From 2022 to 2023, the 13% decrease in the homicide rate in the United States was 49% greater than its 8.7% average annual decrease from 2021 to 2023

“Occasionally words must serve to veil the facts. But let this happen in such a way that no one become aware of it; or, if it should be noticed, excuses must be at hand to be produced immediately.”

Niccolo Machiavelli’s instructions to diplomat Raffaello Girlami, 1522


In 2021, the murder rate in the United States was 60.8 per 100,000 people.

From 2021 to 2023, the murder rate in the United States decreased by 17.3%, from 60.8 per 100,000 people to 50.3 per 100,000 people.

It was the largest two-year decrease in the murder rate in the United States in history.

From 2021 to 2023, the murder rate in the United States decreased by an annual average of 8.7%.

From 2022 to 2023, the homicide rate in the United States decreased by 13%.

It was the largest one-year decrease in homicides in history.’s Joanna Putnam didn’t offer any suggestion as to what was causing crime to decrease suddenly and exponentially regardless of culture or geography.

That’s an example of the propaganda technique known as “stonewalling”.

From 2022 to 2023, the 13% decrease in the homicide rate in the United States was 49.4% greater than its 8.7% average annual decrease from 2021 to 2023.

The great positive societal change is increasing in speed and magnitude, going forward in time.

That’s because the health of the ether is inexorably increasing, and moral and mental health vary directly with that of the subject’s etheric environment.

Joanna said did allow that Detroit, Michigan’s police Chief, James White said homicides had decreased suddenly and exponentially there because of “regaining public trust” and “community violence interrupters.”

In 2023, the murder rate in the United States was 50.3 per 100,000 people.


On December 29, 2023, said “‘It is historic’: U.S. sees dramatic drop in homicides, violent crime in 2023”.

Where author Joanna Putnam used the lurid-but-general “dramatic drop” because, as a propagandist, she knows that 70% of readers only read the headlines, and her hedging generality goes a long way toward “compartmentalizing” awareness of the scope of the decrease in crime which she is attempting to obfuscate.

Joann said “sees dramatic drop” to walk it back a step from the United States actually experiencing it.

The subhead goes on to say “Data from law enforcement agencies nationwide shows a decrease in the double-digits”.

Where Joanna bravely averred that the nationwide decrease in homicides was “in the double digits” because it is, once again, general.

As a propagandist, she’s trying to blunt and defray any specific conception of the magnitude of the sudden, exponential decrease in violent crime which she is attempting to obfuscate.

She said “data” and “shows” to give the subconscious of the Coincidence theorist reader the green light to say “oh, but those law enforcement agencies can make the data show anything!”

As a propagandist, Joanna knows that many or most readers will grasp virtually any straw, no matter how thin, to remain off the hook of personal responsibility.

The article goes on to say “The national homicide rate has fallen nearly 13% since 2022, and local law enforcement agencies are also reporting drops in violent crime, ABC News reported.”

Where’s Joanna Putnam said “fallen” because it’s softer than “dropped” or “decreased”, but mostly as a thinly-veiled reference to the fallen Lord Lucifer.

Physical Graffiti
(Led Zeppelin’s Physical Graffiti, from 1975, with Swan Song Records fall of Lucifer logo)

Joanna repeated “reporting” and “reported” to give the subconscious of the Coincidence theorist reader the green light to say “oh, but those reporters at ABC news will report anything!”

As a propagandist, Joanna knows that many or most readers will grasp virtually any straw, no matter how thin, to remain off the hook of personal responsibility.

From 2022 to 2023, the homicide rate in the United States decreased by 13%.

It was the largest one-year decrease in homicides in history.’s Joanna Putnam didn’t offer any suggestion as to what was causing crime to decrease exponentially regardless of culture or geography.

That’s an example of the propaganda technique known as “stonewalling”.

The article goes on to say "Detroit Police Chief James White told ABC News. “But we’re stopping short of celebrating because certainly we still have a lot of work to do.”

White credited much of Detroit’s crime reduction to regaining public trust and building partnerships with “community violence interrupters,” civilians who operate on the streets to assist the police department in identifying trouble spots and solving crimes."

Here’s a picture of’s Joanna Putnam, where the image is off center to accentuate her left eye:

Joanna Putnam
(Joanna Putnam)

The picture features her left eye because, to generational Satanist Freemasons like Joanna, the left eye is the “eye of Will” or the “eye of Horus”.

But don’t take my word for it:

‘The right eye is the Eye of Ra and the left is the Eye of Horus’.”

From “Freemasonry - Religion And Belief - The 3rd Temple”

Facebook: “Welcome to the Left-Hand-Path-Network, where Satanism is not about worship, but it’s study.”

I have included Joanna Putnam’s picture so that you could get a better idea of what a generational Satanist Freemason in a position of marginal influence looks like.

She figured that the rubes would never notice the coded visual imagery.

They are all related to one another through the maternal bloodline. They comprise between twenty and thirty percent of the populace, and are hiding in plain sight in every city, town and village on Earth.

It’s how the few have controlled the many all the way back to Babylon, and before.

But they say that the hardest part of solving a problem is recognizing that you have one.

Don Croft used to say “Parasites fear exposure above all else”.

On January 11, 2024, said “Crime on the Decline”.

Where, under the false guise of familiarity, the New York Times’ German Lopez omitted the year, omitted any mention of geography, and used the general “decline” in place of the specific statistic which, in journalistic parlance, he “buried” in the body text below.

As a propagandist, German knows that 70% of readers only read the headlines, and his hedging generality goes a long way toward “compartmentalizing” awareness of the scope of the decrease in crime which he is attempting to obfuscate.

The subhead goes on to say “Murders likely fell at record speed last year.”

German hedged with “likely” to give the subconscious of the Coincidence theorist reader the green light to say “yeah, not likely!”

He said “fell” because it’s general, because it’s softer than dropped or decreased, and also as a thinly-veiled reference to the fallen Lord Lucifer.

Fall of Lucifer
(The fall of Lucifer, from “Paradise Lost”, by John Milton, 1667)

Actually, I was being too kind when I said that German had “buried” the statistic in the body text below.

Using a time-honored propaganda technique, German “buried” the data in a table in the article below.

In it we learn that, in 2021, the murder rate in the United States was 60.8 per 100,000 people.

In 2023, the murder rate was 50.3 per 100,000 people.

To learn the percentage decrease, I had to do the math.

From 2021 to 2023, the murder rate in the United States decreased by 17.3%, from 60.8 per 100,000 people to 50.3 per 100,000 people.

It was the largest decrease in the murder rate in the United States in history.

The rest of the article is behind a paywall.

That’s an example of the propaganda technique known as “compartmentalization”.

Jeff Miller, Honolulu, HI, January 22, 2024

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