I would like to speak of something that is said to come , on 12 May 2010 . Many here in Greece are talking about
higher energies that will come from the universe to raise our consciousness and wake us up (at least a little) .
what is your opinion on this ?
Bring them on……
let’s all do some extra gifting on that day! will be fun anyway it’s intended.
Most of these claims are not accompanied by any conceivable confirmations, so I stopped paying attention to them a long time ago.
I think that the reason these things are promoted so often is so that someone can gauge the response. Don Bradley once showed me a photo of the ‘architects’ of the newage movement, assembled at the masonic temple in Sedona in 1986 or so. He was there, along with Shirley MacLaine, Twyman, Braden, Houston and a couple score of other high profile gurus and all were gathered around ‘the master,’ the late Torkum Sassarian, whom we assume is one of the Gobi-directed dark masters.
They had gotten together, then, to design the ‘Harmonic Convergence’ scam.
I think that all of these things are designed to enable the parasitic world order to steal credit for the more remarkable periods of human development. They had more success in the 60s than they’re having right now, obiously, and their grandest failure was the scam around ‘Maitreya,’ who is now too old to be the ‘youthful savior’ in that scenario [Image Can Not Be Found]
What will not be seen making the rounds of kneejerk email list transmissions is the genuinely miraculous news of orgonite’s ability to change ambient bad energy into good energy.
‘A lie has travelled around the world while the truth is still lacing up its boots.’ [Image Can Not Be Found]
That’s not to say that the 12 May expectations are not legitimate but I suggest that if 12 May comes and goes and we haven’t seen any miraculous developments on that day will these people who promote these claims also promote the next similar one that comes along? I’m not a cynic but I do think that we should hold ourselves accountable for whatever we promote.
My enemies paint me as a vengeful and spiteful curmudgeon, so people who read them also tend to assume I’m that way, Harris.
I really do want the people who post on my board, though, to take closer notice of why they may feel compelled to promote popular disinformation here.
It really does pay off when we’ll be more discerning because we earn a better personal reputation by sticking as close as we can to intellectual integrity.
Reputation counts more than anything else when someone represents a genuinely progressive movement, which is what this is.
Just a note: the real dates predictions are just based on simple facts; planetary alignments. that’s all.
And these alignments mean changes in the magnetic/electric/gravitational (Orgone?) fields of the planets affected, this is just scientific observation.
Ignoring disinfo hype etc. One big question remains, how do these changes affect humans and all living things…
Don , my intentions were not to promote disinformation , but to ask for more information on this subject . Many times in the past there were such announcements and nothing really happened so i wanted to see if someone knew more about this one.
I had a feeling this would be linked to sun spot/solar activity. Seems I was proved right.
Here’s a post from a yahoo health group:
Heads up!!!–SUN-next week to ten days Message List
Reply Message #39555 of 39580 < Prev | Next >
Looks like we are in for some pretty intense activity!!
This should be facing earth around that time (right now at rear)—some mighty
powerful looking coronal holes!
Also some high winds coming up over the next few days according to NOAA Solar
Report http://www.solarcycle24.com/
STEREO Behind – [STEREO Ahead]
[Spherical Image]
AND Check out Lasco 2 (NOAA) for some pretty powerful CME’s!!! (same activity
as below)
WOW! And we are still in the beginning of the cycle! Thanks Pops!
PARTING SHOT: The “Mother’s Day Flare Show” came to an end on May 9th when
active sunspot 1069 rotated over the sun’s western horizon. But wait–there’s
more to see. Even after the sunspot departed, it continued to hurl material up
and over the limb. Click on the arrow to view a parting shot:
Movies: 1 MB mpg (web), 0.7 MB m4v (iPad), 0.2 MB m4v (iPhone)
NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the eruption using the Atmospheric
Imaging Assembly (AIA), a bank of telescopes that views the sun at multiple
extreme ultraviolet wavelengths. The AIA’s 171 Å filter (false-color blue)
traces magnetized gas with temperatures around a million degrees K. This means
the eruption you just witnessed was hot.
Can’t get enough? Watch more SDO movies here and here.
IONOSPHERIC DISTURBANCE: On May 5th, a pair of solar flares bathed Earth’s upper
atmosphere in X-rays and caused a double-wave of ionization to sweep over the
Americas. This improved the propagation of low-frequency radio signals, which
use the ionosphere as a reflector to skip over the horizon. Rogerio Marcon of
Campinas SP Brasil was monitoring a 24 kHz aviation beacon when the flares
occurred, and he recorded a double-surge in the beacon’s signal strength:
Each of the spikes is called a “SID,” short for sudden ionospheric disturbance.
One was produced by a C9-class flare at 11:52 UT; the other by a slightly
stronger M1-class flare at 17:19 UT. The two SIDs ride atop a slower undulation
in radio signals caused by the daily rising and setting of the sun. In terms of
radio propagation, the two flares were as significant as the sunrise itself!
With solar activity on the rise, sudden ionospheric disturbances will become
more common. Interested? Stanford University tells you how to build your own SID