In February 2024, the West Virginia DNR added six new species to the state record list: the redbreast sunfish, the redear, the pumpkinseed, the black crappie, the redhorse and the tiger trout. However, they did not provide any reason as to why

“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command."

― From “1984”, by George Orwell, 1949


From 2008 to 2024, the Ohio state record blue catfish increased in size by 87.2%, or nearly doubled in size, from 54 pounds to 101.11 pounds.

From 2008 to 2023, the West Virginia state record blue catfish increased in size by 156%, or well more than doubled in size, from 27 pounds, 2 ounces to 69.45 pounds.

From 2008 to 2009, the Ohio state record blue catfish increased in size by 77.7%, or nearly doubled in size, from 54 pounds to 96 pounds.

In 2008, Keith Setty caught the first-ever Ohio state record blue catfish. It weighed 54 pounds.

Ohio fish management supervisor Doug Maloney walked the first, only, and biggest blue catfish ever caught in Ohio back to merely “good-sized”.

That is an example of the propaganda technique known as “damning with faint praise”.

Doug didn’t offer any suggestion as to why Ohio had suddenly created an entirely new category in their fish records.

That is an example of the propaganda technique known as “stonewalling”.

In 2008, the blue catfish winked into existence simultaneously in Ohio and West Virginia, in the Ohio River and land-locked Krodel Lake.

In 2008, the blue catfish winked into existence in Ohio for the first time in history, in the Ohio River. It weighed 54 pounds.

From May 5, 2008 to October 2009, the West Virginia state record blue catfish increased in size by 10.2%, from 27 pounds, 2 ounces to 29.75 pounds.

From May 5, 2008 to , the West Virginia state record blue catfish increased in length by 8.1%, from 38.85 inches to 42 inches.

Such records are usually broken by tiny margins, as organisms increase in ever-smaller increments to a genetically-programmed maximum size.

Yet, here, the record was broken by a very large margin.

On May 5, 2008, Chad Bright of Henderson, West Virginia caught the first-ever West Virginia state record blue catfish, in land-locked Krodel Lake in Mason County. It weighed 27 pounds, 2 ounces and was 38.85 inches long.

On May 20, 2008, said “The elder Bright noted it was a blue cat and had a regulations brochure in his truck–which revealed it was a potential state record catch. ‘He said the record was only 24-pounds’.”

When, in fact, there are no independent media accounts of this record purported to have been set by the unknown person in an unstated location in West Virginia on an unstated date, and there are no photographs of this largest-in-history, 24-pound blue catfish.

The claim is false. It is a fabrication put in place to keep you from recognizing that the blue catfish winked into existence in West Virginia for the first time in history in May 2008, in land-locked Krodel Lake.

On May 20, 2008, “When you talk about the best catfish waters in West Virginia, Krodel Lake in Mason County doesn’t typically come to mind. However, you never know what the water holds and when lady luck is going to look your way.”

Where “doesn’t typically come to mind” and “lady luck” are example of what is known as “stonewalling”. The technique is an example of what is known as “Black magic”, used to obscure the fact that the blue catfish just winked into existence in Krodel Lake for the first time in history.

Here’s a picture of land-locked Krodel Lake:

Krodel Lake
(Land-locked Krodel Lake, in Mason County, West Virginia, where the blue catfish suddenly winked into existence for the first time in West Virginia for the first time in history in May 2008)

The West Virginia Metro News story goes on to say “When I told the DNR where I caught it, he said there wasn’t supposed to be any blue cats in Krodel,” Bright explained. Biologists believe the fish was either illegally released into the impoundment or possibly became trapped in the lake following a flood. The fish likely grew rapidly in the food rich lake. It’s diet probably included stocked rainbow trout the DNR puts into the water as part of its regular stocking schedule.”

Can you see how “biologists believe” is general? What biologists, specifically? Who illegally released the blue catfish into Krodel Lake? What flood led to its entrapment? What waterway did it travel up during that flood?

They are all bald-faced lies, put forward to cover up the fact that the blue catfish suddenly winked into existence in land-locked Krodel Lake in Mason County, West Virginia in May 2008.

The article goes on to say “A 29¾-pound blue catfish is no small fry, and Tim and Lynn Lange certainly have landed bigger blues in the past.”

Wait, what? If this 29.75-pound blue catfish is the new West Virginia state record, they how, why, or where have Tim and Lynn Lange caught bigger blue catfish “in the past”?

Tim and Lynn Lange are generational Satanist Freemason shills, and they’re going along with the bald-faced ruse.

shill - noun - an accomplice of a hawker, gambler, or swindler who acts as an enthusiastic customer to entice or encourage others.

The article goes on to say “ ‘Just another 30-pound blue,’ Tim said.”

Where West Virginia career angler Tim Lange pretended that he did not know that the only two other blue catfish in the historical record in West Virginia were the 24-pound West Virginia state record holder caught by some unidentified person on some unspecified date in some obfuscated location, and the 27-pound, 2-ounce West Virginia state record holder caught just a year earlier in 2008 in land-locked Krodel Lake.

Tim is pretending the biggest catfish in this history of West Virginia is not big.

It’s an example of what is known as “Black magic”.

You might also be familiar with it as “the Big Lie”, so favored by Hitler, Goebbels and small-town mayors the world over.

Here’s a picture of Tim Lang from, which assures “Tim “Doc” Lange has been addicted to fishing for 56 years. He is a very humble man that is willing to teach anybody, anything he knows. Likewise, he is always willing and able to learn from others.”

I should mail him a copy of my article destroying him as an Intelligence operative.

Note the Satanic green jacket and Satanic purple bag to his left, and how the image is constructed to focus attention on his left eye:

Tim Lang
(Tim Lang, who said “just another 30-pound blue”, about the first 30-pound blue catfish ever caught in West Virginia.)

I should mail him a copy of this article, in which I use fact-checking and science to destroy him as an Intelligence operative.

The article goes on to say “As the husband and wife team from Springfield weighed in their catch at a Cabela’s King Kat tournament in Gallipolis, Ohio, the big blue garnered interest from a West Virginia biologist. Turns out, the blue catfish Lynn caught is the new West Virginia state record. The 42-inch fish was certified as such on the spot.

“I was real surprised when they said it was a state record,” Lynn said.”

Here, generational Satanist Freemason Lynn Lang uses the code-meme “surprised”, to pretend that they needed a scientist to tell them that their blue catfish was the largest ever caught in West Virginia in history. Lynn widened her eyes to simulate honesty as she said she was “surprised”.

The tell is Lynn’s use of the word “real”, prior to “surprised”.

