Night 14-15 of June (99days do 21 September) Motta Visconti near Pavia Italy
A father kills wife and and 2 children with knife in the middle of the night, than goes to watch Italy football match with friends.
A traumatic event for the masses is a routine that brings out Monark MK programming, as soon that the news is shown the folowing days there will be advertising that will programm the intent of the illuminati toward the next point down the line.
Trust the process they say… Survive and tell i’d say
Look out advertising MIKI NINN and LIGHTFLY.
Beams, lines and ribbons are reference to signal the subconsiciu to ‘go’ where the programm is.
Lightfly Marionette probably could be on this example of Pinocchio floating on a string of a Motel in Fidenza (Italy)called MoonGoddess ‘Dea Luna’, see his satanic horned hand of Pinocchio.