters, and the chances are, over the next year, you action will have saved at least one life, if not hundreds.

Tell everyone and anyone the story of the FDA and MMS. Keep in mind: we must win this fight or forever be slaves to the FDA and Big Pharma because they say legally only drugs can treat diseases and finally only drugs will be available to treat diseases. It’s not my idea, they have said it plenty of times.

It could be a wonderful world As always with love Jim Humble

P.S. For information about MMS Seminars, video course or Genesis II membership, please contact us at [email protected].

MMS Training Seminar Schedule for the rest of 2010:

  1. Sept.20th-29th

  2. Oct.25th-Nov.3rd

  3. Nov.29th-Dec.8th

  4. Dec.27th-Jan.5th, (Christmas vacation seminar)

Aug. 30, 2010
—-- Original Message —–
From: [email protected]
Sent: Monday, August 30, 2010 7:05 AM
Subject: FDA data proves MMS kills diseases!!!

Hello, IMO I think that Jim Humble has made some “mistakes” in his promotion of Chlorine Dioxide. For starters the fantasy name MMS or Miracle Mineral Supplement. Calling something “miraculous” is garanteed to produce suspicion by many people, especially in the medical circles, also Chlorine Dioxide is not a mineral suplement, it more like a chemical oxidizer. Supplement implies that the body absorbs it and uses it in its biological proceses. Chlorine Dixide is not used by body, but has an apparent anti-biotic effect. Colloidal silver(even if its promoted as such), anti-fungal and anti-parasite drugs etc are NOT supplements, they are medications, Chlorine Dioxide would be in this same category. Therefore it will never be considered a supplement, and therefore will not fall under the supplement laws (which are very relaxed). Of course the FDA is full of shit and if this stuff works, they have big reasons to go against it. In any case I think Jim Humble has not helped with his sensationalist promotion of it. Even if his “miraculous” results are true, he should be much more careful about how he promotes this substance. I´ve only known one person who has taken this stuff, but had to quit because it made her vomit and feel like crap. This kind of reminds me of DMSO, another industrial chemical which is pretty much harmless to the body, has many very good medicinal uses, but has been promoted irresponsably as a cure-all. I think the same is true for zappers, after years of using them I really love them, but they do NOT cure everything and do not work for everything all the time, they absolutely have a beneficial effect though. Serious trials have to be done in a “3rd world country” in order to validate this, anecdotal evidence just won´t cut it, (there is ample of scientific evidence of the anti-pathogen effects of electric current, silver etc) at least if the aim is to convince the medical profession that this is worthwhile. There are lots of open-minded and honest doctors out there(at least outside of the USA [Image Can Not Be Found] , it doesn´t help to antagonize them either just because they went to medical school.



Ben, I’ve never promoted Jim Humble because I have no confidence, yet, in his claims. You might have misunderstood something I said.

Ale, thanks for clarifying. There are no cure-alls, of course, and I never promise specific results with zappers, other than their easy ability to destroy pathological organisms in the body. It looks like the corporate world order has doubled and maybe tripled their efforts to poison the entire human race ever since the failure of their chemtrail agenda, 8 years ago. Since then I’ve gotten thousands of reports from people about weird, new symptoms that could only be explained, to me, by personal and direct poisoning, maybe mostly through corporate food products and up-close aerosol exposure. Sometimes neighborhoods are dusted with weaponry from small planes but in most cases people don’t get sick in groups, any more, as was happening between 1998 and mid-2002 on a massive scale. Americans mostly dig their graves with their teeth but since Canadians, who eat pretty much the same way, don’t generally look as sick and obese as Americans do we might assume there are environmental factors in America that are not so present in Canada. Since Carol and I got onto the superfoods and otherwise improved our diet we’ve gotten a lot healthier, in spite of the still-frequent poisonings. We’re good guinea pigs, I think. LIke with zapers, there are lots of companies selling superfoods, which are simply dried, whole foods that are nutrient/energy rich.

We sell our products by referral, which I think is the best possible way. Carol and I took zappes to Africa a few times just to convince ourselves that zappers cure things like AIDS, malaria, dysentery and other bad problems but this isn’t proof to anyone else, of course. People who won’t try something unless it’s endorsed by a stranger with a lot of letters behind his/her name are not our preferred customer base, though. I refer those to Andy of ctbusters.com for a $26 basic zapper, which is just like the ones we got those results with in Africa. I don’t want skeptics to feel like they risk being ripped off by buying something from us.

