Grifters, Flimflam Artists and Controlled-Opposition Mouthpieces, a Primer, Continued

“All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.”

― From "The Art of War", by Sun Tzu, 5th Century B.C.

Only a widely-published, Black magic-practicing generational Satanist from ancient China would suggest that all warfare is based on deception. You know, how the Geneva convention forbids dressing up in the other side's uniform to take advantage of them, or how you're not allowed to raise a white flag and then shoot everyone who comes to the parley?

To me, war is about taking it to the opposition, whom you are going to make wish they had never started the trouble.

Stationkeeping: one of my readers asked to be unsubscribed yesterday after reading the first article in this series, in which I'm breaking down the propaganda recently delivered by "America's Front-Line Doctors".

To read my material, you have to either ask to be added to the mailing list, or you can go to an obscure web forum.It's not everyone's cup of tea. Thank you all, truly, for being here.

This is a quote of mine from today's article:

"We can accept that actors on stage and screen work on their craft, and develop their characters, but have complete incredulity that “Bad Actors” and intelligence personnel get paid to do the same. As I’ve mentioned many times, highly-intelligent Trump-haters I’ve met refuse to even consider that he reads a Teleprompter."

Somehow, over generations, the con artists in charge have socially engineered the populace to not believe in the existence of con artists. But I think that may finally be changing.

A current Television commercial for Spectrum Mobile is entitled 'No Flimflam' 
Ad ID: 2984575 30s 2020 ( Active )

After breezing into her office with a bag clearly holding a brand new phone, her coworkers can't help but inquire about her latest device. She happily relays the fact that she switched over to Spectrum Mobile, which she claims is faster overall and more reliable -- much to the disbelief of her fellow office workers, who dismissed it as "jibber jabber," "flap doodle," and "hog wash." However, the woman insists that there is indeed "no flimflam" concerning Spectrum's title, and they really are just faster and more reliable.

I read an article title on youtube yesterday that said "Ronald Reagan's son, Ron said there are grifters in the White House."

It's been generations since wholly-credulous rubes have admitted that there are, in fact members of the populace known as con artists who make their living thereby. Thus, it's a terrifying loss of territory for the flimflam artists in charge to be pushed into having have a grifter-President's son call another grifter President a grifter.

To maintain current programming levels, ask to be unsubscribed immediately, breathe through your mouth and affirm "that Donald Trump is just one bad apple".

The lameness of this controlled-opposition Op that we're analyzing and the resurfacing of the language of the con in popular culture both lead me to believe that we're getting close to the end of the great, ages-long Confidence game.

This propaganda was released on youtube two days ago, on October 18 2020. The visual language is loaded, and full-on Establishment. White-coated physicians in front of a Federal building whose design exactly copies a Greek human sacrifice temple. A couple of unconcerned cops watching over the scene, underscoring the "Law, Order, Establishent" visual message.

Who gave them permission to perform this unmasked public gathering, in front of a Federal building? Why isn’t there anyone in the background, trying to jump up and get on camera?” It’s a carefully staged Op. The film runs thirty six minutes, and it’s going to take me a couple of days to get through this analysis. It’s going to be a long document. This article picks up where I left off yesterday.

America's Frontline Doctors mask Lie

Wow. I’m Dr. James Todaro. I have a Medical Degree from Columbia University in New York, followed by four years of Residency Training”.

He obscures his specialty. Why on God’s green Earth would he do that? Also, someone who went to Medical School at Columbia wouldn’t say “in New York”. That was added by the scriptwriter, to move the needle with the truly ignorant. The mention of Columbia is what is called in the Intelligence trade a “bona fide”, and the addition of "in New York" is what in poker is called a "tell".

(Todaro, an ophthalmologist based in Michigan who is no longer practicing, graduated from Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons in 2014. His medical license, which was classified as "educational limited" in Michigan, expired in 2019. According to his LinkedIn profile, Todaro has not practiced medicine since 2018. He co-founded an investment fund called Blockchain Capital.”)

As a non-practicing Physician from a specialty outside immunology whose degree only allows them to teach in some limited way, claiming to be a "Front Line Doctor", Agent Todaro is another easily-discreditable punching bag put forward as “the best the opposition has got” in this hilarious, moronic Punch and Judy controlled-opposition hit piece.

“On these same steps, three months ago, at the last White Coat Summit, I talked to you about Big Tech censorship. How Google was taking down Scientific articles. How youtube and Facebook were censoring Evidence-based Medicine. But I’m not here to talk to you about that today. I’m not here to talk to you about the censorship of the present. I’m here to talk to you about the deletion and re-writing of history.”

Where “scientific articles”, “censoring medicine” and “deletion and re-writing of history” are all general.

Todd’s hand gesture, with his right hand, at 8:37:

“Unbeknownst to many, news organizations are deleting articles from the past, which no longer fit the narrative today, the narrative of fear, panic and lockdowns.”

He’s blathering a lot of words, but not actually saying much. That’s how it works. 

