Japan - Some folks have been asking me in email why we aren't spending more time and words on the Japan situation

Some folks have been asking me in email why we aren’t spending more time and words on the Japan situation, here.

We worked our butts off in several chat sessions since the quake happened and the reason none of us have commented on our efforts is because there’s a credibility risk.

The courageous Japanese gifters, notably Tetsuzi Moriwake in Hiroshima and Ayumi Sasaki on Hokkaido, spent years and many thousands of dollars putting up two hundred cloudbusters along the major and minor faultlines throughout the country and thousands of earthpipes. I think it was the most intelligent, well-conceived large-scale orgonite effort to date and some of the Japanese who participated lost their lives during that time. I wish I knew more but that will happen someday.

Ayumi has several contacts in China who are trying to buy orgonite cloudbusters from her but the gov’t in China prohibits them from being imported. I asked her to rather try to teach the Chinese how to make and use orgonite for now.

When I saw that the quakes were centered very far offshore it was a confirmation for the work they did.

I’m sure that energy weaponry was aimed at Japan from every direction by American, British, Russian and perhaps Chinese military spacecraft, navy vessels, distant broadcast facilities, etc., but when the psychics pooled their efforts in the chatrooms they kept seeing the main assault coming through a hyperdimensional portal from offworld, this time. They looked again and again, at first unsure whether they were being collectively deceived but we’ve been at this for ten years and this just didn’t have the ‘color’ of deception. If it were fake, then the image would have fallen apart sooner than later. Some of the psychics are still looking at Japan during the week and they’re still seeing the remnants of that portal above much of the country.

As our numbers increase, worldwide, the weather warfare infrastructure is falling apart. It really doesn’t take a whole lot of people to destroy this parasitic world order. This is a simple truth and I think it’s about to become ‘common knowledge.’

I’ll do what I can to bring attention to the miraculous achievements of our Japanese friends and I think that the disaster was at least partly an effort to discredit them, as Hurricane Wilma evidently was for Carol and I. They threw that artificial storm directly at us–a straight, un-natural path across the entire Florida Peninsula a couple of weeks after we arrived in October, 2005. There hasn’t been another hurricane in that region, since then, and I personally doubt there will be another serious earthquake in Japan after this [Image Can Not Be Found]


Here’s another data source indicating HAARP causation of the Japan quake:

HAARP Earthquakes

A magnetometer can be used to predict as well as give evidence of a HAARP created earthquake. A magnetometer measures disturbances in the magnetic field in Earth’s upper atmosphere. It is not a seismometer which measure motions of the ground. The magnetometer doesn’t measure seismic activity it measures and records electromagnetic frequencies in the Earth’s atmosphere.

HAARP’s phased array antennas beam radio wave frequencies into the atmosphere. A radio wave is essentially an electromagnetic frequency, as is solar radiation. The scientists at the HAARP institute found that a 2.5 Hz radio frequency is the signature frequency of an earthquake. HAARP beams that earthquake frequency into the ionosphere and the ionosphere reflects it back to Earth – penetrating as deeply as several kilometers into the ground, depending on the geological makeup and subsurface water conditions in a targeted area… By beaming the frequency at a specific trajectory HAARP can trigger an earthquake any place on Earth. A short burst isn’t enough to disturb solid matter (the Earth crust) so they keep beaming the 2.5 Hz earthquake frequency for hours or days – until the desired effect is achieved.

HAARP was broadcasting the 2.5 Hz frequency from just before midnight on March 8, 2011 and continued to broadcast the frequency for the entire days of March 9, 2011 and March 10, 2011. The 2.5 Hz frequency continued to be broadcasted and recorded by the magnetometer for another 10 hours the day of the Japan 9.0 magnitude earthquake.