Zappers have spotty results curing the symptoms caused by poisonings, sorry to say. In the ‘old days’ before 1999, when millions suddenly became sick and damaged from the bioweaponry in chemtrails, the cure rate for zappers was a lot higher [Image Can Not Be Found]

Would the people who are interested in talking about MMS on this forum please refrain from promoting (or attacking) it, here, until someone comes forward and says he/she has been cured of some disease by it, please? If you haven’t directly been cured, I’m happy to know if someone you know, who is reputable, says that he or she has cured a disease with it. I really hate being put in this position but on the other hand, if I don’t answer back when something like this comes up, some of our more substantive readers are going to lose interest in this forum. We’re already skating on the edge of the abyss just talking about the psychic stuff, after all [Image Can Not Be Found]

After two years of enduring these very aggressive promotion campaignsin my email box I’m still patiently waiting for someone to tell me that he or she has been cured by MMS or even knows someone who has.

By the way, ‘Jim Humble Takes On the FDA’ looks like histrionics to me. I don’t want the FDA’s endorsement for zappers because that would be like getting Hitler’s or Jeffrey Dahmer’s or the Black Pope’s endorsement–how would that help? The FDA are the folks who railroaded Reich into prison, after all, and have destroyed countless healers and medical pioneers ever since Stalinism was established in America in the 30s. They slowed down a lot after the internet was established, thank God, otherwise I’d be in the Gulag or a shallow grave before now [Image Can Not Be Found]

Did you know that when fakers (presumably sponsored) want to promote a new, alleged cure-all they create ‘testimonial’ data? I’m sure you’ve seen similar tactics in the literature about a lot of alternative medicine products and supplements. It’s kind of like pushing a political candidate. It’s always very convincing, like the MMS promotional material is to some folks. Some MI6 creeps did that with their version of the ‘Croft Zapper’ from Canada about five years ago and after our zapper sales started to decline we exposed the innards (a plastic box full of silicon, broken glass, a capacitor and a watch battery. Hundreds of people asked me about it in email all of a sudden, which means it was heavily promoted before I ever heard of it. David Huddleston in Texas is the guy who helped me undo these jerks. After David published the photos of the insides these ‘businessmen’ just disappeared. They were really starting to hurt our business.

Rather, the way MMS is being promoted feels, to me, like the way Mormon ‘elders’ and Jehovah’s Witnesses create their faux-grassroot campaigns. Am I the only person who’s noticed this? The fact that it’s endured for at least two years without producing any genuine testimonials is not a good sign, to me.

This is how I respond to each person who spends his or her aggressive energy toward me to ‘accept MMS claims.’ Do they think that promoting this ‘door to door’ gets them into heaven or somethiing?

If orgonite was promoted this way we’d probably all be discredited. Notice that the people who vigorously send out packaged material like the MMS promotions never tell people about orgonite, though I personally know half a dozen list-bludgeoners who have seen what orgonite can do. In case you wonder why this is so, perhaps you’ll consider that genuinely empowering information causes one to become accountable for sharing it. Also, the millions of Monarch-programmed sociopaths among the memberships of the massive lists will hammer the crap out of anyone who shares genuinely empowering information.

If we don’t factor in these omnipresent sociopaths’ intentional conditioning and deployment by the CIA, Mossadomites and their British parent organizagtions we might assume that people are just generally stupid and vicious but I suggest that this is not so. Pajama People are not that way unless you provoke them by speaking about empowering things but the programmed sociopaths lurk in every social venue, waiting for opportunities to attack the characters of anyone who talks about this stuff. See the difference? ‘Natural’ sociopaths are kind of agoraphobic and spend their energy controlling one or two people (usually just a mate or their own children) but the conditioned ones seek out large groups to join. The proof, to me, is that when I visit the pre-developed countries I encounter mostly people who are capable of conversation without flipping into schizoid behavior, the way Westerners generally do when they encounter genuinely empowering information.

The latter is mainly true in the English-speaking countries, by the way. Go figure. Other Europeans may tend to assume that disinformation from English-language sources is genuine because of the triggered endorphin response. Most Europeans don’t read English material, I think, so are not affected this way.

My hope for this forum is that people will be more excited by the demonstrable miracles that many of us are witnessing with orgonite than with flashy promotional campaigns about cure-alls.

I’m still in the wait-and-see mode about MMS, even though, by now, it just looks like another well-coordinated effort to keep people euphorically confused and powerless.

This very unorganized orgonite movement has progressed steadily since the beginning, probably against all the odds and certainly without much help from people promoting it to their garganutan email lists. The sponsored fakers lost a lot of ground (credibility), this summer, thanks to some personal sacrifices of un-named people and to Ben Morton’s candid personal accounts of what transpired in 2004.

