Greening Morocco!

I hadn’t heard from Rashid in Germany for awhile, then I got this:


Sorry for my silentness in the last months,

first of all I was busy and then my computer has been hacked two times and I lost all my email-contact. Had to look for your mail first.

I wanted to give you a very short update. I placed another ca. 250 TBs, 80 HHGs in Marocco and one huge (ca. 15 KG) thing in the street of Gibraltar – in front of a lot of eyes…

Marocco is green, greener than Spain, there is lots of rain, very permanently and far into the desert. It was a huge success again, we hit one spot that caused a storm and 50-70 mm rain in big areas of Marocco.

At the way back I had a very dangerous moment that was probably caused by a car behind me – more of this later. Back in Germany someone called me and said he was “Herr Luck”, didn’t say much, actually said nothing. Hidden congratulation for my “luck”?

The punishment is here in Germany that must suffer a severe drought which is probably caused by HAARP. There is nearly no rain since two months. Ich managed to interupt the system of high pressure by a giftingrun around Dresden including the Fernsehturm (260 m high), about 300 TBs and 50 HHGs and one huge pyramid were sufficient to produe a “drop of cold air” (Kaltlufttropfen). They were so stunned that this made it into the wheatherforecast. It caused rain in all Germany, but it was too short. Then I switched around lots of more antennas, radars, wheatherballs and more stuff in south-west-Germany, where I live, using about 300 TBs and 40 HHGs.

Still no rain, but the sky is great, lots of sylphs every single day!!! This comes from far away and I’m afraid in the moment that was all that I could do. They spray like crazy but now the trails can’t stick any more. There is massive HAARP, yesterday there was a big rainbowcircle in the sky without any single cloud, but it’s always only temporaly. Soon I’ll meet with Axel from Austria. Lots of thanks go to Gerhard Huber giving me many nice ogonitedevices and to “Honigblume” [moderator of the German-language orgonite forum] in Germany for her gifting in the north-east of me and elsewhere, at least 200 very big special TBs are being tossed by her in the moment.

Thats it for now, talk to you soon,


Great job! In Italy there is drought too since two months…. Just today a big chem front, made 3 days ago in the atlantic is coming here. Look at the following images:

Anyway i have too say that they spraY like crazy but nothing remain