In July 2022,'s Julie Brown said "Lake Tahoe's clarity hasn't changed in decades, and it's 'perplexing' scientists". When, in fact, Lake Tahoe's clarity suddenly increased by 18% from 2018 to 2019

“Doublethink lies at the very heart of Ingsoc, since the essential act of the Party is to use conscious deception while retaining the firmness of purpose that goes with complete honesty.”

From “1984”, by George Orwell, 1949


Lake Tahoe’s native zooplankton population decreased continuously from the 1960’s through 2021, when it reached a record low.

From 2018 to 2023, Lake Tahoe’s water clarity increased by 19%, from 60.4 feet to 71.7 feet.

From 2018 to 2019, in the near-complete absence of native zooplankton, the 18% increase in Lake Tahoe’s water clarity was 1,700% greater than its purportedly plankton-driven 1% increase in clarity from 2021 to 2022.

From 2018 to 2019, with its native zooplankton population near a record low, Lake Tahoe’s water clarity increased by 17.9%, from 60.4 feet to 70.9 feet. Jesse Patterson, Chief Strategy Officer for the League to Save Lake Tahoe, said it was because of “fluctuating weather patterns”.

From 2019 to 2023, Lake Tahoe’s water clairty increased by 1.1%, from 70.9 feet to 71.7 feet. Sudeep Chandra, director of the Ozmen Institute for Global Studies and the Global Water Center and a professor at the University of Nevada, said it was because of “the drought of 2022”.

When, in fact, in the 2022-2023 California Rainfall Season, South Lake Tahoe was 184% above the long term average from 1991 to 2020.

I have exposed the duplicity of Sudeep Chandra, the Global Water Center and the University of Nevada by using what was known in the old days as “fact checking”.

As a bonus, Sudeep did not mention anything about native zooplankton.

While scientists with UC Davis’ Tahoe Environmental Research Center said the improved clarity was “due in part to a resurgence of the lake’s native zooplankton,” researchers said in the report. "They’ve provided a natural clean-up crew to help restore the lake’s famous blue waters.In 2022, Lake Tahoe’s native zooplankton experienced an unquantified “resurgence”.

Scientists with UC Davis’ Tahoe Environmental Research Center did not provide any data on the phenomenon, and offered no explanation as to what might have caused it.

That’s an example of the propaganda technique known as “stonewalling”.


The words “mystery”, “baffled” and “puzzled” are memes, used, among numerous similar variants when anyone in the wholly-controlled-and-coopted Political, Academic, Scientific and Media establishments wants to lie about, well, basically anything. One of those many variants is “perplexed”.

That’s why an article by Julie Brown from July 14, 2022 said “Lake Tahoe’s clarity hasn’t changed in decades, and it’s ‘perplexing’ scientists”.

When, in fact, Lake Tahoe’s water clarity increased by 17.9% from 2018 to 2019.

I have exposed the duplicity of Julie Brown and by using what was known in the old days as “fact checking”.

Here’s Julie Brown’s picture, where the image is constructed to focus attention on her left eye:

Julie Brown
(’s Julie Brown, who said “Lake Tahoe’s clarity hasn’t changed in decades, and it’s ‘perplexing’ scientists”. When, in fact, Lake Tahoe’s water clarity increased by 18% from 2018 to 2019. I have exposed her duplicity by using what was known in the old days as “fact checking”.)

The image features her left eye because, to generational Satanist Freemasons like Julie, the left eye is the “eye of Will” or the “eye of Horus”.

But don’t take my word for it:

‘The right eye is the Eye of Ra and the left is the Eye of Horus’.”

From “Freemasonry - Religion And Belief - The 3rd Temple”

Facebook: “Welcome to the Left-Hand-Path-Network, where Satanism is not about worship, but it’s study.”

I have included Julie’s picture so that you could get a better idea of what a generational Satanist Freemason in a position of marginal influence looks like.

She figured that the rubes would never notice the coded visual imagery.

They are all related to one another through the maternal bloodline. They comprise between twenty and thirty percent of the populace, and are hiding in plain sight in every city, town and village on Earth.

It’s how the few have controlled the many all the way back to Babylon, and before.

But they say that the hardest part of solving a problem is recognizing that you have one.

Don Croft used to say “Parasites fear exposure above all else”.

On April 11, 2023, said “Lake Tahoe’s clarity is the best it’s been in 40 years: Researchers say this animal is helping”.

Scientists with UC Davis’ Tahoe Environmental Research Center said the improved clarity is “due in part to a resurgence of the lake’s native zooplankton,” researchers said in the report. "They’ve provided a natural clean-up crew to help restore the lake’s famous blue waters.

The native zooplankton are small, microscopic animals. Since the 1960s, the zooplankton populations have decreased due to the growth of its primary predator, the Mysis shrimp. Zooplankton, especially the Daphnia and Bosmina species, have dropped to dangerously low levels over the years, hitting a record low in 2021."

Lake Tahoe’s native zooplankton population decreased continuously from the 1960’s through 2021, when it reached a record low.