We can’t be complacent about remaining on the advancing face of this wave, though. In recent years, I’ve seen the retreat of some pretty tenacious sycophants who had tried their best to turn some of our more talented associates into icons. Most of those associates got a clue and recognized that their egos were being stroked in some inappropriate ways by these frightful, fickle folks. After enough of these gifted people figured it out and started consulting more closely with each other I noticed a jump (leap?) in the quiality of email I was getting from our readers. There are lots of ways to track the progress of this movement, of course. Not least is the diversity and sincerity (selfless nature) of the folks the post reports. I like to remind my associates that our target audience are the few people who actually want to be accountable. These are motivated by empowering information to go out and apply it. I’ll be content if the rest of humanity ignore us forever and go chasing after charismatic creeps.

This year marks, for me, the watershed event: perhaps the point beyond which it will be impossible for the corporate world order to stop the spread of information about orgonite’s raw, transformative power. This happened, I think, when our East African cohorts began selling orgonite to farmers and fishermen after demonstrating its value.

I predict that the Africans will succeed in ways that the rest of us have only imagined (if that) in terms of spreading orgonite among the population. I’ve always felt convinced that Africa’s role in the coming (already begun?) flowering period of human civilization will be many times greater than Europe’s role has been in the past two centuries. Dare I assume that simple orgonite will play a key role in this? [Image Can Not Be Found]

If I’m correct then all of us, here, will need to mind our manners and keep striving to express personal integrity in order to stay in the game and not be cast aside like a parade of otherwise talented and accomplished people have allowed themselves to be over the past ten years, due to egoism.


[Image Can Not Be Found]; Thank you Ale, Gene and Don, for your public and private clarifications about MMS.

The situation around the email Don and I received seems somewhat strange to me, looking back.
I won’t go clear into detail over that but what is evident, at least to me, is the apparent need to include me in on the “disinformation spread through email” loop. (on purpose or not, I don’t know) Perhaps the person who emailed me, fell for it as well. That could have been a harmless mistake on their part.
I fell for it and subjected the readers of EW to it.
My apologies.
I think my lack of interest in what Don was telling me about mms, affected my ability to understand the entire point of our discussion of mms (maniac moronic sycophants supplement) and I only recalled the unsupported claims made about it.

I will take this and learn to exercise better judgment about what I put my energy toward and post.

I did swop a bottle for some orgonite but a week was enough for me

this is an anti article http://www.sott.net/articles/show/21371 … -MMS-Mafia from what I think is an uninterested party

no one will ever convince the ‘medical profession’ unless it is beneficial for Big Pharma. While there are many great MDs who use non-Pharma approved medicines they are operating outside the ‘Medical Profession’ which is just one euphemism for the monopoly/BigPharma as I point out http://www.whale.to/a/allopathy_h.html

for example hundreds of MDs use vitamin C but the Medical Profession will never use it unless forced too like in this case http://www.whale.to/a/swine_fl……_cure.html Even though they wanted to [u:26zvxwbc] pull the plug [/u:26zvxwbc]they wouldn’t give him any, and even write afterwards articles saying vitamin c had nothing to do with it http://sciblogs.co.nz/griffins-gadgets/ … cle-story/ which gives you an idea about their minset, either cast in stone and/or psychopathic.

Many millions have died or had limbs removed because vitamin C isn’t a drug and in itself would destroy all the Drug houses. Just the cot-death prevention story would destroy vaccination.

Of recent discovery to me—over 1 million kids given bipolar (manic depression) disease due to use of psychiatric drugs like ritalin http://www.whale.to/drugs/tuesday.html

and drugs also main cause of dementia http://www.whale.to/a/jackson_h.html

The ‘medical profession’ are riding the train to hell driven by the Devil. The leaders are in the cab with him while the rest are enjoying the ride (££ power and kudos etc). Most (usually unconsciously) intuit the real situation which is why they rationalise like hell and defend the drug paradigm to the death, usually your death.

“Modern Medicine would rather you die using its remedies than live by using what physicians call quackery”.–Dr Robert Mendelsohn, M.D.

“Society today is paying a heavy price in disease and death for the monopoly granted the medical profession in the 1920’s. In fact, the situation peculiarly resembles that of the 1830s when physicians relied on bloodletting, mercurial medicines, and quinine, even though knowing them to be intrinsically harmful. And precisely the same arguments were made in defense of these medicines as are employed today, namely, that the benefits outweigh the risks. In truth, the benefits accrue to the physician, while the patient runs the risks .”—Harris Coulter (Divided Legacy Vol 3)

