In July 2022, directly in the face of exponentially decreasing smartphone sales, dai-global-digital’s Anand Varghese widened his eyes to simulate honesty and said “More feature phones don’t necessarily mean fewer smartphones.”

“Good intelligence work, Control had always preached, was gradual and rested on a kind of gentleness.”

From “Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy”, by John Le Carre, 1974

We’re in the midst of the Revolution, and, thanks to literally Millenia of programming, no one will consciously admit that they’re noticing that it’s happening.

I think that’s a phase. Suddenly, it’s going to become fashionable to not be an enabler.


From 2012 to 2018, PC sales decreased for six straight years.

You’ve been socially engineered to think that the Personal Computer is some crucial thing, but it’s not. It’s a fetish, an affectation, a fad .

From 2014 to 2015, flip phone sales in the United States increased by .9%, from 22.2 million to 24.2 million.

In the 3rd Quarter of 2015, flip phone sales in India increased by 35%. CMR Lead Analyst Telecom Practice’s Faisal Kawoosa called it “a contrarian view”.

The 3rd Quarter of 2015 was the first quarter of growth for flip phones since the release of the iPhone 1 in 2007.

In the 3rd Quarter of 2015, the 35% increase in flip phone sales in India was 218% greater, or well more than triple the 11% increase in smartphone sales there that same year.

The great positive change is increasing exponentially, going forward in time.

That’s because moral and mental health vary directly with that of the subject’s etheric environment.

In 2015, flip phone sales in India increased by 35%, annualized.

In 2015, the 35% annualized increase in flip phone sales in India was 3,788% greater than their .9% increase in the United States in 2014.

The great positive change is increasing exponentially, going forward in time. That’s because, when Confidence games collapse, they do so in a rush, like a house of cards.

From 2018 to 2012, Google searches for flip phones increased by 89%, or almost doubled.’s “mobile expert” Ernest Doku said it was because of “fashion, nostalgia, and them appearing in TikTok videos”.’s Ernest Doku a mouthpiece of the State, using conscious deception while retaining the firmness of purpose that goes with complete honesty.

The truth is that the populace has recognized that technology has been weaponized against it.

In the 3rd Quarter of 2019, Canalys said that international sales of smartphone decreased by 9%, year-over-year.

In 2022, PC sales decreased by 10%, from 342 million to 310 million. Gartner said it was because of “Rising inflation, supply chain disruptions and geopolitical issues .”

In 2022, just 3.9% of the world’s population purchased a personal computer (that’s 310 million out of 7.9 billion). You’ve been socially engineered to think that the personal computer is some crucial thing, but it’s not. It’s a fetish, an affectation, a fad.

**In April 2022, internet searches for flip phones increased by 18%.

In April 2022, internet searches for flip phone services increased by 5%.

According to MIT, college-wide access to Facebook caused a 20% increase in anxiety disorders and a 7% increase in depression.

From 2019 to 2022, international Flip Phone sales increased by 2,400%, from 400 million to one billion.

From 2019 to 2022, international flip phone sales increased by an annual average of 1,200%.

The 1,200% international average annual increase in flip phone sales from 2019 to 2022 was 3,328% greater than their 35% annualized increase India in 2015.

The great positive change is increasing hyper-exponentially, going forward in time. That’s because when the school of fish, the flock of birds turns, they do so apparently as one.

The 3rd Quarter of 2015 was the first quarter of growth for flip phones since the inception of the smartphone.

In the 3rd Quarter of 2015, the 35% increase in flip phone sales in India was 218% greater, or well more than triple the 11% increase in smartphone sales there. Telecomm practice Lead Analyst Faisal Kawoosa omitted the percentage, and said only-generally that the increase in sales of feature phones “bettered” those of smartphones.

From 2018 to 2022, smartphone sales decreased for five straight years.

You’ve been socially engineered to think that the smartphone is some crucial thing, but it’s not. It’s a fetish, an affectation, a fad .

In 2022, international smartphone sales decreased by 12%, year-over-year.

In the 2nd Quarter of 2022, mentions of artificial intelligence within the filings of companies in the power industry decreased by 44%, quarter-over-quarter.

