"I feel it's a blight on my life and a threat to the enduring happiness of mankind."

John McClane: You know what you get for being a hero? Nothin’. You get shot at. You get a little pat on the back, blah, blah, blah, attaboy. You get divorced. Your wife can’t remember your last name. Your kids don’t want to talk to you. You get to eat a lot of meals by yourself. Trust me, kid, nobody wants to be that guy.

Matt Farrell: Then why are you doing this?

John McClane: Because there’s no body else to do it right now, that’s why. Believe me, if there were somebody else to do it, I’d let them do it, but there’s not. So we’re doing it.

Matt Farrell: Ah. That’s what makes you that guy.

From the film “Live Free or Die Hard” , written by Mark Bomback, 2007

January 7, 2013 - I’m tired of the hate. This isn’t 1963 and I’m sick of feeling like MLK . Am I really that far off with the idea that all phones are awesome?

December 4, 2013 - Why Do People Hate Cell Phones So Much ? They’re Fantastic!

Anyway, I love my phone, and will not apologize for it. Oh, I’ll try to keep the peace while my parents are around, but that’s as far as it goes. I will continue to read my email, jot down ideas in Evernote, and even glance at the evil Facebook and Twitter every once in a while. Because I am a hero .

November 2, 2018 - Global smartphone sales fell by 6 percent last quarter

August 5, 2019 - Global smartphone shipments fall for seventh consecutive quarter .

January 6, 2020 - I have begun to really hate my phone - in 2020 I vow to use it less and use it better

I feel it’s a blight on my life and which, without being melodramatic, I believe to be a threat to the enduring happiness of mankind.

“I feel it’s a blight on my life and a threat to the enduring happiness of mankind.”

The person who wrote that is not talking about the Mil-lab bat virus recently released upon humanity with deliberate obviousness. Obvious . You know, the lab specializing in bat virii? The bat-virus lab a hundred yards from the seafood market?

They’re pretending “the information got leaked”,when they in fact wrote the article themselves . It’s a technique used so that you get all depressed at how they control everything so completely. We know exactly who did it, and how, and when, down to the , er, bat’s eyelash. And no one can touch them. It’s programming:

" Resistance is futile. We are the great and powerful Borg ."

A two-faced, pathologically-lying agent who was active in the Orgonite community in its early years used to say “the rule of evil is that it has to be in your face. So you can’t ever say " I didn’t know .”

It’s true. You have to have known and bought into the whole thing anyway . Then it’s on you, not the con artist.

The cheering news is that the person writing the headline of my article today is talking about their phone .

It’s great news even though it’s yet another propaganda piece, as may be discerned from its headline: "I have begun to really hate my phone - in 2020 I vow to use it less and use it better".

Can you see how they’re trying to spin it so that you don’t throw the thousand dollar, champaigne-gold suicide-inducer into a trash can? How they’re spinning it to keep you attached to the deadly “world wide web” that drives the phone?

But, all such machinations aside, it’s April 2020, and great positive changes are underway at every level of our reality. They began in earnest in 2012 and have been increasing in speed and magnitude since. I’ve been writing articles on the subject since 2013.

I have concluded that these changes are being driven by untold thousands of Orgonite devices based on Wilhelm Reich’s work. Those simple, inexpensive devices are collectively unknitting and transforming the ancient Death energy matrix that’s been patiently built and expanded by our about-to-be-former Dark masters, well, all the way back to Babylon and before. And as a result the Ether is returning to its natural, ages-long state of health and vitality.

One of those changes is that the populace has recognized that technology has been weaponized against it. I’ve appended numerous mainstream news accounts below to support that assertion.

It’s why sales of so-called “smart” phones have been dropping by huge margins for two straight years.

At the moment, the folks in charge are trying to blame the collapse of the so-called “smart” phone on the Mil-lab-engineered bat virus that they recently released upon humanity with deliberate obviousness. However, as we all learned from the folk tale “the Boy Who Cried Wolf”, lying about something is never a good long term strategy, whatever the situation.

I’ve recently been watching the comedy series " Bless This Mess ". It’s about a with-it New York couple who moves to a farm in Nebraska that they’ve just inherited. There’s little to no technology in any of the scenes. In one recent episode, the local women go on an outing to the larger neighboring town, they all take walkie-talkies. They don’t talk with each other on smugphones. One of the local women admonishes the female lead for checking her texts so much on her phone.

