Gifting at the Busia Boarder

we have manged to swiftly moved a long the boarder of Busia at the boarder of Uganda and Kenya after realizing that the troubled election in Uganda can cause a lot of problems which might even expand and affect some parts of our nation. we wen there as a volunteer team with one spirit to make sure that the area is fully deactivated from any attack be it political and even environmental disturbance. We managed to gift mostly the densely populated in the sense that our ambition was to see away b y which the orgonite can move faster and positively change a number of people. We centered focus on schools, market place, hospital and shopping center.

We even managed to move about 2 Km inside Ugandan territory despite the imposition of tough rules by the Government of Uganda, and right now i would count it done. We went and gifted some moving rivers with an intention of gifting avast areas for the moving water will help it transporting the orgonite a little bit farther than we could managed by our our effort.

We also had some zappers which also helped us very much, for a long the boarder now there are a lot of menace mosquito which do cause a lot of problem of Malaria. So the zappers which we had really helped us together with some of the disable residents of that place which could not managed to access good medication in the hospitals around.

Tomorrow we are planning to mover Northwards toward Mt. Elgon and see if we can gift on those areas of Mt Elgon and see if we can help those people. Since its a time of ploughing in the preparation of planting which which will come in the due course. We area also having in mind to give some of the orgonites to farmers around. I do appreciate our kikundi for volunteering to accompany me for the mission, all our friends too for standing with me in financial support, praying and even boosting us.Meanwhile i would say that our mission is doing so well and we expect to have a better out come. I will continue posting new findings to update our readers of the good outcome.

Mrs O

Thanks for this timely report, Mrs O, and (as always) the kikundi are setting standards that all of the rest of us aspire to meet in our strategic orgonite campaigns Cool

In 2003 Doc Kayiwa took Georg Ritschl and I and another Ugandan friend near to where you worked and we put orgonite by all of the death towers and some energy vortices in the towns near the Kenya border, south of where Doc Batiibwe and I later flipped all the death towers in the war zone to the north. The war ended shortly after that because the CIA/MI6-sponsored mass murderers who recently caused more hardship where Christine lives in South Sudan retreated from Uganda.

Maybe you added a lot more orgonite in towns we visited and did some preliminary work. Busting the death towers is only the customary first stage of our efforts but putting orgonite in rivers and lakes, around schools, government buildings, cemeteries, etc., may ultimately be more important and the kikundi’s success in ending droughts in East Africa and restoring fish populations probably has more to do with their environmental gifting because their initial environmental successes were happening before they began systematically turning those tower weapons into life force generators.

Mt Elgon is on the border, north of Kisumu and it’s an agricultural region so we’re looking forward to your reports of conditions in the region before and after your campaign, Mrs O. I was hoping, many years ago, that I’d make enough money by now to teach one of the kikundi to fly so that it would be easier to get to mountaintops and other hard-to-reach but important locations for producing and maintaining rainfall. If I can stay healthy maybe I can get that done before I expire or the kikundi can afford to buy an aircraft and fight training for someone in a timely way. I know that if you will all follow your present course anything is possible for you.

If not for the recorded successes in Africa we might not have a forum, as I’ve mentioned a few times. In 2002 a coordinated disinformation campaign nearly destroyed the orgonite movement in favor of some fancy but irrelevant devices that had captured most people’s imagination and there has been a parade of such aggressive efforts since then, though none of that got a toehold in our forum, thankfully, and they’re less frequent and even less appealing, now. One of the latest campaign was to recommend dirt instead of resin for orgonite and to use plastic pipes instead of metal ones for orgonite cloudbusters. Another campaign, in the US and UK, is promoting bits of plastic with particles of glitter in it. I’m not kidding.

The African reports most effectively demonstrate the relevance of using the simplest orgonite (which is what I also make for fieldwork) to routinely create miraculous results in the world. This forum, even in its relative obscurity and suppression, has been disabling the efforts of the Google/YouTube/NSA crowd of flashy poseurs to misrepresent orgonite and discourage ordinary but serious people like me away from committing to this effort. In the long run, all of that simply induces us to exercise more discernment and keep digging. We always need to have more discernment and accountability in order to remain relevant in this global effort, I believe. Discernment is actually becoming popular, now.

