I glean so much from other folks posts, little things that help me gain a perspective or answer a nagging question.
So I wanted to share a recent experience that might help others to stay calm in similar circumstances.
I was visiting a friend who lives on a very active military installation and I was stopped at the gate for the usual showing of ID and indicating what my business was on the post.
The guy at the gate was a not a military MP, but a contracted guard and was a bit of a butt-head. He decides to give me a full car search, opening the hood, trunk, glove compartment, the works. I came to visit my friend fully prepared to gift the towers on base, so I was loaded with a big bag of TB’s, my Succor Punch, Dodec, Orgone Candle, pretty much all my typical gifting gear.
Anyway, we are walking around the vehicle and he doesn’t ask about any of the other stuff but he points at my bag of TB’s and asks in a humorously stereotypical voice, ‘What’s in the bag?’. At this point I’m a little pissed that they are searching me so I am giving off a vibe like ‘You are wasting my time!’. With a straight face and very little emotion I said 'It’s my art-work!, I make natural ionizers out of resin".
I could tell this answer threw him off his little routine, but he probed me anyway about what ionizers do. I’m guessing he was just trying to gauge if I was for real or not by my reactions to his dumb questions. I continued to describe very confidently what ionizers do, that they help people feel better by changing positively charged particles in the air to negatively charged particles. Then silence.
I think describing my TB’s as ‘art’ made him uncomfortable questioning me about them, so he stopped pursuing it and off I went to distribute my ‘ionizers’. [Image Can Not Be Found];
I have to admit that I’m not a purist about describing them as orgonite to everyone. [Image Can Not Be Found]; I personally don’t care what they are called as long as I can keep getting them into the environment or in the hands of other folks.
I am having so much fun with this stuff. It is serious business but still fun.
Something Don wrote is sticking with me, 'The trick is to enjoy the tussle!"