Being completely new to gifting and to Orgonite (I’ve had just the one ‘pretty’ Pyramid which I decided to give to a relative as a late Xmas present) I wasn’t sure what to expect when my box of TB’s from Whale arrived last Thursday.
(By the way, I’m the guy who Don gave advice to in the Tips & Strategies’ section regarding the calling cards left by MI6 here at my home last August).
I planted one in each corner of the garden, 2 are taped to the main water pipe (that horrible metallic tang the tapwater here in Devon seems to have has been reduced by at least 60% in all my taps even after just 4 days, not bad, not bad at all).
15 others have found homes on various electrical points which has left me a few to go agifting with.
Now while I was in the garden digging holes and placing the TB’s, my pc was on and I was online, when I came back in I intended to send an email to thank John at Whale for sending the TB’s so quickly (same day dispatch), only I couldn’t get into my mail – the onscreen prompt said “error 999”, I have never seen that before.
So I used Ccleaner to do the Gutmann deep clean then rebooted but still I couldn’t get into my email, then I used Avast anti virus – I had dozens of infected files with whatever virus this is: Win52:Funweb-k [PUP].
I never have any problems with viruses, that I should have a virus and email problem at exactly the same time as the TB’s arrive is a bit of a stretch to be a coincidence.
Anyway, first thing that struck me was just how many of the damn towers there were in my area (semi rural, nr Plymouth).
I counted 5 on the way to the supermarket and another 2 a mile or so down the road and another 7 on the way to the other supermarket.
I’d never even noticed them before.
I’ve gifted 11 of them so far and now I’m better able to understand what people mean when they say they feel good because they’ve just been gifting – I thought they meant they felt good because the towers were now throwing out POR and it was this positive energy that created their feel good factor, but now I know it’s the act of helping people (and all of the other life forms) by doing a completely selfless thing that causes the elation – kind of like a boost for the spirit.
I feel the same and I’m surprised because I didn’t think I was much of a “people person”.
PS. I’ve had to write this out in Wordpad and cut/paste it into the EW topic box because the weirdest thing just happened, I was typing away in the box where you post what you have to say and every time I tried to write something the bar at the side would scroll up to the top of the page by itself!
I’m trying it again now and it’s doing the same thing, very odd.