Hi Don,
today I happily paid out the $208US for my Zapper and am eagerly awaiting its arrival but something else occurred that I believe you should know about.
Maybe 10 minutes after I’d completed the order, the phone rang and this guy from the bank tells me that his department has just monitored a “potentially fraudulent transaction” through my account.
What???.. then after the few minutes it took me to realize what transaction he was referring to, I went from confusion to anger!!
“What makes you think that it’s fraudulent?” I asked and he started dribbling “nerd speak” without actually answering my question. I cut him off and told him to do something more useful with his time and hung up.
Firstly Don have you heard of this happening before? Is this an example of the US and/or Australian Pharmaceutical industries attempting to stifle the sale of alternative medical devices or am I letting my imagination get the better of me? Why would the bank see a transaction between us as potentially fraudulent?
I retired last year and have enthusiastically embraced the “electric universe” view of our environment and I have zappers, magnetic pulsars and a couple of different Rife systems.
I’ve been fortunate so far in that no-one has hassled me re my alternative medical beliefs but getting the phone call today irritated me a great deal. It also smacked of Edward Snowden’s revelations about our every move being monitored somewhere.
Sorry to get on my soap box Don but the whole affair left a bad taste in my mouth.
Here’s my reply to him:
Welcome to our world, ****. You may simply be on a watch list on account of having active, genuine curiosity. I think the sewer rat agencies monitor some empowering websites to see who visits them–an old trick. Since Australia styles it’s secret policing on the US, where SS war criminals (British-trained, of course) were given free reign in 1947 when the CIA was created, we all perhaps ought to expect total surveillance by now.
I’ll post about it in our international forum’s Sabotage section, since it’s a good example. We like to post such things because the tyranny of parasites is dependent on secrecy, so any exposure hurts them and many of us have a goal of completely exposing these mass murderers who are governing the world unlawfully. I think that’s more than half the problem solved. I haven’t heard from anyone else getting blocked by banks when ordering from us but I’ll watch for a possible trend, thanks. We appreciate your business, too.