It’s like when someone says “honestly”.

From July 2009 to April 2024, the Ohio state record blue catfish increased in size by 5.3%, from 96 pounds, to 101.11 pounds.

In 2009, Chris Rolph caught the Ohio state record blue catfish in the Ohio River. It weighed 96 pounds.

In 2009, or soon after, the blue catfish disappeared from the environment in Ohio. It would remain absent for almost fifteen years.

In October 2009, the West Virginia state record blue catfish was caught by Tim and Lynn Lang, in the Ohio River. It weighed 29.75 pounds and was 42 inches long.

The article goes on to say “The fish blew away the previous record of 24 pounds. Because West Virginia is making an effort to stock more blues in the Ohio River, the Lange’s don’t expect the record to last long. West Virginia has been stocking its portion of the river for about five years.

“In year’s to come there’s going to be some big fish (in that area),” Lynn said. “I’m sure there are bigger (blue cats) than that right now.”

Can you see how Lynn hypnotized with “big”, and then “bigger” to draw attention away from the biggest blue catfish in the history of the state of West Virginia, which she had just caught?

If West Virginia stocked the Ohio River with blue catfish from 2002 to 2009, as alleged by the Springfield News-Sun’s Brian Plasters, then why can’t I find any stories documenting the fact?

Did you notice how “the previous record of 24 pounds” does not include a date, or an angler, or a location?

That’s because Brian made it up out of whole cloth.

From October 2009 to October 2012, the 16.5% average annual increase in size of the West Virginia state record blue catfish was 61.7% greater than its 10.2% increase from 2008 to 2009.

The growth rate of the blue catfish in West Virginia is increasing exponentially going forward in time. That’s not scientifically possible, at least not according to the rapidly-collapsing false Orthodoxy which holds that organisms increase in ever-smaller increments to a genetically-programmed maximum size, and that there is “no such thing as the ether”.

The truth is that the size, fertility, longevity and very existence of any organism vary directly with that of its etheric environment.

From October 2009 to October 2012, the West Virginia state record blue catfish increased in size by 49.5%, from 29.75 pounds to 44.5 pounds.

Such records are usually broken by tiny margins, as organisms increase in ever-smaller increments to a genetically-programmed maximum size.

Yet, here, the record was broken by a gigantic, historically-unprecedented margin.

From October 2009 to October 2012, the West Virginia state record blue catfish increased in size by an annual average of 16.5%.

From October 2009 to October 2012 , the West Virginia state record blue catfish increased in length by 4.5%, from 42 inches to 43.9 inches.

In October 2009, the West Virginia state record blue catfish was caught by Tim and Lynn Lang, in the Ohio River. It weighed 29.75 pounds and was 42 inches long.

On October 10, 2009, the Springfield News-Sun’s Brian Plasters said ““The fish blew away the previous record of 24 pounds. Because West Virginia is making an effort to stock more blues in the Ohio River, the Lange’s don’t expect the record to last long. West Virginia has been stocking its portion of the river for about five years.”

Can you see how the Springfield News-Sun’s Brian plasters replaced the actual 2008 West Virginia state record from land-locked Krodel Lake, from just a year earlier with this false 24-pound record caught by the nameless person in a nameless location?

The article goes on to say “In year’s to come there’s going to be some big fish (in that area),” Lynn said. “I’m sure there are bigger (blue cats) than that right now.”

Why is Lynn Lang shaking the doll of the purportedly-stocked Ohio River, when everybody knows that the existing Ohio state record from Krodel Lake just over a year earlier was at best “illegally released”?

If West Virginia stocked the Ohio River with blue catfish from 2002 to 2009, as alleged by the Springfield News-Sun’s Brian Plasters, then why can’t I find any stories documenting the fact?

Tim and Lynn Lang are generational Satanist Freemasons, quoted in a mainstream news article, doing their best to support the team.

On some obfuscated date in October 2012, Mark Foster caught the West Virginia state record blue catfish, in the Ohio River. It weighed 44.5 pounds and was 43.9 inches long.

In October 2012, the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources Director Frank Jezioro said that Mark Foster “broke his own 2011 record catch of 32.28 pounds.”

When, in fact, there are no independent news stories corroborating this 2011 record, nor, here in the digital era, are there any photographs of this largest-in-history blue catfish.

The claim is false. It was put forward to, er, muddy the water, and chop up the gigantic, historically-unprecedented increase in size of the West Virginia state record blue catfish from 2009 to 2012.

From April 26, 2014 to May 4, 2016, the West Virginia state record blue catfish increased in size by 12.8%, from 52.95 pounds to 59.74 pounds.

Biologist Scott Morrison said “We suspect records for a new fish like this is going to be broken quite a lot. However, this time it wasn’t broken by just a pound or so, it was broken by a considerable amount.”

That is a very unscientific, general explanation of the sudden, exponential increase in size of the blue catfish in West Virginia.

Scott betrays himself when he says “a new fish like this”. Later in the same article, he says that the blue catfish is native to West Virginia. Yet, here, he says that it is “new”. Why?

He’s stumbling, falling all over himself, trying to obscure the sudden winking into existence of the blue catfish in West Virginia.

On April 26, 2014, Austin Hoffman, of Cabell County, West Virginia, caught the West Virginia state record blue catfish. It weighed 52.95 pounds, and was 47.75 inches long.

From April 26, 2014 to May 25, 2022, the West Virginia state record blue catfish increased in length by 6.1%, from 47.75 inches to 50.7 inches.

On April 30, 2014,’s Chris Lawrence said “Although a native fish to West Virginia’s big rivers the blue cats were largely eliminated by the construction of the locks and dams on the rivers decades ago. Five years ago, the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources engaged in a program to restore them with great results.”

Where the general “a program” and “great results” are pure propaganda. What program? When, specifically, was it implemented? What were its scientifically quantified results?

It is a bullshit plausible-deniability excuse, put forward at the local level to obscure the fact that the blue catfish is winking back into existence regardless of geography.

From May 4, 2016 to April 8, 2022, the West Virginia state record blue catfish increased in size by 2.6%, from 59.74 pounds to 61.28 pounds.

The West Virginia Department of Natural Resources Andy Malinoski omitted the percentage, and described it as “eclipsed” to imply that one record was just larger than the other. It is also a thinly-veiled reference to the solar and lunar eclipses during which Illuminists most prefer to perform their rituals of human sacrifice and cannibalism.

From May 4, 2016 to April 18, 2022, the West Virginia state record blue catfish increased in size by a weekly average of .7%.