In 2022, the use of Artificial Intelligence in power industry dropped into its own footprint at freefall speed like a Manhattan skyscraper brought down by controlled demolition.

In the 3rd Quarter of 2022, smartphone sales in India decreased by 11%, year-over-year, to 45 million units.

The 3rd Quarter of 2022 was the first decrease in 3rd-Quarter smartphone sales in history. Counterpoint Reearch said it was due to “the global macroeconomic situation”.

In the 3rd Quarter of 2022, just 3.2% of the population of India purchased a smartphone. That’s 45 million out of a nation of 1.393 billion. You’ve been socially engineered to think that the smartphone is some crucial thing, but it’s not. It’s a fetish, an affectation, a fad .

In July 2022, directly in the face of exponentially decreasing smartphone sales, dai-global-digital’s Anand Varghese widened his eyes to simulate honesty and said “More feature phones don’t necessarily mean fewer smartphones.”

In the 3rd Quarter of 2022, sales in Corning’s displays technologies division decreased by 28%, year-over-year.

In the 3rd Quarter of 2022, tablet and notebook sales decreased by 17%, year over year.

In the 3rd Quarter of 2022, Corning said that smartphone sales decreased by 14%, year-over-year.


On November 5, 2015, said "Against a 10.7 per cent per cent growth in smartphone shipments (to 27.01 million) in the said quarter over April-June 2015 quarter, feature phones registered a 35.3 per cent jump (to 43.53 million units), CMR said in a statement.

The 35% quarter-over-quarter increase in feature phone in sales in India in the 3rd Quarter of 2015 wasn’t official, you see…they only registered for it.

The article goes on to say “While the general belief at the moment is that smartphone is the growth catalyst for the India mobile handsets market, the results announced today reveal a contrarian view,” CMR Lead Analyst Telecom Practice Faisal Kawoosa said. He added that feature phones segment recorded over 35 per cent growth over the previous quarter, bettering the smartphones growth of 11 per cent, after a long spell of negative growth."

In the 3rd Quarter of 2015, flip phone sales in India increased by 35%, quarter-over-quarter. CMR Lead Analyst Telecom Practice’s Faisal Kawoosa called it “a contrarian view”.

The 3rd Quarter of 2015 was the first quarter of growth for flip phones since the inception of the smartphone.

In the 3rd Quarter of 2015, the 35% quarter-over-quarter increase in flip phone sales in India was 218% greater, or well more than triple the 11% increase in smartphone sales there. Telecomm practice Lead Analyst Faisal Kawoosa omitted the percentage, and said only that the increase in sales of feature phones “bettered” those of smartphones.

Here’s Faisal Kawoosa’s picture, in front of a Satanic purple background:


(CMR Telecom Practice’s Lead Analyst Faisal Kawoosa, in front of a Satanic purple background. He figured the rubes would never notice. Faisal called a 35% increase in flip phone sales in India in the 3rd Quarter of 2015 "a contrarian view".)

I have included his photograph so that you could get a better idea of what a generational Satanist in a position of marginal influence looks like.

They’re all related to one another through the maternal bloodline. They comprise between twenty and thirty percent of the populace, and are hiding in plain sight in every city, town and village on Earth. It’s how the few have controlled the many all the way back to Babylon, and before.

But they say that the hardest part of solving a problem is recognizing that you have one.

Don Croft used to say “Parasites fear exposure above all else”.

On April 26, 2019, narrowed its eyes and questioned "The flip phone is back. Have people had enough of constant connection ?

Author Elizabeth Flock went on to say "Product designer Kaiwei Tang spent years designing smartphones for big companies like Nokia and Motorola. But he started to feel bothered by a single, recurring image: whether it was a restaurant, subway car, or the park, the majority of people he saw were busy staring at their phone, swiping away.

The smartphone, he felt, was no longer a neutral device. Silicon Valley, after all, has admitted that it is engineered to keep people hooked. So Tang, at an tech incubator in 2014, began doing research on what happened when people went without their phones glued to their hands. People experienced an “initial anxiety,” Tang said. “They say that there’s nothing to do or they’re bored…. But after 15 to 20 minutes, they start to pay attention to the buildings, the clouds, the sky, their friends. It was encouraging.”