On a final-season episode of “Modern Family” from just a few months ago, daughter Alex returns to Cal Tech as a successful graduate. She’s wearing a natty suit, and what she lets us know are “thousand dollar shoes”. But, instead of being honored by current students, she’s pilloried, as someone who works for an evil tech company . The students are actually gathered in a mob, with signs, and are yelling at her. Ouch! The shoes are also harshed on.

The whole episode is anti-tech. Various comedic downfalls are connected to the use of technology throughout the episode.

Screw technology is now “What To Think”. And that’s the great news.

The folks in charge have to go along to get along, you see. Now that the tide has turned on them, they’re going to quick rewrite the story as if it’s what they intended all along. That ditching technology was their idea .

Do you think they will successfully escape persecution? Not if I have anything to do with it, they won’t.

Another of the manifold social engineering levers of the Mil-lab virus recently released upon humanity with deliberate obviousness is "isn’t technology wonderful ? Everybody can work from home! "

I don’t believe that the gambit will hold back the tide of positive change for a moment.

Even the guy in the quotes up at the top, who thinks smart phones are “fantastic!”, and who thinks he’s a “hero” for using one, goes on to say:

“Not as big a hero, of course, as the people who say, “I have a pay-as-you-go flip-phone that only takes and receives calls, and costs $7 per month.” There are no bigger heroes than those folks. Except, maybe, the “I don’t own a television” contingent. It’s hard to say .”

His last bit, about the TV, is to suggest something so far out that it scares you back to the safety of keeping your smart phone.

In 2005, when I told someone in Honolulu that I didn’t have a cell phone, they got wide eyed and said “you are my hero.”

About a year later, I knuckled under, caved to social pressure and got a flip phone. Fast-forward to 14 years later, in Honolulu, in 2020, when I whip out my flip phone, and a new friend said “ah, that’s the ticket. I wish I was that brave.”

Brave? Hero?

We’re turning the corner. Make that, we have already turned the corner, and are about to streak down the sideline to the end zone.

Like heroes.

Jeff Miller, Brooklyn, New York, April 8, 2020

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March 14, 2005 - Cell phone survey shows love - hate relationship

More than 80 percent of cell phone users say the device has made their lives easier, a new University of Michigan survey shows. But 60 percent say that public use of cell phones has disturbed or irritated them.


Someone needs to put out cell phone etiquette…I absolutely hate it when people talk on their phones on the bus, at the gym, in restaurants.

January 7, 2013 - To the smartphone haters of the Web

I’m tired of the hate. This isn’t 1963 and I’m sick of feeling like MLK . Am I really that far off with the idea that all phones are awesome?

(The writer comparing themselves to a lofty spiritual leader and martyr to their cause is a propagandist, writing the most incendiary thing possible. - ed)

November 3, 2013 - Poll: Young adults say technology can be dehumanizing

Millennials are tech-savvy young adults who grew up with smartphones and iPads, but many think technology makes people less human, according to a poll released on Thursday.

The survey of 12,000 people aged 18 and older in eight countries, commissioned by Intel Corporation, also showed that 18- to 24-year-olds want technology to be more personal and know their habits. Older women and those living in emerging markets are the most enthusiastic about the role technology can play in their lives, the findings showed.

December 4, 2013 - Why Do People Hate Cell Phones So Much ? They’re Fantastic!

I know some people are rude, and carry on loud conversations in grocery stores, etc. But that’s not the phone’s fault, it’s the asshole who’s driving it. We’re talking Apple and assholes here.

Anyway, I love my phone, and will not apologize for it. Oh, I’ll try to keep the peace while my parents are around, but that’s as far as it goes. I will continue to read my email, jot down ideas in Evernote, and even glance at the evil Facebook and Twitter every once in a while. Because I am a hero.

Not as big a hero, of course, as the people who say, “I have a pay-as-you-go flip-phone that only takes and receives calls, and costs $7 per month.” There are no bigger heroes than those folks. Except, maybe, the “I don’t own a television” contingent. It’s hard to say.

I guess we’re all heroes, in our own ways, right? …Can you tell I wrote this update in, like, five minutes? Pass the beer nuts.

(Everyone gets a trophy. “And ‘Do what thou wilt’ shall be the whole of the law.” - ed)

October 23, 2014 - Please Do Not Leave A Message: Why Millennials Hate Voice Mail

The phone company Vonage reported a drop in voice mail retrievals over the past year. Many of those ignoring voice mails are millennials.