Carol and I were discussing the curious way that all of the orgonite in the world seems to consciously form a network; a synergy. This is something that many others have noticed or suspected. We don’t seek to prove it or insist that it’s true because this is a network of people with the same interest, so sharing our subjective impressions is a powerful source of personal confirmation. I don’t want to be involved with people who demand proof before they commit to this. I think they would end up being liabilities to our collective effort.

When I see the pattern of how the kikundi coduct their pioneer efforts it seems obvious that they’re each intimately connected to a magnificent, benevolent source of inspiration, guidance and protection, which many others have also remarked about. We half-jokingly call that source, ‘The Operators’ but that might only make sense to people in North America who watch TV: When a product, not sold in stores, is advertised on TV, at the end of the commercial a phone number appears on the screen and an announcer says, ‘Operators are standing by to take your call!’. I don’t know if this makes any sense in Africa, even with my explanation. I think anyone can see that we mustn’t institutionalize this movement, though, or to adopt exclusive terminology or acronyms and that’s why I don’t use Dr Reich’s terms very much, even though I’m quick to remind that our work is based mainly on his.

We could just as well call the source of our inspiration and protection, ‘God,’ and that works fine in Africa because most people know about God but people in the West (also a lot of urban, western-educated Africans) are generally programmed to be suspicious of all religious references, or else they use God’s Name to seek an advantage over others. I never call the source, ‘The Universe,’ because I don’t think the universe cares whether we succeed or survive. I might just as well say, ‘My left shoe takes care of me.’ Theosophy programmers have been pretty successful at getting otherwise-intelligent people to substitute that word for ‘God.’ The main reason we still use ‘The Operators’ is because it’s generic enough to label the idea without alienating anyone. I feel sure that God’s got the best possible sense of humor, too.

I haven’t interacted with many Asians who are involved in this effort but I know it’s spreading in China, now, and a Chinese fellow in Singapore has been doing a lot of good orgonite field work and will start posting his reports, so maybe that big gap on the forum will start to fill in Wink

I don’t think it’s been mentioned here, but the kikundi evidently now have local competitors, orgonite sellers who are trying to steal their business in East Africa, where commercial growers (like rose plantations on Mt Elgon Wink) sometimes order a large amount of orgonite. I’ve found, in our zapper trade, that competitors more often increase our own trade by imitating us rather than take our business away because we were always careful to protect our good reputation, as the kikundi are doing very well. We’ve achieved this without actively advertising or promoting ourselves because customer referrals have steadily maintained and sometimes increased our sales. Very occasional radio interviews and stage presentations are the exceptions. The kikundi are following the same natural procedure. They are on the threshold of making an entirely unique, personal orgonite product, though, which we’ll soon examine. It took a lot of steps for them to reach this stage. This might generate enough money for them from the West that they can capitalize and even more quickly expand their operations on the continent. There’s nothing quite as strong as African ‘subtle energy tech,’ in my experience, and it’s not difficult to put some of that into orgonite in an appropriate way. This also ought to help them keep an edge over their local competitors. At least they’re no longer having to face physical and legal threats as they were for several years in the beginning.

Much work that we are doing in the Boarders of Uganda and Kenya have done a lot achievement that the residents of these two countries have lived long to remember. on both political and agricultural sector, they have seen a great work and many people are very much happy with the work. Yesterday we gift some big rivers which flows towards the Lake Victoria on the Ugandan sides, some of the residents there really acknowledge our effort for one of them had known our effort concern and proper determination. Like other day we found one person who had known about the orgonite from Lillian in Jinja.

