Harrasment Has Gone Up

it seems all parasites have thrown all at me pretty much at once. Council, police, Tax, stealing of my money in account with bank´s permission of course. Also got deleted my blog and subdominion where i write about what i do. Some hacking instances have occurred and problems with people registering at site, mails going always to Spam folder althogh it is configured properly to tell all mail clients my server is identified. One of my files was deleted and when i checked its contents it simply said: ¨silence is golden¨ when all there should be there is Php code lol

Sales have gone down dramatically november and december which is supposed to be the bussiest month of the year. Zappers are detained 15 days at customs in Spain for no reason.

Not long ago i moved to another place and they are zapping me again at night. I brought the 108 and all sorts of orgonite but i suspect i need to make another one. Different locations seem to have different needs.

A few days back i think i read some article here that linked to a book in amazon. I headed there and then checked out other book which appear on same page about mind control harrassment. in just a few minutes i get a stupid e-mail very badly written trying to pretend to be a victim of it and asking all sorts of stupid stuff. ¨She¨ said she lived in Sion, Switzerland [Image Can Not Be Found]; Sometimes i answer them with a simple : MOSSADomite.

All i can say is that i see you and i am boosting you all but specially this : ¨THERE´S RAIN IN SPAIN, IN SPAIN THERE´S RAIN…¨ [Image Can Not Be Found];


Hi Fran!! You put pepper in their ass!! I always look at the statistic of rain for north east Italy… if it goes so on…it will well recover the rain deficit of the start of the year! [Image Can Not Be Found]
your Tbs took also pretty much to be delivered to Vienna. I got them 2 days ago. at the beginning of november we had in a village in the alps (Chiavelis) 400 mm rain in one day!

Fran, I agree with Michele that the sewer rats are furious at you on account of your spectacular success along Spain’s north coast. Thanks for posting about your current trouble because a higher profile is helpful and I’m asking everyone who reads your post to send you and your assailants plenty of heart energy, now. The corporate order always tries to isolate someone before they can do their worst and you’re certainly not isolated, nor can they afford to draw more attention to what you accomplished in September.

The harassment in your case is quite explicit and they want you to be sure that you know they’re doing it. That’s a blessing, at least, especially in terms of your credibility when reporting these things.

We needed two, large 108s on our property before we stopped feeling their hatred around us every time we stepped out of the house. I keep a small one in our ‘hauling’ car (I use that one for trips) and Carol instructed me to put another small one in the basement of the house.

Those of us who are under constant attack this way ought to have as much passive protection as we can get because that lets us conserve our energy for hitting the enemy back at appropriate times. They’re trying to wear you down, now. You’re probably going to notice an improvement after more people start sending you and your attackers healthy energy.

As soon as the $#!+birds understand that their attacks against us ‘inspire’ us to do more gifting it becomes less and less cost effective for them to spend those resources against us. Since they have to work in secret it’s probably causing a lot of trouble for them when you report their actions, here. Thanks again!

Please keep us posted.


Let’s send nice heart boosts to Yolanda and their new baby, too. ~Don

Thanks to anyone who felt like boosting our situation. some part of it has gone for the better but they are trying their very best to keep me from abundance.
Still hacking of mails from and to clients, some people are contacting me becasue they registered and ordered something and i never knew!
Zappers took 5 weeks to reach me and still are retaining some in Customs at Madrid.

They want to slow me down. Yolanda is targeted , i feel specially cause she is a natural psychic and now she hasnt been at her best because she is been breast feeding Sybila now for 8 months as well as enduring many sleepless nights. Her system is tired and she is very thin, Sybilia is beautiful ´do so she is doing an azmaing job.

I also dont know how i would handle it myself if i was the one feeding her so much.

The judge never honored our notarised letter of denial of consent to register our children and took it directly with a prosecutor. I wrote a little about that in another post. The next day she was ¨recolated¨to another post somehwere else and they brought another one.

i urge you to please give some nice heart boost and also to those judges, city council drones, bad policemen, and anyone who is taking orders or is being persuaded to go aganist us at this time, whenever we come to your mind.



I can’t say I ever had anything even close to what they’re throwing at Fran.

But it’s funny that after being away from the business of orgonite for so long, a few hours after sending out my first order (in months) and bam! the internet modem starts having problems (which it didnt for all those months of no-activity).

Sticking an HHG on top of it seems to have done the job. I thought it was either that or their levels of harassment are becoming pathetic. Obviously after reading about Fran’s trials it’s not like that.

Well, I’ll be doing some boosting from here [Image Can Not Be Found]
It’s kind of a pity there are no more regular chats. I bet we could get some real good intel on those #$&&/holes! and where to gift (personally I think this situation will require some surgical gifting).


P.S. Dooney’s blog is down. Coincidende? [edit: it just went up again!]

thanks Carlos and anyone who boosted. One batch of zappers have been released ¨without explanation¨because they wanted more document but simply didnt wait to get them and just et tha parcel go thru. Just thought to put it on record how boosting helps.
