Several years ago, Christine took some orgonite to an ‘ox-bow’ lake where crocodiles were especially menacing and the initial effect was that the number of crocodiles actually increased within a short period. I assumed at the time that it was because the fishing population had suddenly increased so it’s particularly reassuring that the eventual result was the reduction in the number of crocodiles, due (as Christine suggests) to lowering water temperature; crocs like it hot and oppressive. Ox-bow lakes are formed when a river changes course. The previous course becomes long, shallow lakes–not unlike commercial fish farms in the West, perhaps. If you look on you’ll see that the area around Koja Keji is quite flat and in that environment rivers often change course after flooding has occurred.
Hippos sleep in the water during the day and come out at night to graze on the land. I once read that they cause more deaths than crocodiles to because they up-end canoes and kill the occupants when a canoe disturbs their sleep. Only their nostrils are visible above the water.
After the Lake Victoria waters around Kisumu, Kenya, were gifted there was a very fast increase in the number of fish and the water was suddenly very clean and clear. Within a couple of months there was an overgrowth of water hyacinth that was so thick it stopped all boat and ship traffic. The lake is so big that there are small cargo ships on it which trade internationally. I think some of the locals blamed the kikundi but I’ve always felt that, for us, ‘There’s no such thing as bad publicity,’ because we generally keep to the straight and narrow path. Within another couple of months the water hyacinth problem disappeared but the fish population continued to multiply.
Many of us who distribute orgonite in areas that are oppressively hot and humid have found, as our African cohorts are reporting, that the climate improves pretty fast and stays that way. Carol and I noticed this when we went to South Florida in 2005 to ruin the then-escalating corporate hurricane agenda. When we arrived in October we could barely stand it but the following summer was quite pleasant. Since temperature and humidity were not significantly different we realized that the oppressive feeling was due to a subtle energy effect, rather. Dr Reich called it ‘deadly orgone radiation.’ Some animals thrive on DOR, evidently including crocodiles and vultures. The old corporate order produces it with warfare, mass murder of children, starvation, climate sabotage, government oppression, economic sabotage, brainwashing, religious strife, etc. Like vultures and crocodiles, they seem to need it in order to thrive. Cats and salmon seem to have the ability to turn that sickening energy into healthy energy. Nobody’s really researched this in a systematic (read: funded) way, yet, so when that starts happening Christine’s field reports will probably be quite valuable to the scientists. Carol and I have always felt that science is going to catch up with us all, some day
There are several Niles, by the way. It’s generally agreed that the source of the Nile is Lake Victoria, which is a mile high and the source is very close to the equator. We had quite a lot of fun in late 2002, tossing orgonite around the place where it spills out of the lake near Jinja, Uganda, then around Bujagali Falls, some miles downstream. Gandhi had instructed that his ashes be tossed in those rapids and there’s a bronze bust of him, there. This is the ‘Victoria Nile’ until it reaches the north end of Lake Albert on the border of Uganda and Congo where it becomes the ‘White Nile,’ after joining the river that falls out of that lake. The Blue Nile flows out of Lake Tana in Ethiopia and joins the White Nile near Khartoum, Sudan. Still-impressive and tall pyramids, built by the ancient Nubian civilization, are near that confluence. They’re in better shape than the Giza pyramids and one wonders why these are never mentioned by archaeologists or historians
Her earlier career as a teacher is evident in the way that Christine organizes classes and workshops to demonstrate orgonite’s potency to fishermen and farmers in South Sudan and beyond.
Thank God Ibrahim is okay! I didn’t even know he’d been bitten by a crocodile until I read the report. Thanks, also, Christine, for the information about zappers curing bilharia, which is endemic in equatorial Africa. Ibrahim is the Ethiopian pioneer among the East African kikundi. Ethiopia is another ancient civilization that predates the academically ‘popular’ ones to the north, as is also Somalia. The bronze-age Egyptians recorded that their ‘gods’ came from Somalia. Many attempts were made by the ‘popular’ civilizations to conquer Ethiopia but only the Persians managed to do that for a time. The African civilizations were more interested in trade than in conquest and it might be because there were more queens than kings, then. It’s probably not hard to see why corporate-sponsored academia ignores African history.
Africans were making carbon steel ten thousand years ago. European metalurgists can’t figure out how they do it but Credo Muttwa, the renowned Zulu traditionalist, learned that method when he joined a secret society in Zimbabwe and he gave one of the initiation projects to Georg Ritschl. It’s a large version of what Slim Spurling was selling as an environmental harmonizer but the Africans were making these for centuries or perhaps millennia. Credo Muttwa travelled the continent in his youth and was initiated into a lot of secret societies. During his youth, he financed his travels and education by being a porter for European trophy hunters.