We had gifted some death towers, some scenery which had been a good tourist both from the country and from out side Kenya and Uganda, really gifting these catchment areas had given us a wide advantage of reaching quite a number of people by a simple tool. Other areas which gave us an upper hand in our gifting mission is on the farming sector, we manged to reach varieties of farmers a long the boarder and these made our demonstration to be of greater value. We found farmers who practice both subsistence and large scale, we trained them on some basics concerning the impact of the orgonite. Really according to my observation , orgonite is soon going to network the whole glob, we need only to give it time and a chance.

We cannot forget to mention another magic tool the zappers, really to some zappers are just but a small device but very powerful and useful for human health. Like now the whole boarder line is effectively infected by Malaria and tsetse fly which is so harmful for animals and human being. So the zappers which we had, we tested them and it works best in Malaria control, we only have to give it a chance on the tsetse-fly control but all is working well. So what i would say is the our mission is quite classic and is having a good report. Even our team as led by Mrs O are really happy with the good out come that we are witnessing. We hope if possible we might clear the work but we must make sure that all the work is perfectly done.


The gifting we did in Busia we rived to gift many towers in that area wearied also to gift around the prison areas where the prisoners used to cultivate so two of the kikundi went to do gifting in Jinja also to visit Lillian we are going also to do gifting around Mont Elgon in East Africa traveling is not easy we use a lot of money to carry out the activities on our mission we met a medicine man called Doctor " Dumba wa Dumba" the doctor was very happy with the zappers which Carol Croft and Don Croft invented He (doctors) asked about the zappers from our friends

Mrs O

Its our joy to see our works moving out so colorfully, really areas where we went especially around Mt. Elgon, those residence warmly received and fully accept to use our orgonite in their farms this coming season. Farmers who do grow Maize, finger millet, onions Cassava , Sugar Cane in one accord applauded our effort and promise to buy the our products coming this long season. We went as gifting some of the death towers around especially the ones currently erected with the pretext of paving and ease the communication with in the area and out side. We made sure that we deactivate them fully with the Tb’s which we made sure that we tossed all round. We were also lucky because we found two guys who volunteered to work with us at a low cost especially when it come to visiting such sensitive areas for the residence can be quite suspicious while seeing new faces but when they see their own people they don’t question. Really the use of these two men who hailed amidst them in fact gave us very easy time to explore and thoroughly treating that area with the orgonite.

In the lower part of that region especially around Busia town, we managed to gift and at the same time have seminar where we lecture people on the impact of the orgonite, we had that seminar from Thursday and the result is quite classic and encouraging. We manged to lecture farmers on how the orgonite can double the yield in their farm. Just as we had said that in this mission we managed to get some people who had known much about the orgonite from Lillian in Jinja Uganda. They have known how the orgonite can increase the fishing activities even in dams and rivers. Previously fishermen only knew that fishing can only be done in the Lakes , but the recent acquired knowledge proves to them that any place fishing can be done and the prime agent of these is nothing but the orgonite. For where its thoroughly tossed the algers which are fish do grow rapidly and fish would automatically come and start breeding in such areas.

Zappers which we had also help many people till we almost remain with just a few, we used them to treat people with Malaria, foot rot and the yellow fever, really those areas do receive some bad whether from Ethiopia which is quite notorious in the spread of the Yellow fever. Thus we used the zappers which we had for both protection and for curing the fever. Good enough we had the Muti which Frode sent to us , we do wear it while going to areas where security is not favorable, and also in areas where there is bad whether, so we also benefited from it much.

We had about 2500 Tb’s we have gifted till now we only remain with about 1000 Tb’s, these brings to our focus about the volume of the work that we have done. Its true that we have done a good work and people are very happy with our effort. We know that good things are still there to come and more good reports we will post.

Mrs O

Right now the work that we are doing has reached a greater height for our gifting has made the bad people i.e wizard, magicians who had been living a round has evacuated to unknown destination. So proves to us that our gifting this time has become very important for we have achieved greater achievement. Really the works that we have done this time is much greater than the work that we have done for the last two years.

Right now we are requesting if we can get any support of $180 to help us carry on with the work for we have dispatched another team up to Jinja in Uganda. So any well wisher can use our pay pal account at [email protected]

We trust you for whatever donation you can send.

