Information about lake victoria in kisumu

The pictures above are from lake victoria. Since I applied orgonite there, I left and found a difference’ The hycinth have grown to such a high level that fishing can not be made possible. We associate this phenomenon with the ability of orgonite to induce fertility. This means phenomenon with the ability of orgonite to induce fertility. This means that fishermen will not have a chance to go fishing. Thx Dancan

Hi Dancan,

Sorry for my ignorance of such things but, is it possible the hyacinth’s incredible growth is also related to the season? Perhaps the fisherman will have to wait a bit or find another spot. I’m curious how much of the lake has gotten like that.

Please keep posting! The pictures, as well, of Africa being transformed are very appreaciated


Hallow C
These water hyacinth some have their season while at times some are being transported by a strong wind across the Lake thats how they develop and spread in the Lake water.Like now it had really dominated a large part of the Lake such that fishermen could not do their fishing as required but we hope soon they will just disappear and the work will just continue.
Thx Dancan