From 2018 to 2023, the 26.5% decrease in trust of higher education was 67.7% greater than its 15.8% decrease from 2015 to 2018. The Chronicle of Higher Education's Zachary Schermele omitted the percentage, and described it as "pretty precipitous"

Danny Noonan: I gotta go to college. I gotta.

Ty Webb: Oh, Danny, this isn’t Russia. Is this Russia? This isn’t Russia, is it? I didn’t think so.

From “Caddyshack”, written by Brian Doyle-Murray, Harold Ramis and Douglas Kenney, 1980

To provide some context, it’s important for me to note that I worked my way through college over a period of nine years, finally earning my Bachelor of Arts in English Literature from Muhlenberg College in Allentown, Pennsylvania, where my father, grandfather, and great-grandfather had gone before me.


From 2018 to 2023, the 26.5% decrease in trust of higher education was 67.7% greater than its 15.8% decrease from 2015 to 2018.

The great positive societal change is increasing exponentially, going forward in time.

That’s because the health of the ether is inexorably increasing, and moral and mental health vary directly with that of the subject’s etheric environment.

From 2015 to 2023, the percentage of the public with confidence in higher education decreased by 36.8%, from 57% to 36%.

The Chronicle of Higher Education’s Zachary Schermele omitted the percentage, and described it only-generally as “pretty precipitous”.

Where “pretty” mitigates, and also conjures the image of an attractive woman.

The latter is an example of what is known as “Black magic”. It is often hidden behind the general meme “spin”.

From 2015 to 2018, the percentage of the public with confidence in higher education decreased by 15.8%, from 57%, a simple majority, to 48%, or less than half.

From 2018 to 2023, the percentage of the public with confidence in higher education decreased by 26.5%, from 49%, or less than half, to 36%, or just over one third.

Given that twenty to thirty percent of the populace is comprised of generational Satanist Freemasons, all of whom are compelled to vote “Party line” on the issue, here we can see how the great, ages-long Confidence game has all but completely collapsed.

The public has lost confidence in the self-described Con “artists” who are running the Confidence game.

Each and every last pyramidally-constructed Confidence game is collapsing, at once.

And the only way you can read about it is by being a member of this thirty-person mailing list, or going to an obscure internet forum.

Way to get wise!

For those unaware, “getting wise” is what self-described Con “artists” call the rubes figuring out that a Confidence game is being worked upon them.

On July 11, 2023, said "Public Trust in Higher Ed Has Plummeted. Yes, Again.

On July 11, 2023, said “Public confidence in higher education plummets by 20% in 8 years”.

When, in fact, public confidence in higher education decreased by 36% from 2015 to 2023.

I have exposed the duplicity of Alcino Donadel and by using what was known in the old days as “fact checking”.

In the two headlines on the same subject from the same day which we just reviewed, the use of “plummets” is identical, yet they were published by two different authors in two different, unconnected organizations.

That’s an example of what is known as horizontal propaganda, or integration propaganda, which is a system which coincides perfectly with egalitarian societies claim­ing to be based on the will of the people and calling themselves democratic.


JULY 2023

On July 11, 2023, said “Public Trust in Higher Ed Has Plummeted. Yes, Again.”

Where author Zachary Schermele said “plummeted” because it is general.

Zach used a hedging generality because, as a propagandist, he knows that seventy percent of readers only read the headlines, and his technique goes a long way toward “compartmentalizing” awareness of the specific scope of the decrease in trust in Higher Education which he is attempting to obfuscate.

Did you notice how, under the false guise of familiarity, the Chronicle of Higher Education’s Zachary Schermele walked “Education” back to “Ed”? That’s to make the subject far less searchable.

It is an example of the propaganda technique known as “compartmentalization”.

Zach said “plummeted” first and foremost because it is general. However, he also said it as a thinly-veiled reference to the fallen Lord Lucifer.

