Gifting Devil's Tower in Wyoming

Check out the video of the trip Carol and I recently took to Devil’s Tower, Wyoming, where we did some much-needed gifting. It’s always a good idea to gift a place that has “devil” or “hell” in the name. Those places are invariably corrupted and need some orgonite! Many thanks to Don for making earthpipes and sending them to us so we could get the job done. This Part 1 video includes some techniques for dealing with psychic attack.

Please keep in mind that this is an amateur video done by an amateur (namely, me). I edited the video on the drive back and there was a lot of traffic noise on the video…I’m learning as I go!

Thanks, Coach–Carol told me that you two dealt with a whole lot of fedmobiles that followed you around, especially a couple (including an aggressive psychic) in a Mini Cooper that kept showing up around you at the ‘job site’ and then all the way to the hotel in Sheridan that night Wink. I mentioned that because Carol and I rarely get this treatment when we’re out in the field, any more. The last time we experienced that level of surveillance was when we were flipping the weather weaponry on the butte in Rapid City, South Dakota on our first of two cross-continent trips in 2011 to disable the air force’s then-escalating tornado mass murder agenda. The frantic looks on those feds’ faces was precious Wink. In the first few years I couldn’t take a leak in the bushes without hitting a federal creep.

That base under (in?) Devil’s Tower is an especially hard target, apparently. Carol told me it’s not quite done, yet, and when I asked her whether some orgonite on top of the tower might finish the job she felt that it may, which delighted me since I love to have an excuse to fling orgonite from the air in order to draw the vortex’s energy upward, again. In the 1800s people constructed a way to get to the top of the tower but it wasn’t maintained and I don’t think the Park Service allows people to climb up.

Carol assured me that what you two did has disabled the evil agenda there, at least.

By the way–note the still-green, tall, late summer grass and absence of sage brush in the film; when we first dropped orgonite around that site in 2004 it was mostly sage brush in that spot but grass had started to grow there. The desert in the American West started to reverse in 2002 at the higher elevations and has been building momentum throughout the continent, including Mexico where there are some very committed and far sighted orgonite flingers, including our friend Ismail, who occasionally posts here as Ixma.

A big thanks to these corageous ladies for their work and for making the video. Can’t wait to see part 2 :-)

excellent work, appreciate the video and sharing techniques, esp confirmation on attacks but

hopefully, they are a sign of desperation as others have mentioned,


Carol had felt that Devil’s Tower is some kind of giant radionics or scalar weapon used to create chaotic weather on the Northern Plains. From the type of energy we felt the first time we went I’m inclined to agree.

Interestingly, a friend told me today that the Native Americans of that area are trying to get the name of the tower changed back to it’s original name, which she thought might be Bear Claw Tower. Sounds good to me…maybe the orgonite will help that effort.

~ Dooney :-)

Here’s the gifting part of our gifting video! I wanted to video this mission and publish it just to show people what we deal with on a regular basis. The attacks and interference we experienced on this trip are typical of the kind of energy we and other gifters around the world contend with as etheric warriors. I think if you have enough tools in your etheric toolbox, such as the grounding, boosting and protection exercises we do, you can overcome obstacles and achieve your gifting goals. Carol said to me that she hasn’t seen the kind of overt surveillance we experienced since she and Don first started gifting many years ago. I think it’s just a sign of how desperate and disorganized they have become, and the space-time technique we were using on this trip confounded them to the point where they were running around us like Keystone Cops, trying to keep track of us. The thing to keep in mind is that even if they see you and follow you, they won’t be able to identify your gifting spots and interfere with your ultimate goal if you are protecting yourself. Carol’s perception is that once you bury the orgonite, the earth takes it in and it can’t be found at that point.

Thanks for watching!

Just a footnote: I’ve been attacked pretty hard today after posting the second video late last night. They have been sending me fear images again, but this time they also attacked our dog Sunshine. It’s the ultimate in cowardice to attack a defenseless animal in this way. I thought I should post about it.