John, that may be true in the “first world” but over here doctors have alot more freedom. They are no witch-hunts against doc that use alternative medicine or critisize some medical practices. Here doctors can practice 100% non-alopathy and will not lose their licence unless they are actually negligent. For instance I know lots of MDs here that are full time accupunturists or homeopaths (or however you spell that) or use german biological medicine, or whatever. There is growing interest in alternative medicine among the, yes, “medical profesion” at least in south america, that is a good thing. The medical system is not going to dispear because we click our heals and wish it so, unfortunately we have to deal with them at least for some years to come. Also there are lots of good things about the so called “medical system” , if you are in a car accident and badly hurt, your guts all over the place, I bet you don´t want the ambulance to take you to a chiropracter [Image Can Not Be Found] Alopathy is fantastic in the mechanical repair of the body, but is completely useless in treating degenerative dieseses, which is why there is a growing interest in “alternative medicine” by MDs . BTW the newagers have had a BIG part in discrediting alternative medicine by asociacion. Also stuff like MMS. Maybe thats the ultimate purpose of these campaigns? It would be tragic if Chorine Dioxide actually does have a usuable therapeutic effect.
"The ‘medical profession’ are riding the train to hell driven by the Devil. The leaders are in the cab with him while the rest are enjoying the ride (££ power and kudos etc). Most (usually unconsciously) intuit the real situation which is why they rationalise like hell and defend the drug paradigm to the death, usually your death. " That may be true, but I really don´t think it helps to antagonize the Docs out there that actually ARE doing good work by putting all of them in the same sack. I think its time for constructive dialogue and not sensationalism, which even if true, just creates defense reactions on the counterpart, remember most MDs are just PJ folks and many actually do want to help people. This is like saying that all people who work for government (or the UN) are crooks, or that all bankers are gangsters, all priests pedophiles, etc I really think its counterproductive. Why do you think Don adopted the least sensationalist term for the World Odor operatives “DORKnobs” instead of “bloodthirsty babyeating demon reptlians” [Image Can Not Be Found] I think that would be giving them too much credit, their just lowly parasites after all.


I think Don calls them serial killers. First time I have been called antagonistic, if you look at the tone scale I’d place myself at Boredom http://www.whale.to/v/tone.html Antagonism is low tone behaviour. High tone docs don’t tend to let themselves be offended by the truth, in fact many of them are more outspoken than me, I learnt it off them.

I just tell it the way I see it, I call it being outspoken, is this MD being antagonistic or outspoken?:

“My final conclusion after forty years or more in this business [medicine] is that the unofficial policy of the World Health Organization and the unofficial policy of the ‘Save the Children’s Fund’ and … [other vaccine promoting] organizations is one of murder and genocide. . . . I cannot see any other possible explanation. . . . You cannot immunize sick children, malnourished children, and expect to get away with it. You’ll kill far more children than would have died from natural infection.”–Dr Kalokerinos MD (International Vaccine Newsletter June 1995)

trauma med isn’t Allopathy, or ‘medicine’ as such, it is a seperate disipline IMO. The allopaths run trauma med as they have a medical monopoly and took over the government ‘health’ industry.

You are lucky to have many alt med MDs around. We are in the home of the beast here.

PS When they ban vaccines here from being noticably dangerous they then sell them to your neck of the woods, eg Brazil http://www.whale.to/vaccine/mmr15.html Find out what brand of MMR vaccine they are using in your country.

or Africa http://www.whale.to/a/nkuba_h.html

Yes, there are some definite benefits about living in the “3rd world”. Its really interesting what you mention about trauma medicine and “alopathy”. It may very well be that the term “alopathy” is outdated, and today its just pharmacology against everything else, pretty much. I don´t really think the problem is a clash of medical “paradigms” as many in the alternative field suggest, but an issue of the control of the medical world by monopolisitic cartels. Their paradigm is to keep their control over the market, at any cost, period. Traumatology has a totally mechanistic paradigm of the human body, but that approach works when you have to join severed body parts back to the body, for instance. The WHO is like a schizophrenic organization, vaccine promotion for starving kids (genocide) on one hand and the promotion of alt meds on the other. If you check out the strategy for Alt meds of the WHO, its a really good document which seeks to promote the integration of alt meds into the public health systems. I think they let things like that slide to give the UN a good reputation, kind of like all the stuff they publish about human rights, etc. Obviously not all who work for the WHO are crooks, but the management definitely are.

Well I disagree with Don too in that case, I think Don is too dismissive of PJ folks, its easy for him who doesn´t have to live and work in the PJ world. He says he pitys me, but I don´t think its that bad. My philosophy is being a ninja in the system, not an outsider, isolated from “Babylon”. I think the MDs that really deserve the label of “serial killers” are oncologists, don´t think there is anything more barbaric going on in the medical system of today than cancer “treatment”. Can´t see how a dermatologist that burns warts with nitrogen is killing people, though. On the other hand, trauma surgeons are heroes IMO, they really do save lives on a daily basis. The differences between those two specialties(oncology and traumatology), the good and bad they do, are giant. I also think there is a legitimate use for pharmaceuticals, but that role should be minimal, and not the back-bone of medical practice as it is today. I don´t think we really disagree on the basics, its just the issue of tactics of the dissemination of information about all this, that I disagree on.