Fall of Lucifer
(The fall of Lucifer, from “Paradise Lost”, by John Milton, 1667)

Using a time-honored propaganda technique, Zach “buried” this information in an unsearchable photo in the article below:

(Image of a chart that says "Percent of the public that has confidence in higher ed: 2015 - 57%; 2018 - 48%; 2023 - 36%.)

Burying raw data in the body text in a table an unsearchable photo is an example of the propaganda technique known as “compartmentalization”.

So, I had to do the math.

From 2015 to 2023, the percentage of the public with confidence in higher education decreased by 36.8%, from 57% to 36%.

The Chronicle of Higher Education’s Zachary Schermele omitted the percentage, and described it only-generally as “pretty precipitous”.

Where “pretty” mitigates, and also conjures the image of an attractive woman.

The latter is an example of what is known as “Black magic”. It is often hidden behind the general meme “spin”.

From 2015 to 2018, the percentage of the public with confidence in higher education decreased by 15.8%, from 57%, a simple majority, to 48%, or less than half.

From 2018 to 2023, the percentage of the public with confidence in higher education decreased by 26.5%, from 49%, or less than half, to 36%, or just over one third.

Given that twenty to thirty percent of the populace is comprised of generational Satanist Freemasons, all of whom are compelled to vote “Party line” on the issue, here we can see how the great, ages-long Confidence game has all but completely collapsed.

The public has lost confidence in the self-described Con “artists” who are running the Confidence game.

Each and every last pyramidally-constructed Confidence game is collapsing, at once.

And the only way you can read about it is by being a member of this thirty-person mailing list, or going to an obscure internet forum.

Way to get wise!

That’s what self-described Con “artists” call the rube figuring out the game being worked upon them.

Remember: when Con’s collapse, they do so in a rush, like a house of cards.

From 2018 to 2023, the 26.5% decrease in trust of higher education was 67.7% greater than its 15.8% decrease from 2015 to 2018.

The great positive societal change is increasing exponentially, going forward in time.

That’s because the health of the ether is inexorably increasing, and moral and mental health vary directly with that of the subject’s etheric environment.

Here’s Zachary Schermele’s picture, where he’s off-center to the left to focus attention on his left eye:
Zach Schermele
(The Chronicle of Higher Education’s Zachary Schermele, who omitted the 36.8% decrease in trust in higher education from 2015 to 2023, and replaced it with the general “pretty precipitous”.)

The image features his left eye because, to generational Satanist Freemasons like Zachary Schermele, the left eye is the “eye of Will” or the “eye of Horus”.

But don’t take my word for it:

‘The right eye is the Eye of Ra and the left is the Eye of Horus’.”

From “Freemasonry - Religion And Belief - The 3rd Temple”

Facebook: “Welcome to the Left-Hand-Path-Network, where Satanism is not about worship, but it’s study.”

I have included Zachary Schermele’s picture so that you could get a better idea of what a generational Satanist Freemason in a position of marginal influence looks like.

He figured that the rubes would never notice the coded visual imagery.

They are all related to one another through the maternal bloodline. They comprise roughly twenty percent of the populace, and are hiding in plain sight in every city, town and village on Earth.

It’s how the few have controlled the many all the way back to Babylon, and before.

But they say that the hardest part of solving a problem is recognizing that you have one.

Don Croft used to say “Parasites fear exposure above all else”.

JULY 2023

On July 11, 2023, said “Public confidence in higher education plummets by 20% in 8 years”.

Where author Alcino Donadel said “plummeted” because it is general.

Alcino used a hedging generality because, as a propagandist, he knows that seventy percent of readers only read the headlines, and his technique goes a long way toward “compartmentalizing” awareness of the specific scope of the decrease in trust in Higher Education which he is attempting to obfuscate.

Alcino said “plummeted” first and foremost because it is general. However, he also said it as a thinly-veiled reference to the fallen Lord Lucifer.