On May 14, 2016, Mark Blauvelt caught the West Virginia state record blue catfish, in the Ohio River. It weighed 59.74 pounds and was 44.88 inches long.

From April 8, 2022 to May 25, 2022, the 1.6% average weekly increase in size of the West Virginia state record blue catfish was 128.5% greater, or well more than double its .7% average weekly increase from May 4, 2016 to April 8, 2022.

The growth rate of the blue catfish in West Virginia is increasing exponentially going forward in time. That’s not scientifically possible, at least not according to the rapidly-collapsing false Orthodoxy which holds that organisms increase in ever-smaller increments to a genetically-programmed maximum size, and that there is “no such thing as the ether”.

The truth is that the size, fertility, longevity and very existence of any organism vary directly with that of its etheric environment.

From April 8, 2022 to May 25, 2022, the West Virginia state record blue catfish increased in size by a weekly average of 1.6%.

From April 8, 2022 to May 25, 2022, the West Virginia state record blue catfish increased in size by 9.7%, from 61.28 pounds to 67.22 pounds.’s Dave Golonewski omitted the percentage, and referred to it as “bested by more than a whisker”, to falsely imply that the margin was very small.

On April 8, 2022, Cody Carver caught the West Virginia state record blue catfish. It weighed 61.28 pounds.

From May 2022 to December 2023, the West Virginia state record blue catfish increased in size by 3.3%, from 67.22 pounds to 69.45 pounds.

On May 25, 2022, Steven Price, of Lancaster, West Virginia, caught the West Virginia state record blue catfish. It weighed 67.22 pounds and was 50.7 inches long.

On December 8, 2023, West Virginia’s Michael John Drake caught the West Virginia state record blue catfish. It weighed 69.45 pounds and was 50.51 inches long. 2023 was the fourth consecutive year in which the West Virginia state record for the blue catfish had been broken.

In February 2024, the West Virginia Department of Natural Resources added six new species to the state record list: the redbreast sunfish, the redear, the pumpkinseed, the black crappie, the redhorse, and the tiger trout. However, they did not provide any reason as to why.

That is an example of the propaganda technique known as “stonewalling”.

In February 2024, Nathaniel Smith caught the first-ever West Virginia state record tiger trout. It weighed 11.98 pounds and was 26.73 inches long.

In February 2024, the tiger trout and the redbreast sunfish winked into existence in West Virginia simultaneously.

In February 2024, the tiger trout winked into existence in West Virginia for the first time in history. It weighed 11.98 pounds and was 26.73 inches long.

In February 2024, the redbreast sunfish winked into existence in West Virginia, for the first time in history, on New Creek Lake, at a weight of 9.1 ounces and a length of 9.29 inches.

On February 19, 2024, Zach Adkins caught the first-ever West Virginia state record redbreast sunfish, on New Creek Lake, at Dam 14. It weighed 9.1 ounces and was 9.29 inches long.

In April 2024, Jaylynn Parker caught the Ohio state record blue catfish. It weighed 101.11 pounds, and was the largest fish ever caught in Ohio.

Outdoor News’ Tom Cross walked it back to “giant”, and averred that it was “most likely the biggest fish ever caught in the state of Ohio in modern times.”

You can tell he’s lying by his use of the words “most likely”, and because he didn’t provide a specific example of a larger fish.

In April 2024, after an absence of almost fifteen years, the blue catfish winked back into existence in Ohio, at a weight of 101.11 pounds, which was 5.5% larger than the 96 pounds at which it had last manifested there in 2008.


MAY 2008

On May 20, 2008, said “Record Blue Cat Caught in Krodel Lake”.

Where, under the false guise of familiarity, the uncredited author from West Virginia Metro News redacted “West Virginia”, and then redacted the word “state” from “state record”, to make the subject almost unsearchable.

That is an example of the propaganda technique known as “compartmentalization”.

Then they walked “blue catfish” back to “blue cat”, under the false guise of redneck familiarity.

For those unaware, anytime an author is uncredited, it is proof that said author is an Intelligence operative.

The article goes on to say “When you talk about the best catfish waters in West Virginia, Krodel Lake in Mason County doesn’t typically come to mind. However, you never know what the water holds and when lady luck is going to look your way.”

Where “doesn’t typically come to mind” and “lady luck” are example of what is known as “stonewalling”. The technique is an example of what is known as “Black magic”, used to obscure the fact that the blue catfish just winked into existence in Krodel Lake for the first time in history.

Here’s a picture of land-locked Krodel Lake:

Krodel Lake
(Land-locked Krodel Lake, in Mason County, West Virginia, which suddenly produced the first West Virginia state record blue catfish in history in May 2008)

The article goes on to say “Chad Bright of Henderson in Mason County found that out on May 5th. While fishing with a buddy at Krodel Lake, he landed the biggest blue catfish ever caught in the state of West Virginia.”

Where the uncredited Intelligence operative from West Virginia Metro News walked the plainspoken “West Virginia state record” back to the gymnastic “the biggest blue catfish ever caught in the state of West Virginia.

On May 5, 2008, Chad Bright of Henderson, West Virginia caught the West Virginia state record blue catfish, in Krodel Lake in Mason County.

The article goes on to say “Excited with his massive catfish, Bright asked his dad to come over and have a look. The elder Bright noted it was a blue cat and had a regulations brochure in his truck–which revealed it was a potential state record catch.

He said the record was only 24-pounds, so I went and got my scale and weighed it and my scale was reading 28,” said Bright. “I said ‘Man, this is nuts I’ve got a state record here!’ I called the DNR and it ended up being 27-2.”

Where the uncredited Intelligence operative from the State propaganda organ known as West Virginia Metro News walked the largest catfish ever caught in the history of West Virginia back to merely “massive”.

And where “this is nuts” is an example of the propaganda technique known as “stonewalling”.

The term “the elder” is used to trigger “listen to your elders”…The 24-pound record so faithfully intoned here has no independent media account corroborating it, which is why the propagandist from the West Virginia Metro News didn’t use a date, or mention the name of the person who caught it, or where it was caught.

The Coincidence theorist reader can file it under “oh, that Chad Bright was so dumb he didn’t even know it was a record!”

On May 5, 2008, Chad Bright of Henderson, West Virginia caught the West Virginia state record blue catfish, in Krodel Lake in Mason County. It weighed 27 pounds, 2 ounces.

The article goes on to say “Bright ran to his home five-minutes away, grabbed a cooler, and hauled the monster to the DNR’s district office only a few miles away at McClintic Wildlife Management Area. There, biologist Zack Brown confirmed the weight and length–both state records. The huge catfish stretched 38.85 inches and weighed officially 27lbs, 2oz.”

