Hello everyone,
I just came back from 3 weeks holiday in France. This trip was a test on orgonite since I only can find proof by myself. I have been named Nostradamus and Professor Tournesol (in Tintin comics) by my family, but everyone paid lots of attention and participated to my experiments with orgonite while I was there. They carry on monitoring things, now. I have to say people were extremely open to orgonite when I talked about it, it was very strange J of course there was little smiles but the overall is very positive!
On 26/06/2006, we burried TB’s all around the property where my parents live, and below their very old linden tree that is rather sick for a year.
On 28/06/2006 I installed a CB in the garden. I noticed the blue hole above the CB in the garden. I also noticed “melting” clouds just above the CB but I wanted others to see so I asked my mother to come over for the second cloud and she was stunned to see it works! and it brings a question: “Does the CB “sucks” the humidity out from the cloud and redistribute it into the Earth?”
I took pictures of chemtrails above where my parents live, I pointed the CB onto the trail and it made a hole in the trail hehehe , that was strange to see.
I had a great time and I was pretty lazy, so my trip was not a gifting safari. Since I had no car to go errands, my mother (drove her car) and a friend joined us to place orgonite in Charente river (nearby my mother’s place) in other rivers, in the countryside and nearby villages where phone relays stand.
There is a serious drought in France that started just before I reached there. However on 04/07/2006 we had a very violent storm and I was not at my parents place byt about 40kms away. The next day the well which we now monitor went up by 9cm which is great. Then the drought went on and still goes on. The level of the well dropped again but stabilised itself around 82cm despite the heat and extreme field watering (by the farmers). I will update the well level in here, every month, so that we can see if the CB in the garden has any incidence with the underground water level.
Date Depth in metre Weather
26/06/06 0.75 drought
29/06/06 0.68 drought
30/06/06 0.8 drought
30/06/06 0.72 drought
1/7/06 0.78 drought
2/7/06 0.77 rainy – sunny / hot
3/7/06 0.74 sunny / hot
4/7/06 0.74 very strong storm
5/7/06 0.83 rainy stormy
5/7/06 0.87 cool
6/7/06 0.87 rainy
7/7/06 0.95 sunny
8/7/06 0.94 sunny / hot
9/7/06 0.91 overcast
10/7/06 0.91 drought
11/7/06 0.87 drought
11/7/06 0.83 drought
12/7/06 0.81 drought
13/7/06 0.83 drought
14/7/06 0.81 drought
15/7/2006 0.82 drought
16/7/2006 0.82 drought
I had the chance to enter a XIIth century church in the countryside and gift below the pedestal right in front of the altar inside the church… hehehe
I also gifted a XIIth century chapel in the cemetary where my father is buried.
5 HHG have been distributed and they are now in different places in France.
I have no contact with people gifting in France, if anyone has, please contact me.
Didier Mollé