Where to begin.
Here goes an attempt at describing what happened during a chat session with me and Fran from Spain. We gave it a try, not really knowing what was going to happen. Since it was two Iberians who were making up the chat, it was named Iberian Chat [Image Can Not Be Found]
First off we needed a focus (target) so we decided to go after Fran’s assailants first. His business had been suffering since November and it seems obvious to me it’s retaliation on account of his great gifting run on the Northern coast of Spain).
It’s kind of hard to describe it now, even though it was only 5 days ago it feels like an eternity, at least that’s how time feels like to me these days, and it’s in a good way [Image Can Not Be Found]
I somehow “got” the picture of some men in dark robes and -surprise- our old “sparring partners” the jesuits! We proceeded to boosting/blasting them with the help of cetaceans as the picture of where the rituals were being done to damage Fran came about.
It was some undergound chamber, where sacrifices were made. We kept blasting and clearing the place. Underneath that chamber was the last thing to take care of – some kind of tainted black and red stone which acted as an etheric “heart” for that place. We blasted it to pieces, of course, all this time being helped by our friends the cetaceans [Image Can Not Be Found]
I “got” that the chamber was in Cantabria (region in center North coast of Spain), no more specific than this, and also that fixing the problem would require some gifting. Somehow I did not feel very confident that we could mop the floor with them, just the two of us [Image Can Not Be Found] Fran was confident though and the next day his business seems to have picked up a bit though I do not know how is it doing now.
Right after the jesuits we went after my assailants. My business is very poor too but right now I’m not too upset: moving houses and wanting to do a bunch of things before leaving – including some gifting, is quite enough for me right now.
At this point I was getting tired from “spinning the wheel” – spinning the wheel for me is the “technical term” for being the “eyes and ears” of a chat session. Spinning the wheel is actually quite energy consuming and I really admire Carol, Donney, Hawthorne and Co. for leading up EW’s chat sessions for years.
Eventually I “got” this one lone guy in Sintra, a very special place not far from Lisbon. This guy “deflated” after being blasted. He was actually on contract, an outsider to whoever was throwing me the bad juju.
Behind him, pulling the strings, was actually the-royal-family-that-is-not-a-royal-family, that is the Portuguese royal family – we don’t have kings since 1910 when (as was current in those days) a freemason plot overthew the government. Portugal had as many as 45 different governments and a hand-full of coup d’etats until a dictatorship arrived in 1926.
I laughed and laughed after making that connection. I couldn’t and cannot understand what does a non-existent royal family possibly have to do with harassing me…
Fran suggested we blasted the “king and queen” and so we did, once again with help from the cetaceans. They were both trapped in a dodec and the “queen” turned into her real self, some nasty kind of animal, wanting to escape.
After this we still went on and boosted Yolanda a bit. I wasn’t too confident in doing a chat only with 2 people (the best results is with at least 3, I believe) but we both agreed that even if it wan’t optimal something good would come out of it.
I apologise for leaving out many of the juicy bits, such as when the guy in Sintra got hammered by a huge tsunami of Uncondicional Love (whales and dolphins riding it too) but I forgot a lot of it.
We didn’t really plan on writting about this but since it’s started already, perhaps Fran can help make this report better? [Image Can Not Be Found]
Despite all this, personally it feels I’m still in the germination of being a psychic. Today for instance I wanted to properly gift the guardian of a special place nearby by gifting some orgonite at the top of the cliff where it “lives” and it took me half an hour and getting to the top of said cliff to understand “it” had already introduced itself through a small tree at the feet of the cliff… funny uh?