Where “monster” implies that the fish was a genetic freak, and where the largest blue catfish ever caught in the history of West Virginia was walked back to merely “huge”.

On May 5, 2008, Chad Bright of Henderson, West Virginia caught the West Virginia state record blue catfish, in Krodel Lake in Mason County. It weighed 27 pounds, 2 ounces and was 38.85 inches long.

The article goes on to say "When I told the DNR where I caught it, he said there wasn’t supposed to be any blue cats in Krodel,” Bright explained.

Biologists believe the fish was either illegally released into the impoundment or possibly became trapped in the lake following a flood. The fish likely grew rapidly in the food rich lake. It’s diet probably included stocked rainbow trout the DNR puts into the water as part of its regular stocking schedule.”

Can you see how “biologists believe” is general? What biologists, specifically? Who illegally released the blue catfish into Krodel Lake? What flood led to its entrapment? What waterway did it travel up during that flood?

They are all bald-faced lies, put forward to cover up the fact that the blue catfish suddenly winked into existence in land-locked Krodel Lake in Mason County, West Virginia in May 2008.


On October 10, 2009, the Springfield News-Sun said “Outdoors: Area angler lands WV record”.

Where, under the false guise of familiarity, author Brian Plasters omitted “blue catfish”, redacted the word “state” from “state record”, and obscured the name of the state behind the incorrect abbreviation “WV”. For the record, the AP style abbreviation is “W. Va.”.

These are all examples of the propaganda technique known as “compartmentalization”.

Brian said “angler lands” to reinforce the false meme that far-larger blue catfish had been out there in West Virginia, all along, only nobody had pursued them with the proper skill or assiduousness, previously.

The article goes on to say “A 29¾-pound blue catfish is no small fry, and Tim and Lynn Lange certainly have landed bigger blues in the past.”

Wait, what? If this 29.75-pound blue catfish is the new West Virginia state record, they how, why, or where have Tim and Lynn Lange caught bigger blue catfish “in the past”?

Tim and Lynn Lange are generational Satanist Freemason shills, and they’re going to go along with the bald-faced ruse.

shill - noun - an accomplice of a hawker, gambler, or swindler who acts as an enthusiastic customer to entice or encourage others.

The article goes on to say “ ‘Just another 30-pound blue,’ Tim said.”

Where West Virginia career angler Tim Lange pretended that he did not know that the only two other blue catfish in the historical record in West Virginia were the 24-pound West Virginia state record holder caught by some unidentified person on some unspecified date in some obfuscated location, and the 27-pound, 2-ounce West Virginia state record holder caught just a year earlier in 2008 in land-locked Krodel Lake.

Tim is pretending the biggest catfish in this history of West Virginia is not big.

It’s an example of what is known as “Black magic”.

You might also be familiar with it as “the Big Lie”, so favored by Hitler, Goebbels and small-town mayors the world over.

Here’s a picture of Tim Lang from, which assures “Tim “Doc” Lange has been addicted to fishing for 56 years. He is a very humble man that is willing to teach anybody, anything he knows. Likewise, he is always willing and able to learn from others.”

For his edification, I should mail him a copy of my article where I use scholarship and fact-checking to destroy him as an Intelligence operative.

Note the Satanic green jacket and Satanic purple bag to his left, and how the image is constructed to focus attention on his left eye:

Tim Lang
(Tim Lang, who said “just another 30-pound blue”, about the first 30-pound blue catfish ever caught in West Virginia.)

The image is constructed to focus attention on his left eye because, to generational Satanist Freemasons like Tim Lang, the left eye is the “eye of Will” or the “eye of Horus”.

But don’t take my word for it:

‘The right eye is the Eye of Ra and the left is the Eye of Horus’.”

From “Freemasonry - Religion And Belief - The 3rd Temple”

Facebook: “Welcome to the Left-Hand-Path Network, where Satanism is not about worship, but it’s study.”

I have included Tim Lang’s picture so that you could get a better idea of what a generational Satanist Freemason of marginal influence looks like.

He figured that the rubes would never notice the coded visual imagery.

It’s not like these people aren’t right up front about what they’re doing, and what they’re into.

We’ve just been conditioned, over literally Millennia, not to “notice” it.

Generational Satanists are all related to one another through the maternal bloodline. They comprise between twenty and thirty percent of the populace, and are hiding in plain sight in every city, town and village on Earth.

It’s how the few have controlled the many all the way back to Babylon, and before.

But they say that the hardest part of solving a problem is recognizing that you have one.

Don Croft used to say “Parasites fear exposure above all else”.

How long do you think that these people have left in power, now?

Please consider doing what you can to help speed the transition.

In October 2009, the West Virginia state record blue catfish was caught by Tim and Lynn Lang. It weighed 29.75 pounds.

The article goes on to say “As the husband and wife team from Springfield weighed in their catch at a Cabela’s King Kat tournament in Gallipolis, Ohio, the big blue garnered interest from a West Virginia biologist. Turns out, the blue catfish Lynn caught is the new West Virginia state record. The 42-inch fish was certified as such on the spot.

“I was real surprised when they said it was a state record,” Lynn said.”

Here, generational Satanist Freemason Lynn Lang uses the code-meme “surprised”, to pretend that they needed a scientist to tell them that their blue catfish was the largest ever caught in West Virginia in history. Lynn widened her eyes to simulate honesty as she said she was “surprised”.

The tell is Lynn’s use of the word “real”, prior to “surprised”.

It’s like when someone says “honestly”.

In October 2009, the West Virginia state record blue catfish was caught by Tim and Lynn Lang, in the Ohio River. It weighed 29.75 pounds and was 42 inches long.

The article goes on to say “The fish blew away the previous record of 24 pounds. Because West Virginia is making an effort to stock more blues in the Ohio River, the Lange’s don’t expect the record to last long. West Virginia has been stocking its portion of the river for about five years.

“In year’s to come there’s going to be some big fish (in that area),” Lynn said. “I’m sure there are bigger (blue cats) than that right now.”

If West Virginia stocked the Ohio River with blue catfish from 2002 to 2009, as alleged by the Springfield News-Sun’s Brian Plasters, then why can’t I find any stories documenting the fact?

Did you notice how “the previous record of 24 pounds” does not include a date, or an angler, or a location?

That’s because Brian made it up out of whole cloth, to do his best to memory-hole the 2008 West Virginia state record blue catfish.

I have exposed the duplicity of Brian Plasters, Tim and Lynn Lang, and the Springfield News-Sun by using what was known in the old days as “scholarship” and “fact checking”.

