Fishermen in Turkana were very happy becouse of the orgonite I took to them and even orgonite changed their life style
Turkana area is very dryso they cannot have much livestock.
Lake Yao in Sudan where we did not apply orgonites, fishermen need more orgonites.
Christine and I when we went to Chad people were very happyabout it and even other had developed a liking for the same.
Now I want have more trips to travel and visits several places to take and supply orgonitefrom next week.
Even boats in the lakes also do very well becouse they give me some cash to maintain the business
In Africa travelling is very difficult but when you are well known you use little cash. I will leave tomorrow to Lake Yao in Sudan taking orgonite with me
Hi readers,
We recently made our trip to Lodwar with my brother Dancan, and we took different directions to extend our gifting campaign. I is quite too long since I visited the region. However, there is something striking that made me to go to various place around L.Turkana.
The most striking information about the region is a severe famine which has claimed the lies of so many people around the region.There is a very severe famine that has been caused by drought that has never been relised over a very long period of time. Rains have failed to come down foe a good number of months. Almost all the vegetation of the region had been cleared and the mass content of the ground is sand. The people there do live a nomadic pastoralism life. Being Muslims, the people do not practise anything related to family planning. A familyconsist of a very ibig number of people and they have absolutely nothing to eat.
Lucky are the people who live around the lake, L.Turkana. The people over there have taken Orgonite as their only hope of survival for them. They use as much Orgonite as they can get to increase the amount of fish that they get in a day. This has led to many people moving towards the area around the lake so that they can get anything to eat. For them, they don’t consider the kind of the fish that comes around them, for even the vegetation, the do feed on anything green that they can find on their way, except those which are known to be poisonous. I have informed my brother Dancan and Mrs O that it is the time that we need to do a lot of gifting around the lake for the maintenance of the fish that is caught, and the most important, is to do all that we can, just like we had done in other places to ensure that we can experience some good rain around the region. You all accept the fact that if rains can be realized, it would be easy tp pervert the prevailling drought and so the famine. We shall do our best before leaving to Kisumu.