That MD you quoted about vaccination is being outspoken and saying the truth. The quote you put in the other post about " riding with the devil" is unnecessarily sensationalist. Just stating the facts about vaccination is sensational enough (given the horrible truth about the issue), no need at all to turn to demonic analogies. That was kind of my point. Its a fact that empowering truths will inevitable create antagonism, since most people don´t really want to be empowered, but I think its important not to exacerbate that unnecessarily, which could alienate potential allies. It is necessary to educate(at least to have information available on the internet) health practitioners on these issues since they don´t get any info that is contrary to the pharmaceutical cartel in med-school. I think you have an amazing database on info on these subjects on whale.to, but some of it is sensationalistic, IMO and that tends to discredit the other really good stuff you have there. We’ve already had this discussion in another occasion, its your webpage to do what you want with it, I´m just giving my opinion, thats all.

I don´t really understand what you say about antagonism. I meant that in a practical sense (dictionary definition), not in an esoteric sense, or as a character-type. Not saying that YOU are antagonistic, just that calling someone a demon or serial killer, or any other coarse generalization (like jews are reptilians), creates antagonism, that seems pretty obvious to me. That person you call a killer, out of principle, may actually be a potential ally in changing the horrors that are present in modern medicine. I guess the ultimate question is what our aim really is in sharing empowering information. I´ve been working within the medical system and see that there is alot of potential to change things and do good. Alopathy is in crisis, has been for a while, and more and more MDs are realizing this, hence all the interest in alternative medicine. I think the key is in saying the truth without being brutal about it, that way people´s intellectual defense mechanisms (programing) are not triggered into shut-down mode immediately. Its easy to dismiss PJ folks as brainwashed morons, its much harder to have compassion and understanding, we were all PJs at a time, after all.

Very soon I will be testing Russian SCENAR devices in a public hospital in Bogotá, Colombia with a very open minded MD (who has a CB btw [Image Can Not Be Found] He was able to get aproval for the trials immediately since in Colombia the people in charge of the public health system are not assholes and genuinely want to improve the system and try out new therapies(they´ve been following the WHO strategy on Alt-meds to the letter). If there´s anything that you can just buy and use and that gets any close to being “miraculous” its Russian SCENAR technology. It also bridges the gap between the “alopathic” world and the alternative medicine approaches beautifully. Haven´t seen any aggressive newsletters promoting this technology though [Image Can Not Be Found] In my experience with MDs, the problem is not that they want to perpetuate the pharmaceutical cartel´s monopoly on medicine(although some do), but that most lack the balls to get behind something they see as threatening to the cartels. There are exceptions, MDs with balls, like this Colombian guy. Only trusting in people with fancy degrees is beyond stupid, but the opposite is also true, it won´t help anyone if you call them a killer just because of the letters after(or before) their name.

…perhaps you’ll consider that genuinely empowering information causes one to become accountable for sharing it.

I think this is a really powerful statement and one we should all take to heart, given what we’re involved in. I couldn´t of said it any better, thx Don.


Since John has joined this discussion and brought up vitamin C I feel it is appropriate to contribute my experience. My goal is to add some potentially empowering information based on what happened to me which is not to say that it is “The Answer”, but my experience may benefit someone else.

I’ve mentioned vitamin C in a couple other threads before, so I will try to refrain in the future from making this subject my ‘soap box’ issue.

Last summer around this time I was in a bad place physically and emotionally. It took all my energy to make it through a normal workday only to collapse on the couch each evening to watch my ‘programming’. I was suffering from systemic candida (probably leaky-gut as well), but none of my very expensive supplements where helping me much. I was already aware enough to not pursue traditional medical solutions which often cause side-effects. Frustrated, cynical, and losing the little energy I had left in the tank, my options were dwindling.

This is before I heard of zappers, orgonite, or had any real information of chemtrail-related poisoning.

Begin side story – Once upon a time I worked for an express delivery company in the 80’s & 90’s, so I’m sure that during the height of the chemtrail operations I was out there for 10 hours a day breathing it in for 6 days a week – End of side story.

I had a moment of clarity one morning and decided I wasn’t going out of this world without fighting for the life I wanted. This eventually lead me to learn about a super-absorbable form of vitamin C called sodium ascorbate. I purchased a book by Dr. Levy called ‘Curing the Incurable, Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins’. With over 1200 scientific references it basically compiles some of the best known evidence of using vitamin C (sodium ascorbate) to dramatically effect healing.