Here’s Brian Plasters’ picture (he’s on the top right):

Brian Plasters
(The Springfield News-Sun’s Brian Plasters, who assured us that there was a previous 24-pound West Virginia state record blue catfish caught by some unknown person in an undisclosed location on some obfuscated date, and redacted the actual 2008 West Virginia state record blue catfish caught in land-locked Krodel Lake just a year previously in 2008.)


On October 4, 2012, said “St. Alban’s man catches state record blue catfish”.

Where, under the false guise of familiarity, the uncredited author from the West Virginia Gazette omitted “West Virginia” from “West Virginia state record”, to make the subject less searchable.

That is an example of the propaganda technique known as “compartmentalization”.

For those unaware, anytime an author is uncredited, it is proof that said author is an Intelligence operative.

The uncredited Intelligence operative from the State propaganda organ known as the West Virginia Gazette goes on to say “A St. Alban’s angler has broken the record for the largest blue catfish in West Virginia”.

They redacted the word “state” from “state record”, and gymnastically separated “West Virginia” from “record”, to avoid plainspokenly saying “West Virginia state record”.

Mark Foster Catfish
(Mark Foster with the West Virginia state record blue catfish, October 2012)

The article goes on to say “Division of Natural Resources Director Frank Jezioro announced Mark Foster’s record-breaking catch Wednesday. He says Foster used cut bait to hook the 43.9 inch, 44.5 pound fish in the Ohio River, breaking his own 2011 record catch of 32.28 pounds.”

Where the curiously-uncredited author walked the specific “blue catfish” back to the general “fish”, redacted “West Virginia” and “state” from “West Virginia state record”, and said “catch”, “bait”, “hook”, “fish” and “catch” to reinforce the false meme that far-larger blue catfish had been out there in West Virginia, all along, only nobody had pursued them with the proper skill or assiduousness, previously.

In October 2012, the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources Director Frank Jezioro said that Mark Foster “broke his own 2011 record catch of 32.28 pounds.”

When, in fact, there are no independent news stories corroborating this assertion, nor are there any photographs of this blue catfish.

The claim is false.

On some obfuscated date in October 2012, Mark Foster caught the West Virginia state record blue catfish, in the Ohio River. It weighed 44.5 pounds and was 43.9 inches long.

On October 4, 2012, the West Virginia Gazette said “The previous length record was a 42.25-inch blue catfish caught by Lynn Lange in 2009.

APRIL 2014

On April 30, 2014, said “A new blue catfish state record”.

Where, under the false guise of familiarity, author Chris Lawrence redacted the name of the state, to make the subject almost unsearchable.

That is an example of the propaganda technique known as “compartmentalization”.

For the record, it is West Virginia.

The article goes on to say “An excursion to check out new gear turned into the fishing trip of a lifetime for Cabell County angler Austin Hoffman, who hooked a state-record blue catfish.

The fish weighed 52.95 pounds and measured 47.75 inches, both state records.”

Where Chris said “excursion”, “gear”, “fishing”, “angler” and “hooked” to reinforce the false meme that far-larger blue catfish had been out there in West Virginia, all along, only nobody had pursued them with the proper skill or assiduousness, previously.

Then, despite working for West Virginia Metro News, Chris redacted “West Virginia” from “West Virginia state record”, under the false guise of familiarity, to make the subject less searchable.

That is an example of the propaganda technque known as “compartmentalization”.

On April 26, 2014, Austin Hoffman, of Cabell County, West Virginia, caught the West Virginia state record blue catfish. It weighed 52.95 pounds, and was 47.75 inches long.

The article goes on to say “Hoffman had hooked into the record-breaking blue catfish. Although a native fish to West Virginia’s big rivers the blue cats were largely eliminated by the construction of the locks and dams on the rivers decades ago. Five years ago, the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources engaged in a program to restore them with great results.

“We suspect records for a new fish like this is going to be broken quite a lot,” said Biologist Scott Morrison who certified the new record. “However, this time it wasn’t broken by just a pound or so, it was broken by a considerable amount.”

Hoffman’s catfish bested the previous record, also caught from the Ohio River in 2012 by Mark Foster. Foster’s fish was 44.5 pounds and 43.9 inches.”

Where the general “a program” and “great results” are pure propaganda. What program? When, specifically, was it implemented? What were its scientifically quantified results?

It is a bullshit plausible-deniability excuse, put forward at the local level to obscure the fact that the blue catfish is winking back into existence regardless of geography.

In 2012, Mark Foster caught the West Virginia state record blue catfish. It weighed 44.5 pounds and was 43.9 inches long. Or so claims’s Chris Lawrence.

Yet there is no date of the previous catch.

That is an example of the propaganda technique known as “compartmentalization”.

The article goes on to say “Hoffman’s catfish bested the previous record, also caught from the Ohio River in 2012 by Mark Foster. Foster’s fish was 44.5 pounds and 43.9 inches.”

Here’s Chris Lawrence’s picture, where the image is constructed to focus attention on his left eye:

Chris Lawrence
(West Virginia Metro News’ Chris Lawrence, who said “We suspect records for a new fish like this is going to be broken quite a lot”, because of West Virginia’s stocking of blue catfish in the Ohio River from 2004 to 2009. When, in fact, the first West Virginia state record blue catfish was caught six years earlier in 2008 in land-locked Krodel Lake, where no stocking had ever taken place.)

The image is constructed to focus attention on his left eye because, to generational Satanist Freemasons like Chris, the left eye is the “eye of Will” or the “eye of Horus”.

But don’t take my word for it:

‘The right eye is the Eye of Ra and the left is the Eye of Horus’.”

From “Freemasonry - Religion And Belief - The 3rd Temple”

Facebook: “Welcome to the Left-Hand-Path Network, where Satanism is not about worship, but it’s study.”

I have included Chris Lawrence’s picture so that you could get a better idea of what a generational Satanist Freemason of marginal influence looks like.

He figured that the rubes would never notice the coded visual imagery.

It’s not like these people aren’t right up front about what they’re doing, and what they’re into.

We’ve just been conditioned, over literally Millennia, not to “notice” it.

Generational Satanists are all related to one another through the maternal bloodline. They comprise between twenty and thirty percent of the populace, and are hiding in plain sight in every city, town and village on Earth.

It’s how the few have controlled the many all the way back to Babylon, and before.

But they say that the hardest part of solving a problem is recognizing that you have one.

Don Croft used to say “Parasites fear exposure above all else”.

How long do you think that these people have left in power, now?

Please consider doing what you can to help speed the transition.

