In April 2022, the Sierra Nevada red fox winked back into existence in California for the first time in almost 100 years. Fox Weather sat on the story for nine months before publishing it

“Let me control the media and I will turn any nation into a herd of pigs.”

- Joseph Goebbels


In the 1930’s, the Sierra Nevada red fox disappeared from this plane of reality, and would remain absent for almost 100 years, until it suddenly reappeared in California in April 2022, when the health of the etheric environment improved to a point where the species could once again manifest there.

Fox News sat on the story for nine months before publishing it. They’re desperate to keep you from recognizing that the size, fertility, longevity and very existence of any organism vary directly with the health of its etheric environment.


On January 31, 2023, said “Rare fox once thought to be extinct spotted on California trail cameras”.

Where author Hillary Andrews said “rare fox” to obscure the creature’s actual name, and make the subject far less searchable. That’s an example of the propaganda technique known as “compartmentalization”. For the record, it’s a Sierra Nevada red fox.

With a straight face, Hillary has called an animal of which there is only one known example and four photographs “rare”. It puts Sasquatch and the Loch Ness Monster into a whole new context, does it not?

Hillary said “spotted on California trail cameras” to reinforce the false meme that the fox had been there, all along, only nobody had looked for it with the proper skill or assiduousness, previously.

The subhead goes on to say “For the first time in almost a century, wildlife officials discover a Sierra Nevada red fox lurking through the southern Sierra. The endangered creature’s California family tree was once thought to be extinct.”

Where “discover” and “lurking” once again reinforce the false meme that the fox had been there, all along, only nobody had looked for it with the proper skill or assiduousness, previously.

The article goes on to say “The endangered Sierra Nevada red fox appeared in the southern Sierra Nevada Mountains for the first time in almost a century. The region had not had a report of the species since the 1930s. A network of wildlife cameras caught the endangered carnivore prowling near the border of Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park. After the initial sighting in April, cameras pictured the fox three more times.”

Here we can see that the folks in charge sat on the news for over half a year before publishing a story on it.

The suddenly-un-extinct Sierra Nevada red fox is immediately walked right back to “endangered”, which meme is hammered twice in quick succession to take your eyes off the concept of “extinct”.

In the 1930’s, the Sierra Nevada red fox disappeared from this plane of reality, and would remain absent for almost 100 years, until it suddenly reappeared in California in April 2022, when the health of the etheric environment improved to the point where the species could once again manifest there.

Fox News sat on the story for nine months before publishing it. They’re desperate to keep you from recognizing that the size, fertility, longevity and very existence of any organism vary directly with the health of its etheric environment.

Here’s Hillary Andrews’ picture, where she’s wearing a Satanic purple sweater, in front of a Satanic green background:


(Fox News’ Hillary Andrews)

As a bonus, Hillary is making a purportedly-secret Masonic “gesture of recognition” with her left hand. That’s because Hillary is a follower of the Left-hand path.

Facebook: “Welcome to the Left-Hand-Path-Network, where Satanism is not about worship, but it’s study.”

In the image that follows, two generational Satanist Freemasons from the 18th Century are greeting one another with purportedly-secret “gestures of recognition”:


(Detail from frontispiece of The Builder’s Dictionary, 1734 ©Museum of Freemasonry, London)

In the image immediately above, the Scottish Rite Freemason on the right is using a “gesture of recognition” which means “Hail, Satan!”. I’m afraid that, given the age of the image, we’re going to have to throw out the plausible-deniability excuses of “support for the Texas Longhorns football team”, saying “I love you” in American Sign Language, or that he wants to “rock on”.

It’s the same gesture that Hillary is in the image above that we just reviewed previously.

I have included these images so that you could get a better idea of what generational Satanist Freemasons down through the ages look like.

Throughout history, they’ve figured that the rubes would never notice the coded visual imagery.

”Besides these, I have found five curiosities in Scotland, not much observed to be elsewhere: …(ii) the Mason Word which, though some make a mystery of it, I will not conceal a little of what I know - it’s like a rabbinical tradition in a way of comment on Jachin and Boaz, the two pillars erected in Solomon’s Temple, with an addition of some secret sign delivered by hand to hand by which they know and become familiar one with another;"

From “The Secret Commonwealth of Elves, Fauns and Fairies”, by Robert Kirk, 1690

They are all related to one another through the maternal bloodline. They comprise between twenty and thirty percent of the populace, and are hiding in plain sight in every city, town and village on Earth. It’s how the few have controlled the many all the way back to Babylon, and before.

But they say that the hardest part of solving a problem is recognizing that you have one.

Don Croft used to say “Parasites fear exposure above all else”.

How long do you think that these people have left in power, now?

Please consider doing what you can to help speed their demise.

Jeff Miller, Libertyville, IL, February 4, 2023

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