All of the genuine ‘conspiracy’ sites in the US are being interfered with right now, often tragically. EW is hosted in Canada, so we’re a step removed from easy interference by US traitors like these NSA and CIA hackers.
The way sites get shut down, by the way, is that the NSA, FBI and/or CIA extort the internet providers who host the undesirable sites. If you ever see a CIA or Homeland Security Abomination logo on a site which indicates that one of these treasonous agencies has shut the site down, the site itself is for disinformaiton because no government has any authority to directly interfere. I’m not referring to April Fool jokes, of course; I’ve seen the CIA logo pop up on fake conspiracy sites with a claim that this sewer rat agency seized the site–that’s what I mean and it’s entirely bogus in that case. They can’t seize any websites except the ones they own and operate, which includes nearly all of the fake ‘conspiracy’ sites on the web.
The only way a predatory government like the US one can interfere with the internet is if the internet provider who hosts a site can be influenced by them and the only way they can directly influence an internet provider easily is if the intenet provider is based in the US…
They usually extort IPs through another quasi-governmental corporation: the Internal Revenue Service. According to the arbitrary rules of that corporation everyone’s a criminal; the crime being that he or she was born within the borders of the corporate united States, of course. Our second crime is ‘breathing the corporation’s air.’ If you think corporate tyranny isn’t that pervasive you just haven’t had access to enough information. There are plenty of good, well-documented books out there which can help you get past the What To Think Network’s non-conspiracy theories.
Folks, when hackers interfere with you when you try to post something here, blast the snot out of the hackers and their bosses by tossing concentrated healing energy at them through your heart, okay? If that doesn’t work, get someone else to mention your problem in a post. The sewer rats fear exposure of their personnel and tactics more than they fear patriots’ lawful bullets. We don’t ever need to shoot these criminals; let’s leave that to the folks who are entitled by law to do that work, okay?
The current, necessary revolution will be won without any bloodshed, at least on our hands, and it will be a global victory, not just a victory over these US criminals and traitors. I bet Gandhi would have preferred to be living now [Image Can Not Be Found] because we can Gandhify their pimply corporate @$$es a lot more thoroughly than he was able to do, way back then, and we can do it globally now.