JUNE 2016

On June 8, 2016, said “West Virginia State Record Blue Catfish”.

Where the hilarious, completely-general title doesn’t mention anything about why all of that is important.

That is an example of the propaganda technique known as “compartmentalization”.

The uncredited article goes on to say “A West Virginia state record blue catfish was caught recently from the Ohio River, according to Robert A. Fala, Director of the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources.

The record blue catfish was caught by Mark Blauvelt of New Lebanon, Ohio. Blauvelt caught the 44.88-inch, 59.74-pound fish from the Ohio River May 14, 2016, using cut bait.

Blauvelt’s catch establishes a new West Virginia record for weight. The blue catfish length record of 47.75 inches held by Austin Hoffman since 2014 still stands.”

In 2014, Austin Hoffman caught the West Virginia state record blue catfish. Its weight was obfuscated by Freshwater Fishing News, and its length was 47.75 inches.

Austin Hoffman Catfish
(Austin Hoffman with the West Virginia state record blue catfish, 2014)

On May 14, 2016, Mark Blauvelt caught the West Virginia state record blue catfish, in the Ohio River. It weighed 59.74 pounds and was 44.88 inches long.

For those unaware, anytime an author is uncredited, it is proof that said author is an Intelligence operative.

The uncredited Intelligence Operative from the state propaganda organ known as Freshwater Fishing News omitted the weight of the previous record holder from 2014.

So I had to research another article, using “Austin Hoffman” and “2014”.


On September 21, 2021,’s Andy Malinoski said “Mark Blauvelt has held the record for weight (59.74 pounds) since 2016.”

So, I had to research another article, using “Mark Blauvelt” and “2016”.

APRIL 2022

On April 13, 2022, said “West Virginia Angler Breaks Blue Catfish Weight Record”.

Where author Andy Malinoski redacted the word “state” from “state record”, and gymnastically separated “West Virginia” and “record” to avoid plainly stating “West Virginia state record”.

Those are examples of the propaganda technique known as “compartmentalization”.

Andy said “angler” to reinforce the false meme that far-larger blue catfish had been out there in West Virginia all along, only nobody had pursued them with the proper skill or assiduousness, previously.

The article goes on to say “On April 8, Cody Carver of Dry Branch, WV, caught and released a blue catfish that broke the state record for weight while fishing from a boat in the Marmet Pool of the Kanawha River. He was using cut shad for bait.”

Where Andy said “caught”, “released”, “fishing”, “boat” and “bait” to reinforce the false meme that far-larger blue catfish had been out there in West Virginia all along, only nobody had pursued them with the proper skill or assiduousness, previously.

Cody Carver Catfish
(Cody Carver with the West Virginia state record blue catfish, March 2022)

The article goes on to say “Carver’s record fish was 45.51 inches long and weighed 61.28 pounds. The fish eclipsed the previous WV weight record of 59.74 pounds held by Mark Blauvelt. However, the length record of 50.15 inches held by Justin Goode still stands. Carver’s record catch was measured by WVDNR hatchery manager Ryan Bosserman.”

Where, with “record fish”, West Virginia’s Andy Malinoski has redacted “state” from “state record”, and walked the specific “blue catfish” back to the general “fish”.

Those are examples of the propaganda technique known as “compartmentalization”.

Andy also omitted the date of Mark Blauvelt’s previous record, and used the general “eclipsed” to imply that one record was just larger than the other. It is also a thinly-veiled reference to the solar and lunar eclipses during which Illuminists most prefer to perform their rituals of human sacrifice and cannibalism.

Here’s Andy Malinoski’s picture, where the image is constructed to focus attention on his left eye:

Andy Malinoski
(Andy Malinoski)

The image is constructed to focus attention on his left eye because, to generational Satanist Freemasons like Andy, the left eye is the “eye of Will” or the “eye of Horus”.

But don’t take my word for it:

‘The right eye is the Eye of Ra and the left is the Eye of Horus’.”

From “Freemasonry - Religion And Belief - The 3rd Temple”

Facebook: “Welcome to the Left-Hand-Path Network, where Satanism is not about worship, but it’s study.”

I have included Andy Malinoski’s picture so that you could get a better idea of what a generational Satanist Freemason of marginal influence looks like.

He figured that the rubes would never notice the coded visual imagery.

It’s not like these people aren’t right up front about what they’re doing, and what they’re into.

We’ve just been conditioned, over literally Millennia, not to “notice” it.

Generational Satanists are all related to one another through the maternal bloodline. They comprise between twenty and thirty percent of the populace, and are hiding in plain sight in every city, town and village on Earth.

It’s how the few have controlled the many all the way back to Babylon, and before.

But they say that the hardest part of solving a problem is recognizing that you have one.

Don Croft used to say “Parasites fear exposure above all else”.

How long do you think that these people have left in power, now?

Please consider doing what you can to help speed the transition.

From some obfuscated date prior to April 8, 2022 to April 8, 2022, the West Virginia state record blue catfish increased in size by 2.6%, from 59.74 pounds to 61.28 pounds.

On some obfuscated date prior to April 8, 2022, Mark Blauvelt caught the West Virginia state record blue catfish at some obfuscated location. It weighed 59.74 pounds.

So, to get the date and location, I had to research another article, using “Mark Blauvelt”.

JUNE 2022

On June 5, 2022, said “Lancaster’s Steven Price hauls in 67-pound blue catfish”.

Where, under the false guise of familiarity, author Dave Golonewski omitted the name of the state, and omitted “state record”, to make the subject completely unsearchable, and avoid stating “West Virginia state record blue catfish”.

Those are examples of the propaganda technique known as “compartmentalization”.

Dave said “hauls in” to reinforce the false meme that far-larger blue catfish had been out there in West Virginia all along, only nobody had pursued them with the proper skill or assiduousness previously.

The article goes on to say “More often than most, Lancaster’s Steven Price gets the blues in a big way.”

Where, under the false guise of humor, propagandist Dave Golonewski walked the biggest blue catfish in the history of the state of West Virginia back to merely “big”.

This is “buried” eight paragraphs down in the article:

“The two drove to a certified scale operated by a wildlife official. That official verified the fish’s weight at 67.22 pounds with a length of 50.7 inches. Pictures of catch and catcher snapped, the blue was released.”

Where Dave redacted “West Virginia”, and also redacted that West Virginia official’s title, to make the subject less searchable.

Those are examples of the propaganda technique known as “compartmentalization”.

On May 25, 2022, Steven Price, of Lancaster, West Virginia, caught the West Virginia state record blue catfish. It weighed 67.22 pounds and was 50.7 inches long.

