It's called 'Etheric Warriors,' because

…because we wage war etherically here and have done so since the beginning, obviously.

I know that the majority of invited members won’t post but I didn’t make any conditions when I invited them, after all, other than ‘no doomsaying,’ ‘no preaching,’ ‘no personality worship.’ One of the conditions I didn’t make, of course, was to require participation in our twice-weekly predator hunts and healing sessions.

If anyone who is on the memberlist is inclined to complain about this war-waging policy I think it would be an issue of personal integrity to tell me, rather than to complain to others. Another integrity-inspired action would be to ask to be withdrawn from the memberlist, which would be a private matter between that person, our administrator (Ale does the technical stuff but is quite discreet) and me.

For what it’s worth, pacifism, as practiced in the West, seems to be much more militant than what we do here. You might have noticed that, too. Our approach is spontaneous and fun, rather, and has been the clearing house for the information we’ve developed or discover during our chat sessions over the past few years. It just gets better and better and we don’t care, really, who wants to do it or who doesn’t–there always seems to be enough people to get the work done and, lately, the sessions have even become envigorating.

I’ve sort of been on a kick, lately, exploring the apparent necessity to dump ideological and dogmatic baggage in order to tread this path. Nothing is more loaded with ideological baggage than popular pacifism, of course, though corporate-sponsored environmentalism, which is based on the hatred of humanity, is a close second or a tie.

I suggest that only a prodigious amount of clever programming can induce someone to believe that it’s just wrong to oppose tyrants or that forgiving and adoring them will make them stop being so rotten, or inspire them to ‘see the light.’ I grant that once in awhile a predator has a change of heart, of course, but as far as I can tell, only God has the power to effect a change like that. Volition, after all, is the only thing we possess in this life and by the time you or I hear of a mass murderer or child molestor that one has already become so deeply committed to being a predator that it’s not appropriate to be merciful or forgiving to them, especially when these characters are supported by or are members of the very agencies that are charged to protect us, like government, military, courts and police.

Also, there are powerful, uncontrolled quasi-government agencies in the world, including the NSA (‘National Voyeur Agency’ <img src=“……” alt=“Cool” title=“Cool” /> ) CIA, MI5/6, Mossadomites, KGB, Chinese military creeps, fascist corporations, ad nauseum, which are mandated to destroy us all. This is in addition to the multi-trillion-dollar global death transmitter network (largely defunct by now) and the equally costly chemtrail program (defunct, but still going thru the paces the underground bases that apparently host offworld and ‘UN Peace Keeping’ predators in the millions, the brainwashing institutions (schools, universities, clergy scum, the What To Think Network, the US, British, Russian and Chinese military, air forces and navies) etc.

You probably figured out that the money spent by this horrid world odor on ways to undermine and destroy us all could have eliminated starvation, poverty and sickness in the world ten times over in as many years. You can bet they like it if you can be induced to oppose anyone who is opposing them effectively.

I’m sure even teh most militant pacifists understand by now that we’re not advocating shooting anyone. I can’t imagine a time when we would advise that because we feel that if the world can’t be brought to peace and propserity without physical violence we don’t want to be part of any alternative.

Carol and I armed ourselves only after some overt murder attempts by federal agents, five years ago, but it’s a tossup whether we’d even defend ourselves if the Fatherland Security jackboots show up in February or so [Image Can Not Be Found] . I’d certainly rather abandon the physical garment rather than be tortured to death or even hunted like game, after all.

I’d sure as hell defend YOU under the circumstances, though, even if you’re a militant pacifist.

I don’t mind if you disagree with our approach or even if you don’t like me, personally, but if you’re a member of this forum and you don’t like what it represents, why do you continue to identify with it by keeping your name on the memberlist? I got wind that a couple of members are conducting a whining campaign in private email but I don’t know, nor do I care, who they are. I don’t want to know, actually.

I understand and appreciate if anyone, any time wants to take a break from posting or to stop posting altogether–this isn’t an organization and there’s no peer pressure to participate, after all. But if you’re not contributing because you disagree with the basic purpose of this website then you really ought to confidentially ask to be removed! That would solve a moral dilemma for you, I think, and we’ll remain friends. Hell, we’ll remain friends even if you don’t, as long as you aren’t grousing to others about this forum’s purpose and I find out about it.

This isn’t a numbers game; it’s a quality and integrity game. EW is getting a fine reputation as a place where people can get real, useable information about how to undermine and neuter the world odor in a variety of fun, relatively risk-free and completely guilt-free ways and that’s what I aimed for in the beginning, so I’m content.

As ever, I suggest that you dump all of the ideologies and dogmae that may inhibit you from fulfilling your own destiny and life purpose. I don’t have a clue what your purpose and destiny are but I suggest that it’s not to wring your hands and wheedle

There’s a $#!t mountain of artificial ideology and dogma right now—more than any other time in history, I think. Do you have what it takes to get clear of the debilitating stink of it all, see newer ways and make the world better?


