In October 2021, after achieving 115% vaccine coverage (vaccination was extended to many Spanish visitors), the number of new Covid infections in Gibraltar increased 410%, and the number of Covid deaths there increased by 1,840%

“There appears to be what is called ‘generational satanists,’ and they bring up their children to participate in the way that they themselves have as children,” Farnell said. He alleged that the sisters were abused by their grandparents as well as by their father (now deceased), their mother and other adults in rituals that took place in caves, probably in the San Bernardino mountains.

“These are things that are admittedly quite bizarre, but these things do happen, they have happened and they can be documented by people other than these three victims,” Farnell said. “The people who perpetuate these kinds of offenses should realize that they are not safe from their victims’ remembering and coming after them.”

From “Forced to Kill Her Baby, Woman Says”, the Los Angeles Times, March 21, 1991


In March 2020, across 19 different countries, 20% or more of respondents said they gave at least some credibility to the view that “the truth about the harmful effects of vaccines is being deliberately hidden from the public”, including 57% of South Africans, 48% of Turks, 38% of French people, 33% of Americans, 31% of Germans and 26% of Swedes.

In 2021, 59%, or a near-supermajority of Americans at least somewhat distrusted state health departments.

In 2021, 56%, or a simple majority of Americans didn’t trust local health departments.

in 2021, 52% of Americans at least somewhat distrusted or did not at all trust the CDC.

In October 2021, after achieving 115% vaccine coverage (vaccination was extended to many Spanish visitors), the number of new Covid infections in Gibraltar increased 410%, and the number of Covid deaths there increased by 1,840%.

In November 2021, 60% of Americans believed that the government was exaggerating Covid deaths.

In February 2022, the CDC withheld data on vaccination status over the last year, along with information on the effectiveness of booster shots on those between 18 and 49.

Kristen Nordlund, a CDC spokeswoman, said the reason for the slow release of data is “because basically, at the end of the day, it’s not yet ready for prime time.”

From March 2020 to March 2021, DPH counted the death of any person who had previously tested positive for COVID-19 as a COVID-related death, regardless of how much time elapsed between those two events.

Even if someone contracted the virus in March and died in a car crash in July, they were added to the ongoing tally of pandemic deaths for that first year.”

In March 2022, the Massachusetts Department of Public Health suddenly decreased the official number of Covid deaths for 2021 by 15%.


In March 2020, the U.K.’s Guardian said “Survey uncovers widespread belief in 'dangerous’ Covid conspiracy theories”.

The subhead goes on to say “False claims that pandemic is a hoax or was started deliberately are attracting adherents around world”.

You might have noticed that the authors, Jon Henley and Niamh McIntyre positioned the obviously-false “pandemic is a host” in front of that cold hard fact that the pandemic was started deliberately to water that truth down, and demean it. They’re writing what is known in the Intelligence trade as a “hit piece”.

Here’s first author Jon Henley’s picture, where he’s using a purportedly-secret Illuminist hand-to-chin gesture that he figured the rubes would never notice:


(Author Jon Henley, using a purportedly-secret Illuminist hand gesture)


(Full Stack Software Engineer. Purple shirt, purple wristband. Purportedly-secret Illuminist hand and arm gesture. Can you see how she’s off center to the left in the frame? That makes her left eye the centerpiece. The left eye, the “eye of Horus”)

Both author Jon Henley and the Full Stack Software engineer are using the same purportedly-secret Illuminist hand gestures. They figured the rubes would never notice.

I’ve included their photographs so that you could get a better idea of what generational Satanists positions of varying influence look like.

They comprise roughly twenty to thirty percent of the populace, and are hiding in plain sight in every city, town and village on Earth.

They’re all related through the maternal bloodline. It’s how he few have controlled the many, well, all the way back to Babylon, and before.

But they say that the hardest part of solving a problem is recognizing that you have one.

Don Croft used to say “Parasites fear exposure above all else”.