Mrs O

Thanks for the very comprehensive reports on your present journey, Mrs O. I’ve always felt that the kikundi’s work in Africa is what gives this forum its stature and viability in the face of unimaginable opposition from the corporate order and I’m always grateful for that. I’m glad that you’ve all been safe, too.

We had the worst financial month on record in February but it looks like I’ll finally be able to send a bunch more zappers this month to you, to Lillian in Uganda and to our cohorts in Tanzania.

Dr. Dumba wa Dumba’s interest is very encouraging. The traditional doctors in Africa are real treasures.

I also want to highlight your generous support for the prison inmates who are cultivating their own food, now with the help of your orgonite. African prisons are notorious for malnutrition.

Nothing is as effective for spreading orgonite in the world than the promotional and educational work that you and the rest of the kikundi have been doing in East Africa for many years in a systematic and sustained way. I probably don’t need to worry about your financial success because this is bound to follow naturally. I imagine that subsistence farmers can’t do much more than barter for orgonite but commercial farmers are capable of buying it, often in large quantities. Since a customer only buys it one time the kikundi probably need to travel constantly in order to seek new markets. Personal orgonite, which has additional subtle energy elements in it, is something that one will always be able to sell locally, perhaps. I wonder if the doctor in Uganda can offer some of those unique elements.

Thanks a lot Don for standing with us and your friends, be well and we trust all will work well.

We have done great gifting mission in Jinja town where we met several fishermen from Lake Victoria. We even had a good opportunity to meet Lillian our great pioneer and promoter in Uganda. Even at the orphanage where Lillian operates we manage to gift there. We also went as far as giving some of the zappers to the orphans and workers in the orphanage… Lilian is very happy with the zappers that you are going to send, she said that she will give you her address in Jinja very soon to let you reach her with the zapper.


Thanks a lot Mrs O for the good work, i know all that you are doing there and the team is going to create a greater impact in the lives of those people.

Cheer Chris

Yesterday we hired a boat that we used to do gifting in Jinja The places we visited when gifting we thought the fishermen that the orgonite we put will allow the plunktons (fish food) to grow very fast hence they (fishermen)will not have to move far in side the make to do fishing we also put orgonite inside the waters collected out side the lake Victoria which helps the women we also plan to go and do gifting in Entebe I found zapper was distributed well in Jinja by Lilian and it helps many people Lilian sent her address in Jinja to Don in order to get more zappers to help both Lilian and Jane Nicholas

The work around Mt. Elgon had been very successful for farmers around that place have fully benefited from our effort in that place. We went as far as gifting the death towers among other deadly satellites. The community also had the opportunity to benefit from the zappers which had been a good device for health purposes. In fact we got one of the patience who was bitten by the deadly yellow snake. We used the zappers and the condition which was deadly stabilizes.So its my trust that all the work that we have done there is very important, historic and life changing.

We also got an opportunity to some gifting in one of the wedding function in one of the churches around that place. We went as far as giving some of their members the orgonite and they help in gifting even inside the church premises.

Mrs O

Its my pleasure to inform all our readers that all that we have done in our boarders of Uganda and Kenya is quite historic. Our team have just finished their orgonite and the Tb’s and are planning to to travel back home after a week and half mission for humanitarian purposes. All the 2500 Tb’s , orgoites and the zappers which we carried are now over and we trust more changes are going to be realized apart from all that we have started seeing taking place.

Now at the Busia town where we started the work as the port of arrival quite a number of changers have been marked and the resident of that area openly testifies to us about the good achievement that they have experience. They testify to us that before we arrived at that place, the climate was very dry and none could think, even a drop of rainfall could be imagined but of now, its raining, and farmers are singing like birds while planting. Some lucky farmers who had already bought the orgonites from us are planting using the our less expensive and very powerful mbolea (orgonite). This one also happened around Mt. Elgon where we had proceed by our gifting effort. In fact right now its raining all over and all these brings to our trust and happiness that all the works that we had done in these areas never gone void but have produced a good fruits that will last and support the human activities. Our team who proceeded to Jinja in Uganda also are having a good testimony about their success around the Jinja fall, and on the other parts of Lake Victoria on the Ugandan side.