Fallen Angel
(The fountain of the fallen angel, Madrid, Spain)

Did you notice how’s Alcino Donadel said “plummets by 20%”?

It’s an illin’ little bit of sleight of hand, in that he’s carefully replaced a percentage decrease with percentage points, which are smaller.

Since programming is such a heavy thing, I’ll have to spell it out:

From 2015 to 2023, the percentage of the public with confidence in higher education from 57% to 36%, a 21-point decrease which is falsely described by Alcino in the headline as “plummets by 20%” .

Can you see how Alcino took an actual 21-point decrease and falsely stated it to be 20 points? Alcino lied, and decreased the number by 4.8%.

I have exposed the duplicity of Alcino Donadel and by using what was known in the old days as “fact checking”.

Unfortunately for them, we are, almost unbelievably, in the midst of a scholarly article on the subject, and recall that, from 2015 to 2023, the percentage of the public with confidence in higher education decreased by 36.8%, not by 20%, as falsely stated.

I have once again exposed the duplicity of Alcino Donadel and by using what was known in the old days as “fact checking”.

Here’s Alcino Donadel’s picture:

Alcino Donadel
(’s Alcino Donadel, who took an actual 21-point decrease in confidence in higher education from 2015 to 2023 and fraudulently decreased it by 4.7%, to a fraudulent 20 points, and then deviously changed points to a percentage by stating that this decrease was “20*%*”, when that decrease was, in fact 36%.

As a bonus, Alcino redacted “2015 to 2023” and described it instead as “in 8 years”, which is more general, and makes the subject less searchable. That’s an example of the propaganda technique known as "compartmentalization.)

The image features his left eye because, to generational Satanist Freemasons like Alcino, the left eye is the “eye of Will” or the “eye of Horus”.

But don’t take my word for it:

‘The right eye is the Eye of Ra and the left is the Eye of Horus’.”

From “Freemasonry - Religion And Belief - The 3rd Temple”

Facebook: “Welcome to the Left-Hand-Path-Network, where Satanism is not about worship, but it’s study.”

I have included Alcino Donadel’s picture so that you could get a better idea of what a generational Satanist Freemason in a position of marginal influence looks like.

He figured that the rubes would never notice the coded visual imagery.

They are all related to one another through the maternal bloodline. They comprise roughly twenty percent of the populace, and are hiding in plain sight in every city, town and village on Earth.

It’s how the few have controlled the many all the way back to Babylon, and before.

But they say that the hardest part of solving a problem is recognizing that you have one.

Don Croft used to say “Parasites fear exposure above all else”.


Since programming is such a heavy thing, we’re going to have to look at two headlines we’ve reviewed thus far right next to each other:

I’m guessing that the reader will recall that the headlines were on the same subject, and were published on the same day, but were, however, written by two different authors, and published by two different, unconnected organizations.

“Public Trust in Higher Ed Has Plummeted. Yes, Again.”

Zachary Schermele, the Chronicle of Higher Education, July 11, 2023

“Public confidence in higher education plummets by 20% in 8 years”

Alcino Donadel,, July 11, 2023

You are coming to terms with what is known as horizontal propaganda, or integration propaganda.

“Horizontal propaganda thus is very hard to make (particularly because it needs so many instructors), but it is exceptionally efficient through its meticulous encirclement of everybody, through the effective participation of all present, and through their public declarations of adherence. It is peculiarly a system that seems to coincide perfectly with egalitarian societies claim­ing to be based on the will of the people and calling themselves democratic: each group is composed of persons who are alike, and one actually can formulate the will of such a group. But all this is ultimately much more stringent and totalitarian than explosive propaganda. Thanks to this system Mao has succeeded in passing from subversive propaganda to integration propaganda.”

― From “Propaganda: the Formation of Men’s Attitudes”, by Jacques Ellul, 1973

Jeff Miller, Honolulu, HI, March 18, 2024

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