Gifting Old Krakow (real Capitol Of Poland)

Gifting of old Cracow (Krakow) – the Royal Capitol of Poland

We (me, Georg and his family) have just finished to gift very important mega-target, namely Vatican-Nazi pentagram of evil consisting of Nazi death camps located in Poland during World War 2. The damn thing was deactivated and I think NOW with Jesuits on the top are not terribly happy about this major milestone in orgonite gifting agenda.

Note for Don:

I hope that my post will bring some more attention to orgonite, therefore forgive me that it will be not strictly picturing boring places with TBs in front, but I dare to add some touristic twist (as this part of my guests visit was designed to be, just after finishing main mission. My gifting was ‘on the side’ of main Krakow’s attractions – but effective anyway).

Note for George:

I want and prefer Goeorg finish his post first (alredy acknowledged – thanks!), before I add my comments/pictures to his thread, so wait patiently. In meantime I post about touristic part of their visit, and gifting which I did while visiting interesting places in Old Cracow and surroundings – former Polish capitol until some lazy Swede, who happened to be a Polish king as well (Zygmunt III Waza), moved capitol to Warsaw.

Some intro info:

Krakow – The only real capitol of Poland, and the place where I happened to be born (kudos for my late parents, who knew where to make successfully another keeper of this city in spiritual health [Image Can Not Be Found]

For real researchers here is Wikipedia entry:

And here our trip begins:

Station 1: Wawel castle – most important and well known castle in Poland, residence of Polish kings and their burial place in Cathedral

To give you an overview how the old city looks like here is one of many metal models dispersed around the city for tourists, this one showing how old city looked like, Wawel hill is on the left:

Old Krakow – model of city
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And detailed model of Wawel:

Old Krakow – model of Wawel castle
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And here is how Wawel looks like seen from Vistula river:

Old Krakow – Wawel castle, view from Vistula river
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There are 2 entrances to the castle, the main, royal one located closer to old city from north:

Old Krakow – Wawel castle, main royal entrance (north)
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And south entrance which we enterd. The first TB was placed in front of building where tourist center is currently located (selling tickets for visitors, books and junk merchandise depicting this marvellous place) – just on the right after the gate.

Old Krakow – Wawel castle, south entrance
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Old Krakow – Wawel castle, tower
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Old Krakow – Wawel castle, view from east
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Next we entered the main grounds. I will not describe where I placed TBs here since I do not want facilitate their removal, but suffice to say that there were guards all in black – like Ninja turtles on steroids – guarding the place against unknown threat from tourists [Image Can Not Be Found]. And definitely TBs were placed not only in inner courtyard, but also in royal chambers and inside cathedral – let the kings lay in rest.

Old Krakow – Wawel castle, buildings
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Old Krakow – Wawel castle, cathedral.
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Old Krakow – Wawel castle, cathedral entrance
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Old Krakow – Wawel castle, entrance to inner courtyard
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The entrance to royal chambers is located in inner courtyard. They guard the rooms pretty well and in each room one employee is sitting and watching tourists. I had to find a proper moment to place TB (damn difficult to find right spot since there are only few pieces of furniture per room and paintings/tapestry on the walls) when guardian in one of the rooms went to chat with another in next chamber. Unfortunately it made quite a noise and guardian jumped back from another room to check what was going on, while I was admiring the ceiling and quickly moving ahead from place of crime. Deed was done! – and it was most important.

Old Krakow – Wawel castle, inner courtyard
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Notice the dragon rain drain on the top!

