I just realized I hadn’t put my introduction here yet. Ooops.
I met Don shortly after Azti died and the forum was last hacked, that’s now in the archive here. I met Don twice when he was gifting Boulder. I had gifted a fair amount in Boulder, but on the second trip Don also brought Carol and Carlos really gifted it strategically. That night after they gifted it felt like a dark crust over the city just started cracking up. My main thing is my own boosting strategies which I hope to share more. Don connected me with a spin off boosting group with Ed, Ed, Yu, and Charles. For a couple years, we did a lot of good work, busting open soul wells, disabling nefarious tech, and boosting each other of course.
Then Don was gone. Then Carol. Our boosting group fell apart. And the site kinda imploded.
I know Don didn’t want centralized movement, but it hasn’t been the same since he’s been gone. In the hopes that others can find their way to this forum, I’m going to go back to the web archive and copy gifting reports and other articles that were posted after Adam salvaged the forum. (Seriously, how many times was EW destroyed? 4? 5?) And after that I’ll add new topics and update old ones.
Maybe I can inspire others to add their input
Stay safe and have an amazing day!