Information from christine in sudan

Before the introduction of this Orgonitmagic in Sudan, the country being a place full of war, very few people practised farming. When I first came up with this issue, it was hard to believe. I strted this by applying Orgonite in the small farm I was pviviledged to possess under lease basis. I am happy to report that the results were so captivative that every other party who might have been intrested in farming came asking about this magic. Initially, actually very few people could believe it. It was not until some other people also tried the application that many came asking for at least a portion of this magic for a trial.
Since then, the demand has risen up at a very high rate. I being the initiator of this in the region, had been so much compelled to supply the same, which I do have in scarcity, what I may call a problem I do face.
Personally, I am so much clung to theOrgonite business that it has become part of me.There are several steps ahead we have made, and our readers will have to enjoy them with time through the reports I will be posting regularly.

Our readers are already familiar with you, Christine, from my reports over the past few years and thanks for posting, here.

I’ve been telling all of our East African cohorts, including Christine in Sudan, that their pioneering work with orgonite for farming and commercial fishing is setting a new standard. HIstorically, all of the truly great, progressive movements have had humble beginnings like these and one will only notice the significance of it in the earliest stages if he is fairly astute. Most of our readers are in that small category, I think.

Our American associate who is tossing orgonite in Afghanistan will be returning to the US before long. He was inspired by the reports from Africa to encourage some family members who are farmers to adopt these methods. He’s in touch with Chris Odiyo, now. If there are North American, Asian, South American or European farmers who are prudent enough to try these methods we haven’t heard about it, yet, though a fellow in Argentina ‘stealth-gifted’ some farms where he lives and reported that they used no pesticide after that, needed less fertilizer and needed less water. He reported that their crops increased, too. Don’t you wish farmers in the entire world were as open-minded as these African farmers are? [Image Can Not Be Found]

These methods have proven successful in Kenya, Sudan, Chad, Ethiopia, Uganda, Congo and Tanzania under Christine, Mrs Odondi’s, Dancan’s, Nicholas’ and Chris’ tutelage. It’s startling to consider that this only started in earnest last April–seven months ago! I’ve always had the feeling that Africans would be the ones to first adopt orgonite in such a practical, public way. The rest of us are still in stealth mode, more or less [Image Can Not Be Found] although an awful lot of people in the West directly know about orgonite by now, in spite of the media’s studious avoidance of mentioning it.

Dancan has been reporting on the parallel successes for fellow fishermen in these countries, also in Chad and Ethiopia in partnership with Christine. Some Ethiopians visited Christine to learn to make and use orgonite and she returned to Ethiopia with them to advise them further. Lake Turkana, where Dancan keeps a fishing boat, is on the border of Kenya and Ethiopia. He’s posting about his ongoing progress with orgonite for commecial fishermen, including some longer-term work in the Indian Ocean around Mombasa, which the late David Ochieng initiated five years ago. David’s sister, Nancy, has been facilitating this for Mrs Odondi and Dancan and will also share her reports, here.

I deeply admire all of our East Africans cohorts’ skill at networking and the way they’re expanding their markets.