“Case in point: earlier this week, I tweeted out a Forbes article. The Forbes article was entitled “How the World Health Organization Faked a Pandemic”. It was a scathing review of the World Health Organization’s overexaggerated response to the Swine Flu, ten years ago, it was a ten year old article.”

Todd’s hand gesture, with his right hand, at 9:09:

I tweeted that out. Okay, and based on the content from that article, the Covid-19 pandemic would be considered one of the mildest pandemics of the last Century.”

It’s quite correct, I’m sure, but was put forward in a completely unscientific way by Todd to discredit the opposition movement that Todd purports to represent. He’s what’s known as  a “double agent” or “agent provocateur”. 

“About twelve hours after I tweeted out that article, Forbes deleted it from their database. Not twitter took it down. Forbes actually deleted their own story from ten years ago, overnight, when I drew attention to it. And that’s going on unnoticed, continually. These news organizations are deleting history. Now, this should scare you. This is directly out of George Orwell’s 1984. We need to rise up against censorship of the present, but also hold news organizations accountable for their past. Thanks you.”

That’s Agent Todaro “establishing bona fides”. He’s a champion of truth for the people, who happens to also use secret hand signs he figures the rubes will never notice. He’s saying he’s mad the the folks in charge exaggerated a previous virus. He’s being really careful not to touch the fact that they genetically engineered Swine Flu, as well.

Can you see how Todd is not touching the fact that someone added four amino acids to the virus to increase its transmissibility to humans? Or going into the rich history of coincidentally-mutated Chinese bat viruses? 

Can you see how Todd is trying to steer the witless mob against the same “professional Media” that Agent Gold was?

“Thank you, James. Thank you, Simone. I’m Dr. Richard Urso, I’m a board-certified Ophthalmologist, and I’m part of America’s Front Line Doctors, and I got involved because, early on in this, this, uh, this pandemic, that we had treatment for this virus. Now, my background is in drug development, I’ve done…I’ve repurposed drugs for use on the eye, eight different drugs, and I actually developed a drug that’s been patented and made it through the FDA.”

People are throwing tomatoes at this point, as an eye surgeon who went to work in Pharma is claiming to have the cure for Covid when no one else noticed. He’s a carefully-depicted idiot, who is also a stutterer. It’s a controlled-opposition Mouthpiece, a Bad Actor, a stooge, an agent, a confidence man, reading a script to bring down the opposition he purports to represent. Agent Urso is using conscious deception with the firmness of purpose that goes with complete honesty.

“So, I looked carefully at this, and I couldn’t believe that we were going to let patients go without treatment, die, get on ethmo and ventilators, it made no sense right from the very beginning. Anybody who said this made sense, at the very beginning, to lock down, it never made sense, it was clear that we had treatment. Now let me explain that. Now what is this? This is a virus, right? So we get infection, inflammation, blood clots, and breathing problems. Does any Doctor know how to treat inflammation? Every Doctor does. Does every Doctor treat infections? All the time.

Agent Urso’s hand gesture at 11:02:


His language and rebuttal are pure Trump, coming out of a different Mouthpiece. Ignorance, pseudo-science. And, certainly, no mention of the rich history of virus weaponization.

"Does every Doctor…Doctor treat vascular disease and thrombotic episodes, absolutely. Can we fix breathing problems?” Of course we can.

Did you notice that it’s the second time he mentioned "breathing problems"? He’s giving the careful, deliberate impression of being an idiot, down to the repeated “breathing problems”, down to the stuttering. We can accept that actors on stage and screen work on their craft, and develop their characters, but have complete incredulity that “Bad Actors” and intelligence personnel do the same. As I’ve mentioned many times, highly-intelligent Trump-haters I’ve met refuse to admit he reads a Teleprompter.

“Okay, that’s why this whole thing was a lie from the very beginning.”

That’s mostly correct. However he used hyperbole to take it too far, with “WHOLE thing”, so you’d reject it. And he said it in the tone of a stupid, arrogant 8th grader to make it sound ridiculous. Controlled Opposition. Mouthpiece. Shill. Confidence Man. He didn't think it up off the cuff, he read it off a script, which he was handed, and memorized.

“Okay, let me just say that again. And anyone who tells you different, that’s Science Fiction. That’s not Science. And anyone who tells you different that’s a physician, that’s hypocrisy. They’re…we’re about the Hippocratic oath, about taking care of patients, and making sure we keep them from passing away.”

Todd said he was going to say it again…and then didn’t say it again. He delivered all this with an asshole tone that has to be heard to be believed. Again, it’s battle-proven Trump mind-fuck tactics, in a different persona. They've gotten success with it, and are RUNNING WITH IT.

And the wholly-credulous rube believes not only that Trump made that act up, but also doesn’t notice the similarity between scripted-Bad-Cop Trump and scripted-Bad-Cop Agent Urso. It’s how the few have controlled the many, well, all the way back to Babylon, and before.