In fact they narrated to us that upon tarring in Jinja they got some people who Lillian had previously reached and were very much aware of the impact of the orgonite and even the zappers. They interacted with some of the fishermen a long the Lake Victoria, they taught some new members about the benefit of the orgonite in the fishing career. They told them how the orgonite do instigate and promote the growth of algeras and other water plants as the lilies which are good food for the fish. In fact where these plants grows, fish also breed in such areas for such plants produce protein which are very essential for fish growth and multiplication.

They even went up to the orphanage and the school where Lillian works, they got a good opportunity to lecture the children on the benefit of the orgonite, in fact one old worker there even told them the benefit of the orgonite from the time that Lilian introduced to them. That old guard told them that from near past , that area area had been a victim of lighting and thunder which do strike the buildings and even kills the livestock and even people. From the times that Lilian had brought the orgonite and toasted all round and on top of the mountains around such menace had never been seen. Thus they count the orgonite as a blessing and life saving. They also had a chance to give some of the few zappers which they had to the children in the orphanage for protection against diseases like Malaria, Typhoid and Bilharzia.

We also had a time to lecture some farmers around the sub district of the Busia area on how they can use the zappers to cure diseases as HIV AIDS , Malaria and other diseases which affect the skin as skin rushes. We also gift around some death towers around, and the residence really applauded our effort in helping them to deactivate such towers.I would say that all the areas where we went people got a lot of support from us through the kind of support that we offered to them either by free gifting and by selling to them the orgonites.

Now its my appeal to all our well wishers to bank whatever they have in this project for its an activity which helps and sustain the destitute lives in our communities. I really appreciate all our readers and friends from outside our continent and within, because without their collective support, we could not move even an inch. I do thanks them for their continue support and i trust only God will reward them.

Mrs O

Good result have been marked since we did much gifting in the boarder region and mostly around Mt Elgon, in fact we have so far got good reports on the progress among farmers in that region. The gifting that we made there couple of weeks ago have brought a lot of good climatic change in the sense that , the rainfall is now sufficient. Farmers have really embarked on farming with good hope due to the positive climatic change. Even our brother who proceed to Uganda arou8nd the Jinja up to Entebe are also having good report and thus from all these its true that our mission produce good fruits that will last in support of the community and the whole environment. In fact i got the report that people living gin those ares are very much happy with us and they still request us to go back back but we must look for the funds in order to do such kinds of re-visit.

Zappers that we had already helped many people and the reports that we are getting now is very good, and i trust with time quite a number of good things will come, for even at the orphanage in Jinja where some of my brothers went , the impact of the zappers there is very much remarkable. Hope to post more reports as soon as i get life changing testimony concerning our greater success.

Mrs O

The impact of our work at the boarder last month have drawn a lot of concern and the interest. In fact they had called me and now i am going on with the training with them. They called last week and i made my way there last week and right now the work is doing well. Am now training them on how they can make the orgonite so that i may not keep on going back there all the time ( some one taught me that if you want give somebody fish , buy him/her fishing line and teach him/ her how to do fishing) since that will enable her/ him always not to run out of fish than if you just give him/ her already caught fish. Therefore i also intend to teach these people how to make the orgonite so that they will be able to produce by themselves.

The attendance is good and many people are in need interested in our intensify project. They are the one who sponsored my mission and by tomorrow i will travel back home.

Mrs O

Our peole whom we taught on how to make the orgonite are now doing so well, their native made orgonites are now doing very well they have used them on towers and mountains. I visited last week in fact even the farmers are also doing so well.

