Gifting a Psychiatric Hospital

I got the following from someone who I’ve been corresponding with for many years and the reason his report is so encouraging to me is that it shows that even someone who is challenged with mental health issues can do this orgonite field work very effectively. His energy sensitivity is a valuable asset, of course. He’s been gifting for several years and only recently committed to this particular job. This is a progress report and if/when he sends me more info I’ll add that:

Since some years I have been interned as patient in different dutch psychiatric hospitals and I can say that on this land with 360 patients now [there are several buildings on the property. ~D], there is more DOR than 100 average cellphone towers combined.

It’s very much different energy to see. I didn’t notice most at first. For a year I could not light up more than my own near surroundings, due to restrictions. Later on I had other assignments, although I started gifting slowly.

I have been gifting inside, with Habibi’s orgonite [], but mostly outside. First, my own room, the cell tower outside the complex, later on ceilings, kitchen sinks, my own heating radiator, around buildings, grass, gardens, lighting posts.

I was used to urban gifting and there, with some TB’s at a tower I could light up the whole neighbourhood.

Here it is different. After 170 TB’s the positive field around a TB ist still just 5 meters near gifted buildings. There is still work to do.

Thanks very much for this. pics

Geriatric too, I cant forget the scene of the old man at floor -1. On the wheelchair, totally alone head agaist the door and screeming haaaaa. Place is on a base. Neigbours clinics, impaired children, disabled young workers, antenna’s no need to mention.

Today spew planew got stacked here rowing up and down. ;-)