Mr. Henley’s article goes on to say “Significant numbers of people around the world believe Covid-19 was created deliberately, has killed far fewer people than reported, or is a hoax and does not actually exist, according to a global survey. Along with belief in other conspiracy theories – such as that the world is run by a secret cabal – the YouGov-Cambridge Globalism Project, a survey of about 26,000 people in 25 countries designed in collaboration with the Guardian, found widespread and concerning scepticism about vaccine safety.”

Now, “that the world is run by a secret cabal” is a bell-ringer, in that they’ve actually been forced to dignify the subject with a response.

Across 19 different countries 20% or more of respondents said they gave at least some credibility to the view that “the truth about the harmful effects of vaccines is being deliberately hidden from the public”, including 57% of South Africans, 48% of Turks, 38% of French people, 33% of Americans, 31% of Germans and 26% of Swedes.

In May 2021, NPR said “Poll Finds Public Health Has A Trust Problem”.

The author, a Selena Simmons Duffin, has carefully reworded the simple, straightforward “The Public Doesn’t Trust the CDC”, and inferred that, for some unexplained reason, the public has, inexplicably, taken on an ill-founded mistrust of the CDC. Ms. Duffin tacked “Poll Finds” on the front end of the headline to give the subconscious of the Coincidence theorist the green light to say “oh, but that was just one poll!”

The Propagandist knows that many or most readers will grasp virtually any straw, no matter how thin, to remain off the hook of personal responsibility.

She goes on to say “Overall, the poll found that only 52% of Americans have a great deal of trust in CDC. Other health agencies were even lower — only 37% of Americans said they had a lot of trust in the National Institutes of Health or the Food and Drug Administration.”

She’s gymnastically inverted it, to avoid saying “48% of Americans at somewhat distrust or did not at all trust the CDC, albeit for some unspecified reason”.

Where she gymnastically inverted it, to avoid saying “in 2021, 52% of Americans at least somewhat distrusted or did not at all trust the CDC.

The article goes on to say ‘We’re in a period of distrust of government in general,’ notes Robert Blendon, emeritus professor at the Harvard Chan School, who oversaw the survey. ‘If we substituted the FBI for the CDC, it would not do a lot better’.”

It is what is known in the Disinformation trade as a “limited hangout”. Yes, it’s true that we are in a period of distrust of government in general. Wait, no, it’s not. He, I’m sorry, I mean Robert Blendon, emeritus professor at the Harvard Chan School, has deliberately misstated it.

It’s “a period of distrust in Government”, not, “a period of distrust of Government”. Now that we’re covered that, I’ll continue and note that he’s made a true, if grammatically-incorrect statement, but doesn’t go on to say why that is, in fact, the case. The inference, once again, is that the public has, inexplicably, taken on an ill founded distrust in public institutions in general. Implying that the public has suddenly gone mad, lost its wits.

The article continues: The poll found that trust isn’t just a problem for federal health agencies. State health departments have the trust of 41% of Americans and local health departments only did slightly better at 44%.”

Agent Duffin bravely spun it as positively as she could, to avoid saying “In 2021, 59%, or a near-supermajority of Americans at least somewhat distrusted state health departments.”

And, “in 2021, 56%, or a simple majority of Americans didn’t trust local health departments”.

Be of good cheer, in that everyone, everywhere, at last knows that the fox is in the henhouse, regardless of culture, geography, or national boundary. They know that the folks in charge are bloodline-linked generational Satanists, hiding in plain sight in every city, town and village on Earth.

The words “mystery”, “baffled” and “puzzled” are memes, used, among numerous similar variants, whenever anyone in the wholly-controlled-and-coopted Political, Academic, Scientific and Media establishments wants to lie about, well, basically anything. That’s why the article goes on to say “This poll doesn’t dig into the reasons why respondents don’t trust public health agencies, or what could be done to regain their trust. But, Blendon says, that’s critical for health officials to figure out — both as a means to navigate the country through the end of this pandemic, and to prepare for the next one.”

