He never killed more than he could eat

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"I made several attempts to make myself clear: Just a neighbor come to call and ask the doctor’s advice about gobbling some LSD in the shack just down the hill from his house. I did, after all, have weapons. And I liked to shoot them - especially at night, when the great blue flame would leap out, along with all that noise…and, yes, the bullets, too. WE couldn’t ignore that. Big balls of lead/alloy flaying around the valley at speeds up to 3700 feet per second…

But I always fired into the nearest hill, or, failing that, into blackness. I meant no harm; I just liked the explosions. And I was careful never to kill more than I could eat ."

- From " The Great Shark Hunt ", by Hunter S. Thompson, 1979

February 10, 2020 - Sydney weather: Record rainfall and flooding causes chaos

May 23, 2020 - USACE Chicago District responds to record rainfall, activates Emergency Operations Center

August 5, 2020 - Record rainfall plagues Capital Region

August 31, 2020 - Merciless’ rain in Southeast Alaska breaks records, dampens spirits

In the quote up at the top, Thompson is referring to cannibalism. You’ll get a better picture of his complicity in such affairs as you get deeper into the article.

But for now, we’re going to talk about rain.

For all history, people welcomed rain. Rain is key to agriculture. Rain is key to all life on Earth.

The psychosis experienced by much of the current populace regarding rain has been conditioned into the breed over hundreds of years. " Rain, rain, go away ". It can be seen in the highly negative headlines up above, all of which document record rainfall.

The headline “Record rainfall plagues Capital Region” omits any information on geography, to make the subject virtually unsearchable. Albany, New York’s rainfall record for August 4th was set in 2020, with 3.23 inches, which was 130% higher than the previous record of 1.4 inches, set over one hundred years previously, in 1915.

Such records are usually broken by tiny margins. There’s clearly been some great positive change in the environment in New York state. That change is energetic, Etheric. Precipitation varies directly with the health of the Ether.

The author doesn’t make any mention of the gigantic, historically unprecedented margin between the old record and the new, and also doesn’t mention that it is part of a larger, wider trend. That’s a propaganda technique called “compartmentalization”.

The great news is that the environment has transformed dramatically for the better, and a controlled press working in lockstep in all the nations to paint a negative picture of it is not going to change that basic fact.

The words “mystery”, “baffled” and “puzzled” are memes, used, among numerous similar variants, whenever anyone in the wholly-controlled-and-coopted Political, Academic, Scientific and Media establishments wants to lie about, well, basically anything. Two of those variants are “stunning” and “unusual”.

That’s why an article below from July 2020 is headlined " Stunning Lack of U.S. Tornadoes Since May Not Seen Since the 1950s".

And it’s why another, from June 2020, reads “After a deadly start to the tornado season in the South, May and June were unusually quiet across the Plains…”.

They’re lying about the unusual part, as you can see in this graph which shows tornados decreasing over time:

December 26, 2018 - 2018 will be the first year with no violent tornadoes in the United States

April 24, 2019 - Largest Tornado Outbreaks Getting Larger

As you can see from the two headlines immediately above, the folks in charge are not your friends, and are lying to you about basically everything, including the tornadoes.

The long-term decline in tornado numbers indicates that the Earth’s environment has been steadily improving since long prior to the invention of Orgonite. My guess is that the folks in charge cooked up ever-stronger Etheric weaponry to try to slow or stop the inexorable positive change that was taking place, and that a multitude of simple, inexpensive Orgonite devices based on Wilhelm Reich’s work broke the back of their malefic technologies, allowing the fulfillment of the great transformation that started in 2011 or 2012.

The completely-European “Mayans” had documented 2012 as the end of their “long count”, and the Hindus were clear that the major portion of the ascending Kali yuga or iron age ended on 21st dec 2012.

Thus, the folks in charge knew that the change was coming for a long, long time, and worked as hard as they could, albeit unsuccessfully, to subvert it.

Speaking of the folks in charge…did you know that the most purely bred of their bloodline have six fingers?

A study of the Mayans entitled “Physical Deformities in the Ruling Lineage of Palenque, and the Dynastic Implications” talks at length about the subject.

"Polydactyly: A standing male figure with six fingers on his right hand is portrayed on pier d, House A of the Palace (Fig.