Mrs O

Our gifting within our boarders and even beyond has created a bigger impact, in our environmental change, in fact all the places which our team had impacted with the orgonite sometimes back are really having a bigger change such that even their neighboring countries are longing to have the same. In these areas with our boarders as Uganda, Southern Sudan, Ethiopia, and now Chard where we did a thorough work recently is having a good improvement that many people now are admiring to have. Agriculture as we all know to be the mother of economy in every nation has greatly increased in these areas which we have impacted since we launched this orgonite campaign. Within the Busia boarders and around Mt. Elgon which I led some of our team in a thorough work is doing very well and even the lives of those people have greatly change. Now they are having sufficient rainfall and even right now there is a torrent rainfall something that they have not experienced for a long time. Most of the farmers have embarked on both subsistence and commercial farming; they grow maize, beans, cassava, sugarcane, tobacco and even ground nuts.

Right now through our experience we have leant that its only through promotion of agricultural production through the use of orgonite that would make our national productivity yield good fruits that would subsequently empower the national economic stability, and as per that our interest will be to produce a good number of orgonite that can sustain the demand of our farmers within and outside our nation. Our brothers in Migori I know how competent they are and as to such we are going to join hand together to see that our economic heritage is revived through farming rather than looking for donors and other tertiary and external sources of income.

I have a good report from our colleague in Southern Sudan Christine and Gurch, despite the political instability in that nation but their friends the Nubians have really benefited from the orgonite which our people led by sister Christine introduced to them sometimes back, and in fact it’s their pride that now because they are no longer going to dependent on others but will be independent for their production will sustain them effectively.

To talk a bit of my personal experience in the Kisumu area where I live take, in the late eighties and in the nineties life wasn’t easy and I duly trust that even Don Croft and Carol also experienced such when they happened to be in our environment, but now even if they come again they may not be able to identify even the areas which they themselves had personally gifted. This brings to my clear trust and determination that we are going to cause a greater change within our environment and even agriculturally our places are going to be very productive.

May I take this time to appreciate all our friends, the Kirundi for their cooperation and partnership with us in this tiresome work of reviving our environment by gifting and support.

Mrs O

In Mount Elgon the residence in that region are very very proud of the invention orgonite and zapper because they are (farmers) enjoying adqnate rainfall in the areas of mount Eligon. They have in troduced different crops in that ate such as rice wheat and other food crops which needs adequate rainfall they have zero down the famine status in various parts of mount Elgon region These people also discovered the importance of zappers especially the terminatar zapper which are very much poweng to control diseases like malaria cholera and typhaid Nowadays they practised large scale farming because there are lots of downpour in the region so there message to the the rest of the people is to spread the use of orgonite and zappers to the rest of the world. Dancan is now out and he is feeling well he will start making orgonite for the kikundi in order to have more otgonite and he promised the kikundi people will get enough orgonite as before Dancan is doing better and he is just like our lease in the like of orgonite I thanked him for the zappers he sent to Cecilia today and we know the kikundi people will have enough orgonite as before

Mrs O

Hi for all My friend in EW Thank you you all for help me

I paid my rental house of making orgonite but unfortunately I found my resin dried up and there is high demand of orgonite by the kikudi people because they don’t have any Mrs O could have helped them but since she migrated due to flood she has not settled enough to make orgonite I need at leat 30Litres of resin to start making orgonite for the kikundi 30litres of resin these sides we can get it at the cost of $250

but I needed to added to me $100 to start making orgonite to the kikundi people the to start doing gifting they don’t orgonite for doing gifting that is my request if you can help send it to Mrs O is PayPal account [email protected]

The works which me together with my team have done in the region of Mt. Elgon have created a greater impact and in fact farmers there have greatly benefited from our effort. I have received quite a number of delegation coming to our place and more appreciating the work and still requesting for more orgonites that would eventually sustain their demand to increase their production.

I have also got a report from the Uganda part that all the farmers which we gifted there the other time to be very much appreciative after seeing the outcome of their yield. Really the tobacco farmers in that boarder are very much positive about our support, because now they have enough rainfall than before. In fact they testify that for the last few years they had never experienced such an early rainfall but now what they have experience is like a miracle to them.

Now my point of interest is to have a good number of the orgonite that would meet that higher demand.

Mrs O