You will notice on the USGS website that the Japan earthquake didn’t occur on the Ring of Fire Fault line. The epicenter was some 100 km west of the fault. The earthquake epicenter occurred on solid ground.

the above article was from: http://presscore.ca/2011/?p=1910


my speculations:
i like the portal theory. most high tech infrastructure is pretty secret stuff so there exists the possibility that info that trickles down to the population is flawed, just plain wrong, or mostly correct with the poison pill added.
HAARP is blamed for all kinds of stuff, but it’s secret tech. so are nukes , CTs, CERN, all the various towers and balls, and one of my favorites, torsion physics. Pulling data from the information field using psychic techniques is prolly the best way to get info, combined with good research.
an possible flaw in the directed beam from HAARP theory is that since the beam must be reflected off the ionosphere for a long period of time, it would be difficult to focus the beam since the ionosphere changes shape when heated. a lens that changes shape would add a variable that would be tough to use accurately.
Also just generally speaking, since we hear about HAARP all the time that could mean it’s a distraction. thus my attraction to the portal theory.

also it wouldn’t surprise me if the powerplants were blown up to increase the problem. who knows what kind of weapon could have been used for that. anything from a simple bomb to a beam or whatever. There is talk that the secret military has tech that is thousands of years beyond what the public has and there is documentation of the nazis working with torsion physics is the 30s and 40s if you believe Dr. Farrell’s “brotherhood of the bell” research. imagine how far along that road they may have gotten.
i also think the torsion physics theory for the destruction of the WTC is viable, but that is a different subject.

it wouldn’t surprise me if the POR devices that we make have a favorable impact on radiation as they do with so many types of pollution that we are dealing with. prolly these advanced tech guys are well aware of the uses for orgonite and that is why the controlled media keeps so quiet about it. only stealth tactics are used to discredit gifting as far as i can tell.

As I mentioned before in another thread, it’s worth listening (like other podcasts from this source – RIR):

http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/20 … 110320.php

Check it out, but it’s close to what was said before.

I didn’t know Japan is that well gifted. That’s probably the reason why the Tsunami Attack did not reach it’s planned level of devastation. Now the tactical nuke attacks on the reactors stick out like a sore wound. They were supposed to happen while the reactor was submerged by the giant wave.
Too bad for the perps.
Although of course the Jap gummint is part of the gang, I wonder when a resourceful nation like Japan will snap and stop playing along when they realise that they are only losing in the game. (They have no oil and no military muscle to secure it’s flow to their industries, if the big bullies want to deny them)
This ZVS guy (I know, a dodgy character of sorts) says Japan was ready to roll out small compact free energy generators able to power a factory or a residential block.
In order for the transition we all want to happen, the cracks in the NWO phalanx have to become more and it has to somehow manifest in the “real political realm”.
This latest event may just arouse their Samurai spirit beyong the point of no return.


I’m sure a lot of people don’t realize this (most assuredly the younger generation) but ever since the war, Japan has been forbidden to have a military force by us, the victors.

Interesting situation. The victor now has to protect and police Japan and we Americans get to foot that bill. Lovely! Protecting your prior enemy and having your population pay for it. If you think about it, who actually won that war? They did!

Its time for Japan to start standing on its own two feet!

Though I’m not taking sides as to whether there was an explosive charge in the reactor building designed to breech it, I doubt seriously you’d need a tactical nuke to compromise a reactors containment if you knew exactly where to place that small explosive charge (General Electric designed those reactors about 40 years ago so surely all the information/plans is available to the bad guys to figure out exactly where that spot might be – there is always a design flaw somewhere that gets overlooked – with pretty much everything).

Maintenance workers, especially if they’re “replacing” things, are most likely not followed around or escorted or if they are, after so many years of doing it, people are looking the other way/bored for having to do so making it easy to get something into a plant like that undetected. Who knows how long this plan was on the books. It could have been designed into the plant when it was built 40 years ago – back when no one really felt threatened to where they had to watch with eagle eyes.

Remember, as part of the byproduct of the fission reaction, a spent fuel rod winds up containing plutonium. Its only a fraction of a percent but its enough and they were storing a LOT of spent fuel rods at that facility in addition to the active ones in the cores of the reactors as well as a LOT of fresh new ones which should have raised a big red flag. The fuel rods from what I understand last about 2 full years after which they’re replaced. Why would you need to stockpile a lot more fresh rods than necessary to replace a spent core (they’re not all wearing out at the same time) say within the next 3 months?

Though I have no way to verify it and yes, it could be media hype, I did read that the total amount of fuel contained at the site (spent, new, in the cores) was something like 10-20 TIMES what was at Chernobyl when it went kerblewy. Makes you wonder, if its true!

