I think we’re all jolted by this calamity and Jane is a hero of the first degree. I don’t think anyone could know in advance about the hostility of a terrorist government against gifters.
Lest we forget, the Arab states were all set up by Britain, immediately after WWI, and the criminal class were given the reins of power, then. That’s why all of the heads of state in that region are Scottish Rite masons. Muslims typically hate freemasonry, otherwise, on account of their history with the Venetian criminal syndicate.
Sponsorship of the criminal class was an integral part of how Britain (the Venetian transplants in London, that is) built their empire and it’s how America now operates in the world as Britain’s leg breakers. Most of the world’s terrorist organizations are criminals and sociopaths who are on the CIA’s and MI6’s payroll, as you hopefully know by now. Perhaps all of them, including the Chechians who blow things up in Russia.
The world is now ready for peace and prosperity and the only thing standing in the way is the Axis of Evil (US, UK, Zionism). I think China is dismantling this cancer, now. I’m going to post some comments in Miscellaneous about what looks like a parallel with China’s and France’s history. If I have a gift it might be for stating the obvious.
The secret police apparati in the Arab states were populated by Britain with SS war criminals following the defeat of Germany. Even Israel hired Col. Otto Skorzeny (SS–one of Hitler’s personal favorites) in the early 1950s as a ‘consultant.’ The secret police setup is documented in The Hitler Book, which is a free PDF download on this site. Joseph Farrell brought Skorzeny’s activity in Israel to light more recently. Several credible authors document the mass influx of SS war criminals into the new US secret police apparatus, then. The Pope expedited their rescue from the Nuremburg trials.
I think the courts in Saudi Arabia are run by the clergy and Muslim clergy are typically the most savage pedophiles on the planet since Lord Baden Powell and especially since the Brits suddenly and very thoroughly re-established Islamic fundamentalism in 1979 and renewed the properly waning power of the clergy, then. Before 1979 there were progressive movements in Saudi Arabia and all of that stopped as if an iron door had slammed shut. Note that there wasn’t any talk of ‘Muslim terrorists’ until the late 1990s. The early history of Islam shows that these abberations ( ‘A deviation from the proper or expected course’) have no basis in the Qur’an or the early centuries of that Faith. Islam was a powerful civilizing influence during the worst period of the dark age in Europe and into the Renaissance.
The incident in Mozambique in 2008 is a case in point about our inabilityy to know which government will be hostile toward us. Georg, Carlos, Tino and Prophet spent three months in a crowded Mozambique jail for tossing orgonite into a reservoir from a ferry boat. They were released without being charged, fortunately.
Hong Kong Johnny has done a lot of gifting in China and was never molested for it, even though China apparently has an official policy against orgonite, now. I’m assuming this because some Chinese near Peking had bought several orgonite cloudbusters from Japan and Chinese Customs refused them.
I was nearly arrested in Death Valley when an off-duty (evidently a ‘Greenboot’–environmentalist nazi) park ranger saw me hammering an earthpipe in the ground behind a big sage bush in 2004. A few minutes later, several cop cars descended on Carol and I, one of them with his hand on his gun. Death Valley is greener than ever before, thanks to our efforts in the years before that, and the cop who was grilling me took note of it and softened. I denied pounding the thing in the ground, of course. There was a whole lot of orgonite in the car. I told them that we had put orgonite devices around the perimeter–just outside the national park. All of the orgonite and a couple of cloudbusters are hidden in the park, of course [Image Can Not Be Found] and I never lie to anyone except the corporate order’s enforcers.
Carol, Jeff and I were unlawfully arrested by the US Coast Guard in international waters right after we checked in with Bahamas Customs while refueling our Zodiac at the end of a very long day of productive gifting across Little Bahama Bank. They detained us in Palm Beach until around 1AM after no federal police agency would agree to disappear us. They didn’t plant drugs on the boat, fortunately.
There are some other incidents but none of them come to mind at the moment. Lots of us have trespassed on ‘restricted’ land and private property to flip weather weaponry and death towers more than a few times. Sure, the risk is always worth the result in my opinion. This isn’t an organization, so each of us are responsible for assessing the risks and deciding whether to take a target.