If Lake Tahoe’s native zooplankton is a “natural cleanup crew”, as stated by the UC Davis Tahoe Environmental Research Center, then how or why could Lake Tahoe’s clarity have increased by 18% from 2018 to 2019, in the presence of a near-record-low population of those native zooplankton?

Further, if Lake Tahoe’s native zooplankton experienced a “resurgence” in 2022, albeit from some undocumented number or density to some other undocumented number or density, and that native zooplankton is the “natural clean-up crew” alleged by the UC Davis Tahoe Environmental Research Center to have effected that resurgence, then why or how could the plankton-free 18% increase in Lake Tahoe’s water clarity from 2018 to 2019 be 1,700% greater than its purportedly plankton-driven 1% increase in clarity from 2021 to 2022?

I’ll have to beg the reader to recall that Jesse Patterson, Chief Strategy Officer for the League to Save Lake Tahoe said that the 18% increase in clarity from 2018 to 2019 was because of “fluctuating weather patterns”. He didn’t mention anything about native zooplankton.

You may have noticed that the UC Davis Taho Environmental Research Center didn’t offer any suggestion as to what had caused the sudden yet unquantified “resurgence” in native Zooplankton in Lake Tahoe in 2022. That’s an example of the propaganda technique known as “stonewalling”.

Here’s Jesse Patterson’s picture, with Satanic purple background, and where the image is constructed to focus attention on his left eye:

Jesse Patterson
(Jesse Patterson, Chief Strategy Officer, League to Save Lake Tahoe, who said that the 18% increase in clarity in Lake Tahoe from 2018 to 2019 was because of “fluctuating weather patterns”.)

The photo captures Jesse in the act of telling a baldfaced lie while retaining the firmness of purpose that goes with complete honesty.

The image features his left eye because, to generational Satanist Freemasons like Jesse, the left eye is the “eye of Will” or the “eye of Horus”.

But don’t take my word for it:

‘The right eye is the Eye of Ra and the left is the Eye of Horus’.”

From “Freemasonry - Religion And Belief - The 3rd Temple”

Facebook: “Welcome to the Left-Hand-Path-Network, where Satanism is not about worship, but it’s study.”

I have included Jesse’s picture so that you could get a better idea of what a generational Satanist Freemason in a position of marginal influence looks like.

He figured that the rubes would never notice the coded visual imagery.

They are all related to one another through the maternal bloodline. They comprise between twenty and thirty percent of the populace, and are hiding in plain sight in every city, town and village on Earth.

It’s how the few have controlled the many all the way back to Babylon, and before.

But they say that the hardest part of solving a problem is recognizing that you have one.

Don Croft used to say “Parasites fear exposure above all else”.

On August 10, 2023, Nevada Today questioned "Why has the water clarity of Lake Tahoe improved?"

Sudeep Chandra, director of the Ozmen Institute for Global Studies and the Global Water Center and a professor at the University of Nevada, Reno, said “One thing to point out is the clarity has not improved dramatically as stated in the various press coverage.”

Here’s Sudeep Chandra’s picture, where the image is constructed to focus attention on his left eye:

(Sudeep Chandra, director of the Ozmen Institute for Global Studies and the Global Water Center and a professor at the University of Nevada, Reno, who said “clarity has not improved dramatically as stated in the various press coverage.” When, in fact, Lake Tahoe’s water clarity increased by 19% from 2018 to 2023, from 60.4 feet to 71.7 feet. I have exposed his duplicity by using what was known in the old days as “fact checking”.)

The image features his left eye because, to generational Satanist Freemasons like Sudeep, the left eye is the “eye of Will” or the “eye of Horus”.

But don’t take my word for it:

‘The right eye is the Eye of Ra and the left is the Eye of Horus’.”

From “Freemasonry - Religion And Belief - The 3rd Temple”

Facebook: “Welcome to the Left-Hand-Path-Network, where Satanism is not about worship, but it’s study.”

I have included Sudeep’s picture so that you could get a better idea of what a generational Satanist Freemason in a position of marginal influence looks like.

He figured that the rubes would never notice the coded visual imagery.

They are all related to one another through the maternal bloodline. They comprise between twenty and thirty percent of the populace, and are hiding in plain sight in every city, town and village on Earth.

It’s how the few have controlled the many all the way back to Babylon, and before.

But they say that the hardest part of solving a problem is recognizing that you have one.

Don Croft used to say “Parasites fear exposure above all else”.

On August 24, 2023, said "2023 SMLA Water Quality Monitoring Program results conclude water quality of lake to be ‘very good’.

The uncredited article goes on to say "There are three benchmarks against the SMLA compares the results of its water quality monitoring program: They include:

Secchi Depth: a measure of water clarity;

Chlorophyll: a concentration, or measure of algae growth; and

Phosphorous: a concentration, or measure of nutrient pollution."

The article blacks out any information on Secchi Depth/water clarity.

For those unaware, anytime an author is uncredited, it is proof that said author is an Intelligence operative.

Jeff Miller, Honolulu, HI, December 4, 2023

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