Thanks, Jean, for sending this to me!:……ter-sites-–-illuminati-pyramid-in-blagnac-france/
I’ve been reading a book, Stargate Conspiracy, written in the late 90s & I’m almost done with it. Carol had bought it for me a few years ago and I needed something to read to get to sleep with, one night in October, and that one was close to hand.
After a few pages I was astonished by some of the new (to me) info in the book, which was written by a couple of Brit authors who had acknowledged our Mark Bennett in the prologue, by the way.
Do you remember when Robert Bauval and Graham Hancock were showing up on all the radio talk shows and telling about the ‘secret underground chambers’ on the Giza Plateau? I was only mildly interested at the time because it was pretty clear that these guys were pimping a sponsored agenda, as Hoagland clearly also does. What astonished me is that these guys are all in the same foundering vessel (theosophy/masonry) and Edgar Cayce is part of that, too.
Cayce was quoted as claiming, repeatedly, that freemasonry is going to save the world. The authors pointed out that none of his predictions were actually fulfilled, though he did a lot of legitimate healing work. He joined the masons as a very young man–who didn’t in those days if he was white?
Another new item for me was information about ‘The Nine,’ whom Andrija Puharich started ‘contacting’ through channelers in 1952. The creepy material was evidently a continuation of what the sewer rats were feeding to Blavatsky and Bailey. After awhile, the main channeler became James Hurtak, who published ‘The Keys of Enoch.’ I don’t know if you’ve tried to read Bailey’s pap but you ought to sample some so that you’ll know that there’s nothing exalted or positive about any of it.
The authors evidently don’t know that Theosophy was created in the 1800s by the British freemason aristocrats who had subjugated India through subterfuge and mass murder in the 1700s on behalf of the City of London–the old Venetian (Phoenician/Babylonian?) cabal that came to openly call itself the New World Order. The disgusting roots of Theosophy is very well documented by Chaim Chaitkin, Margery White and a few other reputable authors, most of whom had been published by LaRouche’s Franklin Press before the feds destroyed it in the late 80s and railroaded the latter into federal prison. I think it’s gotten much harder for the corporate order to disappear substantive people that way, any more, thanks to the internet.
This book I’m reading puts Theosophy and freemasonry together properly, which is terrific. The masons you know are entirely clueless about the nature of their organization and their lack of personal discernment is obvious in that they dismiss those grisly blood oaths as something little boys might make up to allow other boys into their treehouses.
Don Bradley once offered to let me borrow the ‘real Keys of Enoch,’ which only high freemasons have (he’d kept his, along with the ruby ring and some very old British ritual devices), and told me that the popular version is just BS. I’ve never been interested in the occult so I didn’t take him up on that kind offer. Now I wish I had [Image Can Not Be Found]
‘The Nine’ are allegedly the nine ‘gods’ of ancient Egypt and Puharich and Hurtak, along with Hoagland, Hancock, Bauval and a host of other fakers are evidently motivated to ‘help them return to earth.’ Or at least they were until the turn of the millenium. We don’t hear of that stuff, any more and I wonder if it’s because the promised ‘gold capstone’ was not, in fact, set upon the Great Pyramid at midnight on December 31, 1999. Do you remember all that hype? It was supposed to sort of crown the masonic plan to come right out and create overt genocide and martial law throughout the planet.
I’m about to start readng one of Joseph Farrell’s books about the ‘Giza Death Star,’ shortly. He’s a terrific author who is evidently not one of the secret supporters of the New Orthodoxy (masonry/theosophy in hiding). I see that he’s having financial difficulty which s preventing him from doing the research on his current book project. I don’t know if you’ve considered that genuine history/conspiracy authors need to actually earn their money by doing research. The ones who pump out volumes of ‘free’ material on the internet are usually CIA, NSA, MI6 or Mossadomite employees, rather. Puharich got most of his money from teh CIA, as does Hurtak. The others I mentioned sell books but the material in them is awfully shakey. Hoagland relies on charisma but he uses the same material to base his freakshow on.
All of the fakers attack the Messengers of God, have you noticed? Freemasonry pretends to promote the Messengers but it’s actually just a parasitic attempt to vamp them. Vamp is a good word. I don’t have a good dictionary at home, so I look stuff up online. The good ones tell that a vamp is someone who puts a cover on something in order to claim ownership. The original meaning was the Old English word for the foot portion of a stocking. I like this one:
A femme fatale character in movies or books. The character is a woman who, while not necessarily attractive, has a certain allure (usually this striking, exotic, overtly sexy glamour), and is usually a heartless, man-eating seductress
I think it’s appropriate because theosophy and masonry are not essentially attractive; they’re seductive and play on human weakness, like ego and the desire to dominate others. The authors point out that even though newagers are flakes (the ones who think they’re not flakes say, ‘I’m NOT a newager!’) they’re a force to be reckoned with, simply because they believe that crap.
Remember that our forebears in America, Europe and Japan also believed in crap and that enabled the corporate order to commit genocide from 1939 until the middle of 1945. You probably realize that they’re failing to get us excited by their terrorism scam to get that agenda rolling again [Image Can Not Be Found]
Geneocide, racism and exploitatoin are the root of freemasonry and Theosophy. Most people are afraid to say that because Theosophy’s doctrines are so popular, now. I doubt they’d be as popular if people understood the orirgin and intention of Theosophy but once someone has taken a belief to heart, he owns it. Most of the many undscerning, self-seeking people who believe that they’re God and that human souls keep reflexively bouncing back into the physical realm have absolutely no idea (nor interest, in most cases) that this ‘New Orthodoxy’ was stuffed into their heads artificially. Any successful con artist knows that he has to get the mark’s confidence by trickery and the Theosophy/Masonry cabal perfected this in India in the 1700s, then exported it to the planet, later on.
I’ll finish this in another post–we have houseguests, now. This has been percolating in my little head for weeks [Image Can Not Be Found]