After 20+ years of supplementation I was still open to try one more thing. Long story made short, I aggressively used the sodium ascorbate and my health and energy bounced back with vigor! (I like using that word [Image Can Not Be Found]) Shortly thereafter I learned about orgonite, zappers, etc and began waking up to the challenging information I was now being exposed to.

It is my firm belief that vitamin C (sodium ascorbate) afforded me enough ‘energy-recovery’ to handle the draining task of expanding my understanding of reality.

Believe me, it is unsettling to realize that old belief systems are now unreliable. You go through a very tiring process of evaluating what and/or whom is really trustworthy anymore…When this process happens in a very short period of time it can be exhausting.

My opinion is that many people simply can’t physically “handle” waking up too quickly. The stress involved with such a radical change of thinking is formidable…Once you get over the shock of it then the information becomes empowering, but initially it is very intense!

My belief is that vitamin C probably helped me recover some semblance of a life and everything I’ve learned since then (zappers, orgonite, crystals, super-foods, clean water) is helping to take me to new levels of vitality and effectiveness.

The recent items I have been reading on the WHALE website about vitamin C have been great, and I felt emboldened to contribute my experience with sodium ascorbate here.

Note This is the only supplement I didn’t need to nag my teenage son to take. He took it himself because of how it made him feel better. Anyone with teenage children understand how significant that development is…

Hope this helps somebody.


Awesome! All of this is empowering information in my experience. The bottom line I think is the “dark t-shirt team” is gonna get quite heavy handed with anything that really WORKS…especially in HEALTH. Because when people are really healthy, aware, vibrant and ALIVE they start to wake up and truly SEE.

I just spent a month in the covertly fascist state called the Province of Ontario Canada and raw milk (a super food and healing medicine) in ILLEGAL. I had to secretly get mine from the Aumish…raw eggs too.

Of course raw milk is becoming a huge target of the authorities, because it’s such a a healing medicine. See video:

Then of course the FDA had to recall a half billion eggs because of suspected salmonella…what a freaking joke! If you piece together the patterns it’s all designed to scare the heck out of people and keep them from eating truly empowering raw foods.

I want to acknowledge Dr. Mercola MD who advocates raw milk and raw eggs. Of course his website was hacked, slashed and burned, but is back up. As Alejandro mentioned THERE ARE some MD’s who are truly out there to help people heal and are simply into things that WORK.

I learned recently that even the Native American Indians would sometimes capture a lactating animal and use it’s milk as powerful medicine…never knew that.

And if you are offered the vaccine for the H5N1 (the latest created scam) walk the other way. That stuff is simply “murder by injection” (Of course I want to acknowledge the late great Eustice Mullins for that term).

Live to the MAX and don’t let the DOR-Knobs grind ya down!


‘Sensationalism is a manner of over-hyping events, being deliberately controversial, loud, self centred or acting to obtain attention.’

That isn’t me. I’m not Antagonistic either, and I know all about that as my 13 year old daughter is, 24/7. [Image Can Not Be Found]; And I lived with an antagonist petty tyrant for 10 years.

I thought Don’s comment about MDs being serial killers was a bit strong at first but now I realise he had the courage to tell it the way it is. It makes people think, if all MDs knew Allopathy was a serial killer then they might change their prescribing habits from drugs to nutrients, in the same way if every US soldier knew they were serial killers and the real reason for the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, then the war machine might stop. And just because you might be a cook in the army doesn’t make you any less culpable than the troopers, same with the non cancer Allopaths.

As for my comment about the train driver, it isn’t something I have used before but it is in the same vein. Allopathy Inc is being driven by the devil or doing an excellent impersonation of what the devil would do if given the chance.

It reminds me of this GBS quote: “The power of accurate observation is called cynicism by those who have not got it.” – George Bernard Shaw

I wont bore myself with the crimes of Allopathy, but if you don’t think the Devil is driving it then you need to read http://www.whale.to properly, suffice to say all the leaders of Allopathy Inc will be satanists. It is no coincidence that vaccination adds up to 666.

