Inhaled Toxins Activated By EMF And

Hello Everyone,

I’ve had one of the EW psychics confirm that I was hit pretty hard again today. This was apparently the cause.

What is the best way to defend/block etc all this. My heart rate up massively etc.

I’m getting this is a carrier method in the air when pollution / fog descends as it has done repetitively in the UK. I keep coming back to the idea of ‘terraforming’ for these parasites.

Ongoing mass issues from the toxins are a) ear ache b) Eustation tube infection c) dripping ear d) balance goes – a neighbor fell off a ladder and gashed her head badly last week because of it e) Eustation drains into chest and sets up for chest infection and hard to get rid off throat and upper chest infection ensues.

Thats all I know at the moment. QH appears to help deal with some of the problems but as yet not nailed down the source and root cause or even defence.


i can only recommend obvious stuff, but here it is.
take pca-rx spray as the directions on the bottle indicate.
drink lots of fresh wheat-grass juice. get a juicer for it. it increases you health immensely.
there is plenty radiation about from Fukushima and other plants. soaking in salt water is supposed to help with that. i mix epsom salts, sea salt, and drops of teatree oil in a bath and soak in it. good place to do grounding as well.
hope this helps.

even more obvious: sleep with the zapper and wear it during the day.
surround yourself with orgonite.
hydrate-store your filtered water in a glass jug on some orgonite. also put a pinch of good salt in the water to help with absorption into your system and give you trace minerals.

Hi Mark,

maybe to help out with chest ¨humidity¨, excess mucuous and the like you can try taking Kuzu three times daily before every meal. Kuzu is a Asian root (Pueraria Lobata) that looks like Arrow root but it is not. It comes in a white powder with stone chunks that you grind small and mix in temperautre water then heat up a bit without boiling it completaly. This Activates it and makes it thicker.
Kuzu is a medicine food that regenerates instestines, protcts stomach, it is a sponge that absorb all mucous (pretty fast) and that will come out thru normal routes of your body. Maybe you can also help not to overload this ¨humidity¨ridding off temporarily with any food stuff that creates it such as any milk or derivatives, gluten, yeast and refined food, wheat and excessive animal protein (specially eggs).

Some hints are from Yolanda who heps people rid off stuff thru proper food. i think at least you may find fast relief with Kuzu.
hope this helps and you get better.


you can google translate[yolanda´s page abut kuzu/url:3bw6l3gq

The psychics in this network, including Mark, get hit harder than the rest of us with poison, biotoxins and other weaponry. I may get more than my share simply because I’m usually standing next to one of the psychics [Image Can Not Be Found] and this all nearly killed Carol and I a few years ago, probably a cumulative effect.

Short term treatments and protocols weren’t helping us, much, but what has helped us become healthier than we’ve ever experienced in our lives over the past year has been modifying our diets to eat more vital foods, using some therapuetic devices regularly, including the German BEMER and a Powerplate from Britain and consuming a daily smoothie of superfoods.

If we were unable to afford all that it would be harder to succeed but most people don’t get smacked as hard and as often as we do, so most people probably don’t need to spend as much to get well and stay well.

I do know that when any of us are being assaulted by the agencies, this way, we have literally no leeway to smoke cigarettes, eat refined foods, drink alcohol, smoke pot, etc. We’ve known a handful of reputable, competent, surviving old-school naturopaths over the years, though, and one of them told us that when a very sick person comes in he starts loading up his desk with supplements, explaining each to the patient and why it was needed for recovery, then he says, ‘Or (while sweeping it all off his desk and onto the floor) you can fast!’ [Image Can Not Be Found]

All of the bioweaponry, nanotech, energy weaponry and poisons that are routinely used against several of us is underwhelming except for the possible cumulative effects. Disinformants who publish about this stuff want us to believe that we can’t resist it and that when we’re subjected to it we’ll quickly succumb. This is a form of terrorism. Really, we are affected the most when our vitality is low so the trick may be to do whatever is necessary to increase our vitality in addition to using a zapper more or less constantly when symptoms are present.

Our T-Rx zapper, which Mark has and I think is using, induces detoxification when there’s any toxic material in the body that is not being expelled by the requisite vital organs efficiently. I don’t know how the T-Rx does that so much more vigorously than the Terminator does but the way to know that one is detoxing, when there are no unpleasant symptoms, is that the T-Rx will leave two dark spots on the palm after it’s been held in teh hand all night during sleep. I assume it does it to the sole of the foot but Carol and I hold our zappers in our hands at night.

When we first discovered this peculiar effect I switched to a Terminator for a couple of nights during a detox cycle (the first one lasted thre months) and it left no dark spots on my palm. When I switched back to the T-Rx it left dark spots, again. The T-Rx also seems to do a faster job neutralizing nanoweaponry and neutralizing poisonous bites. Carol and I feel that the sewer rats weaponized some insects and spiders.