Ah, that’s great stuff, isn’t it? NPR’s Selena Simmons pointedly avoids mentioning the barely-covert international release of the Chinese bat virus they added four amino acids to in order to improve its transmissibility to humans, and then she threatened you with the next one.

That’s because they’re literally no quit to these guys, and of course gals.

Most fortunately for us all, a great many of the populace were awakened by this latest in a long line of bioterrorism operations the stretch back through Legionairre’s Disease, AIDS, pox-inflected blankets and the great plagues of Europe.

In May 2021, said “British PM Boris Johnson says he doesn’t believe COVID-19 escaped from a lab.”

Where the author has walked the cold truth of “was deliberately created and released from a lab” back to merely “escaped from a lab” - a ridiculous assertion - as if it had a mind or mobility of its own. The propagandist puts the claptrap forward because they know that many or most readers will grasp virtually any straw, no matter how thin, to remain off the hook of personal responsibility.

In July 2021, the Wall Street Journal widened its eyes to simulate honesty and explained “How Science Lost the Public’s Trust”

The article is an interview of British Science writer Matt Ridley. It goes on to say “From climate to Covid, politics and hubris have disconnected scientific institutions from the philosophy and method that ought to guide them.”

Here’s the cartoon picture of Mr. Ridley that accompanies the article:


(A cartoon of British Science writer Matt Ridley, using a purportedly-secret Illuminist hand-to-chin gesture, and with a Kabbalist tree of life in the background stylized in the Satanic colors of green and purple)

For those late to the party, that’s a Kabbalist tree of life in the background. Can you see how it features the Satanic colors of green and purple?

In the image, Mr. Ridley is using a purportedly-secret hand-to-chin gesture, a fact made even more compelling given that it’s a cartoon.


(Software Engineer wearing a purple jacket in front of a green background, using the same purportedly-secret Illuminist hand gesture that British Science writer Matt Ridley is in the picture immediately above. The software engineer is using her left hand. She’s a follower of the Left Hand path. She figured the rubes would never notice.)

And, because the third time it’s enemy action, here’s another photo of a prominent Illuminist using the same purportedly-secret Illuminist hand gestures that the Software Engineer and Mr. Ridley are in the two images immediately above:


(Prominent Illuminist Selena Gomez, wearing a purple top in front of a green background, and using the same purportedly-secret Illuminist hand gesture that the Software Engineer and Mr. Ridley are in the two photos immediately above. With her left hand. She’s a follower of the Left Hand path. She figured the rubes would never notice.)


(Prominent Illuminist William Shatner, using the same purportedly-secret Illuminist hand gesture that we’ve reviewed in the three images immediately above).

I’ve included these images so that you could get a better idea of what generational Satanists in positions of varying influence look like.

They comprise roughly twenty to thirty percent of the populace, and are hiding in plain sight in every city, town and village on Earth.

They’re all related through the maternal bloodline. It’s how he few have controlled the many, well, all the way back to Babylon, and before.

But they say that the hardest part of solving a problem is recognizing that you have one.

Don Croft used to say “Parasites fear exposure above all else”.

In October 2021, Brian Peckford wrote “Gibraltar (34,000 inhabitants) started vaccination in December 2020 when the health agency counted only 1040 confirmed cases and 5 deaths attributed to covid19 in this country. After a very comprehensive vaccination blitz, achieving 115% coverage (vaccination was extended to many Spanish visitors), the number of new infections increased fivefold (to 5314) and the number of deaths increased 19-fold. “

As a bonus, I was forced to do the math to learn those far-more-impactful, specific statistics, given that Brian hid then behind the hedging generalities “increased fivefold” and “increased 19-fold”. There’s a strict rule in journalism, where you list the highest number or percentage first, and the rest in descending order. Here, Peckford has Satanically inverted it, to water down the impact of that exponentially greater second statistic.