Finally we left the castle and went to Vistula river bank, where small cruise boats were located which took us on 1 hour cruise on Vistula (Wisla) river. Look what is located there – Dragons, dragons everythere !!! This one is breathing real fire every 4 minutes [Image Can Not Be Found]

Old Krakow – Wawel castle, sculpture of dragon
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There is old legend that in time of Krak king (mythical Polish king) there was a dragon living in the cave just beneath Wawel castle (unfortunately we did not visit this cave due to time constraints) who demanded young virgins to be delivered to him as a price to leave castle and town inhabitants alone. And there was a shoemaker named Dratewka who figured out an ingenious way to get rid of reptilian parasite – he took a sheep, gutted it out and stuffed with sulphur. Such tasty dinner was delivered to dragon who after indulging in sulphur mutton was so thirsty that drank a huge quantity of water from Vistula river, and finally burst into pieces. That’s what I call job well done.

And here you have one more pic of castle of Polish kings (from east where, in front of this magnificent building, we had a meal and nice pitcher of beer – to be reported in next posts).

Old Krakow – Wawel castle, view from east.jpg
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(to be continued – next station: water gifting of Vistula river)

Station 2: water gifting of Vistula (Wisla) river

(Although I hate big corporations but this particular post I must credit, at least its transmission part – WiFi in this place – to McDonalds at Florianska Street in Cracow – 20 meters from Florianska Gate and city walls, which will be pictured in my next post No. 3)

Just after we visited Wawel castle Goeorge mentioned that water gifting gives much more bang for your TBs currency than any regular throwing of orgonite. Therefore, and what was also on my touristic Krakow agenda, we took 1 hour boat cruise on Vistula river. Of course some interesting bargaining had to be done (strange for visitors from the west obviously [Image Can Not Be Found] and we proudly managed to embark onto our orgonite war ship called “Lajkonik”, which accommodated the maximum crew of 12 (sounds almost like action from an old movie from 1967 – “The Dirty Dozen” –

Vistula river cruise – 01 – cruise boats port
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Vistula river cruise – 02 – one of the boats
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Vistula river cruise – 03,04 – our boat ‘Lajkonik’
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Do not forget that I was gifting these waters all the time while we were enjoying those nice views, which are presented below (total of approx. of 15 TBs were thrown into Vistula river)

The first important landmark was church ‘on the rock’ – Saint Stanislaw’s church – the guy was really important for Polish Christianity, since he was probably the first bishop really treated properly by Polish king, Boleslaw Smialy, crowned in 1076 in Gniezno. The king wanted to move the archbishops place to Krakow, but the damned church-land-moron opposed him, for what he got what he deserved – the king simply put him out of his misery, and shorter by his head, and legend says in was in front of altar in church below. Obviously our well known friends – Jesuits – attacked the king’s action even in 20-century publications. He became a saint and king remembered for his prompt and corrective action [Image Can Not Be Found] and we all know here since then, that Vatican meddled in our Polish history for centuries.

Vistula river cruise – 05,06 – church ‘on the rock’
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Just after this church we had a bottom up view of some of Krakow’s bridges and buildings on the river’s banks.

Vistula river cruise – 07 – 2nd bridge from start
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Vistula river cruise – 08 – another bridge
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Vistula river cruise – 09 – pedestrian bridge
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Vistula river cruise – 10 – one of new hotels
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Vistula river cruise – 11 – another boat under the bridge
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The highest building in Krakow – of course THE BANK. So those parasites are taking the best real estate returning practically nothing into the society.

Vistula river cruise – 12 – highest building in town, bank PKO
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And memorabilia from Vatican theatre of horrors – there is a building under blue canopy (renovation or something) where JP2 (Karol Wojtyla = John Paul 2nd) was living during WW2.

Vistula river cruise – 13 – house where JP2 lived during WW2
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Another interesting place from Christiano-land-of-horrors was cloister of Norbertanki (in Poland from 1162 AD). This cloister is 800 years old, so these parasites are well entrenched in my homeland.

For more info:…..tratensian

Vistula river cruise – 14-16 – cloister in Salwator
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Notice the red line which I photoshoped into this picture – it was a line of water which we had in Vistula river during 2009 floods.

