Historic Gifting In Ethiopia

It had been a heart breaking to mobilize my fellows to embark on thoroughly in exploring my inchi Ethiopia with competent gifting in the fishing Lakes of my country. All he orgonite (mbolea) which I collected from my sister in the Southern, have been giving out especially a long the boarder of my country Ethiopia and Kenya in places like Moyle and parts of Ogaden desert. In this part of the Ogaden desert one of my friend supported me by hiring for me an air craft and I did much of my work I that parts of that area. In fact that desert is so dangerous to explore but that my friend enable me to do something that one can recognized.
For now I m busy gifting the fishermen in Rift Valley lakes, I have started with Lake Chamo. So after seeing the different as I know how Mbelea works I will proceed to other lakes so that I make sure that all the fishermen in that region get the best mbolea for their fishing activities.

Asante (thanks!) Bwana, for this progress report. I trust that before very long you will be producing your own orgonite for distribution in Ethiopia and the deserts will very likely start to turn green after enough orgonite has been distributed in the many lakes.

As we’ve been seeing over the past three years, since the initial commercial success of the Kidundi, progress may sometimes be very gradual in Africa but it’s usually steady and perhaps unstoppable in your case [Image Can Not Be Found] and our African wadugu (kindred) have prevailed under conditions that would have quickly driven the less hearty from the field.

Carol and I have always felt that it’s better to grow a business by small increments, as the Kidundi are doing, because this allows us to consolidate along the way and to build up a base of faithful customers, who are our best advertisers, after all.

Nisalimie jamaa zako (greetings to your family)