(Steven Price with the West Virginia state record catfish, May 2022)

The article goes on to say “Price’s catfish, it turned out, bested by more than a whisker the West Virginia record 61.28-pound blue caught seven weeks earlier.

Where, under the false guise of wit, propagandist Dave Golonewski replaced the specific margin between the old record and the new with the general “bested by more than a whisker”, to falsely imply that the margin was very small.

Dave also redacted the date of the previous record, the name of the person who set the previous record, the location of the previous record, and the location of the previous record.

So, I had to do the math, three times.

On some obfuscated date in March 2022, some obfuscated person caught the West Virginia state record blue catfish. It weighed 61.28 pounds.

From some obfuscated date in March 2022 to May 25, 2022, the West Virginia state record blue catfish increased in size by 9.7%, from 61.28 pounds to 67.22 pounds.’s Dave Golonewski omitted the percentage, and referred to it as “bested by more than a whisker”, to falsely imply that the margin was very small.

So, I had to research another article, using the specific “61.28 pounds”.


On December 21, 2023, said “West Virginia Angler Reels in Record-Breaking 69.45-pound Blue Catfish”

“This blue catfish broke the previous state record. The last record was held by a man called Steven Price. Drake’s catch surpassed Price’s record by 2.23 pounds.”

Where the uncredited author redacted the word “state” from “state record”, and gymnastically separated “record” from “West Virginia”, to avoid plainly stating “West Virginia state record”, to make the subject far less searchable.

They said “broke” as a general hedge against the specific margin between the old record and the new.

They redacted the weight of the previous record holder, and replaced it with the general “by 2.23 pounds”. Then they omitted the location of the previous record.

Those are all examples of the propaganda technique known as “compartmentalization”.

For those unaware, anytime an author is uncredited, it is proof that said author is an Intelligence operative.

Ask anybody who writes for a living.

The uncredited Intelligence operative from the State propaganda organ known as said “angler reels in” to reinforce the false meme that far-larger blue catfish had been out there in West Virginia all along, only nobody had pursued them with the proper skill or assiduousness previously.

The article goes on to say “For the fourth year in a row, the state’s record for the heaviest blue catfish has been broken. This news came from the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources (WVDNR).”

Where the curiously-uncredited author gymnastically separated “record” and “West Virginia” into two different sentences, to avoid plainly stating “West Virginia state record”, to make the subject far less searchable.

That is an example of the propaganda technique known as “compartmentalization”.

“A local fisherman, Michael John Drake, caught the record-breaking catfish on December 8th. The fish was caught from a boat on the R.C. Byrd Pool. Drake used cut shad as bait. This enormous catfish weighed in at an incredible 69.45 pounds and was 50.51 inches long.”

Where the uncredited Intelligence operative from the State propaganda organ known as said “a local fisherman”, which is general, in place of the specific place in which that fisherman resides. An honest reporter would have written “Smithtown’s Michael John Drake”.

The operative said “fisherman”, “caught”, “fish”, “caught”, “boat” and “bait” to reinforce the false meme that far-larger blue catfish had been out there in West Virginia all along, only nobody had pursued them with the proper skill or assiduousness previously.

The propagandist walked the largest blue catfish ever caught in West Virginia back to merely “enormous”, and omitted the year under the false guise of familiarity.

The word “incredible” is an example of the propaganda technique known as “stonewalling”, which gives the subconscious of the Coincidence theorist reader the green light to say “I don’t believe it!”, and turn the page.

The propagandist knows that many or most readers will grasp virtually any straw, no matter how thin, to remain off the hook of personal responsibility.

Here’s how an honest person would have written it:

On December 8, 2023, West Virginia’s Michael John Drake caught the West Virginia state record blue catfish. It weighed 69.45 pounds and was 50.51 inches long. 2023 was the fourth consecutive year in which the West Virginia state record for the blue catfish had been broken.

So I had to go look for another article using the name of Steven Price.


On January 30, 2024, said “Record-Breaking Catfish Sets New Standard in West Virginia”.

Where the uncredited author redacted “blue” from”blue catfish”, replaced the word “record” with the bizarre “standard”, and, for good measure, gymnastically separated the word “standard” from “West Virginia”, all to avoid plainly stating “West Virginia state record”.

Those are examples of the propaganda technique known as “compartmentalization”.

For those unaware, anytime an author is uncredited, it is proof that said author is an Intelligence operative.

Ask anybody who writes for a living.

The uncredited Intelligence operative from the State propaganda organ known as went on to say “Angler Michael John Drake has left an indelible mark on West Virginia’s fishing history by securing the state’s record blue catfish with a remarkable catch in December 2023. Drake’s solo fishing expedition near Gallipollis yielded a blue catfish weighing an impressive 69.45 pounds, surpassing the previous state record by more than 2 pounds.”

Michael John Drake
(Michael John Drake, with the West Virginia state record catfish, 2024)

The curiously-uncredited author said “angler”, “catch” and “fishing” to reinforce the false meme that far-larger blue catfish had been out there in West Virginia all along, only nobody had pursued them with the proper skill or assiduousness previously.

They replaced “setting the record” with the bizarre “securing”, and then gymnastically used the plural “state’s”, all to avoid plainly stating “West Virginia state record”. They they omitted the year of the previous record, the weight of the previous record, the name of the person who caught the previous record, and replaced the percentage increase between the old record and the new with the general “by more than 2 pounds”.

Those are all examples of the propaganda technique known as “compartmentalization.”

So, I had to look up another article.


On February 28, 2024, said “West Virginia Teen Lands New State-Record Tiger Trout That Barely Fit in the Net”.

Where author Bob McNally gymnastically separated “West Virginia” and “State-Record”, to avoid plainspokenly saying “new West Virginia State Record”.

Bob said “lands” and “net” to reinforce the false meme that far-larger tiger trout had been out there in West Virginia, all along, only nobody had pursued them with the proper skill or assiduousness, previously.

The article goes on to say: “So Smith took his catch to the West Virginia DNR office in Romney, where it was positively identified as a tiger trout. A biologist taped the fish at 26.75 inches long and weighed it on certified scales for an official weight of 11.98 pounds. It’s the new West Virginia state record tiger trout by weight, beating the old record by more than 1.5 pounds. Smith’s fish is just shy of the longest tiger trout on record in the state. That fish was caught by Mike Connolly in 2011 from Krodel Lake in Mason County. Connolly’s tiger trout measured 28.7 inches long and weighed 10.65 pounds.

Outdoor Life’s Bob McNally used the general “by more than 1.5 pounds” in place of a specific margin between the old record and the new.