Now that it’s finally obvious that the SS (Vryal) expanded and carried forward their war against humanity after WWII, with the eager help of the US/Brit/Russian/Israeli ‘government’ it’s not a stretch to consider the TwilightZone-style nature of their silent but failing genocide agenda any more. If it weren’t for the internet, I bet they’d have succeeded by the time their deadline arrived–the year 2000. We need to expand our earthpiping campaigns to take care of their underground Nazi/lizard ratnests, some of which are bigger than huge cities, now.

Any zapper will probably keep someone from being killed or debilitated from these attacks in most cases. Carol and I got such a big dose of beryllium in 2004, when the FBI were around us like flies around $#!+, that we might not have survived without the Terminator zappers and, a few months later, Doc von Peters’ herbal chelation products. Even though we were kind of sick in those days we initiated the successful sabotage campaign against the Hurricane agenda in Florida, which is why there have been no more hurricanes since then. You may remember that worse and worse hurricanes were predicted to follow in succeeding years after their Katrina. They threw the next one at us right after we arrived in Florida a couple of months later. The Weather Channel whores don’t share good news, like the present lack of hurricanes; they just shut up if their employers’ weather weaponry agenda is failing [Image Can Not Be Found]

The African orgonite pioneers who were murdered in 2009 neglected to use their zappers when they fell ill and they went fast. Subsequent assaults on our surviving Kenyan and S. Sudanese African friends were unsuccessful, thanks to their timely use of zappers and it’s been a long time since any of them were poisoned–I think Chris Onyango was poisoned last year on his way home from Tanzania.

Mark’s been getting poisoned and beamed for several years. The fact that psychics get nailed the hardest is one of several reasons that I thank my Maker that I lack that gift. I’m grateful for Mark’s solid contributions to the chatroom efforts over the years, though.


Is anybody out there but me still using colloidal silver? I don’t hear much about it anymore but I still find it’s a great aid to zapping if I have some kind of infection that is resistant to zapping alone. When I drink a glass it feels to me like it cleans out my whole body in short order. There are lots of ways to make it but I just use the inexpensive colloidal silver maker available from orgoniseafrica. I’ve had mine for years and it still works fine.


I have not knowingly been poisoned by the shitbirds myself (yet).
I believe a persons physical condition prior to being poisoned would have a definite impact on how badly that poison affects them.

What I’m going to post here isn’t meant to cause offence to vegetarians, this is simply how I eat everyday to give myself as much energy and lean mass (muscle) as possible which I’m sure would give my body a head start in fighting off any toxic attack – so take it or leave it.

Your Thyroid gland is responsible for cleaning your blood, every 17 minutes every drop of blood in your body passes through this gland to be cleansed of bacteria, parasites, toxins etc. The one nutrient your Thyroid needs above all others to function at it’s optimum is Iodine, so if you’re eating a diet rich in Iodine you are one step toward having a healthy Thyroid – all seafood is rich in Iodine, the most popular supplement is kelp, personally I don’t use kelp supplements, I take Lugol’s 7% Iodine Solution, Selenium (capsules) and Sodium Ascorbate – the Selenium and Sodium Ascorbate are vehicles or support supplements which aid in the transport and absorption of the Iodine.

I avoid carbohydrates, the magazines tell you that you must eat carbs for energy – rubbish!
Healthy fats yield TWICE as much energy as carbs, the best source of healthy fats is raw egg yolk.

My daily food & supplement intake is as follows: raw eggs every three hours, Argentine dessicated beef liver powder every hour (one heaped teaspoon), one heaped teaspoon BCAA powder (branched chain amino acids) every 3 hours, one Betaine HCI capsule or one tablespoon Apple Cider Vinegar with each egg meal with the addition of the Thyroid supplements above.

If you think this sounds like a bodybuilding diet you are right, I’ve experienced more fat loss, more muscle gain and a greater overall feeling of well being with this diet than with any other – I’d point out that on every 3rd day I eat one small carb meal.

But the real gem is when you add a T-Rx zapper into the mix, the results are mind boggling, everything is speeded up, fat loss, muscle gain and an even more pronounced feeling of general health and vitality.

As I stated at the beginning, how badly the poison affects you would be in direct proportion to your physical condition on the day you were poisoned, taking the eggs 'n liver approach works for me – even if I didn’t lift weights I’d still eat this way because of the huge amount of energy/focus/vitality this diet gives me.

For more information on high fat/high protein diets check out

Mark, I’m sorry to hear. I meant to write a separate post about the following, but the subject matter fits, I think.