Here’s some more confirmation; Yesterday the spewplanes were out in force all day over the San Bernardino/Riverside area and NONE of it stuck. A customer with the initials DG has heavily gifted this area and my bud Steve and I have been heavily gifting for a couple months, now. In the last six months there’s been several CB’s set-up out here as well as a lot of tower-gifting. I can still see the mountains north of here like I can reach-out and touch them, despite yesterday’s attack!

We’re kicking their butts, the reptiles in DC are going down and the air is clearing up. Now all America needs is a fair election and REAL candidates.

I must be dreaming, I guess it’s up to us!

Thanks Don.



Congrats, Andy! Riverside had been the last DOR-saturated place in the LA Basin and you guys finally nailed it!
As you mentioned, there’s been a huge amount of gifting in LA, which is why all the movies we’ve seen that have been made there in the past five years show little or no smog, compared to the movies that were made there, before. In a lot of those flicks Sylphs are seen in the sky. I think cinematographers appreciate Sylphs as much as we do, though they might not care who or what they are, only that they feel and look good.

I mentioned secession as the only peaceful alternative to this out-of-control, criminal corporation that has been mistaken for our federal government because fielding legitimate-seeming candidates probably just allows the CIA and other horror shows to remain in place that much longer if the PJ folks are given the illusion that one man can turn this behemoth around.

Kennedy, who surprised everyone when he was elected president by suddenly turning from ‘party animal’ to patriot, announced his intention to destroy these agencies right before he was shot by them, for instance, adn the PJ folks who obviously heard him say all that probably didn’t believe it, anyway, any more than today’s PJ folks would give a damn if another like him somehow got into office and got shot after getting a social conscience, not that any real candidate would have a chance, of course. YOu apparently aren’t aware that all of the elections in teh US are rigged through a single compromised computer program. YOu can’t even become the dog catcher in a village unless the world odor will vouch for you and the current president, a bona fide cruel moron, was appointed by a treasonous Supreme Court, anyway [Image Can Not Be Found];

The world odor’s political machine in America uses polls to decide on viable candidates and the candidates are all carefully screened by them to determine whether they will follow the parasitic program; the populace hasn’t had ‘the vote’ in generations. Kennedy’s election was rigged, for instance.

Your gifting is doing more to ensure that the PJ folks in those cities will not be terrorized into a weapon than any amount of argument could do, though, and in fact partisan politics is obviously as dead as dodos by now, anyway, in the face of all this unenforced Nazi legislation [Image Can Not Be Found] Since partisan politics has only ever been an illusion, anyway, created by the world odor I say, ‘Good riddance!’

When communities and perhaps states have been properly re-empowered to democratically determine their own practical law and enforcement paradigms then this runaway fascist regime will seem like a bad, expensive dream.


“YOu apparently aren’t aware that all of the elections in teh US are rigged through a single compromised computer program. YOu can’t even become the dog catcher in a village unless the world odor will vouch for you and the current president, a bona fide cruel moron, was appointed by a treasonous Supreme Court, anyway”

Actually, I finally am aware of the totally rigged voting in America, but it was too-long in coming. Just yesterday I read a post by a guy in his last year of computer school saying they taught him how hackable that voting software crap is in the first quarter of his first year of school, but he’s aware most PJ folks are clueless to this.

I’m ashamed to admit that as recently as 2004 (after being in this biz about three years) I was still DUMB enough to actually vote for John Kerry. I now find that an embaressment. I simply can’t imagine myself ever voting again. I’d rather participate in reality. I got hip to orgonite way before I really knew what it was for. I started-out busting chemtrails and now I’m interested in busting entire paradigms.

One gifted tower is worth millions of uncounted or cheated votes.


I also finally figured-out (with a lot of Don Croft tutoring) that all TV is carefully crafted propaganda, except the stuff I produce. :O)

Thanks for yanking this dude out of PJ’s, Don. (Maybe I should re-word that, naw) :O)


Thx, Andy–in fact we’re all in various stages of waking up, which means we’re all in various stages of sleep [Image Can Not Be Found] so it would be kind of stupid to be judgemental, individually. I think "PJ People Manority’ are fair game, though, also ‘Depression Babies,’ which is the most entrenched fascist demographic within the PJ majority. This isn’t pointing at anyone in particular but it’s descriptive enough for anyone to resonate to, except the PJ folks, of course, but they simply don’t care, which is why we call the ‘Pajama People’ in the first place.

I probably should have kept some of my old conspiracy books because most of those are out of print by now, especially the ones published by LaRouches’ company, Franklin Press. Nearly all the stuff I bring up is well documented, as avid readers of conspiracy info already know. For the stuff I talk about that isn’t documented, I generally offer the caveat that I’m only reporting subjective impressions or sightings.