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Some more pics from water level:

Vistula river cruise – 17 – floating restaurant
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Vistula river cruise – 18 – ‘Jubilat’, the biggest communistic department store
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Vistula river cruise – 19,20 – Wawel castle
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And PROOF that gifting was accomplished (thanks George for taking this confirming photo [Image Can Not Be Found]

Vistula river cruise – 21 – proof of gifting activity
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Later we managed to visit church “on the rock” described above. Here are some pics:

Look at these sculptures – at least strange stuff.

Old Krakow – 19-23 – church ‘on the rock’ = Saint Stanislaw’s church
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And later we celebrated in Old Kazimierz (now part of Krakow, but in medieval times another city, Jewish to be precise, located on other side of Vistula river then). But since no gifting was done there (all ammo fired into river) therefore no pics in order not to be chased by Don that I turn EW into touristic PR place [Image Can Not Be Found]

(to be continued – next station: Rynek Glowny (main city square) and St. Mary’s church)

thanks for the great report!

highly enjoyable reading and well done [Image Can Not Be Found];

Thanks my Greek friend!

It’s just the beginning (done only 2 out of 5 here, and 0 out of 5 in Georg’s post – so much more to come).
For now look for 3rd installment of this thread [Image Can Not Be Found]

Station 3: Rynek Glowny (main city square) and St. Mary’s church

Next day we visited the centre of old Krakow – Rynek Glowny (main city square). It is the biggest and best preserved city square in medieval Europe – just one side is 200 meters long. On one corner there is St. Mary’s church from which the “hejnal” (trumpet melody played right now by firemen) is played every hour. The melody is being broadcasted all over the Poland at noon, on main government radio station. Another twist is that melody ends abruptly in the middle – and according to legend it is due to fact that in 14th century Tatars invaded east Europe and Krakow, and the arrow was shot by Tatar invader into the guy playing the tune, killing him and the melody in the middle.

To give you a taste how it looks like you have some pics below:

Old Krakow – 50,51 – Main Square – surrounding buildings
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Old Krakow – 52 – Main Square – monument of Adam Mickiewicz, Polish most famous poet, in front of cloth market building
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Old Krakow – 53,54 – Main Square – street performer
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And next I wish to present (as Don described it so eloquently) the German Gifting Expeditionary Force, and also my dear and good friends, the Ritschl family in front of St. Mary’s church on the corner of Rynek Glowny

Old Krakow – 55 – Main Square – my distinguished guests in front of St. Mary’s church (most important one in Poland)
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Old Krakow – 56 – Main Square – St. Mary’s church, towers
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Old Krakow – 57 – Main Square – St. Mary’s church, top of ‘hejnal’ tower
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Old Krakow – 58 – Main Square – St. Mary’s church, back – sun clock
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And main deal – St. Mary’s church inside. The place where Wit Stwosz altar is located. It took the guy 12 years to finish sculptures done from lime-tree.

Old Krakow – 59 – Main Square – Mary’s church inside, famous Wit Stwosz altar
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Old Krakow – 60 – Main Square – St. Mary’s church inside, gifting gurus check if bishops seats were gifted properly [Image Can Not Be Found]
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Old Krakow – 61 – Main Square – St. Mary’s church inside, ceiling
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As you probably noticed NWO placed their henchmen everywhere, all over the world. Here you have a prime example from UE vassal state – Poland (and my only comparison might be to Nazi SS uniforms, all in black, or ninja turtle warriors on vacation leave – meaning without armour).

Old Krakow – 62 – Main Square – NWO police everywhere
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One of the good things is that they revived in Krakow is an old art of horse drawn carriages – nice way to travel without generating any pollution, and obviously with class (young guests were especially fond of those [Image Can Not Be Found] )

Old Krakow – 63,64 – Main Square – horse carriages
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Next we followed the Florianska street (kind of doing of Royal Road in reverse in this section, which leads from Barbican, to Florianska street, next to Main Market square, followed by Grodzka street, Kanonicza street, to Royal Wawel castle main entrance – see the model of old Krakow for better understanding, from my previous post)

Old Krakow – 65 – Florianska Street (Royal Road) south – view of St. Mary’s church
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Old Krakow – 66 – Florianska Street (Royal Road) – Florianska Gate Tower, main city entrance (north)
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And here we have the only remaining part of city walls, right and left of Florianska gate tower. There was something like 44 towers like this one, connected by city walls. But problem was that in 19th century city administration (then under Austrian occupation) demolished them all, but this one, and made “Planty” – city park encircling old city and located in place of fortifications. From one point of view it was barbaric move, but from another we have a beautiful green space around old Krakow city.

