From 2021 to 2022, the .59% increase in suicide among women in Japan was close to triple the .83% decrease among men there. Reuters said it was because "the coronavirus pandemic placed extra stresses on women."

“The hardest thing to explain is the glaringly evident which everybody has decided not to see.”

From “The Fountainhead”, by Ayn Rand, 1943


From 2015 to 2021, suicide within the Department of Defense of the United States increased by 24%, from 266 to 329.

From 2015 to 2020, suicide within the Department of Defense of the United States increased by 44%, from 266 to 384.

From 2015 to 2016, suicide within the Department of Defense of the United States increased by 5.2%, from 266 to 280.

From 2016 to 2017, suicide within the Department of Defense of the United States increased by 2.5%, from 280 to 287.

From 2017 to 2018 suicide within the Department of Defense of the United States increased by 13.5%, from 287 to 326.

The 13.5% increase in suicide within the Department of Defense from 2017 to 2018 was 440% greater, or well more than five times greater than the 2.5% increase from 2016 to 2017.

The suicide rate in the Department of Defense is increasing hyper-exponentially, going forward in time.

From 2018 to 2019 suicide within the Department of Defense of the United States increased by 7%, from 326 to 349.

From 2019 to 2020, suicide within the Department of Defense of the United States increased by 10%, from 349 to 384.

The 10% increase in suicide within the Department of Defense from 2019 to 2020 was 43% greater than the 7% increase from 2018 to 2019.

The suicide rate in the Department of Defense is once again increasing exponentially, going forward in time.

It’s being driven by the purportedly-harmless non-ionizing radiation from what we collectively refer to as “wireless communications”.

As proven by the fact that Chinese college students who used their smartphones for five hours or more a day had a rate of suicidal ideation 260% greater, or heading toward quadruple that of those using their phones less than five hours per day.

From 2020 to 2021, suicide within the Department of Defense of the United States decreased by 14%, from 384 to 329.

In the first quarter of 2022, suicide within the Department of Defense of the United States decreased by 7.8%, from 76 to 70.

Wow! Finally, a decrease in suicide within the DOD, in 2021. If my thesis is correct that moral and mental health vary directly with that of the subject’s etheric environment, then the improvement in the health of the ether in 2021 (and into 2022) is great enough that the suicide rate within the Department of Defense is, at last, decreasing, in this case back down to roughly the same as the 326 documented in 2018.

From 2020 to 2021, suicides in Japan decreased by .06%, from 20,007 to 20,933.

From 2020 to 2021, suicides among women in Japan increased by .59%, from 7,068 to 7,110.

The article goes on to say “By contrast, the number of men who died by suicide decreased by 116 to 13,939.”

From 2020 to 2021, suicides among men in Japan decreased by .83%, from 14,055 to 13,939.

From 2021 to 2022, the .59% increase in suicides among women in Japan was 171% greater, or close to triple the .83% decrease during men there during the same time period. Reuters said it was because “the coronavirus pandemic placed extra stresses on women”.

That’s what’s known in the propaganda trade as “plausible deniability”. The propagandist knows that many or most readers will grasp virtually any straw, no matter how thin, to remain off the hook of personal responsibility.

They’re desperate to keep you from recognizing that the women who are the most assiduous users of purportedly-harmless wireless technology are those with the highest suicide rates.

As demonstrated by the fact that there is a significant relationship between microwave radiation levels and psychiatric disturbances. And that there is, further, a significant relationship of striking magnitude between excessive microwave radiation and schizophrenia.

“Schizophrenia” is a modern code meme for what used to be known as “demonic possession”.

From January through August 2022, suicides in Victoria, Australia increased by 5%, from 452 to 473.

From January through July 2020, suicides in New South Wales, Australia increased by .39%, year-over-year, from 504 to 506.

From January through July 2021, suicides in New South Wales, Australia increased by 6.1%, from 506 to 537.

The 6.1% year-over-year increase in suicides in New South Wales, Australia from January through July 2021 was 1,464% greater than the .39% increase during the same time period the previous year.

The suicide rate in New South Wales, Australia is increasing hyper-exponentially, going forward in time.

From January through July 2022, suicides in New South Wales, Australia increased by 9.1%, from 537 to 586.

The 9.1% year-over-year increase in suicide in New South Wales, Australia from January through July 2022 was 49% greater than the 6.1% increase there during the same time period the previous year.

The suicide rate in New South Wales, Australia is continuing to increasing exponentially, going forward in time.

It’s being driven by the purportedly-harmless non-ionizing radiation from what we collectively refer to as “wireless communications”.

As demonstrated by the fact that the rate of suicidal ideation is 184% greater, or almost triple among those who use technology five hours per day versus those who use technology two hours per day (71% vs. 25%). Even more striking, it is the time spent on the device, not the content, that drives these outcomes.

71% of those who use their smartphones five hours or more a day report suicidal ideation.



In March 2022, said “Suicides by women up in Japan for second year”.

Where the uncredited author said “suicides by women up” because it’s general. As a propagandist, they know that, since sixty to seventy percent of readers only read the headlines, their hedging generality goes a long way toward “compartmentalizing” awareness of the scope and speed of the increase in suicide among the women who are the most assiduous consumers of the microwave radiation that drives that suicide.

For those late to the party, anytime an author is uncredited, it is proof that said author is an Intelligence operative.