10). The Temple of the Foliated Cross south door jamb displays a standing figure carved in stone that has six toes on his left foot (Fig. 11). Both door jambs of the Temple of the Sun exhibit male figures with six toes . It is the left foot of the north jamb figure (Fig. 12) and the right foot of the south jamb (Fig. 13) which have six toes. 2"

Here’s a bunch of pictures of the six-fingers thing:

(Mayan carving of six-fingered ruler, the “six-fingered man” from movie “the Princess Bride”, six-fingered Anne Boleyn, Hunter S. Thompson’s six-fingered fist on human sacrifice knife symbol)

Oh, and don’t forget six-fingered Pope Sixtus II:


Polydactyly is a hallmark of the Neanderthal bloodline. They figured the rubes would never notice.

Sextus’ hand is cunningly painted so that those not ready to assimilate the information are able to say “oh, that’s just an illusion - you’re seeing the bottom of his hand!” While Ann Boleyn’s portrait and the carvings of the Mayans are, however, more problematic.
“A mistake of careful stone chiseling” would have to be used in the latter cases.

The distinct and separate Neanderthal race, whom we have become conditioned to know as “white Europeans”, sailed over to the new world and took on the personae of “the Maya”, “the Toltecs”, “the Anasazi”, and numerous others, spreading their ancient cult of human sacrifice and cannibalism to the ends of the Earth.

The red-skinned Indians whom we now call “Native Americans” fled the Aegean in the “Bronze Age Collapse”, when the Neanderthal poured down from the mountains to overwhelm the region, and it took some thousands of years until Neanderthal “Spaniards” were able to get back over to “the New World” in large enough numbers to continue genociding any race other than their own.

Force and terror kept the Neanderthal in power in each region for awhile. But their intention was never to stick around, but rather to take control of the ruling bloodlines of each region. For the Neanderthal, it’s been “kill all the men, take all the women” all the way back into prehistory. It’s why the ruling bloodlines of all the nations are the lightest-skinned.

They moved through the New World, from Peru, under the cover name “the Incas”, to the Yucatan as “the Mayans”, to Mexico as “the Toltecs” and “the Aztecs”, and finally up into the four corners region of the U.S., as “the Anasazi”.

They eventually got to Hawaii, where the “light skinned” Pa’ao invaded from Tahiti and forced the cult of ritual human sacrifice and cannibalism upon the populace.

A story below from 2016 is headlined " Extra Fingers and Toes Were Revered in Ancient Culture ". In it, we learn “A unique prehistoric Pueblo culture thrived in the high desert of Chaco Canyon about a thousand years ago. Scientists have known about polydactyly among these people for years, based on images and skeletal remains showing extremities with extra fingers and toes.”

They’ve said “extra” fingers and toes a couple of times, to pointedly avoid using the word “six”. They kept the name of the only-generally-described "ancient culture " out of the headline, so it would be that much less searchable.

The name of that culture is “Anasazi”, which is Navajo for “Enemy Ancestors”.

The controlled press now universally says it simply means “old ones”, to cover the trail. The official Navajo American dictionary says “member of a Native American people who once lived in Utah and Colorado”.

December 20, 1998 - Anasazi Cannibalism Theory Ignites Bitter Controversy - www.latimes.com

September 6, 2000 - Anasazi Ate Their Enemies | Science | AAASwww.sciencemag.org

They said “enemies” so they could avoid saying “ate other races”.

The author of this “ancient culture” article used the general word “thrived” to describe a people who captured, ritually sacrificed and ate those not of their own race. Those are the “enlightened early people of Chaco canyon.” Let’s all go camp there and sing Kumbayah!

The words “mystery”, “baffled” and “puzzled” are memes, used, among numerous similar variants, whenever anyone in the wholly-controlled-and-coopted Political, Academic, Scientific and Media establishments wants to lie about, well, basically anything. Two of those many variants are “no one knows why” and the question mark.

That’s why a Smithsonian article from 2016 says " No one knows why the Canyon, which has little water or arable land, became the center of a regional Pueblo culture that began in the mid 800s A.D. Was it a religious site ? A turquoise trading hub ? A social experiment ?

It was, indeed, a social experiment, in which heavily armed Neanderthal invaders captured, killed and ate people not of their own race for a period of hundreds of years.

“Furthermore, there was no evidence of starvation cannibalism (or any other kind of cannibalism) among the Anasazi’s immediate neighbors, the Hohokam and the Mogollon, who lived in equally harsh environments and endured the same droughts . A colleague of Turner’s, David Wilcox, who is a curator at the Museum of Northern Arizona, had prepared a map showing the distribution of Chaco Great Houses and roads. Using Wilcox’s map, Turner was able to chart charnel deposits in time and space. “When we found that Dave’s Chaco maps coincided with my cannibalized assemblages,” Turner recalls, “that’s when it came together.” Turner decided that the civilization centered in Chaco Canyon was probably the locus of Anasazi cannibalism .”