There are several free energy generator designs floating around. The ones I’ve seen (and no I’ve never built nor played with any of them though they did appear legitimate to me – at least as a prototype) are either based on mangets or ether/Tesla tech (reclaims power from either the sun or extracts it from the Earth which came from the sun) or a combination of both. This is something big energy is simply not very happy about but its real. Kind of surprises me the Japanese would be ready to roll out a production unit but I’d have no qualms believing this could happen in the next couple of years as the NWO’s hold on the world keeps crumbling at increasing rates of speed, reaching a point where they’re fighting among themselves (this always happens near the end of life of an organization) and not really watching who they were most fearful of external to the organization. Its definitely coming if not already here.

Targeting a product for huge power users is VERY smart. VERY high initial price-tag – say the cost of the power they normally use per year for 1 or 2 years (which could be many millions of dollars or equivalent) where after that initial period they’re saving that much each year for as long as they’re in existence. Not a very hard sell at all! Once the first couple of these are in operation, word is getting around fast and the NWO will be hard-pressed to do anything about it because they’d need to step out of the shadows to do so. They just start crumbling even faster and big energy follows suit. I can’t wait because its going to be a really good show!

If this free energy thing is real, things could get quite “interesting” VERY quickly after the first one is deployed.


I’m sure the Japs would prefer not to be “protected” by America. Funny notion that. It looks like the covert supranational military (let’s stop bashing the US because they’re not in charge of their own military) love micronukes like the one recently used to blow up he night club in Bali.
The just love to iuse them and gleefully get away with it telling the sheeple it was an electrical fault or whatever…
I think they specifically like this aspect: “getting away with it”…
The reactor everybody talks about was “protected” by an Israeli security firm of all coincidences! Hmmmm.


Attached an email I received from a customer in Japan. I found her observations very keen and wanted to share them here.

Hello Georg,

I am not sure if you remember me. In the past I ordered few hundreds orgonites from you for my friends in Japan. At that time I was still in Mexico but since January 2011 I have moved back to Tokyo, Japan.
Therefore, I was right here during the massive earthquake and I watched every little development about tsunami and all the consequences with my own eyes .

As your customer I do not count myself into the “zombie population”, for several years I am pretty much aware what is going on around the world.
Not just by listening to Coast To Coast AM, Veritas Show, attending David Icke’s seminars, etc. etc. but my own psychic abilities are of great assistance. Please allow me to give you brief report from my point of view what might have happened.

From the start, I agree with your newsletter 100%, I came to the same conclusion. And how interesting that TWO DAYS before the earthquake I happened to walk near the Tokyo’s coast and saw with my own eyes two huge US Navy ships as they were in a big hurry heading toward the North.
They are usually stationary at the US military base in Yokosuka (near
Tokyo) but two days before the earthquake they were speeding up towards North (direction of Fukushima prefecture). I asked myself “why am I paying attention to these two ships?” And the answer was “something is going on, I do not feel this is just normal US navy exercise”. It was my inner intuition why I turned my attention into observing the two huge ships.
I watched them until they completely disappeared around the coast.
And then 2 days later the earthquake happened and SURPRISE SURPRISE!!! the US navy ships were already there and they showed it on TV only very briefly. I was waiting for it and my assumptions were correct. The US navy ships were already there in that location on the same day!

Secondly, on the same week when earthquake happened there was a very brief news on all Japanese TV channels about how USA apologized to Japan in regards to the Okinawa military base which is recently an issue in the politics between USA and Japan.

Thirdly, on the same week of the earthquake Foreign Minister of Japan resigned and was immediately replaced by somebody else. The reason was that he “apparently” accepted bribery from a foreign national . But this was not all. Two days later Naoto Kan, Japanese Prime Minister admitted that he also received money from a foreign national but he did NOT know that the person was a “foreign national.” He apologized on national TV.
Four days later the earthquake happened.

Fourthly, on the same week of earthquake, all political parties of Japan had big meeting in regards to energy issue, they were considering the question of how to allow more “charging stations” for electric cars because at this moment one business can only have one charger. They were considering to instal charger in all convenience stores and allow more than just one unit to charge the electric car. Other issues in regards to energy was discussed. On that same week earthquake happened.

Then, why the earthquake happened exactly on March 11th? Why not on other day? Why March 11 was mentioned by some researcher before? I have listened to radio on February 27 and somebody already mentioned to watch for March 11. Several days before the earthquake happened I have already purchased enough water and food to last for 2 months which really helped me to overcome this crisis (there is no mineral/bottled water anywhere in shops in Tokyo). So my thanks go to all those people who warned us and said “get ready emergency food and store it.” Luckily I listened.

