Hannover, Germany

On a recent trip to Germany during several days, as part of a group related to my work, I spent a couple of days in the city of Hannover. There was almost constant chemtrail spraying over the city. (Would have been bright and sunny if it wasn’t for the chemtrail haze). Dark helicopter running over the city at occasions. I got the general feeling of depressed environment, something I didn’t feel in other cities that I visited briefly during the trip. Unfortunately, as going in a group and on a rather tight schedule, I didn’t plan from the beginning to do any gifting. I kept doing a lot of boosting of the sky and some of the environment on the ground in Hannover though, in lieu of gifting. Only as we were heading for the airport at the end, the was sky breaking up somewhat. Perhaps in celebration of my departure… (joke).

This was my first visit to Germany since being a child, and I was positively surprised at the pleasantness of Germany in general. There was a great deal of friendliness and a lot of nice places. Especially I enjoyed a trip through the land of Thüringen, which in my eyes had beautiful and vibrant nature abounding.

I’m sure there are a lot of gifters in Germany having done good work.