Wolf-in-sheep’s-clothing Brian Peckford continues: “But those responsible for the vaccination deny any causal link without proposing any other plausible etiology. And after a few months of calm, the epidemic resumed, confirming that 115% vaccination coverage does not protect against the disease.”

Mr. Peckford is pretending that he’s a hard-hitting journalist who is on the side of good, but I’m sorry to be the one to let you know that he’s hidden the hyper-exponential 1,840% increase in deaths and a 410% increase in infections from the virus the vaccine was falsely purported to be protective against behind the hedging generality “resumed”.

No, it didn’t merely resume, it increased hyper-exponentially.

Peckford’s wolf-in-sheep’s-clothing hit-piece continues:

“Gibraltar-stats - Malta: 84% vaccine coverage, but just as ineffective. Malta is one of the European champions of pseudo-vaccines: on this island of 500,000 inhabitants, nearly 800,000 doses have been administered, ensuring a vaccine coverage of nearly 84% with a delay of about 6 months. But since the beginning of July 2021, the epidemic has started again and the serious (fatal) forms are increasing, forcing the authorities to recognize that vaccination does not protect the population and to impose restrictions. Here again, the recurrence of the epidemic in terms of cases and mortality proves that a high rate of vaccination does not protect the population.”

Here, Peckford once again hides hyper-exponential increases in infections and deaths behind the only-general “started again” “are increasing”, and “recurrence”, and covers “the vaccine infects and kills with far greater efficacy” with the Mil-speak “does not protect”.

The first rule of politics is “deny, deny, deny”. That’s why a article from October 2021 is headlined “US intel doesn’t expect to determine origins of COVID-19”.

The folks in charge are not your friends, and are lying to you about basically everything, including the death rate from the barely-covert international release of a Chinese bat virus with four amino acids added for improved transmissibility to humans. That’s why a Newsweek article from November 2021 is headlined “60 Percent of Americans Believe Government Exaggerating COVID Deaths, Poll Finds”.

Author Laura Korpar tacked “poll finds” on the end of the headline to give the subconscious of the Coincidence theorist reader the green light to say “oh, but that was just one poll!” The propagandist knows that many or most readers will grasp virtually any straw, no matter how thin, to remain off the hook of personal responsibility.

The first rule of politics is “deny, deny, deny”. That’s why an article by the same author, Laura Korpar, from February 2022 explains “Why public health doesn’t disclose vaccination status for COVID deaths”.

The reason why is, precisely, because they know that vaccination status data for Covid deaths will show the same thing that the data from Gibraltar did: that, after Gibraltar achieved 115% coverage (vaccination was extended to many Spanish visitors), the number of new infections from the Chinese bat virus with four amino acids added for improved transmissibility to humans that the virus was supposed to protect against increased 410% and the number of deaths increased 1,840%.

Wait, what? The death rate increased over four times above the infection rate. That’s because the vaccine was engineered to work with the virus to make it that…much…worse.

To maintain current programming levels, breathe through your mouth and affirm Supervisor Community Education Specialist for Shasta County Health and Human Services’ Amy Kosloky’s explanation: “Well, we provide that information on our vaccination page at, and on a regular basis, so that people can see that vaccination rates for fully vaccinated people, and partially vaccinated. But not individual cases, because that might be reaching some privacy issues.”

The words “mystery”, “baffled” and “puzzled” are memes, used, among numerous similar variants, whenever anyone in the wholly-controlled-and-coopted Political, Academic, Scientific and Media establishments wants to lie about, well, basically anything. One of those many variants is “stunned”. That’s why a article from December 2021 is headlined “Holcomb ‘stunned’ after Rokita said he doesn’t trust COVID-19 data”.

Where, under the false guise of familiarity, author Michelle Kaufman omitted the words “Indiana”, “Governor”, and “Attorney General”. Those are all examples of the propaganda technique known as “compartmentalization”.

