In 2000, the white marlin was wiped out of existence in the Gulf of Mexico by the purportedly-harmless low wavelength microwave radiation from wireless technology

“Honest pioneer work in the field of science has always been, and will continue to be, life’s pilot. On all sides, life is surrounded by hostility. This puts us under an obligation.”

- Wilhelm Reich

(Wilhelm Reich’s mug shot - 1956)

Watcher of the skies, watcher of all
His is a world alone, no world is his own
He whom life can no longer surprise
Raising his eyes beholds a planet unknown

Tony Banks and Michael Rutherford, from “Watcher of the Skies”, from “Foxtrot”, by Genesis, 1972

Then felt I like some watcher of the skies
When a new planet swims into his ken.

From “On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer”, by John Keats, 1817

There are some things that just need to be published the instant they are written. This is one of them.

It’s a study of the white marlin in the Gulf of Mexico, resting within the larger Billfish chapter that I’m working on right now.

But before we get to that, we’re going to review identical horizontal propaganda down through time across all media outlets regarding record billfish.




“Schultz describes the swordfish as a “fish of a lifetime” and credits his team for the record catch.”, July 29, 2021

" ‘Sword of a lifetime’ caught off Morehead City coast is state record"., North Carolina, September 5, 2022



Massive blue marlin breaks Texas record by nearly 100 pounds, July 2014

“This massive , 412-pound swordfish just broke the Gulf of Mexico record for Texas”, July 2016

Massive blue marlin would top the current Alabama record by more than 6 pounds .”, July 22, 2020

“Daniel was fishing off Mayor Island, New Zealand, when this massive 282.80-kilogram (623-pound, 7-ounce) swordfish struck a deep bait.”, on the junior world record swordfish, May 21, 2021

Battling the massive 309.9-pound swordfish took five hours, July 2021, on the new Mississippi state record swordfish

Massive 393-pound swordfish catch off Ocean City breaks Maryland state record”., September 3, 2022

“A Newport man’s massive swordfish catch has been certified as a new state record.”, North Carolina, Setember 5, 2022

(Identical “horizontal” propaganda, down through time, where the meme is repeated that it was greater fishing assiduousness or skill that led to the sudden, exponential increase in size of the billfish, where the margin between billfish records is obfuscated, and where the largest billfish in history has been walked back to merely “massive”.)

And, now that I have proved that there is, in fact, a Great Big Conspiracy, let’s move on to our main event, the wiping out of the white marlin in the Gulf of Mexico by low wavelength microwave radiation.


In July 1976, Dennis L. Good caught the Louisiana state record white marlin. It weighed 134 pounds.

There are no white marlin records in the Gulf of Mexico prior to 1976.

The white marlin first manifested in the Gulf of Mexico in 1976 at a weight of 134 pounds (Louisiana).

From 1976 to 1997, the Gulf of Mexico-state record white marlin decreased in size by 36.6%, from 134 pounds to 98 pounds, 13 ounces (Louisiana vs. Alabama). That’s an average annual decrease in size of 1.7% per year over each of those 21 years.

If fish size varies with the health of the ether, and the variable here is time, then the health of the ether decreasing, going forward in time, from 1976 to 1997.

From 1976 to 1997, the average annual decrease of the Gulf of Mexico white marlin (Louisiana vs. Alabama) was 1.7%.

The Mississippi conventional tackle state record white marlin was caught by Joseph Guidry on August 15, 2000. It weighed 80 pounds.

From 1997 to 2000, white marlin in the Gulf of Mexico decreased in size by 18.3%, from 98 pounds to 80 pounds. That’s an average annual decrease of 6.1% per year over each of those three years.

The 6.1% average annual decrease in size of white marlin in the Gulf of Mexico from 1997 to 2000 was 259% greater, or heading toward quadruple the 1.7% decrease documented among the species there annually from 1976 to 1997.

If the size, health, fertility and very existence of any organism varies directly with the health of the ether, then the health of the ether in the Gulf of Mexico degraded hyper-exponentially from 1997 to 2000, compared to 1976 to 1997.

Clearly demonstrating the sudden, quantum, deleterious, deadly effect of the implementation of wireless technology in the late 1990’s.

In 2000, the white marlin was wiped out of existence in the Gulf of Mexico by the low wavelength microwave radiation from wireless technology.

Jeff Miller, Libertyville, IL, November 12, 2022

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