In the early nineties there was a huge, publicized court case (involved the Supreme Traitors, er I mean, ‘court’) involving a software company who had provided ‘election software’ to the federal government, hence to every precinct in the country from New York down to Dogpatch, USA. This made paper ballots ‘obsolete,’ and the complaint by the software manufacturer was that they simply weren’t compensated for it, as agreed. NOthing new, there: the US Federal Government is notorious for breaking all of its treaties/contracts and also all of the Constitutional laws they’re supposed to uphold, of course ;cool: but here’s a case where even the What To Think Network was unwittingly (apparently) showcasing the depth of the US Government’s cynicism and corruption.

They didn’t give it much play, of course, just like they didn’t talk about Clinton giving the US Patent Office and a tarriff-free container port and railhead in Long Beach to the Chinese corporate government. The reason teh What To Think Network ignored all that is because Monica Lewinsky performed a non-political act on the alleged president. That was obviously more newsworthy . I don’t know if you remember, but it was National Public Radio who made the most noise about Monica’s below-the-desk activities in the White House—a year or so of blow-by-blow accounts. They’re also the most war-mongering of all the lying outlets, too, by the way. This is the militantly atheistic, anti-spiritual NationalSocialist sub-network that all the old hippies listen to religiously–isn’t that priceless?

Don’t you think it’s also priceless that most of the gifting work is being done by people who really don’t care about any of this? [Image Can Not Be Found]; Some of them have even been cleverly and patiently conditioned by the ‘top posters’ on the compromised forums to look at us, here, with a jaundiced eye.


Thx, Andy–in fact we’re all in various stages of waking up, which means we’re all in various stages of sleep ;cool: so it would be kind of arrogant and misguided to be judgemental, individually, especially since you and I are at least making conscious efforts to become fully awake.

I think "PJ People Majority’ are fair game, though, also ‘Depression Babies,’ which is the most entrenched fascist demographic within the PJ majority. This isn’t pointing at anyone in particular but it’s descriptive enough for anyone to resonate to, except the PJ folks, of course, but they simply don’t care, which is why we call the ‘Pajama People’ in the first place.

I probably should have kept some of my old conspiracy books because most of those are out of print by now, especially the ones published by LaRouches’ company, Franklin Press. Nearly all the stuff I bring up is well documented, as avid readers of conspiracy info already know. For the stuff I talk about that isn’t documented, I generally offer the caveat that I’m only reporting subjective impressions or sightings.

In the early nineties there was a huge, publicized court case (taken to the Supreme Traitors, er I mean, ‘court’) involving a software company who had provided ‘election software’ to the federal government, hence to every precinct in the country from New York down to Dogpatch, USA. This made paper ballots ‘obsolete,’ and the complaint by the software manufacturer was that they simply weren’t compensated for it, as agreed. NOthing new, there: the US Federal Government is notorious for breaking all of its treaties/contracts and also all of the Constitutional laws they’re supposed to uphold, of course [Image Can Not Be Found]; but here’s a case where even the What To Think Network was unwittingly (apparently) showcasing the depth of the US Government’s cynicism and corruption.

They didn’t give it much play, of course, just like they didn’t talk about Clinton giving the US Patent Office and a tarriff-free, new container port (with it’s own, new railhead) in Long Beach to the Chinese corporate government. The reason teh What To Think Network ignored all that is because Monica Lewinsky performed a non-political act on the alleged president. That was obviously more newsworthy . I don’t know if you remember, but it was National Public Radio who made the most noise about Monica’s below-the-desk activities in the White House—a year or so of blow-by-blow accounts and they mentioned little else during those turbulent months, strange to tell. They’re also the most war-mongering of all the lying outlets, too, by the way. This is the militantly atheistic, anti-spiritual NationalSocialist sub-network that all the old hippies listen to religiously–isn’t that priceless?

Don’t you think it’s also priceless that most of the gifting work is being done by people who really don’t care about any of this? [Image Can Not Be Found]; Some of them have even been cleverly and patiently conditioned by the ‘top posters’ on the compromised forums to look at us, here, with a jaundiced eye.

By the way, a couple of years ago I was still contributing to one of the compromised boards and when the Los Angeles based ‘top posters’ on that forum started a campaign to deftly erase Don Bradley’s phenomenal, prodigious gifting contributions (many thousands of towers busted, lots of orgonite tossed in the sea and scores of cloudbusters intelligently distributed in teh LA basin, hence the graphic POR results we can see in Hollywood’s movies since 2002) from the record I hastily and exhaustively recounted what that man had been doing for the previous four years when these ‘top posters’ were doing God-knows-what. They were posing as ‘Los Angeles’ First Gifters.’ No kidding. One or two of them actually knew and worked a little with Bradley, before.


I just got hacked while attempting to post the above. Thanks, sewer rats! This confirms, at least for me, that the world odor is very uncomfortable about anyone publicly discussing the necessity to peacefully dissolve their favorite puppet government: that murderous corporation in Washington, DC.