Infofmation from sudan

I got an information that the fishermen in Chad are feeling so great about the Orgonite use.Those who used it are ever smiling the great power.
We are almost coming to the end of our seminar, but because of the Christmass, we are are given a short break, though the whole occasion will come to an end on 9th January 2011. Just as I said, there is a probability of the war breaking out, due to thde fact that the other group in the Northern region do npt support the move. Currently, some people from the Southern region are already coming towards the Kenyan border for the fear of the war breaking. Most Kenyans in the region are already back to Kenya. They do nat want to be around during the refferandum period.
In the region where I live, already feel courageous that I possess the power of the Orgonite, and so I do not fear. I feel like I will manage the situation.That’s why I advised our associates in Kenya to help us in making more and more in preparation to any emergency that may arise.

Our newer readers might not know that this referendum is being conducted for the purpose of making Southern Sudan a country. Sudan is mainly populated by Arabs in the north and mainly by Blacks in the South, which is also the agricultural area. Christine was elected to represent her region of Southern Sudan in those discussions.

Her confidence reflects what many of us have acquired through the intelligent distribution of orgonite and I feel heartened by her commitment and faith in this phenomenally empowering material’s ability. I’m also gratified that the East Africans are creating these miracles with the simplest possible orgonite. This should put to rest years of tireless insinuations by some less than honorable, would-be exemplars of this effort that simple orgonite has to be enhanced with fancy or even proprietary elements in order to work well [Image Can Not Be Found]

A few of us are subject to constant surveillance, interference and even murder attempts by various sewer rat agencies, including CIA, NSA, MI5/6, FBI, the Mossadomites, KGB (the Russian terrorists change the name as often as they change their underwear), Triads, ad nauseum but the Africans are in the most danger, right now. We’ll do some more work for Christine in the international Sunday session preceding the finale of the referendum.

I’m thrilled that our principle African cohorts are posting regular reports on this board because everything they’re doing, right now, is historic and groundbreaking. We’re all priveleged to witness it and they exemplify the courage and self-sacrifice that is causing this unorganized revolution to spread across the globe. The fact that their orgonite production and sales is taking care of their needs is a crucial victory over the international corporate forces arrayed against them.

I’ve envisioned, ever since Carol’s trip to Western Kenya in the summer of 2001, that AFrica is going to become a primary civilizing influence on the rest of the world before long. The easy spread of the use of orgonite for commercial as well as etheric applications in the past 8 months has confirmed this for me.

Let’s see if the corporate terrorists will be capable of carrying out another massacre campaign in Southern Sudan with all that orgonite in the environment. I suspect that they won’t be able to do it again.

When Georg and I were working in Uganda one of those campaigns was in progress and Georg, who reads an awful lot about what’s happening in Africa, had the impression that the CIA and MI6 were conducting it, through ‘contractors’ in order to drive out the populace in advance of their masters (the Old Corporate Families), extracting and exporting a whole lot of uranium without having to pay for it. This general process, which is the only real terrorism in the world, is what often takes place throughout Africa and it’s also what happened across North America in the 19th Century and South & Central America in the preceding centuries. I think it’s time to put an end to this sort of worldwide plunder and I believe orgonite will be instrumental in stopping it.
