Ever had fresh tilapia that wasn’t raised in a pond? It’s awfully good [Image Can Not Be Found] . This is Dancan holding up a sample of the newly abundant catch, soon after dropping some orgonite in that part of Lake Rudolph. He’s with a couple of fellow gifters/fishermen. I don’t know their names. The fish weren’t biting before they gifted and people were getting hungry on account of it. Fishing is essential to the economy, there.
Dancan’s checking out the fish. Orgonite made them quite active and curious–you might have seen this if you’ve put orgonite in a koi pond or fish tank.
Hi Don ,
Receive the pictures of the Section of the Lake which was extremely dirty and we put some Orgonite and it become very clean and clear .
Thanks ,
Good work, Dancan! Carol and I had the same experiences when we put orgonite in filthy, dead water around Florida from our own boat. Results were quite fast, as you’re seeing. We also restored the dead coral reef around the Florida Keys this way. We were foolish not to take any pictures for the record, I think. We won’t make that mistake in your case
Dancan, can you tell me whether the water is cleaner than before the water hyachinth overgrowth happened? Also, how is the fishing, now, compared to when it was before the water hyachinths appeared? I’ve asked Gene to send you some special fishing line sinkers that he designed–is that something you can use?
Hallo Don,
How was your day? I am good and happy for the message you have sent.
After the hycynth left the fisheries department cleared the rest and the water here is clear as before.
Fishermen are getting good catch I think becouse after distributing orgonite the hycinth covered the water and allowed faster growth of fish by that time hycinth kept fishermen at bay. The catch is wonderful. The [orgonite] sinkers [more to come on that ~Don] can really boost fishing and i will apreciate if you can send them. I really want to distribute more orgonite becouse we have realised it stimulates faster growth of fish in Kisumu area and even the fishermen are very happy here they are very suppotive to Mrs. Odondi
Thx Dancan