The article goes on to say “According to the research firm IDC, sales of basic “feature” phones have recently grown. Some 24.2 million simple feature phones shipped in the U.S. in 2015, almost 2 million more than the year before.”

Did you notice how’s Elizabeth Flock provided the numbers, but carefully hedged by omitting the far more impactful percentage increase between them? That’s an example of the propaganda technique known as “compartmentalization”.

So, I had to do the math - twice - to learn that, from 2014 to 2015, flip phone sales in the United States increased by .9%, from 22.2 million to 24.2 million.

Here’s’s Elizabeth Flock’s picture in front of a Satanic purple and green background that she figured the rubes would never notice:


(’s Elizabeth Flock, in front of a Satanic purple and green background that she figured the rubes would never notice. Elizabeth suspiciously questioned “have people had enough of constant connection ?

I have included her photograph so that you could get a better idea of what a generational Satanist in a position of marginal influence looks like. They’re all related to one another through the maternal bloodline. They comprise between twenty and thirty percent of the populace, and are hiding in plain sight in every city, town and village on Earth. It’s how the few have controlled the many all the way back to Babylon, and before.

But they say that the hardest part of solving a problem is recognizing that you have one.

Don Croft used to say “Parasites fear exposure above all else”.

On March 1, 2022, suspiciously questioned “Not smart but clever? The return of ‘dumbphones’”.

Author Ernest Doku, a “mobiles expert” at the price comparison site, narrowed his eyes and suspiciously continued: “It appears fashion, nostalgia, and them appearing in TikTok videos, have a part to play in the dumbphone revival,” says Ernest Doku, mobiles expert at price comparison site “Many of us had a dumbphone as our first mobile phone, so it’s natural that we feel a sense of nostalgia towards these classic handsets.”

Where Ernest Doku plays that it’s a fashion thing, versus the truth, which is that the populace has recognized that technology has been weaponized against it.

Did you notice that ‘’ gymnastically used the word “witch”? They figured the rubes would never notice.

Here’s Ernest Doku’s picture, in a Satanic purple blazer in front of a Satanic green background:


(Ernest Doku, mobiles expert at the price comparison site, in a Satanic purple blazer in front of a Satanic green background. He figured the rubes would never notice. Ernest said that the sudden, quantum increase in flip phone sales in the 1st Quarter of 2022 was due to the fact that “Many of us had a dumbphone as our first mobile phone, so it’s natural that we a feel a sense of nostalgia towards these classic handsets.”)

I have included his photograph so that you could get a better idea of what a generational Satanist in a position of marginal influence looks like.

They’re all related to one another through the maternal bloodline. They comprise between twenty and thirty percent of the populace, and are hiding in plain sight in every city, town and village on Earth. It’s how the few have controlled the many all the way back to Babylon, and before.

But they say that the hardest part of solving a problem is recognizing that you have one.

Don Croft used to say “Parasites fear exposure above all else”.

The article goes on to say “Google searches for them jumped by 89% between 2018 and 2021, according to a report by software firm SEMrush.”

Where “jump” hopefully but falsely implies that flip phone sales almost doubled between 2018 and 2021, but would be coming right back down again shortly, like when you jump.

On April 19, 2022, said “The dumb phone makes a comeback: What does this mean for your marketing strategy***?***”

Then the subhead suspiciously narrows it eyes and questions “Have we finally reached a tipping point on how much time we want to put into our smartphones***?*** Recent research seems to say yes. This may have a dramatic effect on the marketing industry.”

Author Mary Shacklett goes on to say “The Sortlist survey also revealed that consumers were seeking to decrease the amount of time spent on smartphones, as evidenced by an 18% increase in searches in the U.S. for dumb phones (like flip phones that have no internet access, or limited access to emails only). There has also been a 5% increase in global searches for dumb phone services.”

In April 2022, internet searches for flip phones increased by 18%.

In Apri 2022, internet searches for flip phone services increased by 5%.

In July 2022, directly in the face of exponentially decreasing smartphone sales, dai-global-digital’s Anand Varghese widened his eyes to simulate honesty and said “More feature phones don’t necessarily mean fewer smartphones.”

Jeff Miller, Libertyville, IL, November 20, 2022

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