I was throwing sticks for Sunshine in the backyard, and as she was chasing after a stick she suddenly yelped and jumped up in the air for no reason that I could see. I called her back to me and she came back slowly, sat at my feet and was whimpering in pain and/or fear. I got her to calm down and I examined her body for a wound. I didn’t find anything. I kept getting the image that she was kicked by someone who was cloaked.

Now, several hours later, she is still subdued, walking around gingerly with her tail almost tucked between her legs. Sometimes she shakes, sometimes she drools. I have been running energy on her, showing her how to ground and bring in the Galactic Sun. When I’m working on her, she’s looking all around with wide, scared eyes, like she is seeing things in the etheric. This is a dog who just this morning was running around, playing, jumping and happy. Now she is cowering near the bed and if she could fit under it I’m sure she’d be there. I have examined her several more times to make sure I’m not missing something physical. I did detect energy cords in her 3rd and 1st chakras, which I removed.

This bright light in my life has been dimmed by hate and fear, and the only thing I can do is forgive the attackers. It’s so hard to do this when it’s someone you love, and especially so when it’s an innocent animal. Carol has gone through this the past week with her beloved cat Edward, who was attacked and had an abscessed wound and a fever that was so high he had a seizure. Edward is recovering nicely, but this is another example of how they get at you through your loved ones. The challenge is to forgive this kind of hateful act. I’ll admit I’m having a challenge today. I vividly remember getting attacked on the way to Devil’s Tower the first time and finally realizing that I had to forgive my attackers. Today, I’m breathing, I’m grounding, I’m running energy and I’m forgiving. It seems it’s no longer enough to do it just when I’m getting attacked. This needs to be my new way of life.

And I’m okay with that…

~ Dooney

It’s true that we rarely get surveilled this way on our strategic orgonite-flinging campaigns and I rarely hear from others who experience it any more. The ones who are more likely to be intimidated in the field are those who are not yet fully committed to ending the rule of parasites this way Cool but even those are usually empowered by the experience rather than frightened away. An enemy we can see is preferable to a hiding enemy, after all.

Many years ago, Carol taught me the simple cloaking procedure and I used to have a lot of fun testing it on the feds and cops who were trying to track us in the field. Many times, they’d literally look straight at us and not see us and in those unguarded moments the looks on their faces were priceless. CIA sewer rats, especially, are trained to have no expression at all on their faces when they’re ‘behind enemy lines’ (their expression for ‘in public’). In those days, she didn’t want me to publish instructions on how to do it but she evidently feels that it’s timely, now, for anyone to be able to do it. After all, hitting pipes with big hammers adds additional risk to being discovered by these federal hound dogs.

In the early years, too, we sometimes encountered invisible feds–as crazy as that seems. The reason I can confidently say this is because we occasioally saw cars following us which had no visible occupants in them. Al Bielek said that the sewer rats had soon figured out how to miniaturize the Tesla tech that caused the USS Eldridge to disappear in 1943 and that they now have simple pocket devices that enable them to do it with the press of a button. Some of us hear these degraded miscreants in our homes late at night and they evidently don’t need to open doors or windows to come inside, either. It gives a new dimension to the term, ‘spook.’ Cool

Carol told me, after they got home, that the Mini Cooper that dogged them had a male driver and a female psychic assailant in it. You can probably guess who came out on the $#!+ end of that day-long tussle Wink but there were some reprisals after Carol and Dooney got home so that tells us that the base under and/or in Devil’s Tower was very important to the enemy. They hit Carol so hard, in fact, that we’re at Dooney and Stevo’s right now, waiting for Doc Stevo to give her a treatment. He’s a terrific healer. I’m going to get a tuneup, too, to fix my ‘landing gear’ after some hard landings that I had experienced early in the summer, before I finally got better at landing my paraglider with appropriate skill and grace. I did little else over the summer.

They saw insectoid enemy aliens in that base, by the way–kind of unusual.