“They (The Council) also were very condescending to those individuals who didn’t eat properly or exercise. They take immaculate care of their bodies as far as health goes. They are fit and trim and they use natural medicines. The American Medical Association is fashioned to prescribe drugs and perform various treatments that although they may be unsuspecting, tend to weed out the weaker species. The Council views the AMA’s ‘modern medicine’ as barbaric. Their plans are to have mind-enhanced health associates, like some of the USC medical and dental graduates, who provide the new health care for the Elite, after the takeover. Precision surgery with laser technology will make the so-called “modern methods” of surgery obsolete. Miracle medicines and herbs (God’s pharmacy) will keep the body healthy. An understanding of the way the electro-molecular energy field around the body operates will allow the healthy body to be kept in perfect alignment creating perpetual perfect health or it can be brought back into alignment easily with the use of high-tech field variation equipment. This will be the modern medicine of the future and upcoming doctors will be trained in these methods in order to further the evolution of the Elite. The Elite plan to enjoy total and complete health due to their technology in electromagnetic fields. They also have antibodies against the diseases they let loose and make sure they are protected. Of course all of these findings came about by research and experiments on unsuspecting groups of people.”—Thanks for the Memories by Brice Taylor p.283

John, I don´t believe in “the Devil”, I believe most of the evil in this world comes from some really sick and orgone deprived humans with shriveled hearts who behave themselves like parasites and can’t tolerate other people being happy. Love offends them because it reminds them how rotten they’ve become. Reich describes that really well in “Listen Little Man”. While there is truth in the whole “reptillian” issue (which is probably where all the “devil” stuff came from in the first place), it is being exagerated and yes, sensationalized bigtime. David Icke is the best example of that. To me the whole issue of “negative entities” (including “reptillians”) and their relationship with the World Odor is more akin to a symbiosis of parasites, like ameabas and bacteria inside intestinal worms [Image Can Not Be Found]

I don´t know why you keep on insisting in identifying yourself so strongly with the authors you publish on your website. There´s LOTS of them and each have their own style, and some contradict each other (obviously [Image Can Not Be Found]. I hope you don’t expect everyone to agree with all of them. If some of the stuff (a minority) on your website is sensationalist, by the definition that you just quoted, that doesn´t make you a sensationalist. That seems like common sense to me. I’m sorry if thats the impresion you got, but I never tried to imply that.


Devil may be used as a colloquialism or figure of speech by those who don’t believe in an actual Devil. Much like many atheists still use “Goddammit”.

If someone doesn’t have sensory awareness of certain things, they will only have information from others to learn of these things and not actual first hand experience. They may end up believing too much of what they read or they may write it all off as exaggeration or fantasy. It’s very difficult for people to make accurate judgements without seeing for themselves. Some people desperately want to see angels and auras and energy but the fact that monstrous predatory foul things might also exist rarely crosses their minds. Focussing solely on fluffy rainbow sparkles will leave them vulnerable ; focussing only on interdimensional monsters will lead to depression and paranoia. And even if someone does have access to sensing all kinds of things which are going on that most can’t, there still needs to be knowledge and perspective to accompany the ability in order to make proper sense of it.

There are many ways to recover ones health. You can change your diet, exercise more, take vitamins and mineral supplements, use herbal medicine, etc. Some will swear by Ayurvedic, others by traditional Chinese medicine. Some use energy healing. It all works in different ways. Sometimes people get stuck on one thing as a cure all for everything. I find this a little disappointing because people may dismiss something as a scam when it does work very well for certain problems, just not all of them. For instance, a certain supplement may greatly improve your digestion and skin but not restore your hair or cure your gingivitis. Or it may work well for one person and not another depending on the individual’s constitution and imbalances.

Personally I want the truth wherever it takes me and whoever it offends. Some time ago a part of me wanted others to think like me but that died awhile back, if it pops up again I remind myself of Don Juan’s comment ‘where you wished the other person to be like you, to be in your shoes, and you lent a hand for that purpose. The hardest thing in the world is for a warrior to let others be.’

Useful considering (apart from the friends I’ve made via orgonite who I see rarely) all my family and friends bar one are Pyjama people and I often have to listen to a load of bollocks. It is quite a good training environment to eradicate my self importance. Incidently I don’t get the impression Don is running down PJs.

and the main quote that sums up any negative feelings that come up about someone:

‘The people we judge and hate in life are in fact reflections of our disowned selves.’–Dr Hal Stone

There is an argument that the negativity on the planet can be put down to human psychopathy programming. However I don’t believe it explains it. I am sure the devil/satan exists (he could be lucifer, a reptilian I guess), along with demons and some entity called ahriman. Get rid of their influence and the bad stuff will go, slowly (isn’t that the whole point of Etheric Warfare?). I think most of the elite are possessed by ‘satan’, after all they all worship satan, being satanists . Read Grant Bartley. One example, all the cities in mexico who have a yearly death rate into the thousands due to drug turf wars I reckon can be put down to possession:

Pastor Sidney explained how it was that he could see demons: “People who are possessed tend to look at a fixed point and have a coldness around them–their eyes don’t blink. The persons themselves are absent.” It’s like the Middle Ages… there’s no purpose other than living another day Sunday 29 November 2009 http://www.whale.to/b/middle.html

“Whenever we were working against Satanic targets, the thread would always go back to one or more Reptilians. It seems that Reptilians actually created Satanism.”— SETHS STORY

the greatest weapon in the devils/evil’s armoury if getting us to believe it doesn’t exists and all human misery can be put down to negative human programming. I don’t think so!

