Thanks for this timely report, Mrs O, and (as always) the kikundi are setting standards that all of the rest of us aspire to meet in our strategic orgonite campaigns 
In 2003 Doc Kayiwa took Georg Ritschl and I and another Ugandan friend near to where you worked and we put orgonite by all of the death towers and some energy vortices in the towns near the Kenya border, south of where Doc Batiibwe and I later flipped all the death towers in the war zone to the north. The war ended shortly after that because the CIA/MI6-sponsored mass murderers who recently caused more hardship where Christine lives in South Sudan retreated from Uganda.
Maybe you added a lot more orgonite in towns we visited and did some preliminary work. Busting the death towers is only the customary first stage of our efforts but putting orgonite in rivers and lakes, around schools, government buildings, cemeteries, etc., may ultimately be more important and the kikundi’s success in ending droughts in East Africa and restoring fish populations probably has more to do with their environmental gifting because their initial environmental successes were happening before they began systematically turning those tower weapons into life force generators.
Mt Elgon is on the border, north of Kisumu and it’s an agricultural region so we’re looking forward to your reports of conditions in the region before and after your campaign, Mrs O. I was hoping, many years ago, that I’d make enough money by now to teach one of the kikundi to fly so that it would be easier to get to mountaintops and other hard-to-reach but important locations for producing and maintaining rainfall. If I can stay healthy maybe I can get that done before I expire or the kikundi can afford to buy an aircraft and fight training for someone in a timely way. I know that if you will all follow your present course anything is possible for you.
If not for the recorded successes in Africa we might not have a forum, as I’ve mentioned a few times. In 2002 a coordinated disinformation campaign nearly destroyed the orgonite movement in favor of some fancy but irrelevant devices that had captured most people’s imagination and there has been a parade of such aggressive efforts since then, though none of that got a toehold in our forum, thankfully, and they’re less frequent and even less appealing, now. One of the latest campaign was to recommend dirt instead of resin for orgonite and to use plastic pipes instead of metal ones for orgonite cloudbusters. Another campaign, in the US and UK, is promoting bits of plastic with particles of glitter in it. I’m not kidding.
The African reports most effectively demonstrate the relevance of using the simplest orgonite (which is what I also make for fieldwork) to routinely create miraculous results in the world. This forum, even in its relative obscurity and suppression, has been disabling the efforts of the Google/YouTube/NSA crowd of flashy poseurs to misrepresent orgonite and discourage ordinary but serious people like me away from committing to this effort. In the long run, all of that simply induces us to exercise more discernment and keep digging. We always need to have more discernment and accountability in order to remain relevant in this global effort, I believe. Discernment is actually becoming popular, now.
Carol and I were discussing the curious way that all of the orgonite in the world seems to consciously form a network; a synergy. This is something that many others have noticed or suspected. We don’t seek to prove it or insist that it’s true because this is a network of people with the same interest, so sharing our subjective impressions is a powerful source of personal confirmation. I don’t want to be involved with people who demand proof before they commit to this. I think they would end up being liabilities to our collective effort.
When I see the pattern of how the kikundi coduct their pioneer efforts it seems obvious that they’re each intimately connected to a magnificent, benevolent source of inspiration, guidance and protection, which many others have also remarked about. We half-jokingly call that source, ‘The Operators’ but that might only make sense to people in North America who watch TV: When a product, not sold in stores, is advertised on TV, at the end of the commercial a phone number appears on the screen and an announcer says, ‘Operators are standing by to take your call!’. I don’t know if this makes any sense in Africa, even with my explanation. I think anyone can see that we mustn’t institutionalize this movement, though, or to adopt exclusive terminology or acronyms and that’s why I don’t use Dr Reich’s terms very much, even though I’m quick to remind that our work is based mainly on his.
We could just as well call the source of our inspiration and protection, ‘God,’ and that works fine in Africa because most people know about God but people in the West (also a lot of urban, western-educated Africans) are generally programmed to be suspicious of all religious references, or else they use God’s Name to seek an advantage over others. I never call the source, ‘The Universe,’ because I don’t think the universe cares whether we succeed or survive. I might just as well say, ‘My left shoe takes care of me.’ Theosophy programmers have been pretty successful at getting otherwise-intelligent people to substitute that word for ‘God.’ The main reason we still use ‘The Operators’ is because it’s generic enough to label the idea without alienating anyone. I feel sure that God’s got the best possible sense of humor, too.
I haven’t interacted with many Asians who are involved in this effort but I know it’s spreading in China, now, and a Chinese fellow in Singapore has been doing a lot of good orgonite field work and will start posting his reports, so maybe that big gap on the forum will start to fill in 
I don’t think it’s been mentioned here, but the kikundi evidently now have local competitors, orgonite sellers who are trying to steal their business in East Africa, where commercial growers (like rose plantations on Mt Elgon
) sometimes order a large amount of orgonite. I’ve found, in our zapper trade, that competitors more often increase our own trade by imitating us rather than take our business away because we were always careful to protect our good reputation, as the kikundi are doing very well. We’ve achieved this without actively advertising or promoting ourselves because customer referrals have steadily maintained and sometimes increased our sales. Very occasional radio interviews and stage presentations are the exceptions. The kikundi are following the same natural procedure. They are on the threshold of making an entirely unique, personal orgonite product, though, which we’ll soon examine. It took a lot of steps for them to reach this stage. This might generate enough money for them from the West that they can capitalize and even more quickly expand their operations on the continent. There’s nothing quite as strong as African ‘subtle energy tech,’ in my experience, and it’s not difficult to put some of that into orgonite in an appropriate way. This also ought to help them keep an edge over their local competitors. At least they’re no longer having to face physical and legal threats as they were for several years in the beginning.