When the earthquake happened, I instantly knew it was NOT natural. I lived in Japan for 25 years but this earthquake just felt totally different.
Not just side shakes but at the same time it felt like pulling teeth from the root. One could NOT stand on feet, just horrible, words cannot describe it and that was in Tokyo, what about the earthquake near the epicentre – M9.0, I just cannot even imagine.

When Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan talked to the nation for the first time on the day of the earthquake, I could see FEAR in his face. Maybe he was warned but he didn’t believe this will take place, maybe. One can only assume. But since then what makes me really pissed is how TEPCO, the energy monopoly in Japan has been misleading every single day. They put totally useless people in charge who couldn’t even answer one single question without an error at the press conference. This got old very soon and the Japanese journalists started to smell “rotten fish”.

Thus, NO, something is not right and too many lies flying around.

Tokyo has now several hundreds of orgonites from you! THANK YOU !!!

XXXXXX (name omitted for privacy protection)

(The bold highlights are also mine)

… possible flaw in the directed beam from HAARP theory is that since the beam must be reflected off the ionosphere for a long period of time, it would be difficult to focus the beam since the ionosphere changes shape when heated. a lens that changes shape would add a variable that would be tough to use accurately.

Just a thought: isn’t that what one of the reasons for chemtrails would be? Depositing fine metal particles high in the atmosphere amongst other things. These could be acting in the way of reflecting for example HAARP broadcasted frequencies. Perhaps such a metal particle shield would not be as much susceptible to “ionosphere changes shape when heated” ? Possibly that’s the very reason for deposting those metals high in the sky, since the sky itself isn’t good enough of a “mirror” to reflect the beamings correctly?
By the way: haven’t a clue myself… just speculating.

Caveat: The above is no way to disbelieve the portal theory. Whatever little stuff has come out of the chats of the psychics sofar, I have no problem with. Much might be put in my “wait and see” file, but I have never seen any reason to straightly disbelieve any of it.

whatever caused the earthquake doesn’t make a big difference. I found her observation about the very unnatural feel of the earthquake the most intesting part of it.
The two US Navy ships can be a coincidence or they are part of a bigger scenario. This does not contradict an outer space beam, nor does it support it.
Interesting about the foreign secretary resigning at the same time, eh?
We are living in interesting times.

Possibly that’s the very reason for deposting those metals high in the sky, since the sky itself isn’t good enough of a “mirror” to reflec the beamings correctly?
By the way: haven’t a clue myself… just speculating.

Yeah I always thought that! chemtrails = electric wires in the sky! When you know that you need antennas placed in array patterns like the HAARP emitter in alaska to direct waves precisely, then grids of chemtrails full of aluminium particles could also be used to direct EM signals quite precisely!
Why do they make grids…

Interesting about the foreign secretary resigning at the same time, eh?

I don’t know how much or if any of what Benjamin Fulford writes on his blog is true, japan wanting to break out of the bildeberg hand, fed reserve etc. and hence they get rid of infiltrating/corrupted people in high positions (and hence japan also being threatened by those same powers they want to eradicate from their country)…. it fits well with what your customer says.

I wonder if that portal offworld has something to do with the two bombs dropped over Japan during WW2, or if they could have just created it anywhere.

I believe the tenacity with wich those ‘off-worlders’ are still grabbing, even from afar, on to that which they wrongly believe is their turf is nothing short of amazing. Are they not tired of seeing this planet slip off their fingers at a staggering rate? Perhaps a rising in conciousness on Earth will be the tipping point for something much bigger. This is speculation of course.

Apparently the rats here are already making plans for the future as it was reported on the mainstream news even the yakuza were helping with the earthquake relief. Isn’t that great PR? Perhaps some day British Petroleum will show up as the ‘saviours of global warming and energy scarcity’ for inventing and producing a free-energy device.

There seems to be a good discussion going on this thread relative the functioning of chemtrails and their relation with HAARP weaponry: thanks guys! It’s an ‘old subject’ but it’s always good to know more about it and these developments, such as the reason why chemtrails are laid out in a grid, seem spot on to me.
