Gifting Pittsfield Mass

Following our intuition Nena and I set off north on 7 to gift Pittsfield. It is beautiful country and kind of rural. There was a lot of mountaintop arrays. We tossed a bunch in the housatonic river. It is known for its high level of mercury and pcbs. Though it has plenty of fish the environmental mafia tell us not eat it. I have eaten trout out of it and it is not good at all in comparison to other rivers. There Are many paper mills, pharmaceutical industry and a big general electric plant. These perps have been allowed to operate even though their disasterous effect on the water. We tossed some in cooling pools. We finished the day on a wind farm. Those things are terrible. When we were under them we both had pains in our temples. We put a hhg there. It was pleasant over all. I think perhaps a gifter has been there before.