I think we’re all feeling frustrated by this misfortune and our inability to immediately end Jane’s terrible suffering. It seems like every time I save enough money to pay a bill there’s a new crisis for the kikundi that demands that amount. Right now, I’m due to order more zapper parts, for instance, and that costs me $7500, each time, for enough to make six hundred Terminators and T-Rx zappers. I’ve denied myself for the past year in order to get motorcycles for the kikundi and to bail someone out of danger in a timely way so haven’t had money for our own gifting campaigns, nor to even fix my teeth. I look like an old Arkansas hillbilly now, so probably shouldn’t do any more video interviews until I can afford to get some teeth [Image Can Not Be Found]
I’ve got $4,000 saved to order the parts and should have the rest before it’s time to rescue Jane because a couple of our distributors are due to pay that much. A man of no faith might feel pained to spend this for another’s crisis but I’m happy to do it, even though it’s pretty obvious to Dooney and Carol that our present business difficulties (chronic, low sales for the past two years due to persistent sabotage by the corporate wachawi) are happening in order to make it easier for the ancient order to defeat our East African friends.
I asked them not to sell their motorcycles because that business has become dependent on efficient distribution of orgonite. Their first impulse was to sell everythging they own, of course.
As Christine pointed out, the kikundi have been funding a lot of their own non-profit work and Hibrahim’s sacrifice on Jane’s behalf is more significant, more dear than my own.
If you can send me donations, meanwhile, I might be able to order my parts on time. I don’t use banks or PayPal, Capt. Azti, so it might be expeditious if people send the money to me. I’m not holding my breath and nobody needs to feel obliged but thanks very much for offering to set up a website for this. If you collect money from that you can send it to the kikundi but none of them use PayPal ,so you’d need to send it via Moneygram or Western Union. Moneygram is a lot cheaper in the US. As always, Thank You! for keeping EW secure from the NSA’s clever hackers.
I can cash checks but I have to pay a 3% fee at a money store because I can’t use banks, so Moneygram and Western Union are preferable. I only pay 2% fee for a money order so that’s better.
Don Croft
P.O. Box 782
Idaho 838701
I probably ought to explain why I can’t safely have a bank account. This is where risk assessment can pay off, haha. After the criminal syndicate destroyed my life (as I then knew it) through their family court system I was furious and frustrated. I knew that the only way I could recover some respect and autonomy was by exiting the system, so I paid off my modest credit card debt and mailed a certified letter to the IRS Corporation, notifying them that I no longer wished to participate in their social security system. I sent ‘the number’ back with the realization that if I ever applied for a bank account I could be liable for prosecution. i even managed to get my next two driver licenses without using a social security number (New Hampshire in 1996 and Nevada in 1999). By 2002 it was impossible to do this in any state because driver licenses had become the de facto, very unlawful National Identity Card. I’ve been driving without a license since 2004 but of course one doesn’t need permission from any genuine government to travel on the highways for non-commercial purposes and in the not-distant future nobody will be forced to get this permission, I’m sure, along with millions of other Americans who don’t ‘volunteer’ to support this criminal syndicate. There’s so much anger against the tyranny of parasites in America that the murderous IRS Corporation is arresting fewer and fewer of us, each year. Maybe they’re afraid of snipers.
Gary Anderson, who coached me for getting out of the system, warned me that people he had helped who had weakened and applied for loans in banks were imprisoned very quickly after that. Gary regularly and without risk flew a private, unregistered four-passenger airplane internationally and without a pilot license. He had defeated the IRS Corporation in two state supreme courts. The IRS sent a team of thugs to retrieve him from Costa Rica about ten years ago but a gov’t official alerted him and he avoided capture. They had to content themselves with beating up his Costa Rican accountant.
The anti-Constitutional American tax system is voluntary and one volunteers by filing a tax report. Nobody consciously voliunteers, in other words, but this ruse is how corporate parasites have always operated in the body politic. If it were mandatory I’d probably be in prison now.
I still have faith that some wealthy people who exercise their consciences will someday capitalize some aspects of this effort, including the work in East Africa. We have experienced weather engineers and related professionals. Azti is quaified to choose appropriate aircraft and run a large-scale aerial gifting campaign, for instance and another very accomplished pilot also posts reports here. Meanwhile, we working stiffs who manage to send them contributions have been helpful in a meaningful way and I think we’re especially privileged to have these opportunities. I’ve operated for my entire adult life on the assumption (recognition?) that any heartfelt personal sacrifice has unforseen rewards. I’m almost always confirmed in this belief, sooner or later.