Lake MI is now the clearest it’s ever been. According to the DNR. They credit the invasive Zebra Mussels for filtering out the plankton, and tougher pollution laws. thus increasing water clarity. But wait? if the plankton are being depleted why are there record numbers of bait fish? The truth is they have not a clue,and are trying to ‘spin’ the clean water as to justify their meaningless existence.I’m sure it something to do with over 1,000 tbs in its watershed [Image Can Not Be Found]; Anyways orgonite in water is so dramatic, from clearing the scum out of golf course ponds to cleaning up the Great Lakes. If any readers don’t believe… toss a couple in your favorite golf course ponds. The scum will disappear in a few days. [Image Can Not Be Found] !
Way to go, Bear Claw!
Just take a look at some of the recent fishing reports from Milwaukee Harbor! (Where the Milwaukee River meets Lake Michigan) Milwaukee Harbor Fishing Reports We’ve got about 20 TBs just in the Harbor alone, and people are really taking notice to the changes there. Like Bear Claw mentioned, the government is attributing this massive transformation to invasive Zebra Mussels and the national government’s “Great Lakes Restoration Project”, but we all know better [Image Can Not Be Found]
When I was a child I dreamed of being an activist for positive change in the world. Thanks to orgonite that dream came true. I will not get any recognition, awards or fame. I like that! [Image Can Not Be Found]
Way to go fellow orgonite gifters. I bet the fish like all the orgonite [Image Can Not Be Found]
Congrats, Bearclaw–you’re the only orgonite flinger who has used a boat to do it on the lake, as far as I know, and I’m pretty sure that you’ve done the most.
When I lived in Waukegan, Illinois, which is just forty miles south of Milwaukee, the only creatures in abundance in the lake were a vicious, parasitic eel. That was in the early 1960s (I attended Jack Benny Junior High School) and my eigth grade science teacher told us that these eels had dstroyed the fishing industry.
I’m not surprised that the fish population has returned, recently, but I"m really happy about it, especially for Bear Claw and whover else has tossed orgonite in that huge lake.
Anyone flying over the GReat Lakes, now, can see that the water colors resemble tropical atolls–lovely shades of blue (even on overcast days) as the water goes from shallow to deep–just like the ocean. This wasn’t so, ten years ago when it was all gray and brown, still.
Thanks for the report because this adds something substantive to this a powerful and consistent international public record, by now, in spite of the site’s relative obscurity. It won’t always be obscure, of course. I think that various sewer rat agencies and their satanic sub groups are exerting a pretty strenuous effort to keep orgonite from breaking through into public awareness. They’ll eventually fail, even if we weren’t around. Over the years, we’ve seen a whiplash effect when campaigns like that one fail and even backfire on the corporate order [Image Can Not Be Found] and since this is something entirely new to them they don’t have a clue what to do except to keep trying their old tricks against us. That behavior is technically insane but one can’t expect much more from parasites. We have found it necessary and productie to constantly draw attention to them, by the way. We’ve all been programmed not to do that.
I want the people who are reading this but have not tried their hands at tossing orgonite to see what their own inexpensive orgonite can quickly and perpetually do for the polluted and dead bodies of water where they live. This activity represents the essence of self empowerment, which is the essence of ending the tyranny of parasites.
It’s worth repeating that Steve Baron is mainly responsible for cleaning up Lake Ontario, which was in much worse shape than Lake Michigan was. When I visited him in June, 2004, he told me that newspaper articles featured the new clarity of the water and the fact that nobody knew why it was no loner muddy and toxic. Steve had to give up a lucrative, seasonal speedboat/parachute business at a beach in Toronto, some years before that, because the water had become so toxic that the gov’t had advised people not to swim or wade there.
This actually relates:
When Carol and I returned to Yellowstone National Park to do some more gifting in 2003 we saw an interesting effect from the big hot springs that we had gifted. That day was darkly overcast and there was a lot of steam around the hot springs because it was a cold day. There was a lovely, turquoise-colored light coming up out of the springs and illmuniating the steam over the ground. It was not a reflection of the sun, since the sun was not visible.