Another interesting twist to this story is that Jan Matejko, one of the most famous Polish painters from 19th century, managed to persuade city administration not to demolish this one last part of city walls – the argument was pretty simple: “when demolished it would cause winds/updrafts to uplift distinguished city ladies’ skirts, therefore leaving their good reputation tarnished” – Oh boy, those guys back then had a good sense of persuasion !!! [Image Can Not Be Found]

The only proper visualisation of what Matejko presented to city morons is picture of Marilyn Monroe from 1954 film “The Seven Year Itch” (where she posed over the updraft of a New York subway grating at 52nd St. and Lexington Ave in Manhattan)

Marilyn Monroe from 1954 film ‘The Seven Year Itch’
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(Don – please do not kill me for this extra info. I promise to gift also this Manhattan place in show of remorse [Image Can Not Be Found]

So we are back into city walls business:

Old Krakow – 67,68 – Florianska Street – remnants of the city walls
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Next step was Barbican – round fortification just outside city walls in front of Florianska Gate tower. One thing which I learned from guides inside the structure is that old street level was 6 meters below current pavement (they did it while creating Planty park, and filling the moat which encircled city walls)

Old Krakow – 69 – Barbican – model
Old Krakow – 70 – Barbican – model, detail
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And the real stuff:

Old Krakow – 71,72 – Barbican – round fortification just outside city walls in front of Florianska Gate tower, outside
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Old Krakow – 73 – Barbican – round fortification just outside city walls in front of Florianska Gate tower, inside
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Next step was Szczepanski square, inside of old city limits.

Old Krakow – 74,75 – Szczepanski Square
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And on our way towards Wawel castle again, the place where JP2 was always present (in curia, on balcony) while visiting his “home stronghold” during short visits here after being shipped to Vatican. (this place must be double gifted in near future – the nest of rats needs extra orgonite ammo to neutralize their venom).

Old Krakow – 76 – Franciskan’s church in front of Cracow’s curia
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And back to Royal Road – this time in the right direction to the castle (as kings would travel back home)

Old Krakow – 77 – Grodzka Street (Royal Road) – St Andrew’s church
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Old Krakow – 78 – Grodzka Street (Royal Road) – St Peters & Pauls church
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And some favourite stuff of our current princesses (Georg’s daughters to be precise) – horses and carriages.

Old Krakow – 79,80 – Grodzka Street – horses and carriages
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We ended up on the east side of Wawel castle, on Planty park, in “Pod Wawelem” restaurant (Under Wawel restaurant) where last TB was places in bushes near the place to safeguard it since it was a nice place (before WW2 former hotel and restaurant for Polish officers to be precise)

Old Krakow – 81 – Planty – ‘Pod Wawelem’ restaurant
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And finally it was called a day, well done and completed. Therefore we celebrated with a nice “small” glass of Czech beer – Pilzner Urquell [Image Can Not Be Found]

Old Krakow – 82 – Planty – ‘Pod Wawelem’ restaurant, well earned pitcher of beer.
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(to be continued – next station: Wieliczka salt mine)

Station 4: Wieliczka salt mine

During our Krakow’s tour we made diversion to Wieliczka, which is located approx. 10 kilometers east of Krakow. Wieliczka, as well as Krakow old city were listed on the first UNESCO list of world’s heritage sites.