I’m on a couple of social networking sites, like Facebook and Twitter. On status updates, friends report illnesses with similar symptoms in waves – sometimes, it’s just my neighbourhood, other times it’s across the continent, and sometimes, it’s world-wide. Often, they add that they think it’s some kind of weird flu, and that they are overwhelmed by the strength of the illness. Seems to be a pattern over the last few years, though I’ve only noticed it and haven’t kept track of numbers and locations.

We’ve been dealing with many of the symptoms you’re mentioning, Mark – for about a week. So have a few of my neighbours. We had fog here too and it felt nasty to me.

Don, amazing about the T-Rex circles! I get those with it, sometimes. I don’t with the Terminator. I have no leeway with foods, booze, etc. either : )

Thanks for that information Shaun. I’d like to revamp my diet when possible. I’m an avid lifter when it’s feasible, I seem to hit snags every few months. I’m an all or nothing type. If can’t do it right I just revert to cardio which keeps me sane in the mean time.

I agree that exercise gives you that extra fighting edge against a multitude of things and allows energy to flow more naturally. My diet is poor as it stands now… I need to cut out the carbs and fried foods. I’ve never went raw on eggs but am interested to try that. Would you suggest to take it one egg at a time to adjust to raw egg eating? Do you just crack an egg and throw it down the hatch?

I also agree that the zapper greatly improves exercise gains. I can go from zero to hero in three months no problem these days.

I get the “dark spots” from the T-Rx fairly frequently. Rarely on my ankles where I normally wear it (in my sock) but more on my inner arms if I’m up for a change-up. This happens in a short 2-4 hours usually too with no stinging, no holes or any discomfort. Just two copper disc sized discolored/reddish spots that are painless and obviously not irritations, that take days to fade.

This is bad enough but when you do this to your face [Image Can Not Be Found] and it takes a couple days to fade, if anyone asks, its pretty hard to explain [Image Can Not Be Found]; and yup, I did that not too long ago – spot I was suspicious was an implant with one zapper disc over it – one where the magnet is where the other disc was resting on my beard so this one didn’t make a mark. Again, no discomfort or stinging while wearing the zapper. When I looked in the mirror as I was washing my hands in the bathroom later, it was quite a shock.

I consider this a MINOR issue. Its obviously temporary and causes no discomfort though if anyone figures it out I’d love to hear what causes it. A small price to pay given that I guarantee as I’m sure Don and others will also for them, the zapper has saved my life on at least a few occasions so far and I sure hope the shitbirds decide to vacate Earth before they choose to try again!

I love wearing a zapper when I’m exercising. For me somehow it minimizes my bodies desire to cramp up and with all that blood moving through your body quickly from a heightened heart rate where its highly oxygenated, I’d just bet the zapper supercharges your body even more strongly than it does while you’re at rest. With exercise helping to rid your body of toxins, wearing a zapper during makes perfect sense.

Interesting theory Gene. I’ve been conducting two mile timed runs recently, steadily getting faster, and I’m within 1min 51 sec of my best time ever. Next run I will take the Terminator with me and see if I can knock some more time off.

I felt deeply poisoned when I wore the t-Rex zapper on my foot. I sweated a lot but I felt the difference.

I live in a deeply poisoned city, Sao Paulo, all food we buy in markets or street fairs have poisons, we don’t have land to grow our vegetables as my mom used to do in the backhyard. There’s no choice of healthy food or bad food here, all ‘healthy vegs’ we buy are at the supermarket.

The worst I do to my health is drinking beer and wine and smoke cigarettes (which I prefer the natural ones).

I’ve never worried about cigarettes because cancer from breathing a high polluted air like in a big city is far worse for cancer than smoking cigarretes.

Well, in 2112 I wouls say having cancer from wi-fi, cell phones or gps is far higher than from sending this email by wi-fi internet connection. When you live in a big city like sao paulo it doesn’t matter. You can be a believer, a whathever you believe, you can believe in God or not, be a scpeptic, it does’t matter. They have all he tecknology to kill me but they won’t.

They can make me confused. So what??

As long as we’re doing what we feel is right and we’re not doing something to harm anyone else that’s OK.

Me and Toninho believe that’s not our world, it’s a fake world, it’s not our world. I don’t like this world of fakeness, Illuminatiness. But we have family here.

I found a way in Orgonite because it’s a way to heal the world we live in. I love Orgonite. I still gift Catholich temples but they’re not my main goal nowadays. Evangelics are also a main goal. I’ve learnt about a lot of religions and I don’t know.

I don’t agree what they did in the name of Jesus.


there was a homeopathic treatment mention elsewhere – has anyone tried using it?

as import- any UK based homeopaths made it? Shipping in from the US is pretty costly