The article goes on to say: “While the overall number of suicides edged down by 74 to 21,007 from the year before, the number of women who took their own lives rose by 42 to 7,068, the second straight year of increase, according to data from the National Police Agency.”

Did you notice that they wrote it in such a way that you can’t get a specific idea of the scope of the increase and decrease? That’s an example of the propaganda technique known as “compartmentalization”.

So, I had to do the math to learn that, from 2020 to 2021, suicides in Japan decreased by .06%, from 20,007 to 20,933.

From 2020 to 2021, suicides among women in Japan increased by .59%, from 7,068 to 7,110.

The article goes on to say “By contrast, the number of men who died by suicide decreased by 116 to 13,939.”

From 2020 to 2021, suicides among men in Japan decreased by .83%, from 14,055 to 13,939.

From 2021 to 2022, the .59% increase in suicides among women in Japan was 171% greater, or close to triple the .83% decrease during men there during the same time period.

The words “mystery”, “baffled” and “puzzled” are memes, used, among numerous similar variants, whenever anyone in the wholly-controlled-and-coopted Political, Academic, Scientific and Media establishments wants to lie about, well, basically anything. That’s why the article goes on to say “No explanations for the difference were immediately available, but officials have previously said the coronavirus pandemic placed extra stresses on women due to a number of reasons, including job losses in the service and retail sectors where women tend to work.”


In June 2022, published “Department of Defense (DoD) Quarterly Suicide Report”.

In it, I had to open a separate table and do the math to learn the following.

From 2015 to 2021, suicide within the Department of Defense of the United States increased by 24%, from 266 to 329.

From 2015 to 2020, suicide within the Department of Defense of the United States increased by 44%, from 266 to 384.

From 2015 to 2016, suicide within the Department of Defense of the United States increased by 5.2%, from 266 to 280.

From 2016 to 2017, suicide within the Department of Defense of the United States increased by 2.5%, from 280 to 287.

From 2017 to 2018 suicide within the Department of Defense of the United States increased by 13.5%, from 287 to 326.

The 13.5% increase in suicide within the Department of Defense from 2017 to 2018 was 440% greater, or well more than five times greater than the 2.5% increase from 2016 to 2017.

The suicide rate in the Department of Defense is increasing hyper-exponentially, going forward in time.

From 2018 to 2019 suicide within the Department of Defense of the United States increased by 7%, from 326 to 349.

From 2019 to 2020, suicide within the Department of Defense of the United States increased by 10%, from 349 to 384.

The 10% increase in suicide within the Department of Defense from 2019 to 2020 was 43% greater than the 7% increase from 2018 to 2019.

The suicide rate in the Department of Defense is once again increasing exponentially, going forward in time.

It’s being driven by the purportedly-harmless non-ionizing radiation from what we collectively refer to as “wireless communications”.

As proven by the fact that Chinese college students who used their smartphones for five hours or more a day had a rate of suicidal ideation 260% greater, or heading toward quadruple that of those using their phones less than five hours per day.

There is a significant relationship between microwave radiation levels and psychiatric disturbances.

There is a significant relationship of striking magnitude between excessive microwave radiation and schizophrenia. “Schizophrenia” is a modern code meme for what used to be known as “demonic possession”.

From 2020 to 2021, suicide within the Department of Defense of the United States decreased by 14% , from 384 to 329.

In the first quarter of 2022, suicide within the Department of Defense of the United States decreased by 7.8%, from 76 to 70.

Wow! Finally, a decrease in suicide, in 2021. If my thesis is correct that moral and mental health vary directly with that of the subject’s etheric environment, then the improvement in the health of the ether in 2022 is great enough that the suicide rate within the Department of Defense is, at last, decreasing, in this case back down to roughly the same as the 326 documented in 2018.


In 2022, said “From 1 January to 31 August 2022, 473 suspected suicide deaths were reported in Victoria. This is compared to 452 for the same period in 2021”.

From January through August 2022, suicides in Victoria, Australia increased by 5%, from 452 to 473.

“From 1 January 2022 to 31 July 2022, there were 586 suspected deaths by suicide recorded in NSW, compared with 537 suspected suicide deaths recorded during the same period in 2021, 506 recorded in 2020, and 504 in 2019 (NSW Ministry of Health 2022).”

From January through July 2020, suicides in New South Wales, Australia increased by .39%, year-over-year, from 504 to 506.

From January through July 2021, suicides in New South Wales, Australia increased by 6.1%, from 506 to 537.

The 6.1% year-over-year increase in suicides in New South Wales, Australia from January through July 2021 was 1,464% greater than the .39% increase during the same time period the previous year.

The suicide rate in New South Wales, Australia is increasing hyper-exponentially, going forward in time.

From January through July 2022, suicides in New South Wales, Australia increased by 9.1%, from 537 to 586.

The 9.1% year-over-year increase in suicide in New South Wales, Australia from January through July 2022 was 49% greater than the 6.1% increase there during the same time period the previous year.

The suicide rate in New South Wales, Australia is continuing to increasing exponentially, going forward in time.

It’s being driven by the purportedly-harmless non-ionizing radiation from what we collectively refer to as “wireless communications”.

As demonstrated by the fact that the rate of suicidal ideation is 184% greater, or almost triple among those who use technology five hours per day versus those who use technology two hours per day (71% vs. 25%). Even more striking, it is the time spent on the device, not the content, that drives these outcomes.

71% of those who use their smartphones five hours or more a day report suicidal ideation.

Jeff Miller, Libertyville, IL, October 10, 2022

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