Anyone out there triggered by name use who thinks me a supporter of Hillary, or Bernie, or Joe Biden, or whomever is inconsolable, in that they believe that none of those grinning, nattily suited shills are reading teleprompters, playing broad, easily-defined characters within a larger stage play.

“Okay, so. The next thing I wanna talk with you about is…what’s going on right now in terms of…of this testing, and this PCR, and..and what I will call a “Casedemic”. So. Do we now have continue to have a pandemic. And what we’re seeing here right now is that we don’t have a pandemic any longer. I’ve got a little, uh…uh…chart here and I’ll try to have it available for you to look at but lemme just explain it. Do we…do we have a pandemic does a pandemic last forever? Never! Our bodies are amazing things, they will fight viruses they will fight bacteria they will fight all these things. And what we see historically even when we didn’t have weapons that were that great, 1918, 1957, we have a small peak, I mean a large peak early on, a lot of people are getting cases, a lot of people are dying. About a hundred a hundred and ten days later, what happens if you get a small peak followed up here you’ll see a big peak in March and the small peak in July, and now we’re at the end of that.”

Wait, what? “Even when we didn’t have weapons that were that great”? It’s a blatant description of the Engineered Bioweapons program, by an agent who is purporting to be bumbling but is in actuality is anything but.

He said it all in the tone of an asshole 8th grader who didn’t do their homework and is trying to bluster through their presentation with complete bullshit. That’s how the script that Agent Urso reads, and that’s how he’s playing it to destroy the Opposition he falsely claims to represent.

Agent Urso hand gesture, 11:45:

“The Pandemic is OVER. Okay. There’s still going to be people getting sick, and people dying. But not in massive numbers. So what do we have right now what’s he fear? What’s driving the fear. What they’re doing, they’re driving this whole thing with fear, because we have a lot of positive cases. You know some people are smart enough not to…not to believe it. The President of Tanzania actually tested a goat a quail and a paw paw, and, guess what? The paw paw wasn’t sick.

Everybody on stage laughs on cue, even though it’s not a joke. Which is a mind-fuck. You don’t know WHAT to think, or WHAT to believe, or WHO these people are, or WHAT is going on. It’s bizarre.

Saying with emphasis that the pandemic is OVER but that there are still people getting sick and dying is bizarre, and irrational. He's hammering hope the point of his idiocy with every scripted line, and the rubes eat it right up, because he puts it forward with the firmness of purpose that goes with complete honesty.

Lemme tell ya. Here’s what we’re seeing. Early on…early on in March, I know it may be hard to zone in on this.”

He’s said “zone in on this”, meaning he’s so stupid he doesn’t know that the word is actually zoom. It’s a confusion that’s never occurred in all history. It’s scripted, it’s over-the-top, but it’s just right for a rube who enjoys a club-swinging Punch and Judy show.

“We had a lot of cases, and a lot of people died. Now here we are at this time of the year. A lot of cases. You see the red, there’s very little red there. Because they’re basically driving this with fear, and they’re trying to make us believe that we’ve got to stay locked down the Netherlands here it is right here the only reason I brought this one look at all these cases, and basically no one is dying, no one, okay, and they just locked down again, how does that make sense? We know it doesn’t.”

He’s said there are, and have been a lot of cases, but that no one is dying. It’s scripted moronic hyperbole, used by a double agent to discredit the Opposition he’s purporting to be speaking for.

The truth that the double agent is discrediting is “they’re basically driving this with fear, and they’re trying to make us believe that we’ve got to stay locked down”. That’s straight-up truth, surrounded by a sea of lunacy, to discredit the Opposition that Agent Urso falsely purports to represent.



“So America, just know, we have treatment, we have things that work, we can treat every part of this disease, we no longer have a pandemic we’re at the end of the pandemic, and and this this fear and loathing is from this driven PCR testing which is actually false positives okay and we have to go back to living our lives and back to the way we know we did things in the past.”

Nonsensical gibberish from a purported Medical Doctor. Here’s a web quote from him:

“Hydroxychloroquine is super-safe. I particularly have a lot of experience with it. I’ve had several thousands of patients’ visits to discuss specifically the toxicity of this drug over my last 30 years. It’s been around billions of prescriptions.”

I’m mean, come on, people. He talked about the toxicity of the super-safe drug he purports to be efficacious with several thousands of patients. It’s been around billions of prescriptions. One seventh of the Earth's population has not been prescribed this drug. It's blatant hyperbole, used to degrade the opposition.

He's using conscious deception with the firmness of purpose that goes with complete honesty, and the rubes eat the shit right up.

The same person who wrote Trump’s speeches (and Pence, et al) wrote this shit. His undergrad is in Political Science, which is very generational Satanist double agent.

It's not that he didn't go to Medical school, or that he and his wife aren't active in the West University Softball Associates and Little League. It's his side-job as controlled-opposition shill the people can't get their heads around.

That’s the third speaker on the platform. I’ll have the whole expose as a chapter in the book.

Jeff Miller, Brooklyn, New York, October 20, 2020

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