(They hate the whole thing, the whole experience. Are just in denial about it. - ed)

April 4, 2016 - I’m A Millennial And I Hate Cell Phones

As someone who has grown up in the age of new technology and social media, I can honestly say that I hate cell phones.

(Per my previous, they hate the whole thing, the whole experience. - ed)

Apr 19, 2016 - This Is Why Millennials Find Making Phone Calls So Terrifying

Years of crafting well thought-out and witty emails have made us weak , and as a result, Millennials hate making phone calls.

(A plausible-deniability excuse to cover for the fact that they justifiably hate the whole thing, the whole experience. It’s just that they were cruelly misled, indoctrinated in their use from birth. - ed)

March 4, 2017 - We love our phones, so why do we hate making phone calls

(Article filled with plausible-deniability reasons other than “justifiably hate the whole thing.” - ed)

January 30, 2018 - Why Your Smartphone Is Destroying Your Life

March 7, 2018 - I hate the modern world, Fuck smart phones, fuck facebook

Fathers and mothers leaving their children alone to play while they stick their face into their smart phones.

November 2, 2018 - Global smartphone sales fell by 6 percent last quarter

January 25, 2019 - Steve Jobs Never Wanted Us to Use Our iPhones Like This

The devices have become our constant companions. This was not the plan.

“It’s the best iPod we’ve ever made,” Mr. Jobs exclaims at one point. “The killer app is making calls,” he later adds. Both lines spark thunderous applause. He doesn’t dedicate any significant time to discussing the phone’s internet connectivity features until more than 30 minutes into the address.

(Oh, you bet your ass, it was the plan. He didn’t dive right into the addiction engine because he was being cagey. - ed)

February 8, 2019 - In the fourth quarter alone, shipments dropped 4.9% to 375 million units. In fact, smartphone shipments have fallen for five consecutive quarters .

April 1, 2019 - After a Lifetime of Rejecting Technology, Artist Tino Sehgal Falls in Love with Instagram.

(He’s a generational Satanist, a secret-handshake-club member. They made him step up and do it, it’s a publicity stunt. Just like they recently made Warren Buffet ditch his flip phone for a smart phone. Or when they make the “tuna king” pay a million plus for what is at best a $200K fish. - ed)

May 6, 2019 - I’ve finally come to terms with my phone addiction — I just don’t know what to do about it
I need to do something . I just don’t know what that is.

(A salve for the backsliders. Obviously, if you are addicted, you need to quit. - ed)

May 14, 2019 - A more human posthumanism? | CCCB LABlab.cccb.org › a-more-human-posthumanism

Perhaps the problem lies not in embracing or rejecting technology , but in analysing the singular world configured based on contemporary science and technology. Examining the conditions of what we commonly call “new technologies” in order to be able to determine what mechanisms of power they use and how these affect and transform contemporary subjectivity.

Under this perspective, posthumanism implies distancing ourselves from a humanism founded around a conception of the technical human, which converts the world into its objective representation. This does not necessarily imply a rejection of technology , but rather it invites us to think about a post-anthropocentric world. Ridding ourselves of the idea of the world as representation, which situates man as a measure and ultimate principle, to make room for ways of doing things beyond technical rationality.

(“a post-anthropocentric world” is a post-human world. A world centered on something other than the human. A world focused on technology. It’s a psychotic Satanic inversion. The author is saying "We’re going to dehumanize the whole situation, but we’ll do it in a way that is harder to discern, more carefully covered up. Really, really good looking Japanese pleasure robots who are still, at the end of the day, homunculi, soulless automata. - ed)

August 5, 2019 - Global smartphone shipments fall for seventh consecutive quarter

September 18, 2019 - A Hard Habit to Break: Northwest Residents Have a Love-Hate Relationship With Their Phones

-The latest poll from PEMCO Mutual Insurance finds that in today’s screen-focused society, more than half of Northwest cellphone users admit to feeling like they spend too much time on their mobile devices. However, these same users also say they haven’t done anything to limit their screen time – and they don’t intend to, either.

January 6, 2020 - I have begun to really hate my phone- in 2020 I vow to use it less and use it better

I feel it’s a blight on my life and which, without being melodramatic, I believe to be a threat to the enduring happiness of mankind