( DragonKiller’s translation :
The big boys from banking parasite NWO families – Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and their lackeys – put their dirty hands on the pearls of world’s best and most important places – check it out for yourself that if any place lands under UNESCO banner – part of UN – the sovereign state looses control of the place to these modern day invaders. You have the same problem in US with all national parks like Yellowstone, etc, and other places as well).

But back to our trip:

Wieliczka salt mine is the oldest commercial salt mine operating continuously for more than 700 years. In past it was a “gold mine” of Polish kings, since the price of salt in medieval times was higher than the gold. It was even strange feeling to step down on salt stairs chiselled out in mine, knowing that at some point in past it was more worth than golden steps.

Georg told me that it might be not necessary to gift this place, especially when they have a sanatorium, kind of underground healing hospital where people with asthma and such problems stay awhile to cure it by breathing salty air, but I decided to drop a couple of TBs underground anyway. (My intuition inspired me to gift one particular place there – one of the chambers where regular catholic masses are conducted till today, on regular basis, in one of the most magnificently sculptured underground chambers, chapel of Saint Kinga – see below).

To give you the idea how big the mine is the touristic route is approx. 2.5 km long, out of total of 300 kms, so less than 1%. And bear in your mind that each and every cubic inch of free space was excavated by human hands – there were not any natural cavities or caverns in this place (some chambers took 100+ years to be dug out by hand to the height of 30+ meters).

Wieliczka salt mine – 01 – situation map
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Wieliczka salt mine – 02 – ticket office
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As you can see – price of salt went down, but number of visitors to the mine went up. I’m not sure if this makes up the lost value of booty taken from the mine, but who cares? – Kings are gone in this part of Europe, and it was primarily their golden toy shop (or maybe savings account [Image Can Not Be Found])

Wieliczka salt mine – 03 – 1 million visitors per year
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Wieliczka salt mine – 04 – stores = commerce everywhere
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Wieliczka salt mine – 05 – entrance to the mine
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Wieliczka salt mine – 06 – our guide
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There are total of 800+ wooden steps in this shaft, out of which 300+ are on touristic route to the 1st level (there are total of 9 levels, 3 for tourists, the 9th level is totally flooded by water). 1st level is 64 meters below entrance, 3rd level is 115 meters, and last level is something 320 meters down.

Wieliczka salt mine – 07 – 300+ steps to go down to 1st level
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Wieliczka salt mine – 08 – old way of transporting salt up from the hole
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Wieliczka salt mine – 10 – salt sculpture of Kazimierz Wielki – Polish king who set up special privileges for digging out this salt.
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Wieliczka salt mine – 11 – salt sculpture of Jozef Pilsudski – guy who saved Europe from bolsheviks in 1920 .
( Microsoft dictionary reminded me that those guys should be written with capitol “B”, but since they do not deserve such honor I corrected it back to current version ).
If not his guy we would be gone and forgotten in Europe almost a century ago.

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They used horses for horizontal transportation. Last one was taken out from the mine in 2002.

Wieliczka salt mine – 12 – underground horse stable
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Wieliczka salt mine – 13 – water collection system
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Nice place to count the kings bounty – back then worth more than gold [Image Can Not Be Found]

Wieliczka salt mine – 14 – underground supervisor’s office
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This chamber is special – the most magnificent underground chapel/church still in operation today (masses for miners and some other stuff from catholic church-land agenda). I had a problem with gifting this place since there are practically no small crevices or holes to put TBs inside. I do not disclose here how I did it, but bottom line is – IT WAS DONE AND GIFTED! And remember – all is dug out by hand, out of solid salt, all sculptures, all details, and even chandeliers are made out of salt.

Wieliczka salt mine – 15-21 – Kinga’s chapel

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And look at those chambers – and the wooden beams keeping them from collapsing down (how they managed to get all those wooden beams down there?)