The Native American tradition of raising the open right hand is so that each stranger could show the other that they did not have six fingers on their hands, and were thus not murderous cannibals.

In “The Great Shark Hunt”, controlled-opposition mouthpiece Hunter S. Thompson says “At one point I tried to read (the Rise and Fall of the Third Reich) in a hotel room near the ruins of the Mayan civilization in Chichen Itza - thinking to get a certain weird perspective on American politics in the Seventies by pondering the collapse of the “Thousand Year Reich” while sitting on the stone remnants of another and totally different culture that survived for more than a thousand years before anybody in Europe even knew that a place like “America” existed. The Aztec socio-political structure was a fine-tuned elitist democracy that would have embarrassed everybody concerned with either the French or American revolutions”.

His personal symbol is a six fingered hand holding a human sacrifice knife. The world “occult” means “hidden”.

Thompson is telling the Big Lie that the Mayans were a totally different culture with the firmness of purpose that goes with complete honesty.

The first rule of Fight Club is you don’t talk about Fight Club. The second rule of Fight Club is that you don’t talk about Fight Club.

Here’s modern commentary on Thompson’s six-fingered fist symbol: "Some people have wondered what that flower thing is in the middle of the fist. It’s a peyote button. As well, the fist also has six fingers, as a symbol of freak power. "

The author said “freak power” as a cover meme for “white power”. Can you see how he leads you off into discussion of the peyote button to distract you from the six fingers?

Thus, the depiction of six fingers is either a thinly-veiled reference to the ruling Neanderthal bloodline or a symbol of the only generally described “freak power”. But I’m afraid you’re going to have to use your personal discernment to come to your own conclusions on the matter.

The two rows of teeth of the Neanderthal are even more heavily obfuscated than their un-hideable six fingers.

October 18, 2011 - Neanderthals in America - Archaic giant skeletons with mental foramina, occipital bumps, double rows of teeth and other Neanderthal features are reported

The story is told that George Washington “ruined his teeth using them to crack walnut shells”. Ever heard of anyone else doing that, in all history? It’s a bullshit cover story. He had his two rows of cannibal Neanderthal teeth pulled, and went into politics.

The club foot is another Neanderthal thing:

October 21, 2014 - King Tut Had A Club Foot And Other Deformities

Those unnamed “other” deformities include what are described as “buck teeth”, which I’m guessing is a cover for two rows of teeth.

February 6, 2013 - William Shakespeare immortalized (King Richard III) as a manipulative hunchback with a withered arm and club foot who stopped at nothing to gain control of England, which he ruled from 1483-1485.

The Mayan study reads “The depiction of physical deformities in sculpture at Palenque may help to interpret the proposed dynastic history of this site as submitted by Peter Mathews and Linda Schele (1974) and Floyd Lounsbury (1974:6, and 1975). Also, as we shall show, the clubfoot deformity at Palenque was probably the controlling force behind a major belief system of the Late Classic Maya.”

I’ve digressed completely from the original subject of this article, so I’ll close here. But this is important information, and an understanding of it may help the reader grasp how the few have controlled the many, well, all the way back to Babylon, and before.

Jeff Miller, Brooklyn, New York, September 10, 2020

December 26, 2018 - 2018 will be the first year with no violent tornadoes in the United States

April 24, 2019 - Largest Tornado Outbreaks Getting Larger

June 30, 2020 - Tornado Alley just had one of its slowest seasons ever

After a deadly start to the tornado season in the South , May and June were unusually quiet across the Plains, with …

August 5, 2020 - Record rainfall plagues Capital Region

ALBANY — The city broke its rainfall record for the date on Tuesday afternoon with 3.23 inches of rain falling, causing flooding and street closures, and prompting a police rescue of children stranded in a flood-trapped vehicle on Central Avenue near the Colonie border.

That rainfall that caused, up to a half inch per hour, from Tropical Storm Isaias, broke the old record of 1.4 inches on Aug. 4, 1915.

(The headline omits any information on geography, to make the subject virtually unsearchable. Albany, New York’s rainfall record for August 4th was set in 2020, with 3.23 inches, which was 130% higher than the previous record, set in 1915, over a hundred years previously.

There’s clearly been some great positive change in the environment in New York state. That change is energetic, Etheric.

Precipitation varies directly with the health of the Ether. - ed)

August 31, 2020 - ’ Merciless’ rain in Southeast Alaska breaks records , dampens spirits

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