Is This the Kikundi's Path to Financial Independence?

If you’ve been reading these remarkable reports from East Africa you realize that Africans sometimes do things a little differently from the way they’re done anywhere else. The Big Results that they consistently get confirm that they’re usually on the right track .

Over the years I’ve hounded them a bit to charge more money for their orgonite work, or at least get something in exchange for their large scale charitable efforts across the continent but I’ve always had the impression that our Western ways and ambitions are every bit as mystifying to them as their ways sometimes are to us so I rather try to find ways to smooth their own path toward prosperity. Just about everyone hopes to prosper; it’s a healthy urge. I want to prosper again and I think that after it’s clear to the Old Parasite that aggressively depleting my wallet isn’t going to affect the Africans any more my fortunes will also improve.

Carol and I observed that African magic is a lot more potent and vital than magical systems anywhere else. We also noticed that the little 'orgone squiggle’s (both bright and dark) on the continent are bigger and livelier than any we’ve seen in our travels across the globe so there’s probably a connection, since magic operates in the medium of ether (orgone) the way material tech operates on electricity and combustion. My fortunate experience with free energy has shown me that it operates on a combination of ether and electromagnetism, magnets being the apparent bridge between the electricity and ether. I think the reason Dr Reich’s term, ‘orgone,’ has traction is because ether has qualities (perhaps consciousness and will?) that go beyond just technical. This might be why the Church of Settled Science censures even the mention of ‘ether.’

The unique presence of numerous and very large wildlife of many species throughout the continent, even in desert areas, might also be an indicator of Africa’s relative vitality. Another thing that might be related is the way that it gets dark almost immediately after the sun goes down there and stays dark until just before the sun rises. I’ve lived in the tropics in other parts of the world where that doesn’t happen. It’s amazing how many remarkable things in the world can be observed by anyone but might not ever be mentioned. Africans are typically more inclined to consider such things than people in the West are. The current, dramatic rotational axis shift of the planet is another example of taboo subject matter. I mentioned that to a Europoid acquaintance who spends time in the arctic circle and was very upset about ‘destructive winter rainfall,’ there, but she didn’t seem to want to acknowledge it, even though the eskimos are publicly complaining about the new difficulties that are presented by the pole shift

I offer these thoughts as an introduction to something that might revolutionize the kikundi’s fortunes and finally enable them to stop relying on foreign money to get them out of jail and pay for other occasional assaults against them by the Old Parasite’s proxy agencies.

The Luo tribe, of which most of the kikundi are members, loathe sorcerers ( wachawi ) and they don’t want to discuss magic so it’s taken me some time to persuade them to consider making magical orgonite but last year they finally relented and found a source for a unique element to add to orgonite that they’ll offer for sale to the rest of the world. I think it was Chris who traveled to a rather remote area of Tanzania to consult with a reputable traditional doctor, who has been making this element for the kikundi. i think it would be helpful for them to use a Kiswahili word for that element rather than calling it by the name that’s used for such things in South Africa. Georg Ritschl of has been adding a similar element to some of his orgonite for many years but the tribes in South Africa aren’t hindered by the taboo that restricts our Luo friends a bit.

Carol and I visited and worked a bit with an old Xhosa witch in Namibia who was quite famous for her ability and worked openly. That was a priceless experience. Georg and i spent a lot of time with Kizira Ibrahim in Uganda, who also practiced traditional magic openly and had a good reputation. He even helped Georg quit tobacco and he loved orgonite. I enjoyed the drumming, too.

The kikundi risk being accused of sorcery, there. They told me that Obama’s grandfather was a sorcerer and was forced to leave his home area on account of that. I read in Dr WebsterTarpley’s book about Obama that his grandad was also the chief toady and bootlicker of the British oligarchs during colonial days and was quite brutal to his fellow tribesmen. I hope to impress on people the fact that good-hearted people instinctively avoid dirty magic in the same way that healthy people avoid eating excrement. Carol would cut her own throat before harming or even interfering with anyone with magic. In the emerging science (including all of the various free energy devices that have been ready for the market for decades but are being suppressed through extortion) everyone will eventually become aware of the power of the ether, which is essentially magical.

Mrs O attempted to send samples to me for our trusted and supportive psychics to examine and evaluate. We can’t honestly promote something without first knowing its properties. If we didn’t hew to reasonable intellectual integrity standards this forum would be worthless. But even though the local postmaster is genuinely supportive of the kikundi (a notable achievement) someone stole that package in the post office and was found to be selling the orgonite locally. That was at least a good confirmation that the orgonite is valuable but it was also evidently an act of sabotage and Dancan, who lives quite far to the north of there, was accosted by the tax gestapo and jailed immediately after that, which was also a confirmation that we’re on the right track, in my opinion. His bank also interfered with his PayPal account, then.

Mrs Odondi finally sent me another package in late October and I’ll be boosting it to help keep it out of the hands of the sewer rats on this end. I think the Old Parasite is really afraid of the kikundi’s imminent financial independence so I expect trouble on this end. Please also boost that package when you think of it! This is real power; what the enemy have is nasty but it’s weaker than ours. If that weren’t so, we’d probably all be dead by now.

If I’m correct about this new product, a whole lot of people are going to benefit from it across the globe. I’m particularly eager for others to experience the potency of African juju njema– good magic.