Wieliczka salt mine – 22,23 – one of the underground chambers
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Wieliczka salt mine – 24 – another underground chamber with a lake.
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Wieliczka salt mine – 25,26 – store on level 3 = commerce everywhere, this time underground
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Wieliczka salt mine – 27 – waiting for a lift to freedom from underground pit
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Wieliczka salt mine – 28 – 3rd underground level of lift in shaft
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Wieliczka salt mine – 29 – ground level of lift in shaft
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This should conclude the touristic part of Georg’s and his family visit, but since due to some basic problems (lack of parking space close to the target) we omitted one tasty morsel, which I made up 2 days after their departure.
Obviously the place to report this is here, so wait for 5th installment [Image Can Not Be Found]

(to be continued – next station: Jesuits’ University)

Station 5: Jesuits’ University

Jesuit University is located approx. 10 minutes walk from main market square. Although technically it is short distance from Planty/ outside former city walls we can still call this part an old city. It is built just outside Jesuit church together with other buildings like their printing company and something what looked like a dormitory for priests.

On my way to main juicy target I encountered a nuns cloister, so without much thinking I gifted it promptly – let nuns have some peace of mind as well [Image Can Not Be Found]

Old Krakow – 100 – nuns cloister 200 m from Jesuits nest
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Please notice the beautiful Masonic floor.

Old Krakow – 101 – nuns cloister, inside
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And here their church tower emerged on horizon (the white building is the printing company – they even squeezed money from EU funds to renovate it).

Old Krakow – 102 – Jesuit’s church and property
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Old Krakow – 103 – monument of builder of Jesuit’s church
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Old Krakow – 104, 105 – entrance to Jesuit’s reptilians hive
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Old Krakow – 106 – stone nameplate on entrance to hell
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I decided to gift not only perimeters but also to drop orgonite healing medicine inside their hive. When I entered the mass was in progress but it did not deter me from fulfilling my holy mission. I looked like a western tourist looking around the walls and taking pictures while everybody else were dutifully engaged in selling their souls to devil [Image Can Not Be Found].
I wanted to gift confessionals (10+ as I counted) but it was mission impossible since they are so well made and sculptured in wood that not even a match could be placed there. I abandoned this idea and gifted the priests pulpit instead (do not ask me how I managed to do it – it must have been a divine intervention allowing me to place TB there [Image Can Not Be Found]

Old Krakow – 107 – inside Jesuit’s church
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Old Krakow – 108 – inside Jesuit’s church
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The only picture which I snapped with flash was a detail in the side chapel (it was better not to draw too much attention in the middle of the mass, so sorry for quality of previous pics). Look at these sun rays – it’s quite interesting, isn’t it?

Old Krakow – 109 – inside Jesuit’s church
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Old Krakow – 110 – street advertising for Jesuit University
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Here is extra size ammo delivered right into bull’s eye.

Old Krakow – 111 – Triple TB as a gift to Jesuit University
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… and follow up shot with regular TB…

Old Krakow – 112 – Regular TB as an extra gift to Jesuit University
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Old Krakow – 113 – Jesuit church – main entrance
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After finishing the church business I turned my attention to university and remaining buildings.

Old Krakow – 114 – Jesuit University – main building, front
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Old Krakow – 115 – Jesuit University – other building 1
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Old Krakow – 116 – Jesuit University – main building, back
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Old Krakow – 117,118 – Jesuit University – other building 2
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Old Krakow – 119 – Jesuit University – other building 3
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I managed to disperse approx. 15 TBs and place was gifted inside out. I thing the follow up with earth pipes would be beneficial in near future. What do you think?

As a bonus I snapped a picture of two nuns marching vigorously in front of main entrance to university. Isn’t it a beauty?

Old Krakow – 120 – Jesuit University – Nuns marching in front of Jesuit reptilians hive
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This concludes our gifting of Old Krakow. I will start preparing now my comments and pics for our main mission – pentagram of evil, although memory of it is still giving me a creepy feeling.


They are pulling a fast one, hurry follow those fake nuns! [Image Can Not Be Found]