As a bonus, she put the word “stunned” into quotation marks, to call it in to question.

The article goes on to say “In an interview with WSBT in South Bend on Dec. 17, Rokita said "I don’t believe any numbers anymore and I’m sorry about that, but they’repoliticized. This has been politicized since day one.”

Did you notice how Attorney General Rokita redacted the word “Covid”, and just ran with the general “any numbers” and “they’re politicized”?

That’s another example of the propaganda technique known as “compartmentalization”.

In January 2022, healthy’s Catherine Chambers said “Five reasons why COVID-19 cases are increasing when vaccination rates are going up.”

She’s a bald-fadedly lying Illuminist shill, in that none of the five reasons she provides includes “the vaccines are causing the infection they are falsely claimed to be preventing.”

The first rule of politics is “deny, deny, deny”. That’s why a New York Post article from February 2022 is headlined “CDC withholding COVID data over fears of misinterpretation”.

The author Emily Crane, went on to say “The CDC has admitted it is withholding large portions of COVID-19 data — including on vaccine boosters — from the public because it fears the information could be misinterpreted.”

Can you see how both the CDC and their apologist, Emily Crane, won’t specify, how, specifically, the information might be misinterpereted? That’s an example of the propaganda technique known as “compartmentalization”.

The article goes on to say “The leading public health agency has only published a small sample of the data it has been collecting — despite being two years into the pandemic, sources told the New York Times. Kristen Nordlund, a CDC spokeswoman, said the reason for the slow release of data is “because basically, at the end of the day, it’s not yet ready for prime time.”

Where Kristen Nordlund holds out hope among the mouth-breathing, NPR-addicted readership that soon - just not quite yet - the CDC will let you see the Covid data.

The article goes on to say “Among the data that has been collected but not made public is hospitalizations broken down by age, race and vaccination status over the last year and information on the effectiveness of booster shots. When the CDC released data on the effectiveness of boosters for adults younger than 65 two weeks ago, it did not include full numbers on those between 18 and 49.”

In March 2022, said “Mass. public health department reports ‘significant overcount’ of COVID deaths”.

The author, Chris Lisinski, went on to say “When state public health officials publish Monday’s report about the latest COVID-19 impacts on Massachusetts, the cumulative death toll through two years of the pandemic will suddenly stand about 15% lower.

The Baker administration will start using a new public health surveillance definition next week, narrowing the window of time between a confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis and death required for the fatality to get attributed to the highly infectious virus.

From March 2020 to March 2021, DPH counted the death of any person who had previously tested positive for COVID-19 as a COVID-related death, regardless of how much time elapsed between those two events.

Even if someone contracted the virus in March and died in a car crash in July, they were added to the ongoing tally of pandemic deaths for that first year.”

Now, in the old days, if such a thing had come to light, the public would have started filling a pot with tar and gathering old pillows for their feathers.

The words “mystery”, “baffled” and “puzzled” are memes, used, among numerous similar variants, whenever anyone in the wholly-controlled-and-coopted Political, Academic, Scientific and Media establishments wants to lie about, well, basically anything. That’s why a article from March 2022 is headlined “Fauci Doesn’t Think it Will Ever Be Determined Whether Lockdowns Were Worth it, Warns Restrictions May Return”.

The article goes on to say “Asked if people will be able to go back to living a pre-pandemic life or if a future COVID variant could prompt a return to pandemic restrictions like lockdowns and mask mandates, Fauci said there is a “gradual” trend towards normalcy currently occurring but warned that people should “be prepared” for some restrictions to eventually be reimposed.”

They’re loving the fact that such a large proportion of the populace bought the bullshit about the useless masks and the equally-useless standing six feet apart as defenses against the barely-covert international release of their Chinese bat virus with four amino acids added for improved transmissibility to humans, and can’t wait to get back to the Police State tactics as quickly as possible.