My analaogy of the devil driving the Allopath gravy train can be taken on both definitions of the devil, as a euphemism of evil, or as a real entity. It would be more correct to say the allopaths are serial killers as the alternative MDs aren’t and are leading the way out of the serial killing. Allopathy kills at a rough guess 1.5 million people in the USA every year, created the 4 million Alzheimer victims (then robs their life savings), the 4-10 million psychiatric drug addicts, and so on. While as a yardstick, alternative medicine kills no one to speak of or addicts no one.

There is an argument that all that killing is just bad medicine rather than intentional killing. However if it wasnt for Allopathy Inc we would be using nutritional medicine, herbs etc, for 50-100 years now. While 90%-99% of allopaths have no idea about the history of suppression and enforcement of Allopathy Inc as a monopoly, at the top they know and they are using it to thin out the population.

“At one point in my career, I had a long conversation with a man who occupied a high government position in an African nation. He told me that he was well aware of this. He told me that WHO is a front for these depopulation interests.”–Jon Rappoport interview

So, more than that, vaccines are used to test biological weapons. (In my research) I found that vaccines are used to spread diseases. They are used for targeted genocides.— An Interview With Guylaine Lanctot, M.D. By Kenneth & Dee Burke

By definition sensationalist and antagonistic is a low tone/behavioural illness (healthy people can be prone to it occasionally, especially if provoked). Study the tone scale to get that. Two people may say the same thing, eg MDs are serial killers, one may be making an observation, the other may be winding you up, you can’t tell unless you look at the context and the tone of voice, body language.

I don’t identify myself with any author, only their beliefs if I think they are true. I don’t agree that any are sensationalist, only stating the truth.

PS Of course the truth is absolutely sensational [Image Can Not Be Found];

I know Little Man is a favourite of many, but it didn’t do anything for me at all, maybe I missed the point of it but it just seemed he was taking the piss out of the brainwashed.

Morris Bealle called the FDA, the Food and Drug Bandits [Image Can Not Be Found];

Which is their main function, keeping the competition out of the way while the Allopaths rob us blind. The NHS budget is around £70 billion, at a rough guess £50 billion is daylight robbery by the allopaths, £4 billion is paid out every year for drug damage etc. £2 billion went on that swine flu vax.

not just serial killers, the allopaths are also serial child abusers unbeknown to most:

“We have about 30,000 or 35,000 children that we’ve taken care of over the years, and I don’t think we have a single case of autism in children delivered by us who never received vaccines…….Every doctor now essentially in this country has done something as heinous as the Nazis did, unknowingly.”—-Dr. Mayer Eisenstein

while there were odd cases of autism (it being caused by poisoning), most MDs would never see a case in a lifetime

when they brought in mercury containing DPT vaccines it basically created the epidemic of autism, now 1 in 100 children. This was probably done deliberately by Eli Lilly to create a market and also to reduce fertility. (A similar market is created with asthma, now 1 in 5 kids a huge market is asthma drugs there, and most ear infections, juvenile diabetes, juvenil arthrits etc)

in the USA there would be around 2 million cases of autism spectrum disorders.

now the non mercury vaccine, MMR, is causing autism yet the allopaths have circled the wagons and are refusing the admit any cases of autism are related to vaccines. They can get away with it as they have the power.

to give you some idea of their integrity, they withdrew the last MMR (Urabe) vaccine in Canada due to it being unsafe, they then introduced it into the UK , used it for 4 years until it had to be withdrawn here. They then sold it to Brazil and I’d bet it is still being used in the third world right now.

When one doc found it also caused bowel disease they pulled his licence after trying him in a kangaroo court to serve as a warning to any others.

he, and his team, where the only docs treating the bowel disease caused by the MMR. In some cases kids had their bowel removed.

so the allopaths, just to save the 100% useless vaccine programme (measles deaths had declined by 99.4% before vaccination) , are going to keep this dangerous, autism and bowel disease inducing vaccine on the market forever if they can get away with it.

It is hard to believe that they can give 1 in 100 kids ASD and get away with it, but they have just given 1 million kids manic depression with psychiatric drugs after getting 1-2 million kids (USA) on Ritalin plus more dangerous drugs like the anti-psychotics.