That is an example of the propaganda technique known as “compartmentalization”.

However, when I went to check, I found that there are no independent media accounts documenting the 2011 record, nor are there any photographs of the fish, or the angler.

All of the references to the 2011 record are in stories documenting the 2024 record, or are in databases which quote the statistic without verification.

It is a false record, fake, fabricated…put forward to blunt awareness of the fact that the tiger trout winked into existence in West Virginia in 2024 for the first time in history.

In February 2024, Nathaniel Smith caught the first-ever West Virginia state record tiger trout. It weighed 11.98 pounds and was 26.73 inches long.

In February 2024, the tiger trout winked into existence in West Virginia for the first time in history. It weighed 11.98 pounds and was 26.73 inches long.

Nathaniel Smith Tiger Trout West Virginia 2024
(Nathaniel Smith with the first-ever West Virginia state record tiger trout, from February 2024.)

MARCH 2024

On March 14, 2024, said “Record-Breaking Redbreast Sunfish and Tiger Trout Caught at New Creek Lake in February.”

Where, under the false guise of familiarity, the uncredited author from the West Virginia Department of Natural Resources omitted the word “state” from “state record, omitted the year, and, most spectacularly, omitted “West Virginia”.

They said “caught” to reinforce the false meme that far-larger redbreast sunfish and tiger trout had been out there in West Virginia, all along, only nobody pursued them with the proper skill or assiduousness previously.

For those unaware, anytime an author is uncredited, it is proof that said author is an Intelligence operative.

Ask anyone who writes for a living.

The article goes on to say “Zach Adkins of Petersburg, W.Va., caught a record 9.29-inch, 9.1-ounce redbreast sunfish with a spoon on New Creek Lake (Dam 14) on Feb. 19. The sunfish was certified by WVDNR District 2 biologist Brandon Keplinger. In 2022, Adkins became the first angler to receive the WVDNR’s Master Angler Award.

Adkins’s record redbreast sunfish was the first caught after the WVDNR added the species to the state record list on Jan. 1, 2024. The agency also added redear, pumpkinseed, black crappie and redhorse to the list.”

Zach Adkins West Virginia State Record Redear Sunfish
(Zach Adkins with the first-ever West Virginia state record redbreast sunfish, February 2024)

In February 2024, the West Virginia Department of Natural Resources added five new species to the state record list: the redbreast sunfish, the redear, the pumpkinseed, the black crappie, and the red horse. However, they did not provide any reason as to why.

That is an example of the propaganda technique known as “stonewalling”.

On February 19, 2024, Zach Adkins caught the first-ever West Virginia state record redbreast sunfish, on New Creek Lake, at Dam 14. It weighed 9.1 ounces and was 9.29 inches long.

In February 2024, the redbreast sunfish winked into existence in West Virginia, on New Creek Lake, at a weight of 9.1 ounces and a length of 9.29 inches.

The article goes on to say “Nathaniel Smith of Burlington, W.Va., caught a 26.73-inch, 11.98-pound tiger trout with a soft-plastic minnow and a 4-pound test line from the shoreline of New Creek Lake (Dam 14) on Feb. 24. Smith’s record tiger trout broke the weight record previously held by Mike Connolly, whose fish weighed 10.65 pounds and was 28.7 inches long. Connolly, who caught his fish in Krodel Lake in 2011, retains the record for length. Smith’s catch was confirmed by WVDNR District 2 biologists Drew Carter and Carly Fenstermacher.”

Where the uncredited Intelligence operative from the West Virginia Department of Natural Resources omitted the date of the previous record.

That is an example of the propaganda technique known as “compartmentalization”.

In February 2024, Nathaniel Smith caught the West Virginia state record tiger trout. It weighed 11.98 pounds and was 26.73 inches long.

On some obfuscated date prior to 2024, Mike Connolly caught the West Virginia state record tiger trout. It weighed 10.65 pounds and was 28.7 inches long.

MARCH 2024

On March 28, 2024, said “Four new record fish in three months caught in West Virginia”.

Where, under the false guise of journalistic efficiency, author George Noleff omitted the names of all four of the new West Virginia state fishing records.

That is an example of the propaganda technique known as “compartmentalization”.

For the record, they are the blue catfish, the redear sunfish, the tiger trout, and the bowfin.

George also bravely redacted the word “state” from “state record”, and gymnastically separated the word “record” from “West Virginia” for good measure, to avoid plainly stating “West Virginia state record”.

Those are all is examples of the propaganda technique known as “compartmentalization”.

The article goes on to say “It all started back in December of 2023 when John Drake of St. Albans caught a record 69.45-pound blue catfish from the Ohio River near Gallipolis Ferry. That fish was certified and released.”

There’s no mention of a previous record, and there is also no mention of the fact that this record is the first of its kind for the species.

That is an example of the propaganda technique known as “stonewalling”.

So, I had to look up another article.

Here’s George Noleff’s picture, in a Satanic purple jacket, with a Satanic green “tree of life” background, and where the image is constructed to focus attention on his left eye:

George Noleff
(’s George Noleff, who mitted the names of all four of the new West Virginia state fishing records, redacted the word “state” from “state record”, and gymnastically separated the word “record” from “West Virginia” for good measure, to avoid plainly stating “West Virginia state record”.)

The image is constructed to focus attention on his left eye because, to generational Satanist Freemasons like George, the left eye is the “eye of Will” or the “eye of Horus”.

But don’t take my word for it:

‘The right eye is the Eye of Ra and the left is the Eye of Horus’.”

From “Freemasonry - Religion And Belief - The 3rd Temple”

Facebook: “Welcome to the Left-Hand-Path Network, where Satanism is not about worship, but it’s study.”

I have included George Noleff’s picture so that you could get a better idea of what a generational Satanist Freemason of marginal influence looks like.

He figured that the rubes would never notice the coded visual imagery.

It’s not like these people aren’t right up front about what they’re doing, and what they’re into.

We’ve just been conditioned, over literally Millennia, not to “notice” it.

Generational Satanists are all related to one another through the maternal bloodline. They comprise between twenty and thirty percent of the populace, and are hiding in plain sight in every city, town and village on Earth.

It’s how the few have controlled the many all the way back to Babylon, and before.

But they say that the hardest part of solving a problem is recognizing that you have one.

Don Croft used to say “Parasites fear exposure above all else”.

How long do you think that these people have left in power, now?

Please consider doing what you can to help speed the transition.

Jeff Miller, Honolulu, HI, July 5, 2024

If you’d like to be added to this free mailing list, please send me a note at [email protected].