i have a few extra TB’s and I feel compelled to take a walk nearby a local property owners boundaries to complete , or actually to ENHANCE some gifting done by Don and Carol awhile back… the problem is we have about five feet of snow on the ground now. since I’m an enthusiastic beginner, but still new, is is best to wait until one can bury them a little – hence wait until the snow melts and some dirt is exposed, or is it just fine to go ahead and lose them in the snow? And, if, say the property line is a few hundred feet in length, what intervals work best?
Since living in the arctic, or nowadays nevertheless rather north, winter and snow are annual guests with which one just got to deal with. It is not always the nicest thing to pour in -15 degrees with frozen fingers. However, winter never stopped our gifting. I trust the nature will cover you up in spring time with some organic stuff and foliage. Cracks in the rocks are also helpful, you will find the spots. Sure those earth pipes are another subject but basic tbs will work fine in the snow, actually considering the amplifying effects of water which as snow clearly demonstrates crystal structures the flow of orgone gets a special empowerment.
A funny story: someone wanted to have some devices from us which was delivered. There was some kind of spiritual gathering in the apartment later on, involving one psychic. They were supposed to contact some beings on a higher level. The medium however had difficulties contacting them and apparently these beings were somewhat irritated because of the change in the energetics of the place. So the medium asked if something had been done around there, the owner now a happy owner of fine devices could not really point a finger at it, but figured out it might have to do with orgonite and confessed the deed. According to the medium, ‘the energy level was too high’ for their good beings to establish a connection, a main figure being ‘Merlin’. When being asked about the devices the medium rather irritated commented only something about them being better buried in the snow in a forest. i think this particular customer mentioned having seen three different bird species in the spot where he had buried one of the devices, a nice confirmation I think. So the snow in this ironic example was even referred as a positive environment by these parasites. Really, ‘too high energy level’?
Give me a break. I could not help but laugh when I heard this. Now what? Are they gonna send mickey mouse after us? (reference to a disney movie) How deep in your @R$€ can you bury your head? This is reality, let us face it in its terms. But if a so called higher entity cannot get a grip because of too high frequency you know something is not right.